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梁思成:(1901-1972),建筑学家。广东新会人。1927年获美国宾夕法尼亚大学建筑系硕士学位。1928年入美国哈佛大学美术研究院学习。回国后,曾任东北大学教授,建筑系主任,中国营造学社研究员。1947年获美国普林斯顿大学荣誉文学博士学位。建国后,历任清华大学教授、建筑系主任,中国科学院技术科学部委员,中国建筑学会第一至四届副理事长,北京市第一至三届政协副主席。中国民主同盟盟员。1959年加入中国共产党。长期从事古建筑研究和教学工作。1946年创设清华大学建筑系。对中外古建筑、城市规划.建筑设计造诣颇深。曾参加主持中华人民共和国国微、天安门广场人民英雄纪念碑的设计。设计了扬州“鉴真和尚纪念堂”。著有《中国建筑史》、《中国雕塑史》、《营造法式注释》、《APictorialHistoryofChineseArchitecture》(英文版)等。  相似文献   

从视线分析看苏州网师园景观规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1、人眼视觉原理人眼视域为一不规则圆锥形。双眼形成的复合视域范围向上为70。,向下为80。,左右各为60。。在保持放松、平视的情况下,能看清景物的垂直视角为26。~30。,水平视角约为45。~60。[1,2],以此视域形成的景观清晰而平和,最适静观。在此基础上,控制合适视距,即小型景物合适视距约为景高的3倍  相似文献   

新安县位于河南省洛阳市西部.县域总面积1160平方公里。全县辖5镇6乡。298个行政村,总人口4977。县城位于县境南部。规划建成区面积12平方公里。常住人口11.5万人。2007年,全县实现国民生产总值165亿元,财政收入8.6亿元。县域经济综合实力位居河南省10强行列。  相似文献   

<正>欣闻上海消防,打造铁军,战旗飞舞。保驾世博,为民服务。不禁思绪万千,心潮起伏。遂撰赋文《为世博消防安保喝彩》,以抒情愫。上海称沪,得名于上海浦。城在海上,因海得福。战国为春申君封邑,元时改设松江府。自古金色海岸千里,更有绿  相似文献   

该住宅区距离汉城市中心1小时半的车程,整体有100户,属于低层集合住宅区。每一户都有3~4层。每一户的第2层均有一个玻璃围成的房间,称为"阈"。每家的阈都由公共露天平台连接。10家左右的住户组成一个集合。停车场以集合为单位配置在地下。通过电梯和公共露天平台连接。居住者可以根据自己的喜好来使用被称为阈的房间。有一些人将其作为摆弄爱好的房间,也有些人将其作为工作室。也可以作为客厅来招待朋友。这个房间属于居民招待邻居的场所。这个住宅是一种新时代的集合住宅,它能够兼顾个人家庭的隐私及邻居的交流。  相似文献   

2012年伦敦奥运会手球馆计划在2011年夏季完工。目前,手球馆的地基已经完工。200根混凝土柱子延伸到地下25m深处构成地基。30面预制混凝土墙面中,13座已经安装到位。用以支撑上部的坐席平台。手球馆重达1000t的预制钢架正在施工中。可能在明年夏季完成,屋顶和外覆面的工作也将展开。明年年底开始安装铜质覆层。  相似文献   

5月18号,接到北京姐姐来电,说忠德病危。处理好手中的一些事,22号赶赴北京。在北京医院的重症监护室里,瘦弱的、昏迷的姐夫,身上插满了管子。看见姐夫病成这样,心酸不已,泪如雨下。在病房里待了不到一刻钟,护士就让我们出去,说有首长前来。后来知道是曾庆红来。姐夫忠德哥这次是心肌梗死,正在抢救。因来的人多,姐姐让我们先回去,等消息。第二天一早,赶往医院,重症监护室已敞开大门,让亲友们前来看望。姐夫的病情比前一天又加重。血压很低,为了提高血压,给他输一种药,但这药对肾脏有损害。  相似文献   

