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为研究不同食物在油炸过程中吸油量的规律,选用茶油、棕榈油、调和油在不同温度下对不同水分和结构的食物(薯条、馒头、面饼)进行油炸。结果表明:温度对吸油量有较大的影响,170℃时食物吸油量最快达到最高点(薯条12 min),油炸结束时食物含油量最低(p<0.05);馒头疏松多孔的结构可大大提高食物的吸油量(45%~60%),远高于薯条(15%~45%)和面饼(15%~35%)(p<0.05);食物水分越高,需要油炸的时间越长。棕榈油油炸时食物的吸油曲线最平稳,吸油量也最低,可能比茶油和调和油更适合油炸。   相似文献   

以橄榄油和油茶籽油为研究对象,探讨在(180±5)℃条件下油炸薯条,连续油炸20次后两种油理化指标的变化。结果表明随着油炸次数的增加,两种油的酸价和茴香胺值均呈线性增加(p0.05),在整个油炸过程中,油茶籽油的酸价显著低于橄榄油,连续油炸20次两种油酸价均未超过国家标准,油茶籽油茴香胺值显著高于橄榄油,并且油茶籽油的茴香胺值增加更显著;两种油过氧化值(POV)均先上升后下降再上升,呈波动状态;饱和脂肪酸含量均在增加,而不饱和脂肪酸含量均降低,油酸含量降低不显著,而两种油食物亚麻酸含量(C18∶3)均显著下降;经过油炸后,两种油的红值均呈现增加的趋势。  相似文献   

吸油量是影响复写纸性能的比较特殊的一个物理指标,是生产过程中需要重点控制的特性指标.该文对复写原纸特性指标吸油量的影响因素逐一进行了实验论证,阐述了它们之间的关系并提出了相应的生产控制方法.  相似文献   

戚岱莎  李舒雲  张清 《食品科学》2022,43(16):122-128
考察不同添加量(0.01%、0.02%、0.03%、0.07%、0.14%)石榴皮醇提物(ethanol extract of pomegranate peel,EEPP)对薯条深度油炸过程中煎炸油的氧化稳定性和丙烯酰胺(acrylamide,AA)生成情况的影响。结果表明EEPP表现出较高的1,1-二苯基-2-三硝基苯肼自由基抑制率(20%~97%)、2,2’-联氮基-双-(3-乙基苯并噻唑啉-6-磺酸)二铵盐阳离子自由基抑制率(16%~91%)和铁离子还原力(0.3~8.24 mmol/g);其总酚含量为20.14 mg/g。相较于低添加量的EEPP,添加量为0.14%的EEPP对煎炸油中酸价、过氧化值和极性组分含量的增长速率延缓效果最好,从而表现出最高的氧化稳定性。另外,在此添加量下,对薯条和煎炸油中的AA也具有良好的抑制作用(抑制率达83%)。所以,EEPP具有成为新型抗氧化剂的潜在能力,以延缓薯条油炸过程中煎炸油的氧化劣变速率和有效抑制薯条油炸过程中AA的产生,确保煎炸食品的安全性。  相似文献   

为研究马铃薯条对不同油脂的吸收规律,使用深度油炸1、3、5 d后的大豆油、油茶籽油及两种油脂不同比例调和油煎炸马铃薯条,测定马铃薯条在油炸过程中总油脂、表面油脂、结构油脂、水分含量的变化。结果发现:对于同一种油脂来说,马铃薯条中总油脂含量随油炸时间的延长而增加;对于各新鲜油脂处理组马铃薯条,当油炸时间小于150 s时,总油脂含量随油炸时间的延长而明显增加,当油炸时间超过150 s时,总油脂含量随油炸时间的延长变化不明显,油炸240 s后的总油脂含量接近0.22 g/g。油脂劣变程度对油炸马铃薯条的油脂含量有明显影响,对于相同劣变程度的油脂,随油炸时间延长,油脂黏度增大,马铃薯条对油脂吸附能力增强,表现为所有处理组马铃薯条的表面油脂含量的升高。在油炸过程中,当油炸时间小于120 s时,水分含量变化速率随着反复油炸时间的延长而降低;油炸150~240 s时,总油脂含量与水分含量的比值随着油炸时间的延长差异逐渐增加,其中在使用深度油炸3、5 d的油处理时,油茶籽油油炸组最高。  相似文献   

