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近些年来,随着农业和畜牧业的发展,为了提高产量,防治病虫害和动物疾病等的需要,人们大量使用化肥以及各种农药、兽药和饲料添加剂。虽然使用农药、兽药、饲料添加剂等达到了增产增收和防病治病的目的,但是,由于违禁使用、使用不当和过度使用等原因,使农药、兽药残留对农、畜产品等食品的污染问题日益突出,造成了对人类健康的严重威胁和对食品国际贸易的障碍,不仅带来了巨大的经济损失,甚至危及社会稳定和国家安全,使农药、兽药残留成为除动物疫病之外受到人们普遍关注和高度重视的一个重要的食品安全问题。一、农药、兽药残留危害食物安全…  相似文献   

农药在农作物病虫害的综合防治中起着不可替代的作用,为农作物的增收提供了重要保证,但农药在农产品中的残留会对人类健康和环境产生严重威胁,所以农药残留分析检测技术尤为重要。本文介绍了样品前处理方法及农药残留分析检测技术,以期为农药残留分析检测技术的完善与发展提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

农药之害猛于虎 长期以来,农药对人类健康造成了很大的危害。据专家介绍,在施用农药过程中,农作物、畜类、水产等动植物都可能受到污染,几乎不存在哪个人群未受到农药的污染作用。人们进食残留有农药的食物后,  相似文献   

正一、食品中农药残留的危害分析1.食品中农药残留的方式。在农作物的种植过程中,农药等相关化学药剂残留在农作物表面,再通过生物的富集作用随生物链传递并残留在动植物体内,人们通过食用此类农产品而导致体内农药残留。在农作物的存储和销售过程中,如果没有做好与农药等化学药品的隔离工作,也会造成一定程度上的农药残留问题。另外,农药等化学药物的残留也可能以污染源的形式进入食品中,严重危害食品安全。  相似文献   

报告了我国农药使用情况,农药在肉食品中的残留情况和这些被农药污染的肉食品给人类健康,出口贸易所带来的危害,最后对如何监控肉类食品中的农药残留问题提出了看法。  相似文献   

腐霉利是一种杀菌剂类农药,主要作用是防治蔬菜、水果及农作物的菌核病,灰霉病及黑斑病,由于其抗真菌效果良好,高效低毒,因此其在世界各国农业生产中得到广泛应用。而腐霉利在果蔬中的残留可能通过食物链进入动物或人体,从而危害动物及人体健康与安全,甚至导致癌症发生,因此许多国对农产品中腐霉利最大残留做了限量要求。2020年,我国有多起农产品中腐霉利超标的报道,凸显出对腐霉利监控检测的重要性。为了提高人们对腐霉利的认知,减少其对消费者的危害,本文对腐霉利的性质,应用,潜在危害及监控检测技术进行了归纳总结,并展望了检测技术的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

球虫病是现代畜牧养殖业中常见的重要寄生虫病之一,其防治措施主要是在饲料或饮水 中加入抗球虫药物。抗球虫药可能在动物组织中残留,并通过食物链危害消费者健康,甚至危及生命。为了减少抗球虫药物残留危害,包括中国在内的世界多国均对动物源性食品中各种抗球虫药物设定了严格的最大残留限量标准。而科研工作者也建立各种抗球虫药物残留的灵敏准确检测技术方法,对动物源性食品中的抗球虫药残留情况进行有效监控。本文对目前抗球虫药的检测方法包括分光光度法,微生物法,电化学法,色谱法,免疫学法等进行了详细综述,分析了这些方法的优点及不足;并对抗球虫药物检测技术的发展前景进行了展望,为今后分析检测各类样品基质中抗球虫药物的残留提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

叶英 《中国食品》2014,(16):38-39
农药残留是指农药使用后残存于生物体、食品和环境中的农药亲体及具有毒理学意义的杂质、代谢转化产物和反应物等的总称。食品中农药残留是世界各国广泛关注的重要食品安全问题,与人类健康密切相关。这些残留物在食物链中有极强的富集作用,可以在人类和动物体内累积并导致慢性中毒,严重威胁着人类的生命安全。  相似文献   

<正>食品生产者发现生产的食品不符合安全标准或有证据证明可能危害人体健康的,应当立即停止生产,召回已经上市销售的食品,通知相关生产经营者和消费者 食药监部门认为必要的,可以实施现场监督。禁止将剧毒、高毒农药用于蔬菜、瓜果、茶叶和中草药材等国家规定的农作物。国家对农药的使用实行严格的管理制度,加快淘汰剧毒、高毒、高残留农药,推动替代产品的研发和应用,鼓励使用高效低毒低残留农药。  相似文献   