本站讯西班牙建筑事务所TallerdeCasqueria在太平洋海上监狱设计竞赛中获得一等奖。该竞赛要求参赛队伍设计一座新的漂浮监狱,距离亚洲、澳大利亚或者美洲海岸20公里到30公里。并且可以参照石油平台来做设计。评委会认为。一等奖的作品“组合得非常好。有着成熟的设计思想”,如同手指一般。几座塔楼向上伸展,好似一座攀升的岛屿。监狱用混凝土搭建。使得整个项目有着单体巨石般的效果。评委会表示。监狱的“社会内省“性通过大海与天际线的背景而得到平衡。内部是禁闭的。牢房之间没有视觉关系,大海和天空是唯一可参照的物体。一等奖的作品给出了最好的答案。  相似文献   

△3月1日,市建设交通委同意建设配套商品房浦江镇1号基地市政配套工程。范围为东起规划新汇路、西至三鲁路、南至新家河、北至盐铁塘。为居住区配套的市政工程,包括道路、桥梁、排水、供水、燃气等基础设施。工程总投资17554万元。△3月13日,市建设交通委批复同意北新泾(北块)排水系统完善工程可行性研究报告。该工程范围:东起新泾港、南至甘溪路、西至外环线、北临苏州河。服务面积为406hm2。项目总投资2197万元。△3月15日,市建设交通委批复同意杨树浦水厂向浦东供水的越江顶管工程初步设计。本工程输水规模为10万m3/d。主要工程内容为:D…  相似文献   

郭少静 《园林》2012,(6):80-83
初春的婚礼,新娘极美,清新中带着甜美的味道。婚礼以橙色为主色调,搭配暗红、绿色为辅助,造型上采用复古典雅的设计。整场婚礼散发着浓烈的橙色香气。副桌复古欧式花器的拼接设计,让圆的造型有了新的变化。背景复古花环设计。路引开放式的造型,多种花卉组合,自然中透露低调的奢华。主桌群组式的设计,与路引呼应。  相似文献   

A whole-landscape approach is critical to ensuring conservation and enhancement of biodiversity in farmed landscapes. Although existing agri-environmental schemes are constrained by property boundaries and voluntary take up, the potential for adopting a whole-landscape approach to planned countryside management is currently favoured by a number of factors. These include economic uncertainty in some agricultural sectors; the introduction of a reformulated rural development policy; increased understanding of relationships between biodiversity and management; and the introduction of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology that allows future landscapes to be visualized by stakeholders. Ecological and socio-economic aspects of whole-landscape planning in a study covering 31 neighbouring farms in west Oxfordshire are reported. A baseline was first compiled that included information on: property boundaries; land cover; relationships between hedge and field margin management and key taxa; and farmer socio-economics and attitudes towards agri-environmental measures, conservation and sustainable agriculture. Future scenarios of integrated wholelandscape management were then developed, designed to deliver amenity, environmental and biodiversity benefits. These scenarios were presented and interpreted to farmers and conservation and amenity stakeholders with the aid of GIS-based maps and three-dimensional virtual reality visualizations. Farmers' responses are reported and the potential for implementing whole-landscape planning is discussed .  相似文献   

在20世纪末期.欧美的博物得变成了一种“加法动物”不断进行着改建、扩建和加建.从而涌现出大量风格方式不间的建筑实例其中既有失败.也有成功。本文选择了部分典型案例如以分析,特别肯定了托马斯·毕比和西萨·佩里的设计概念和方法,并提出了未来的改.扩建将面向未来不断发展的观点。  相似文献   