大豆分离蛋白涂膜具有较好的控油效果,在油炸过程中既能减少食品组织中的水分散出,又要能有效地阻止油脂渗入食品。文中研究了谷氨酰胺转胺酶(TG)改性大豆分离蛋白对于油炸薯条品质的影响。研究表明,适当的改性条件可以降低薯条的吸油率。  相似文献   

目的以从美国引进的薯条加工型品种或品系为实验对象,比较漂烫预油炸加工法和直接油炸加工法2种加工方法对其感官品质的影响。方法采用漂烫预油炸加工法和直接油炸加工法对其加工,采用感官评价的方法比较2种加工方法对薯条感官品质的影响。结果漂烫预油炸法与直接油炸法相比,在外观指标和总体评分上均有显著性差异(P0.05),而在其他指标均无显著性差异,且2种方法对外观、湿度、外壳和内部表现4个指标的影响趋势大致相同。结论漂烫预油炸方法与直接油炸方法相比,改进了外观色泽,但并未改变薯条的其他加工性状,在加工薯条品种筛选的过程中推荐使用该方法。  相似文献   

为了探究栀子果油煎炸过程中的品质变化,本文选择薯条和油条两种代表性煎炸食材,将栀子果油在煎炸20h内每隔2h的酸价、羰基价、过氧化值和极性组分与大豆油、棕榈油在同等条件下煎炸的理化指标进行比较,结果表明:棕榈油煎炸后的品质较高,栀子果油和大豆油比较相似,栀子果油可以作为煎炸油。但栀子果油连续煎炸12 h时极性组分超过国家现有煎炸油的卫生标准,因此其连续煎炸时间不能超过12 h。同时对1、10、20h煎炸出来的油条和薯条进行感官评价,结果表明:煎炸食材相同时,三种食用油的感官评分无显著性差异(P>0.05),说明栀子果油对油条和薯条的品质无不良影响,适合作为煎炸油。  相似文献   

主要研究了不同添加量的海藻酸钠(0%、0.1%、0.2%、0.3%、0.4%和0.5%)对冷冻面条品质特性的影响。结果表明,添加海藻酸钠之后,能降低冷冻面条面汤的浑浊度,减少烹调损失;同时在长期冻藏过程中,加入海藻酸钠能提高面条的硬度和弹性,并能提高冷冻面条的拉断力,对冷冻面条的品质有较好的改善效果。感官评定显示,添加0.3%的海藻酸钠冷冻面条感官评分值最高,口感最好。  相似文献   

以小麦加工副产物——小麦胚芽粉为添加物,研究其对面团的成筋性、面包屑吸油量及品质的影响,结果表明:小麦胚芽粉对面团的成筋性有较好的影响,对后续的发酵无不良影响,添加小麦胚芽粉可以降低面包屑的吸油量,添加量为5%的面包屑吸油量最低;添加小麦胚芽粉对面包屑的形状和附着性影响不大,添加量为5%时面包屑酥脆性最好。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effect of both the origin and shape of potato cuts on fry quality was investigated in this study. Linear strips from the inner core of tubers were compared to those from outer tissues, both before and after processing, and strips from either specific tissues or whole peeled tubers were also evaluated against ring-shaped cuts. Both strips and rings had 0.7 cm sides and, in most cases, a volume of 4.9 cm3. They were analyzed for moisture content, antioxidants, asparagine, and reducing sugars. The material was then blanched, dipped in 0.5% disodium acid pyrophosphate and 0.3% glucose, dried at 77 °C, par-fried in soybean oil at 191 °C, and finish-fried at 168 °C. The fried product was analyzed for sensory characteristics and oil, salt, and acrylamide content. Our results showed that strips from the inner core absorbed 28% more oil and exhibited inferior sensory characteristics compared to strips from the outer parts. The extended drying and frying times needed to match the crispness and flavor of inner strips to those of regularly fried outer strips resulted in a further increased absorption of oil and, importantly, triggered a 163% increase in levels of the toxic Maillard reaction product acrylamide. Potato rings consisted of higher dry matter material, contained more antioxidants, and had a lower surface-to-volume ratio than the conventional linear strips. Upon processing, they also absorbed 22% less oil, contained 26% less salt, and displayed superior sensory properties. Thus, ring fries may represent an attractive alternative to French fries as processed staple food.  相似文献   