随着现代农业的发展,农产品在生产过程中不可避免地使用到农药。但是,农药在粮谷、蔬菜、水果、茶叶等农作物中的不合理使用会导致农药残留超标,从而造成环境和食品污染。此外,摄入或接触农药会对人体造成多方面危害,严重者会导致畸形,甚至危害生命。为了建立对农药残留成分的科学分析方法,笔者通过对果汁中的有机磷(毒死蜱)农药残留量进行不确定度评定——自行选择参考《蔬菜和水果中有机磷、有机氯、拟除虫菊酯和氨基甲酸酯类农药多残留的测定》(NY/T 761-2008)进行测试,并对测试的不确定度进行了评估和计算,从而对该方法的可行性和准确性进行了科学的判断。  相似文献   

Pesticides are widely applied to prevent unwanted pests from attacking crops and livestock which led to their access into the environment. Overuses of pesticides in environment are presence of pesticide residues and their metabolites that are causing serious detrimental effects on human health and all other living organisms. Several severe diseases (Cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, birth defects, infertility) and more damages of human health are associated with the exposure of pesticides. The maximum residue limits for pesticides have been regulated by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and European Union to protect human health. Thus, monitoring these compounds is extremely important to ensure that only permitted levels of pesticide are consumed. To date, several techniques have been developed for pesticide detection, from conventional analytical to advanced detection techniques. The conventional analytical methods are gas chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography coupled with various detectors involved a sample preparation step prior to further analysis. Advanced detection methods refer to the sensors development such as electrochemical, optical, piezoelectric and molecular imprinted polymer. In this review, we summarized and explained the available analytical and advanced methods for determination of pesticides compound in environment and foodstuffs. Also, pesticides classification and its toxicity, and available extraction methods are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The analysis of pesticide residues in food is nowadays an increasingly important task. Quality control has to be very strict in order to safeguard the consumers’ health. One of the most important goals of food quality assurance is testing food for residues and contaminants. Among chemical hazards, the contamination of food with pesticides has been characterized as a significant source of many serious diseases. Consumption of food containing pesticide residues may cause cancer, malformations, and damage to the endocrine, nervous, and immune system. In order to assure human food safety, The European Community has established maximum residue limits (MRL) of pesticides permitted in products of animal or vegetable origin that are intended for human consumption. In the EU, Regulation (EC) No. 396/2005 of the European Parliament and Council on pesticide residues established the levels of pesticide residues allowed in food and feed. To ensure the compliance of marketed food commodities with the law on food safety, sensitive and reliable analytical methods for the determination of pesticide residues are required. Multiresidue liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry methods (LC-MS) are widely recognized as an ideal, highly specific, and extremely sensitive technique for testing food products. This review discusses LC-MS approaches applied most widely to pesticide residue analysis over the last few years. The main ionization methods and MS detectors used as analytical tools in quantification and/or identification/confirmation of pesticide residues in food are presented.  相似文献   

Due to its rich health benefits and unique cultural charm, tea drinking is increasingly popular with the public in modern society. The safety of tea is the top priority that affects the development of tea industry and the health of consumers. During the process of tea growth, pesticides are used to prevent the invasion of pests and diseases with maintaining high quality and stable yield. Because hot water brewing is the traditional way of tea consumption, water is the main carrier for pesticide residues in tea into human body accompanied by potential risks. In this review, pesticides used in tea gardens are divided into two categories according to their solubility, among which water-soluble pesticides pose a greater risk. We summarized the methods of the sample pretreatment and detection of pesticide residues and expounded the migration patterns and influencing factors of tea throughout the process of growth, processing, storage, and consumption. Moreover, the toxicity and safety of pesticide residues and diseases caused by human intake were analyzed. The risk assessment and traceability of pesticide residues in tea were carried out, and potential eco-friendly improvement strategies were proposed. The review is expected to provide a valuable reference for reducing risks of pesticide residues in tea and ensuring the safety of tea consumption.  相似文献   

Reliable data on residues of pesticides in treated crops/foodstuffs are required for the pre-market registration of pesticides and for setting maximum residues limits. These limits are normally based on the maximum residues found following good agricultural practice provided that these levels are toxicologically acceptable. The evaluation of residues data and the estimation of an acceptable daily intake for a pesticide in assessing the possible health hazards to the consumer present certain problems. These may arise from, for example, the design and sampling of field trials and adequate analytical procedures, as well as from information, or lack of it, on metabolism, degradation and manufacturing impurities. Although many regulatory bodies have introduced national or regional residues limits, pesticide residues in food is a subject of international concern and the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues has made considerable progress in producing recommended world-wide standards. Studies on pesticide residues in foodstuffs and in total diets are carried out in many countries and are generally reassuring.  相似文献   