This is the second of two special issues in Progress in Planning exploring emerging research agendas in planning. It brings together scholars from diverse schools working on new areas of research and application in urban design and planning. Emergent research agendas include both novel areas of research and important shifts in the direction of a research area. The challenge for planning schools is to reflect critically on these changes and develop long-term research agendas that can better position our field in society and academia, and provide a basis from which to assess our academic programmes. The chapters in this issue display the different scales and fields of planning, including planning for: disaster recovery; climate change, especially opportunities for mitigation; shrinking cities in the First World; and rapidly urbanising informal and impoverished cities in the global South. At the same time, the chapters identify research areas that respond to major social and environmental changes. Olshansky and Chang highlight the increasing losses from catastrophic disasters, and address the need for disaster recovery planning. Wheeler, Randolph and London focus on climate change, and, noting the urgency of action now, their research agenda emphasises opportunities for planners to develop research and policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Hollander, Pallagst, Schwarz and Popper look at increasing economic and population trends in many First World cities that result in city ‘shrinkage’. They present new opportunities for improving cities’ green space networks and natural features, and for research. The trebling of urban population in African cities by 2050, in conditions of poverty and informality, is the major trend driving Parnell, Pietriese and Watson's chapter. They present an agenda for new planning theories and for supporting empirical research to address the actual conditions of African cities.  相似文献   

With rapid urbanization in China, an increasing building density has squeezed the urban public space. Community streets are occupied by motor vehicles or other functions, and can no longer sufficiently support children to carry out safe and independent activities. As an important space for children’s daily natural contact and social activities, the lack of the spatial function of streets results in a decline in children’s subjective initiative and social abilities. The United Nations has stressed the importance of community as the basic unit of space for children’s daily activities in building child friendly cities. It is urgent to reshape child-friendly community streets and support children’s healthy growth. Integrating previous research results on affordance theory and design, children’s growth and environment, and street-game spaces, this study focuses on investigating 23 community streets in four residential communities in Nanjing through questionnaires, interviews, observations, and other methods. Then, from the perspective of cognitive affordance, functional affordance, and social affordance, it analyzes the behavioral possibilities provided by the environment and the needs of the children-user group. Finally, from the perspectives of openness and security, preference and diversity, positive and negative, and reality and potential, it proposes a method to assess the existing environment. This study aims to extract the significant characteristics of the built environment that effectively support and promote children’s outdoors activities, and explore the design strategy of improving street space sharing through optimizing space elements and structure at the medium and micro levels, so as to respond to multiple goals including livable city development from the perspective of child friendliness. This study also tries to change the logical way of design thinking and provide an eco-psychological perspective on how to build a child-friendly community.  相似文献   

Design errors can severely jeopardise safety and contribute to failures in construction and engineering projects. Such failures can have devastating economic, environmental and social consequences. Significant efforts have been made to reduce the incidence of failures through learning from previous disasters and events by modifying building and engineering codes and standards accordingly. Design errors, however, remain an innate feature of construction and engineering projects despite the considerable amount of knowledge that has been accumulated to date. Most errors are identified during construction and require rework, but there is always a potential for some to remain undetected and contribute to failure, and as a result potentially contribute to accidents and loss of life. An examination of the literature research suggests that a series of pathogenic influences contribute to errors and failure. Thus, this paper article examines the circumstances and issues that contributed to a series of construction and engineering failures to enable development of a learning framework that can be used to mitigate design errors and potential failures and accidents.  相似文献   

Large and complex project networks are characterized by the collaboration of heterogeneous organizations and individuals. In addition to project management techniques and complementary skills, relational competence, i.e. the ability to actively create and develop collaborative relationships is an essential asset for managing project networks. Networks represent structured role systems which may be a substitute for stable organizational structures and routines. This study investigates relational competence in the network of a large construction project of a French hospital. Based on network data and qualitative interviews, we compare the formal roles and positions of actors in the network to their actual roles and positions and analyze how relational competence promotes the coordination of project work. We find several actors whose network position and relational competence correspond to the formal organization and several actors with a mismatch between the formal organization and the actual role and position. In the latter cases, other network members step in and contribute to an effective coordination. The concept of relational competence in combination with network analysis contributes to a better understanding of the functioning of project networks. In particular, it reveals dysfunctions in the project network and allows for identifying the reasons for failure.  相似文献   

