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为探讨不同薄膜包装对空心菜采后品质的影响,文中以‘竹叶’空心菜为试验材料,在(5±1)℃贮藏条件下(90%95%RH),研究了3种不同厚度薄膜(CK,32.70μm带孔聚乙烯袋;P1,32.70μm聚乙烯袋;P2,12.75μm聚乙烯袋)包装对空心菜(茎、叶)贮藏品质的影响。结果表明:与对照相比,薄膜包装可有效提高空心菜品质,延缓其黄化进程,维持空心菜较高的生理活性,其中P1组的效果最为理想。相比P2及对照,P1组可显著延缓空心菜叶绿素分解,促进可滴定酸积累,维持其较高的总酚含量及抗氧化活性。P1可有效维持采后空心菜的品质,这与其包装袋微环境中的高CO2浓度(1.6%95%RH),研究了3种不同厚度薄膜(CK,32.70μm带孔聚乙烯袋;P1,32.70μm聚乙烯袋;P2,12.75μm聚乙烯袋)包装对空心菜(茎、叶)贮藏品质的影响。结果表明:与对照相比,薄膜包装可有效提高空心菜品质,延缓其黄化进程,维持空心菜较高的生理活性,其中P1组的效果最为理想。相比P2及对照,P1组可显著延缓空心菜叶绿素分解,促进可滴定酸积累,维持其较高的总酚含量及抗氧化活性。P1可有效维持采后空心菜的品质,这与其包装袋微环境中的高CO2浓度(1.6%2.1%)和低O2浓度(14.8%2.1%)和低O2浓度(14.8%17.5%)有关。 相似文献
不同气体比例气调包装对冷藏微波辣子鸡丁品质的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为研究不同气体比例气调包装对冷藏微波辣子鸡丁品质的影响,采用5 组不同气体配比(A组:100% N2;B组:10% O2+90% N2;C组:20% O2+80% N2;D组:20% O2+40% N2+40% CO2;E组:20% O2+80% CO2)对微波辣子鸡丁制品进行包装,并在4 ℃冷藏条件下贮藏30 d,测定冷藏过程中微波辣子鸡丁的过氧化值(peroxide value,POV)、硫代巴比妥酸(thiobarbituric acid,TBA)值、水分质量分数、菌落总数、pH值、巯基含量、挥发性风味物质含量的变化。结果表明:POV、TBA值、菌落总数随贮藏时间延长呈上升趋势,巯基含量明显下降。O2体积分数越高,微波辣子鸡丁的脂肪氧化、蛋白氧化和微生物生长繁殖速率越快,充入CO2能够有效抑制造成食品腐败变质微生物的生长繁殖,降低脂肪氧化速率;且气体比例和冷藏时间对微波辣子鸡丁挥发性风味物质的种类和含量影响较大。 相似文献
气调包装对杨桃贮藏品质的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以香蜜甜杨桃为材料,研究12℃条件下、非气调包装、被动气调包装(初始气体比例为21%O2+0%CO2+79%N2)和主动气调包装(初始气体比例为5%O2+5%CO2+90%N2)对杨桃果实保鲜效果的影响。结果表明:与非气调包装相比,被动气调包装和主动气调包装在一定程度上延迟了杨桃色泽的黄化,使果实的失重率维持在2%以内,果实硬度维持在0.4 MPa以上,3种包装在这3个指标的测量值上差异显著(P≤0.05)。对可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、VC的含量和pH值的维持效果来说,主动气调包装比被动气调包装的维持效果好,两者的差异极显著(P≤0.05)。被动气调包装与主动气调包装的总酚和类黄酮含量得到有效地维持,两者无显著差异(P≤0.05)。与非气调包装相比,主、被动气调包装都抑制了过氧化物酶的活力,使其达峰时间从25 d推迟到35d。果皮色泽、失重率和硬度可作为杨桃是否衰老的指标,非气调包装、被动气调包装和主动气调包装的杨桃的货架期分别为20~25 d,25~35 d和35~40 d。 相似文献
分析了两种包装方式对产品品质的影响,气调包装与真空包装相比,在保鲜效果、延长产品的货架期和提高产品的感官等方面的效果更好。 相似文献
生物保鲜剂结合气调包装对冷却猪肉品质的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以空气包装组为对照,在4℃冷藏条件下,研究了单一保鲜剂(ε-聚赖氨酸)和复合保鲜剂(ε-聚赖氨酸、壳聚糖、茶多酚)分别结合气调包装对冷却猪肉品质的影响。通过测定样品的菌落总数、理化等指标,评价两种保鲜方法结合使用的保鲜效果。结果表明:对照组货架期约为6d,经过ε-PL和复合保鲜剂浸泡处理的冷却猪肉货架期分别为10d和16d。生物保鲜剂结合气调包装能显著延长冷却猪肉货架期,其中,真空包装组比气调组的保鲜效果差;80%CO2+20%O2包装组抑菌以及延缓TVB-N上升的效果最佳,复合保鲜剂组在第20d时还没有超出鲜度标准,但对冷却猪肉色泽有一定的负面影响,且保水性较差;20%CO2+80%O2的抑菌效果在气调组中最差,但对猪肉的色泽有很好的保护作用,复合保鲜剂组保质期约19d;50%CO2+50%O2在抑菌效果、色泽保护以及保水性方面都有很好的效果。 相似文献
平菇水分含量高,呼吸作用强,属于易腐烂变质的蔬菜.MAP能明显抑制果蔬的呼吸作用和水分的蒸腾作用,抑制营养物质的降解.实验研究了MAP技术结合化学物质处理对平菇贮藏保鲜的效果.结果表明,平菇气调贮藏的条件,体积分数为1.5%O2+20%CO2时较好,在此条件下可延长货架期6~10d;2#处理(质量分数为3%柠檬酸,0.05%NaHSO3,1%CaCl2)可有效地抑制平菇的褐变;利用LDPE膜包装的保鲜效果明显优于PVC膜以及LDPE和PVC复合膜. 相似文献
气调包装对百香果贮藏品质的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为探讨不同气调包装材料对百香果贮藏品质的影响,以‘紫香1号’百香果为试材,对其进行活性袋包装和普通聚乙烯袋包装两种处理,包装好后封口,并于温度(25±1)℃、相对湿度70%~80%的条件下贮藏;相同成熟度未进行包装的果实于相同条件下贮藏作为对照,监测贮藏期间百香果的质量损失率、可溶性固形物与可滴定酸含量、果皮的L*、a*、b*值、果皮缺陷指数及贮藏寿命。结果表明,与对照相比,两种气调包装均减缓了果实质量损失率的上升,延缓了果皮缺陷指数及其他与百香果后熟有关的物理化学变化,能延长贮藏寿命至少6 d;采用活性包装的百香果品质保持得更好,货架期更长。 相似文献
以空心菜为对象,研究不同清洗方式(次氯酸钠溶液,有效氯浓度为100 mg/L;臭氧水,活性氧浓度1. 8 mg/L;超声波清洗,40 Hz、0. 33 W/cm~2)对空心菜采后贮藏保鲜效果的影响。结果表明,这3种清洗处理有利于保持空心菜的感官品质,维持较低的菌落总数水平,延缓叶绿素、Vc等含量下降,其中臭氧水清洗保鲜效果最好,相对于对照组货架期有效地延长了3 d。 相似文献
