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鲜切果蔬是一种新型果蔬加工产品,通过分级、整理、清洗、切分、去皮(核)、修整、保鲜和包装等加工程序制成的即食食品,有新鲜、营养、方便、安全的特点.然而在加工过程中,机械加工手段易使鲜切果蔬受食源性致病菌侵染,导致食源性疾病的暴发,制约了鲜切产业的发展.本文旨在调查研究即食鲜切果蔬中主要引起食源性疾病的5种食源性致病...  相似文献   

鲜切果蔬因具有即食即用、方便营养及新鲜安全等特点受到广大消费者的青睐。但最小加工处理造成的机械损伤不利于鲜切果蔬品质的保持,限制了果蔬加工业的发展。因此,如何有效地保持品质、延长货架期是鲜切果蔬加工过程中需要解决的关键问题。而适当的精准包装可以改善鲜切果蔬周围环境、减少微生物数量,达到延长货架期和维持品质的作用。但不同种类的鲜切果蔬通常因其自身特点需要采用不同的包装技术。该文综述了鲜切果蔬分类及其适用包装技术的研究进展,系统分析了低温贮藏、气调包装、臭氧水处理、真空包装、超高压包装、可食性涂膜、纳米包装及微胶囊包装技术的保鲜原理及其在鲜切果蔬中的应用,旨在为今后鲜切果蔬包装技术的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

国内鲜切果蔬包装的研究现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
包装是保持鲜切果蔬外观品质、质地品质、营养品质和风味品质的重要生产环节。本文简述了鲜切果蔬品质的变化,概述了适用于鲜切果蔬的包装材料,并对抑制鲜切果蔬不良生理变化的包装方法进行了介绍。   相似文献   

鲜切果蔬因失去外层组织保护,再加上微生物侵害,品质不易保持。适当的包装可以从改善鲜切果蔬周围环境、减少微生物数量、延长货架期和维持鲜切果蔬品质等方面起重要作用。本文结合鲜切果蔬保鲜过程中的品质变化特点,对国内外鲜切果蔬包装技术的发展动态进行了研究,系统总结和分析了气调包装、涂膜包装、真空包装等不同包装技术的保鲜原理与研究进展,归纳了适合鲜切果蔬的包装技术参数;同时,结合鲜切果蔬包装的技术要求,提出了鲜切果蔬包装的研究趋势。该文为鲜切果蔬包装技术与装备的研究提供参考。   相似文献   

鲜切果蔬包装的研究现状与进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
包装在维持鲜切果蔬品质、延长货架寿命等方面发挥着重要的作用.本文综述了近年来国内外包装材料在鲜切果蔬保鲜方面的研究进展与应用.介绍了鲜切果蔬的包装技术,包括气调包装、涂膜包装和智能包装等,总结了其优缺点及应用现状,并且讨论了鲜切果蔬包装未来的发展趋势.  相似文献   

目的 为探究鲜切果蔬中食源性致病菌污染及耐药现状,采集北京五城区零售鲜切果蔬样品进行重要食源性致病菌检测及耐药性研究.方法 本研究采用食品微生物检验国家标准方法,分别检测金黄色葡萄球菌、沙门氏菌、单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌和大肠埃希氏菌,对目标菌分离株进行耐药性测定,并通过荧光定量聚合酶链式反应(PCR)方法筛查致泻大肠埃...  相似文献   

包装在维持鲜切果蔬品质、延长货架寿命等方面发挥着重要的作用。本文综述了近年来国内外包装材料在鲜切果蔬保鲜方面的研究进展与应用。介绍了鲜切果蔬的包装技术,包括气调包装、涂膜包装和智能包装等,总结了其优缺点及应用现状,并且讨论了鲜切果蔬包装未来的发展趋势。   相似文献   

影响鲜切果蔬外观品质最主要因素之一是变色。变色不仅影响鲜切果蔬外观品质,而且会影响其营养价值、风味等。本文主要概述了鲜切果蔬主要变色现象,包括褐变、黄化、白变和脱绿等,阐述了几种变色的机制及极易出现这几种变色现象的鲜切果蔬种类,同时还综述了目前控制鲜切果蔬变色的技术,主要包括化学方法(如化学护色剂处理、可食性涂膜、天然植物提取液处理等)、物理方法(如低温贮藏、热处理、气调贮藏、超声波处理等)和综合处理方法,以期为以后相关研究者提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

鲜切果蔬抗氧化物质生物合成机制的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲜切果蔬由于切分处理会引起机械损伤,从而破坏其细胞组织完整性,加速氧化褐变,导致腐败变质、货架期缩短。但与此同时,鲜切处理也会诱导果蔬启动抗氧化防御系统以增强抗逆性。该文就果蔬主要抗氧化物质多酚化合物、抗坏血酸(ascorbic acid,As A)、还原型谷胱甘肽(reduced glutathione,GSH)的研究进展展开综述,同时探讨主要抗氧化物质合成的机制,以期为鲜切果蔬的贮藏保鲜提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

