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Federated integration of networked manufacturing service platforms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Networked manufacturing is an advanced manufacturing pattern that was born of information technologies and suits the networked economic environment. Networked manufacturing service platforms have been widely established to support this new pattern. Since the island problems are retarding further development of networked manufacturing, integration of existing networked manufacturing platforms is in demand. A federated integration mode is proposed to integrate the existing networked manufacturing platforms and provide a large-scale distributed resource sharing and cooperative environment. The nature of federated integration is discussed, and the architecture of federated integration system was put forward along with a set of rules and three types of integration services. Two key issues in federated integration are discussed in detail. One is the federation management, including the hierarchy of federations, the basic states of federations and the state-keeping mechanism using factory/instance pattern. The other issue is the authentication, authorization and access control in across-platform applications. Finally, an implementation is presented.  相似文献   

在基于因特网的教育资源网格体系结构和服务理论研究中,建立了教育资源网格平台ERGRID,该平台实现了基于Web的可视化网格服务.通过和Web Services以及Java Servlets进行性能对比,证明了服务大数量级的数据时,网格服务会比Web Services和Java Servlets更快一些.  相似文献   

制造网格环境下的资源建模研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
资源建模是制造网格中资源集成和共享的前提.首先按资源在制造网格中提供的服务类型对其进行了分类,便于对其分类建模.其次提出了由资源层、资源表示层和资源接口层组成的资源层次模型.资源层包括各种物理资源,表示层使用XML Schema封装资源数据和信息,接口层使用Web服务描述语言(WSDL)定义对资源的访问操作.该模型用于将制造资源封装为网格节点,使得制造资源可以方便地接入网格中网络共享.最后以企业标准件库的封装为实例验证了该模型的有效性.  相似文献   

网络化制造环境下基于知识服务的工艺协作模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出一种基于知识服务供应商的面向网络化制造的工艺协作模型,结合语义网上Web服务技术,给出了描述工艺知识服务能力的语义模型;借鉴工作流技术,提出并研究了一种工艺知识服务流技术,实现对模型中工艺知识服务流程的自动管理.最后,还探讨了工艺知识服务能力匹配算法并给出了算法实现.该模型已应用于具体实践并取得良好效果.  相似文献   

陈旭辉  蒋红 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(8):1920-1922,1926
分析了当前网络化制造环境下企业资源共享和信息集成的现状及存在问题,结合语义Web技术,提出了网络化制造环境下企业资源信息集成平台的体系结构,为企业资源在语义层及企业本体上的集成提供了实现方式,并将体系结构应用于有色金属行业中,通过实际应用验证了系统的可靠性和稳定性.  相似文献   

孔令军  徐文胜  查建中 《计算机应用》2012,32(12):3534-3539
为规范和加快制造资源的封装过程,提出了一种新型的基于服务模板的制造资源封装方法。首先,根据制造资源的特点,给出了服务模板的概念、结构及类型;接着,提出了利用已有服务程序进行模板抽取的过程,定义了一种用于模板抽取的标记语言;然后,给出了基于服务模板的制造资源封装过程,将制造资源封装为基于面向服务体系架构的制造服务。最后,通过实例证明,提出的方法不仅可以规范制造服务的开发过程,而且可充分利用已有的制造资源服务程序,加快制造资源的封装进程。通过采用提出的方法,普通的产品开发人员就可以完成制造资源的服务化封装,而无需专业性的服务封装开发编程知识。该方法可为网络环境下的制造资源共享提供基础性支持。  相似文献   

协同制造是适应网络经济和知识经济的先进制造模式,它强调企业间的协作和全社会范围内的资源共享,并以此实现产品设计制造的低成本和高效率的目标。本文采用Web本体语言(OWL)建立了基于Web Services的协同制造资源集成框架。  相似文献   

Cloud computing enables many applications of Web services and rekindles the interest of providing ERP services via the Internet. It has the potentials to reshape the way IT services are consumed. Recent research indicates that ERP delivered thru SaaS will outperform the traditional IT offers. However, distributing a service compared to distributing a product is more complicated because of the immateriality, the integration and the one-shot-principle referring to services. This paper defines a CloudERP platform on which enterprise customers can select web services and customize a unique ERP system to meet their specific needs. The CloudERP aims to provide enterprise users with the flexibility of renting an entire ERP service through multiple vendors. This paper also addresses the challenge of composing web services and proposes a web-based solution for automating the ERP service customization process. The proposed service composition method builds on the genetic algorithm concept and incorporates with knowledge of web services extracted from the web service platform with the rough set theory. A system prototype was built on the Google App Engine platform to verify the proposed composition process. Based on experimental results from running the prototype, the composition method works effectively and has great potential for supporting a fully functional CloudERP platform.  相似文献   