Contaminant releases from upland areas can have adverse water quality and stream ecology impacts. TREX (Two-dimensional, Runoff, Erosion, and Export) is a spatially distributed, physically-based model to simulate chemical transport and fate at the watershed scale. TREX combines surface hydrology and sediment transport features from the CASC2D watershed model with chemical transport features from the WASP/IPX series of water quality models. In addition to surface runoff and sediment transport, TREX simulates: (1) chemical erosion, advection, and deposition; (2) chemical partitioning and phase distribution; and (3) chemical infiltration and redistribution. Floodplain interactions for water, sediment, and chemicals are also simulated. To demonstrate the potential for using TREX to simulate chemical transport at the watershed scale, a screening-level application was developed for the California Gulch watershed mine-waste site in Colorado. Runoff, sediment transport, and metals (Cu, Cd, Zn) transport were simulated for a calibration event and a validation event. The model reproduced measured peak flows, and times to peak at the watershed outlet and three internal locations. Simulated flow volumes were within approximately 10% of measured conditions. Model results were also generally within measured ranges of total suspended solid and metal concentrations. TREX is an appropriate tool for investigating multimedia environmental problems that involve water, soils, and chemical interactions in a spatially distributed manner within a watershed.  相似文献   

In cultural landscapes within temperate regions, forest edges - the transitions or edges between forest and open landscape - can comprise specific habitats. Forest edges are the result of the interaction between cultural land use and the dynamic properties of edge vegetation. Forest edges are of potential interest for multiple - use landscape planning and may be protected and promoted within forest policies. Different approaches to describing and understanding forest edges are presented. The influence of cultural land use and landscape dynamics on the physical structure of forest edges in the landscape is emphasized. Forest edges are compared to other types of edge habitats. Functional edge concepts from landscape ecology (edge effects, ecotones and boundaries) are reviewed, focusing on the role of edges at a landscape scale. The different approaches merge to the conclusions that origin, structure and function of forest edges are closely interrelated; edges are relative concepts and need to be studied and defined in relation to a specific purpose and scale; forest edges are highly dynamic in space and time; processes at edges can influence processes in the entire landscape; and the dynamic properties of edges can best be understood if studied at a landscape scale. A landscape perspective to edge management is suggested.  相似文献   

The paper reviews various options adopted in the UK for engineered protection measures aimed at preventing pollution to the environs of landfill sites. The advantages and limitations of both natural and synthetic lining materials are discussed, recognizing the constraints posed by the geometry and geology of prospective landfill sites. Particular attention is given to the Environmental Safety Centre experience with techniques designed to minimize both leachate and gaseous emissions, and hence prevent pollution of ground and surface waters, and reduce hazards to nearby property. Options for operational practices and restoration procedures are discussed in relation to the control of degradation processes and polluting potential. Included in these options are design and operation of leachate and gas collection/treatment systems, phasing of landfilling operations, and progressive restoration of sites. Monitoring requirements are emphasized as a vital measure of the success or failure of site designs and operational practices in ensuring that appropriate environmental protection is achieved and maintained.  相似文献   

The advantages and disadvantages of the thermal building insulation materials and solutions have been treated. Both traditional, state-of-the-art and possible materials and solutions beyond these have been investigated. Examples of these may be mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene, polyurethane, vacuum insulation panels, gas insulation panels, aerogels, and future possibilities like vacuum insulation materials, nano insulation materials and dynamic insulation materials. Various properties, requirements and possibilities have been compared and studied. Among these are thermal conductivity, perforation vulnerability, building site adaptability and cuttability, mechanical strength, fire protection, fume emission during fire, robustness, climate ageing durability, resistance towards freezing/thawing cycles, water resistance, costs and environmental impact. Currently, there exist no single insulation material or solution capable of fulfilling all the requirements with respect to the most crucial properties. That is, for the buildings of today and the near future, several insulation materials and solutions are used and will have to be used depending on the exact circumstances and specifications. As of today, new materials and solutions like e.g. vacuum insulation panels are emerging, but only slowly introduced in the building sector partly due to their short track record. Therefore it will be of major importance to know the limitations and possibilities of all the insulation materials and solutions, i.e. their advantages and disadvantages. In this respect new conceptual thermal building insulation materials are also discussed.  相似文献   

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