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天然涂膜材料在柑橘贮藏中的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
涂膜保鲜是柑橘采后处理的重要环节,随着人们对果蔬保鲜要求的不断提高,天然涂膜材料在果蔬保鲜中的应用也越来越广泛 . 目前应用于柑橘果实涂膜保鲜的天然涂膜材料主要有蜡与胶类、壳聚糖、刺槐豆胶、魔芋葡甘聚糖类以及蔗糖甲基丙烯单酯等. 本文综述了以上天然涂膜材料在柑橘贮藏中的应用研究进展.  相似文献   

涂膜保鲜是柑橘采后处理的重要环节,随着人们对果蔬保鲜要求的不断提高,天然涂膜材料在果蔬保鲜中的应用也越来越广泛。目前应用于柑橘果实涂膜保鲜的天然涂膜材料主要有蜡与胶类、壳聚糖、刺槐豆胶、魔芋葡甘聚糖类以及蔗糖甲基丙烯单酯等。本文综述了以上天然涂膜材料在柑橘贮藏中的应用研究进展。   相似文献   

纳米保鲜包装对柑橘果实贮藏品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在前期预实验的基础上,制备含有1%纳米抗菌剂的纳米保鲜包装袋,并分析其物理性能;同时,以"宫川"柑橘为实验对象,研究该纳米包装对柑橘采后贮藏品质的影响及其对人工接种真菌(Penicillium digitatum)病害的影响。结果表明,1%纳米抗菌剂的纳米保鲜包装袋可以降低透氧率和透湿率、提高撕裂强度,对保鲜有利;虽然该纳米材料包装对柑橘果实贮期颜色没有产生显著影响,但是显著的抑制柑橘果实硬度和可滴定酸的下降和失重率的上升,减缓柑橘人工接种病害的发生及发展,降低采后损失。  相似文献   

在前期预实验的基础上,制备含有1%纳米抗菌剂的纳米保鲜包装袋,并分析其物理性能;同时,以\  相似文献   

生物类黄酮在贮藏加工中的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生物类黄酮(Bioflavonoids),即黄酮类化合物,属植物次生代谢产物,广泛分布于豆类、谷类、水果、蔬菜、啤酒、果酒以及许多药用植物中。从其结构上看,属于γ-吡喃酮的衍生物,依据其C环的饱和度和B环的连接位置可将黄酮类化合物分为黄酮(flavones)、黄酮醇(flavonols)、黄烷酮(flavanones)、异黄酮(isoflavones)、查尔酮(chalcones)等多种化合物。 现代医学和大量的流行病学调查结果显示,生物类  相似文献   

柑橘采后贮藏期间易发生侵染性病害问题为其产业造成了巨大的经济损失,因此研究柑橘的贮藏保鲜技术对减少其采后损失具有重要的意义。该文围绕柑橘采后贮藏所涉及的物理、化学、生物以及协同保鲜等相关技术的研究成果进行综述,进一步探讨了目前柑橘采后贮藏存在的问题。前期的研究结果表明,热处理是一种简易高效、安全且具有发展前景的保鲜技术,天然可食性涂膜是未来研究热点,协同保鲜结合生物防治剂因其能显著增强保鲜效果亦备受关注,此外,明确保鲜效果成因的机理有助于从根本上提升柑橘保鲜技术。综上,柑橘采后保鲜技术应在满足食用安全性的同时保证柑橘良好的质量品质,而将电子信息化技术应用于柑橘采后保鲜领域在工业信息化时代亦显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

为研究柑橘精油对草莓贮藏品质的影响,以柑橘精油为熏蒸剂,研究不同熏蒸时间(4h、6h、8h)对草莓贮藏品质的影响。结果表明:与对照相比,熏蒸处理能够抑制腐烂率,延缓VC、可溶性糖损失,抑制花青素类黄酮含量变化,减缓丙二醛(MDA)的累积,抑制脂氧合酶(LOX)活性,减缓膜脂过氧化作用,延缓果实的后熟衰老进程;通过提高苯丙氨酸解胺酶(PAL)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性、过氧化物酶(POD)含量,使草莓保持较高的清除活性氧能力和抗病力,从而达到保持品质、延长货架期的目的。其中,6h柑橘精油熏蒸处理对于草莓品质保持效果最好。  相似文献   