Abstract: Oil that is reused multiple times for deep frying goes through changes in chemical composition and physical characteristics, affecting the quality of the fried foods. In this study, the effect of the food type (fish nuggets or French fries) on the degradation of an oil blend during the deep‐fat frying of each food at 180°C during 12 days was determined, and the characteristics of the fried products were evaluated. The degradation of oil during repeated use was relatively faster when fish nuggets were fried than when French fries were fried, as higher values of total polar compounds were obtained. Practical Application: The results are useful for producers of French fries and fish nuggets, such as restaurants or fast foods sellers, providing them with practical guidelines within the permitted values established by the regulatory authorities. The studied foods have high economic importance and are different in their composition. Under the studied conditions, the tested oil blend may be used during 4 d (4 h per day) with a daily replenishment, without discarding the oil when frying fish nuggets, and must be discarded after 8 d when French fries are processed. This suggestion allows preparing safe fried foods for consumers.  相似文献   

Fresh cut, oil blanched strips from whole potatoes stored at 7 or 13 °C were inoculated with approximately 3 or 5 log CFU/g Bacillus cereus and incubated at 21 or 26.7 °C for up to 9 h to model handling of "home-style" French fries. Whole potato storage at 13 °C and incubation at 26.7 °C resulted in faster growth than 7 or 21 °C. Frying (2 to 3.5 min at 185 °C) inactivated up to 5.1 log B. cereus spores. Oil blanched potato strips for "home-style" French fries should be stored at £ 21 °C or finish fried or discarded within 3 to 4 h.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus strains were inoculated onto fresh-cut oil-blanched potato strips stored at 21 or 26.7 °C for up to 9 h to determine if the microorganism was capable of growth and staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) production. Potato strips were assayed for SE using a commercial ELISA kit prior to and following finish frying. S. aureus increased by 2.5 to 2.8 log CFU/g over 9 h at 26.7 °C, and SE was detected after 5 h. SE remained serologically detectable following finish frying of the potato strips. It is recommended that oil-blanched potato strips stored at 26.7 °C be finish fried and served, or discarded, within 3 to 4 h to prevent possible production of SE.  相似文献   