该文以0~4℃贮藏的冷却鸭肉为研究对象,以保鲜膜托盘包装为对照,通过分析肉色、pH值、蒸煮损失率、菌落总数、乳酸菌数、挥发性盐基氮(total volatile base nitrogen,TVB-N值)等指标,研究了30%CO_~(2+)70%N_2以及0. 4%CO+30%CO_~(2+)70%N_2气调包装(modified atmosphere packaging,MAP)对冷却鸭肉的保鲜效果。结果表明,与普通保鲜膜托盘包装相比,在贮藏的20 d内,2种气调包装方式均能抑制冷却鸭肉中微生物的生长,减少TVB-N的产生,从而显著延长了冷却鸭肉的货架期,具有较理想的保鲜效果。0. 4%CO气调包装没有起到进一步的抑菌效果,但在贮藏过程中鸭皮的L*值与a*值均高于其他2种处理组,并保持了产品的优良外观,具有良好的护色作用。综合分析,0. 4%CO+30%CO_~(2+)70%N_2气调包装对冷却鸭肉的保鲜效果最好。 相似文献
Laura Pastoriza Marta L. Cabo Marta Bernárdez Gabriel Sampedro Juan J. Herrera 《European Food Research and Technology》2002,215(3):189-193
The effects of lauric acid on pre-cooked products derived from minced cod or shrimp tails stored in the refrigerated state were studied. Lauric acid was employed either with or without modified atmosphere packaging (MAP:50% CO2:50% N2). Synergism between lauric acid and MAP on bacterial growth kinetics was found in pre-cooked minced fish products but not in pre-cooked shrimp tail products. Sensory properties of both products received the highest scores when treated with lauric acid and packed under a modified atmosphere. Only samples subjected to combined treatment were commercially acceptable after 1 month of storage. 相似文献
The effect of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on the quality changes of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) treated with or without green tea extract (1 g/L; GTE) in combination with or without ascorbic acid (0.05 g/L; AA) during refrigerated storage of 10 days was investigated. Shrimp without treatment stored under MAP had lowered psychrotrophic bacteria, enterobacteriaceae and H2S-producing bacteria count (P < 0.05) but similar lactic acid bacteria count (P > 0.05), in comparison with shrimp stored in air (control). The coincidental lowered rate of increase in pH, total volatile base (TVB) content and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were obtained in shrimp stored under MAP (P < 0.05). However, MAP slightly lowered melanosis formation and improved likeness score to some extent. When shrimp were treated with GTE and stored under MAP, the lower microbiological and chemical changes as well as the lowest melanosis formation were observed, compared to shrimp kept under MAP without treatment and the control (P < 0.05). GTE treatment in combination with MAP could retard chemical changes and melanosis formation, regardless of AA incorporation (P > 0.05). Nevertheless, GTE in combination with AA had higher inhibition on microbial growth and yielded the shrimp with higher likeness, compared with the other treatments (P < 0.05). Therefore, shrimp treated with GTE in combination with AA prior to MAP had the lowest losses in quality during refrigerated storage. 相似文献
Ioannis S. Arvanitoyannis Ebrahim M. Khah Evangelia C. Christakou & Fotios A Bletsos 《International Journal of Food Science & Technology》2005,40(3):311-322