葡萄籽贮藏过程中色差变化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
葡萄籽贮藏过程中色差变化越大,多酚和原花青素含量变化也越大,随着葡萄籽中多酚和原花青素含量减少,葡萄籽的L值减少,a*值增大,b*值增大。铝箔真空包装葡萄籽色差变化小于PE膜包装葡萄籽,低温贮藏葡萄籽色差变化小于高温贮藏葡萄籽。葡萄籽花色苷提取物在525nm处有5个峰,酸水解后只有一个峰,经LC-MS确定为矢车菊素,由此推测水解前的5个峰都是以矢车菊素为配糖体的花色苷,其含量和比例的变化是葡萄籽色差变化的主要原因。   相似文献   

为综合评价湖南省柑橘主栽品种的果实品质和贮藏性,该文从湖南省不同主产区分别采摘4个主栽柑橘品种‘宫川’温州蜜柑、‘辛女’椪柑、冰糖橙和‘纽荷尔’脐橙,分别贮藏于通风库和冷库中,对果实性状(大小、果形指数、色泽、种子数)、品质[出汁率、可滴定酸(titratable acid,TA)、可溶性固形物(total soluble solids,TSS)、维生素C(vitamin C,VC)和贮藏性(呼吸强度、发病率和失水率)]进行比较研究。结果表明,贮藏期间,果实TA含量呈下降趋势,果实发病率和失水率随贮藏时间的延长而逐渐上升,TSS和VC含量有轻微变化。相关性分析表明,TA与发病率和失水率呈负相关。此外,低温更适合‘宫川’和‘辛女’果实的贮藏,但不适合冰糖橙和‘纽荷尔’长时间贮藏。研究结果将有助于4个主要柑橘品种的特性评价,并为柑橘产业提供有益的指导。  相似文献   

5种药剂对柑橘贮藏病害的防控效果评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柑橘果实在贮藏运输期间极易发生青霉病、绿霉病、炭疽病、酸腐病等各类病害。为了减轻病害造成的损失,本文在自然通风贮藏库内用保鲜剂对柑橘果实进行保鲜效果实验,结果表明5种保鲜剂在常规剂量范围内对柑橘贮藏病害均有较好的防治效果。对柑橘果实总的保鲜效果和酸腐病的效果,以百可得最优,贮藏保鲜的时间最长,异菌脲其次;对青霉病、绿霉病、炭疽病,则以咪鲜胺最好,抑霉唑其次;贮藏15~45d,5种药剂处理对柑橘的失重率没有影响,贮藏到60d后有一定差异;果实外观色泽与清水对照没有差异,口感则以百可得和异菌脲风味略好;5个药剂处理15~30d后对果实品质没有不利影响。   相似文献   

Phenolic compounds can form complexes with starch during food processing, which can modulate the release of phenolic compounds in the gastrointestinal tract and regulate the bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds. The starch–phenolic complexation is determined by the structure of starch, phenolic compounds, and the food processing conditions. In this review, the complexation between starch and phenolic compounds during (hydro)thermal and nonthermal processing is reviewed. A hypothesis on the complexation kinetics is developed to elucidate the mechanism of complexation between starch and phenolic compounds considering the reaction time and the processing conditions. The subsequent effects of complexation on the physicochemical properties of starch, including gelatinization, retrogradation, and digestion, are critically articulated. Further, the release of phenolic substances and the bioaccessibility of different types of starch–phenolics complexes are discussed. The review emphasizes that the processing-induced structural changes of starch are the major determinant modulating the extent and manner of complexation with phenolic compounds. The controlled release of complexes formed between phenolic compounds and starch in the digestive tracts can modify the functionality of starch-based foods and, thus, can be used for both the modulation of glycemic response and the targeted delivery of phenolic compounds.  相似文献   