Air frying is being projected as an alternative to deep fat frying for producing snacks such as French fries. In air frying, the raw potato sections are essentially heated in hot air containing fine oil droplets, which dehydrates the potato and attempts to impart the characteristics of traditionally produced French fries, but with a substantially lower level of fat absorbed in the product. The aim of this research is to compare: (1) the process dynamics of air frying with conventional deep fat frying under otherwise similar operating conditions, and (2) the products formed by the 2 processes in terms of color, texture, microstructure, calorimetric properties, and sensory characteristics. Although, air frying produced products with a substantially lower fat content but with similar moisture contents and color characteristics, it required much longer processing times, typically 21 min in relation to 9 min in the case of deep fat frying. The slower evolution of temperature also resulted in lower rates of moisture loss and color development reactions. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) studies revealed that the extent of starch gelatinization was also lower in the case of air fried product. In addition, the 2 types of frying also resulted in products having significantly different texture and sensory characteristics.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to study the influence of the degree of degradation of different kinds of oils used as a frying medium on fat uptake and texture of frozen pre‐fried French fries. As has been found, the degradation degree of the frying medium depends on the kind of oil and processing time. Liquid hydrogenated rapeseed oil exhibited the best thermo‐oxidative stability among the oils under investigation. The kind of oil influenced fat uptake and the texture of French fries. The lowest fat uptake was observed with French fries fried in solid oil. Some correlations between fat uptake and changes in fatty acid content were found in the frying medium during frying. Fat absorption increased with increasing unsaturated fatty acids and decreasing saturated fatty acid content. The texture of French fries fried in hydrogenated oils was harder than that exhibited by French fries fried in liquid rapeseed oil. The hardness of French fries fried in liquid oils decreased during frying while the hardness of French fries fried in solid oil increased. Some correlations between the texture of French fries and iodine value and fatty acids content of frying media were found. The hardness of French fries increased with increasing content of saturated fatty acids and decreasing unsaturated fatty acids and trans isomer fatty acid content. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

风味是薯条受欢迎程度的决定性感官特征。煎炸油一旦加热,油脂的变化会直接影响食物的风味。在高油酸菜籽油(RO)煎炸过程中,煎炸薯条(FF)的风味发展表现出三个明显的阶段,包括诱导阶段(总极性化合物(TPC)的含量为3.0%~8.0%)、最佳阶段(TPC的含量为8.0%~20%)和降解阶段(TPC的含量为22%以上)。为了区分各阶段的关键香气化合物,选择了极性化合物为3.0%(FF1)、10.5%(FF2)和27%(FF3)的高油酸菜籽油制备的薯条及其相关油(RO1、RO2、RO3)进行感官分析。结果表明,FF1中,(E,E)-2,4-癸二醛(油炸气味)含量较低,这可能是FF1样品感官评分较低的原因。与FF1和FF2相比,FF3具有较高的己酸(汗臭味)、庚酸、壬酸、苯乙醛和反式-4,5-环氧-(E)-2-癸烯醛(金属气味),导致FF3的风味恶化。此外,FF3中2,5-二甲基吡嗪和2-乙基-6-甲基-吡嗪的减少导致了较低的烘焙风味,可能使得感官评分下降。同样,RO3中(E)-2-十一烯醛、己酸、庚酸和壬酸含量较高,其酸败评分增加,从而降低感官评分。当TPC含量超过22%时,油的过氧化作用会引起酸败味,因此煎炸后期应加以控制,通过研究煎炸过程中关键风味物质的变化,对开发具有最佳风味的油炸产品有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

It is well established that high oil temperatures during frying strongly increase acrylamide formation in French fries, but it is less clear, which temperature or rather which part of a temperature profile is relevant and if rules or regulatory measures should be established in respect of frying temperature, on which temperature they should refer. In most fryers, the oil temperature strongly drops on adding the potato sticks and may not fully recover up to the end of the frying process (depending on the amount of potato added in relation to the volume of oil and the heating power of the fryer). Since acrylamide is formed towards the end of frying, the temperature during the second half of the process is more important than that regulated by the thermostat. The profile of the frying temperature was optimized regarding product quality (crispness, flavor) and acrylamide formation. An initial temperature of 170–175 °C dropping to 140–145 °C and a virtually isothermal frying at 160 °C resulted in products of similar quality and acrylamide content. At initial temperatures below 160 °C and with main frying temperatures below 140 °C, crispness and the flavor of the French fries suffered: the sticks dried out and became oily. Isothermal frying at 167–170 °C resulted in approximately doubled acrylamide content compared to conditions that were optimal in respect of culinary quality and low acrylamide formation, showing that rules on the initial temperature alone are inadequate to ensure low acrylamide contents. Optimized fryers should program temperature: allowing an initial temperature drop, but then efficiently heating to prevent the temperature dropping below a given limit; after the end of frying, the initial temperature must be restored before frying the next portion.  相似文献   

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