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光寻址电位传感器测量系统的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在生物医学及化工等领域的研究及应用中,对于与生物分子、生物过程相关的参数以及化学反应中离子浓度的检测是非常重要的研究手段。但是,传统的测量方法和仪器难以做到小型化,极大限制了上述检测方法的应用,因此急需解决小型化问题。光寻址电位传感器(LAPS)是基于半导体技术的传感器,因此可以做到小型化,较好的解决了此问题。扼要介绍了光寻址电位传感器的发展历程,阐述了该传感器测量系统的工作原理,以及基于DSP的LAPS测量系统的组成,并使用该系统对溶液中pH值的分布进行了实际测量,得到了溶液的pH值分布图。 相似文献
鉴于光寻址电位传感器(LAPS)的响应信号较弱,传统的抽取频域基波分量的方法易受信号漂移和随机噪声的影响,提出了一种基于频域分量均方根和卡尔曼滤波的两步信号处理方法。基于光寻址电位传感器件的理论模型构建了其等效电路模型,推导得到输出信号的表达式,分析了漂移与噪声产生的原因及其抑制方法。通过实验检测了不同pH值的溶液,并采集了系统输出的光电流信号。求取信号傅里叶变换后频域中的基波分量、二次谐波分量、三次谐波分量的谱线幅值的均方根,然后对归一化电流-偏压(I-V)特性曲线进行卡尔曼滤波。实验结果表明,相对于单纯抽取基波分量的方法,基于频域分量均方根和卡尔曼滤波的两步信号处理方法使检测结果的均方差(MSE)降低了97%,显著减少了信号漂移和随机噪声对检测结果的影响。 相似文献
设计了一种新本型的接触式静电电位传感器,介绍了其设计原理、测试系统校准方法.使用该传感器对人体静电电位进行测试实验,结果显示其运行稳定,测试数据准确,达到了设计要求. 相似文献
传统心肌细胞电生理的研究,因其对细胞的穿刺损害作用,难以实现长时程测量,同时也难以实现对细胞群体的多位点同时测量.该研究采用微机械加工技术开展了基于细胞传感器(cell-based biosensor)的微电极阵列(microelectrode array, MEA)和光寻址电位传感器(light addressable potentiometric sensor, LAPS)等生物传感器技术,在传感器芯片表面培养了心肌细胞,并对其电生理特性进行了传感测量.该技术可对多个细胞同时进行长期、无损检测,在药物筛选、环境检测等生物医学领域具有良好的应用前景. 相似文献
光纤传感器光耦合调制函数及特性曲线计算 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
安福生 《仪表技术与传感器》1990,(1):9-14
本文从光度学的基本理论出发,分析了强度型反射式光纤传感器的光耦合方式,求出了传光纤维与受光纤维间的结构系数M,从而进一步导出它的调制函数,并通过计算机运算求得理论上的特性曲线,使该种新型传感器的主要参数设计与计算有了较为可靠的理论依据。 相似文献
传感器的动态特性直接影响测试系统功能的发挥,国内外对传感器动态性能进行了大量的研究,回顾了传感器辨识建模和动态补偿等的研究进展与成果,并分析了传感器动态特性的研究前景. 相似文献
用前向散射能见度仪替供透射能见度仪测量能见度时,在不同天气条件下,二者有着不同的函数关系,作者通过研究给出了这种函数工,应用这个关系式可确保前向散射仪的测量精度,从而提高前向散射仪的实用性。 相似文献
文中基于光寻址电位传感器(LAPS)的原理设计了一种用于对酸、甜、苦、成、鲜5种基本味觉物质进行测量的传感器系统.介绍了LAPS的工作原理,阐述了溶胶-凝胶分子印记膜的制备方法,以及基于MCU的LAPS测量系统组成,开发了光源控制平台.实验使用该系统测试了5种味觉物质的响应信号,采用PCA以及人工神经网络算法实现了对5种不同味觉物质的区分和检测. 相似文献
圆柱滚子表面特性的分形研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于分形理论的非线性特征,对轴承中的圆柱滚子加工表面轮廓进行理论研究,探讨用分形维数来表征其加工表面的粗糙程度。通过理论计算及实验验证,得出了圆柱滚子外表面的分维表征。结果表明:表面粗糙度与分形维数是属于一种非线性关系;功率谱线平均斜率是加工表面粗糙度的有效表征;分形维数能客观地表征机械加工表面粗糙度,且大小与取样参数无关。 相似文献
SUMMARY A new method is described by which transference numbers for both leading and following ions can be determined in a moving boundary experiment. The boundary is detected by the change in potential accompanying its passage into the volume between two microprobes sealed into the moving boundary tube. With the aid of a volume calibration, the transference number of the leading ion can thereby be determined. A method of measuring ionic mobilities directly is described in which the same microprobes are used to measure both the potential gradient and the boundary velocity. Transference numbers for the following ion can also be measured by the indirect method, which makes use of the Kohlrausch relationship. The microprobes are used in this case to measure the conductance ratio between leading and following solutions. The detector is described in detail along with a suitable power supply. A sheared cell is introduced in which the boundary is formed initially with the aid of a pipet and a flowing system. The apparatus is tested thoroughly on systems whose transference numbers are known. 相似文献
PVC Membrane Sensor for Potentiometric Determination of Atropine in Some Pharmaceutical Formulations
Abstract The construction and general performance of a novel potentiometric membrane sensor for determination of atropine has been developed. It is based on the formation of the ion association complex of the atropinium cation with phosphotungstate counter anion as electroactive material dispersed in a PVC matrix, β‐Cyclodextrin and o‐nitrophenyl octyl ether serve as a plasticizer. The sensor shows a fast, stable, near Nernstian response for 1×10?2 M to 1×10?6 M atropine at 25°C over the pH range of 3–8 with a cationic slope of 51±0.5 mV/decade. The lower detection limit is 8×10?7 M and the response time is 20–45 sec. Selectivity coefficients of atropine, relative to a number of interfering substances, were investigated. There are negligible interferences caused by most of the studied cations, anions, and pharmaceutical excipients. The direct determination of atropine shows an average recovery of 98.6% and a mean relative standard deviation (RSD) of 1.6% at 100 µg/mL. The results obtained by determination of atropine in some formulations (atropine injection and eye drops) are favorably comparable with those obtained by the British Pharmacopoeia method. The developed membrane electrode has been used as end point indicator electrode for some potentiometric titrations. 相似文献
针对硅微机械谐振式压力传感器,设计了一种新型的专用频率特性测试系统,采用直接相关原理进行微弱信号检测,简化了模拟电路设计;提出了分时正交的检测方法解算被测样件的幅频、相频特性.实验结果表明:系统实现了对硅微机械谐振式压力传感器的幅频和相频特性的同时测量,实测结果与理论值符合,不仅给出了闭环设计的必要参数,同时为加工工艺的改进提供了重要信息. 相似文献