为了研究甘肃省主要梨果低温贮藏期间果皮酚类物质含量及其抗氧化性的变化,在苹果梨、早酥梨和皇冠梨果皮总酚、总黄酮测定的基础上,采用HPLC法分析8种主要酚类物质含量;并通过FRAP、DPPH和ABTS+·法评价不同时期酚类提取物的抗氧化能力,及其与酚类物质含量的相关性。8种主要酚类物质中熊果苷含量最高,其在苹果梨、早酥梨和皇冠梨果皮的平均含量分别达到10. 22、16. 92和11. 17 mg/g FW;除早酥梨果皮中儿茶素和苹果梨、皇冠梨中芦丁含量在低温贮藏期间呈升高趋势外,总酚、总黄酮及其他主要酚类物质均呈下降趋势;果皮酚类提取物的抗氧化能力随贮藏期的延长而下降,且与总酚、总黄酮、阿魏酸含量呈显著正相关(P <0. 05)。梨果皮酚类物质含量及特性因品种、贮藏期而异,该研究为进一步揭示梨果皮酚类物质的变化规律及其开发利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Citrus peel is rich in functional ingredients such as essential oils (0.6–1%), fibers (6.30–42.13 g/100 g db), phenols (0.67–19.62 g/100 g db), and vitamin C (0.109–1.150 g/100 g db). Flavanones (hesperidin: 0.002–80.90 mg/g db, neohesperidin: 0.05–11.70 mg/g db, narirutin: 0.03–26.90 mg/g db; naringin: 0.08–14.40 mg/g db), and polymethoxylated flavones (sinensetin: 0.08–0.29 mg/g db, nobiletin: 0.20–14.05 mg/g db, tangeretin: 0.16–7.99 mg/g db) are the main phenolic compounds (PCs) of citrus peel. Due to their antioxidant activity, PCs are used in various applications such as formulation of healthy food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical products. PCs present sensitivity to process operating conditions (during juice processing and further thermal and nonthermal processing). This review summarizes the main publications dealing with the proximate chemical composition, the functional properties, and the potential applications of the main citrus peel compounds. The effects of conventional and nonconventional processing on PCs of citrus fruits and their derived and coproducts are analyzed. The information provided in this review allows a better choice of appropriate processes and their optimal operating conditions for a better retention of antioxidants in citrus products.  相似文献   

目的:确保槟榔产品细菌指标合格。方法:采用Illumina Miseq高通量测序技术对槟榔由原料到成品全过程关键工序样品进行测序分析。结果:7个样品共获得191 456条有效序列,隶属于239科790属,优势菌属包括Bacillus(芽孢杆菌属)、Pseudomonas(假单胞菌属)、Hydrogenophaga(氢噬胞菌属)、Leuconostoc(明串珠菌属)和Chryseobacterium(金黄杆菌属)。槟榔原籽贮藏前后细菌的群落结构存在显著差异,贮藏前(新籽)的物种丰富度要高于贮藏后(老籽)的,而老籽则拥有更高的物种多样性。槟榔加工过程中煮籽及切籽后的工序能有效减菌,两阶段消亡细菌属数量分别为216和227,煮籽到闷香之间的工序易受到环境中细菌污染,新增细菌属数量为126。结论:槟榔加工过程中污染细菌多样性变化的研究指示细菌污染应重点防控发制闷香中的细菌增殖及各工序中的环境污染,而用好煮籽工序及成品前工序是减菌的关键。  相似文献   

柑橘果肉、果皮中酚类物质含量差异性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用高效液相色谱法(high performance liquid chromatographic,HPLC)对8种橙类和杂柑中10种酚类物质含量进行测定,探讨不同柑橘品种果肉和果皮中酚类物质种类和含量的差异,分析其规律。结果表明,10种物质能在55 min内分离,线性范围为0.25~200 mg/L,相关系数达0.999 1~1,精密度(RSD≤1.90%)、重复性(RSD≤3.52%)和稳定性(RSD≤4.22%)较好,平均回收率为90.26%~118.85%(RSD为0.96%~3.01%),表明方法的准确度较高。在橙类和杂柑中,橙类果皮中芥子酸含量显著高于杂柑,杂柑果皮中芦丁含量显著高于橙类;果肉中酚类物质含量低于果皮;果实中酚酸以咖啡酸和绿原酸为主,类黄酮以芦丁和柚皮苷为主;在8个柑橘品种果肉中,金诺的阿魏酸、没食子酸和芦丁含量最高。在8个柑橘品种果皮中,口之津32号的咖啡酸、阿魏酸、对羟基苯甲酸含量最高,沃柑的新橙皮苷、柚皮苷、没食子酸和绿原酸含量最高。  相似文献   