以包装盒中充入空气为对照组,设置3组不同浓度的气调包装气氛比例,对预处理后的杨桃、砀山梨、黄瓜、小麦草4种混合鲜切果蔬进行包装,于4℃贮藏,通过测定并分析其理化指标,判断混合鲜切果蔬品质。结果表明,5%O2+5%CO2+90%N2处理的混合鲜切果蔬贮藏8d后的感官品质较高,失重率较低,色泽和硬度保持良好,可溶性固形物含量降低较缓,微生物滋长得到抑制。说明气调包装对杨桃、砀山梨、黄瓜、小麦草4种混合鲜切果蔬有良好的保鲜效果,其中5%O2+5%CO2+90%N2气氛比例下的保鲜效果最好。  相似文献   

Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) technology has been commercially viable since the 1970s. Currently, MAP is extensively used worldwide to preserve the quality and extend the shelf-life of whole fresh fruits and vegetables, but is also increasingly used to extend the shelf-life of minimally processed fresh fruit and vegetables. This review discusses new processes and technologies that can be used to improve quality preservation and consumer acceptability of minimally processed produce where high respiration rates and challenging degradation processes operate. New packaging innovations are enabling producers and retailers to further maintain quality for longer. Innovative approaches to extend shelf-life include active MAP with differentially permeable films, films that incorporate antimicrobial properties, edible coatings that confer barriers properties, and the use of non-traditional gases to modify respiration. Intelligent packaging using integrated sensor technologies that can indicate maturity, ripeness, respiration rate and spoilage are also appearing. This review demonstrates that preservation technologies and associated packaging developments that can be combined with modified atmosphere are constantly evolving technology platforms. Adoption of combinations of technology improvements will be critical in responding to commercial trends towards more minimally processed fresh-cut and ready-to-eat fruit and vegetable products, which require specialized packaging solutions.  相似文献   

Browning and other discolourations, softening, surface dehydration, water loss, translucency, off-flavour and off-odour development, as well as microbial spoilage are some of the most frequent causes of quality loss in fresh-cut products. Nowadays, the use of innovative modified atmospheres and edible coatings stands out among other techniques in the struggle for maintaining freshness and safety of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. A few studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of these techniques when applied to different fresh-cut commodities. However, treatment and storage conditions for fresh-cut fruits are still being largely explored to better keep their fresh-like quality attributes. This review discusses the recent advances in the use of innovative modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) systems to maintain freshness of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, special attention is devoted to the development of coatings that can be used as a complement or alternative to MAP.  相似文献   

鲜切果蔬加工与微生物控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲜切果蔬极易腐烂变质,主要是由于微生物浸染所致。微生物来源有两方面:加工前污染和加工后污染。  相似文献   

Processing of fruits and vegetables generates physiological stresses in the still living cut tissue, leading to quality deterioration and shorter shelf life as compared with fresh intact produces. Several strategies can be implemented with the aim to reduce the rate of deterioration of fresh-cut commodities. Such strategies include low temperature maintenance from harvest to retail and the application of physical and chemical treatments such as modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) with low O2 and high CO2 levels and antioxidant dips. Other technologies such as edible coatings with natural additives, new generation of coatings using nanotechnological solutions such as nanoparticles, nanoencapsulation, and multilayered systems, and nonconventional atmospheres such as the use of pressurized inert/noble gases and high levels of O2 have gained a lot of interest as a possibility to extend the shelf life of minimally processed fruits and vegetables. However, the high perishability of these products challenges in many cases their marketability by not achieving sufficient shelf life to survive the distribution system, requiring the combination of treatments to assure safety and quality. This review reports the recent advances in the use of MAP, edible coatings, and the combined effect of both technologies to extend the shelf life of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables.  相似文献   

Modified atmosphere packaging of fruits and vegetables   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Modified atmospheres (MA), i.e., elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide and reduced levels of oxygen and ethylene, can be useful supplements to provide optimum temperature and relative humidity in maintaining the quality of fresh fruits and vegetables after harvest. MA benefits include reduced respiration, ethylene production, and sensitivity to ethylene; retarded softening and compositional changes; alleviation of certain physiological disorders; and reduced decay. Subjecting fresh produce to too low an oxygen concentration and/or to too high a carbon dioxide level can result in MA stress, which is manifested by accelerated deterioration. Packaging fresh produce in polymeric films can result in a commodity-generated MA. Atmosphere modification within such packages depends on film permeability, commodity respiration rate and gas diffusion characteristics, and initial free volume and atmospheric composition within the package. Temperature, relative humidity, and air movement around the package can influence the permeability of the film. Temperature also affects the metabolic activity of the commodity and consequently the rate of attaining the desired MA. All these factors must be considered in developing a mathematical model for selecting the most suitable film for each commodity.  相似文献   

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