农药残留是指由于使用农药而残留于农作物、水体、土壤等的农药原体和代谢物。农药具有毒性强、稳定性好、生物聚集性等特点,极易在环境中发生富集,最终进入人体,其残留问题已对人类健康和环境中其他生物体形成极大威胁。因此监测食品或环境中的农药残留水平对人类健康和保护生物多样性具有十分重要的作用。随着科学技术的不断探索和发展,农药残留检测技术也取得了重大突破。本研究总结了农药残留的方式和危害;分析了农药残留检测中常用的前处理方法(液液萃取、固相萃取、QuEChERS提取法和其他方法),对比了几种方法的优缺点;对近年来农药残留的传统分析技术的最新应用和新型的检测分析技术及其应用进行了综述,并对当前领域存在的问题和未来的发展方向进行了总结。  相似文献   

农药是控制病虫草害、促进作物高产的有效手段,但农药残留可能会产生药害、并对作物抗氧化系统乃至营养品质和风味产生影响。硒元素是构成抗氧化剂谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶的活性成分,低浓度的硒在植物中有各种生物学效应,包括促进植物生长、提高产量并抵消多种非生物因子诱导的氧化应激或病原菌感染,且有可能通过调节植物内源激素通路而合成更多的黄酮、氨基酸、多酚、萜烯等成分来提升作物营养品质的功效。纳米材料具有扩散阻力小,吸附能力强和更快的吸附平衡等独特属性,纳米载体负载营养物质以及微量元素纳米化能够提高植物养分的利用率、减少养分的损失、刺激植物的生长,其在激活植物健康方面具有广阔的应用前景。纳米硒在上调含硒酶活性方面具有更高的效率,更低的毒性和更高的生物有效性,并可以显著提升作物抗氧化活性。本文综述了近些年农药使用对农产品品质影响及成因,并介绍了碳纳米材料和纳米硒作为植物健康激活剂在农产品提质增效中的应用,以期指导农药科学使用,并为农产品提质增效提供理论参考。  相似文献   

This review represents systematic and integrated picture of pesticide exposure to plant and its effect on growth and metabolism. Decades ago, agrochemicals were introduced aiming at enhancing crop yields and protecting crops from pests. Due to adaptation and resistance developed by pests to chemicals, every year higher amounts and new chemical compounds are used to protect crops, causing undesired side effects and raising the costs of food production. Biological chemical free agriculture is gaining also more and more support but it is still not able to respond to the need for producing massive amounts of food. The use of agrochemicals, including pesticides, remains a common practice especially in tropical regions and South countries. Cheap compounds, such as DDT, HCH, and Lindane, that are environmentally persistent, are today banned from agriculture use in developed countries, but remain popular in developing countries. As a consequence, persistent residues of these chemicals contaminate food and disperse in the environment. Therefore, the thrust of this paper was to review the application of pesticides effect early from germination to growth of the plant, leading to alteration in biochemical, physiological and different enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants which ultimately affect the yield and resulted in residues in plant, vegetables, and fruits.  相似文献   

A new dynamic plant uptake model is presented to characterize health impacts of pesticides applied to food crops, based on a flexible set of interconnected compartments. We assess six crops covering a large fraction of the worldwide consumption. Model estimates correspond well with observed pesticide residues for 12 substance-crop combinations, showing residual errors between a factor 1.5 and 19. Human intake fractions, effect and characterization factors are provided for use in life cycle impact assessment for 726 substance-crop combinations and different application times. Intake fractions typically range from 10?2 to 10?? kg(intake) kg(applied)?1. Human health impacts vary up to 9 orders of magnitude between crops and 10 orders of magnitude between pesticides, stressing the importance of considering interactions between specific crop-environments and pesticides. Time between application and harvest, degradation half-life in plants and residence time in soil are driving the evolution of pesticide masses.We demonstrate that toxicity potentials can be reduced up to 99% by defining adequate pesticide substitutions. Overall, leafy vegetables only contribute to 2% of the vegetal consumption, but due to later application times and higher intake fractions may nevertheless lead to impacts comparable or even higher than via the larger amount of ingested cereals.  相似文献   

葡萄种植过程中为防治病虫害发生需使用化学农药,这造成葡萄及其制品中农药残留现象时有发生,给人类健康及生态环境带来极大的安全隐患,因此开展农药残留检测是葡萄及其制品质量安全控制中至关重要的一环。本文对当前葡萄及其制品中农药残留现状进行分析,并对其农药残留常用样品前处理技术及检测方法进行概述。葡萄及其制品中由于糖分、色素含量高, 对目标分析物易造成基质干扰,检测需要进行提取、净化、测定等步骤。前处理方法主要包括QuEChERS方法、固相萃取法、固相微萃取法;检测方法主要涉及色谱检测方法、质谱检测方法、高分辨质谱检测方法、快速检测方法。本文结合国内外文献报道,对葡萄及其制品中农药残留现状及近5年来农药残留分析前处理方法和检测技术进行综述,以期为葡萄安全、优质生产提供参考。  相似文献   

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