The physico‐chemical parameters (pH, mechanical firmness and vitamin C) and sensory parameters of grafted and ungrafted eggplant plants were studied in relation to storage time (up to 17 days at 10 °C). Eggplant plants of cultivar ‘Tsakoniki’ were grafted on Solanum torvum and S. sisymbriifolium rootstocks in order to avoid the soil borne disease caused by Verticillium dahliae. The fruits were stored under modified atmosphere packaging (MAP). Vitamin C was negatively affected by grafting it storage, while MAP prolonged the shelf life. Although pH was not affected by grafting but was positively affected by MAP. Flesh firmness was negatively affected by grafting and reduced over storage, but positively affected by MAP. Sensory analysis showed higher ratings of fruits from ungrafted plants for sweetness, acceptance and hardness whereas no difference was detected for overall acceptance. Fruits stored under MAP were better maintained compared with those stored in air. 相似文献
软化和褐变是柿果保鲜两大技术难题,实验以桂林涩柿为材料,研究(0±0.3)℃下,在不同贮运保鲜期高压PE膜、微孔PE膜、KMS膜(自制防雾PE膜)等MAP的保鲜效果,定期检测果肉硬度(FF)、可溶性固形物(SSC)、可滴定酸含量(TA)、褐变指数(BI)和好果率。结果表明:桂林柿果MA贮藏120d,KMS膜保鲜效果最好,袋内气体浓度达到平衡时,O2为5.5%、CO2为7.0%,FF为11.14kg/cm2,SSC为12.91%,TA为0.59%,BI增加了0.72,好果率为82.9%,均显著优于对照。 相似文献
以空心菜为对象,采用感官评价、VC、低场核磁共振分析水分迁移等为指标研究贮藏温度(0,5,10,15℃)对空心菜保鲜效果的影响。研究表明,0℃贮藏,空心菜易发生冷害,15℃贮藏,空心菜衰老加快,均不利于贮藏。5,10℃贮藏,空心菜的感官品质、叶绿素含量、VC含量等品质指标维持相对较好,贮藏8d时各指标均保持较好。而且空心菜在5℃贮藏后期(第10天后)也会发生一定的冷害,品质下降较快,在10℃贮藏,对空心菜多数品质指标(除了菌落总数)的维持均优于在5℃贮藏的。 相似文献
Payap Masniyom Soottawat Benjakul Wonnop Visessanguan 《Journal of the science of food and agriculture》2002,82(8):873-880
The effect of CO2‐enriched atmosphere in combination with either oxygen or nitrogen on the keeping quality of seabass slices stored at 4 °C was investigated. The inhibitory effect on bacterial growth increased proportionally to the CO2 concentration in the packaging, maximum inhibition being achieved with 100% CO2 (P < 0.05). Seabass slices stored in CO2‐enriched atmosphere had lower total volatile base, trimethylamine, ammonia and formaldehyde contents than those stored in air (P < 0.05). However, increases in lightness and exudate loss were observed for samples packaged in high‐CO2 atmosphere, suggesting the denaturation of both muscle and pigment proteins by carbonic acid formed. Thiobarbituric acid‐reactive substances (TBARS) increased as the CO2 concentration increased (P < 0.05). However, odour, flavour and overall acceptability of CO2‐enriched packaged samples, particularly with 80 and 100% CO2, were acceptable throughout storage for 21 days. Chemical and microbial changes in all samples were generally in agreement with sensory panel evaluations. The shelf‐life of seabass slices packaged in 80–100% CO2 atmosphere could be extended to more than 20 days at 4 °C, compared with 9 days for those packaged in air. © 2002 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献