The variation in contents of seven phenolic compounds in pigeon pea seedlings during growth and storage was investigated. Maximum contents of vitexin, isovitexin and orientin were found in leaves growing 40 days, which were 0.99 ± 0.06, 6.63 ± 0.35 and 30.89 ± 1.92 mg/g DW. Apigenin and luteolin were extensively distributed in leaves, stems and roots. Pinostrobin and cajaninstilbene acid were mainly accumulated in leaves, the peak values 3.53 ± 0.18 and 2.49 ± 0.13 mg/g DW appeared at the 60th day. Slight and steady increases of seven phenolic compounds were found in room temperature (25 °C) stored pigeon pea leaves up to 120 days. The highest accumulation of seven phenolic compounds at chilling temperature (4 °C) was observed at the 45th day, after which the contents decreased sharply. The stems extracts exhibited more efficient DPPH radical-scavenging ability while the roots extracts demonstrated the strongest lipid peroxidation inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

采用超高效液相色谱(ultra-performance liquid chromatography,UPLC)对9种晚熟柑橘(沃柑、春见、大雅柑、不知火、默科特、红肉脐橙、伦晚脐橙、红翠2号和塔罗科血橙)中的主要酚类物质(13种类黄酮和7种酚酸)进行测定,分析比较不同品种柑橘果皮、果肉和果汁(柑橘原汁)中酚类物质种类和含量的差异。结果表明:9个柑橘品种的果皮、果肉、果汁中,类黄酮均以橙皮苷为主,酚酸以阿魏酸为主,且果皮中多甲氧基黄酮含量丰富。在9个柑橘品种果汁中,春见的橙皮苷、咖啡酸含量最高。果肉中,沃柑中阿魏酸、咖啡酸、芥子酸含量最高,塔罗科血橙的橙皮苷、对香豆酸含量最高。果皮中,默科特的芸香柚皮苷、川皮苷、阿魏酸含量最高。杂柑果皮中咖啡酸、阿魏酸及川皮苷含量高于橙类。晚熟柑橘含有丰富的酚类物质,并呈现显著的多样性。  相似文献   

The results of a study on the evolution of phenolic compounds, colour and antioxidant activity in two industrial red myrtle liqueurs during storage in bottles under different bottle headspace (constant or increasing) and exposure to light are reported. In the year of the study, the phenolic compounds showed considerable changes even in the liqueurs stored with constant headspace. The anthocyanins in particular, both free and combined, tended to decrease. As expected, the same phenomena were observed in an accelerated form in the product stored in bottles with increasing headspace. The colour, evaluated according to the classic spectrophotometric parameters of intensity and hue, showed marked variability, especially in samples in which headspace was progressively increased. The two liqueurs showed antioxidant capacity values, expressed as mM of Trolox, comparable to those of red wine. They significantly decreased during storage in the bottles with increasing headspace, while values remained almost constant in the others.  相似文献   

In this study, the stability of arsenic compounds in fresh and frozen samples of raw, boiled and fried Atlantic cod (Gadhus morhua), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) were examined. Results show that the total arsenic concentrations of the fresh Atlantic cod and Atlantic salmon samples were not different from the frozen samples within the same seafood type. For blue mussel, the total arsenic concentration decreased significantly after storage. Inorganic arsenic was found only in blue mussels and, importantly, no significant increase of inorganic arsenic was observed after processing or after storage by freezing. The content of tetramethylarsonium ion was generally low in all samples types, but increased significantly in all fried samples of both fresh and frozen seafood. Upon storage by freezing, the arsenobetaine content was reduced significantly, but only in the samples of blue mussels.  相似文献   

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