产品的复杂性决定了产品制造过程的复杂性,需要设计、工艺,生产等部门在各个环节以及不同制造原料和生产人员协同完成,网络以及网络化制造的发展为分布式协同制造提供了实现环境,Web Services技术的成熟化为实现协同制造提供了技术支持,各个系统通过Web Services以及可扩展标记语言实现异构信息的共享及制造过程协同.研究了基于Web Ser-vices的协同制造,提出了面向服务的协同制造管理框架,并分析了框架的实现.最后将协同制造管理框架应用到车间管理信息系统,并使CAD,PDM、CAPP、设备、人事、生产信息等协同到制造过程,实现制造过程集成管理.  相似文献   

协同制造是适应网络经济和知识经济的先进制造模式,它强调企业间的协作和全社会范围内的资源共享,并以此实现产品设计制造的低成本和高效率的目标。本文采用web本体语言(OWL)建立了基于web Services的协同制造资源集成框架。  相似文献   

Web services are currently one of the trends in network-based business services, which intuitively will be applied to build a semantic web-based decision support system (DSS). Since web services are self-contained, modular business process applications, based on open standards, enable integration models for facilitating program-to-program interactions. Decision modules in a semantic web-based DSS can be viewed as a web service. However, according to the current features, web services know only about themselves, they are neither autonomous, nor are they designed to use ontologies; they are passive until invoked, and they do not provide for composing functionalities. These lead to the motivation on building a sophisticated web service to contain these features and to utilize web services on behalf of the user. This paper aims to propose a new concept of Meta Web Service, a web service-based DSS. The meta web service understands the user's problem statement with ontology, performs web service discovery, web service composition, and automatically generates codes for composite web service execution. Case-based reasoning is applied to quickly find past histories of successful service compositions. A prototype of research web service has been developed to show the feasibility of the proposed idea.  相似文献   

一种有效负载均衡的网格Web服务体系结构模型   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
基于Web服务资源的小世界模型,提出了一种可无缝结合网格OGSA框架的Web服务体系结构与动态的资源负载均衡分配模型,它以Web服务资源注册中心(Web Services Resource Register Center,WSRRC)作为Web服务资源查找的入口,以Web服务资源ID类形成的虚拟资源树作为资源逻辑组织与负载均衡分配结构,以小世界形成的区域代理自治系统(Area Proxy Autonomy System.APAS)来进行Web服务资源的维护.并详细描述了该模型的实现机制、组织协议与数据结构,着重研究了逻辑资源树负载信息的传播机制及负载均衡策略,模拟试验表明该模型是合理而有效的:它可以在较小开销下获得较满意的资源组织与定位性能,能适应网格Web服务资源的异构、复杂与动态性,具有良好的可扩展性及保持全局网络负载均衡的良好性能.  相似文献   

严格服务等级约定的区分Web服务技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着Internet的普及和Web应用的发展,满足客户不同业务需求成为人们关注的问题.该文基于业务类的访问资源需求和服务等级给出了一种资源划分策略,用来确定业务类在访问率波动较小条件下达到服务级别所需的资源;提出一种资源效用控制机制,用来适应访问的突发性和保证业务类服务等级要求.通过按周期进行资源划分,同时利用资源控制机制来适应周期内的访问突发,得到了严格服务等级约定的区分Web服务(简称SLADS).文章通过建立原型与其它方法进行了实验比较,结果表明SLADS方法能够有效支持业务类的严格服务等级和提高资源利用率.  相似文献   

井浩  张璟  刘海玲 《计算机工程》2007,33(15):232-234
提出了一种基于网络化制造集成平台,以流程为中心的服务导航系统框架,设计并实现了系统主要组件,包括事务过程分析处理器、工作流执行处理器、结果文件管理器的核心算法。克服了传统紧密耦合软件开发模式、点对点集成模式和以程序为中心的导航系统的缺陷。解决了网络化制造中制造资源信息和潜在合作伙伴的搜寻问题,增强了网络化制造系统的柔性和敏捷响应能力。  相似文献   

作为云制造平台中的关键技术之一,云制造服务的综合评价对于整个云制造资源配置至关重要,在云制造服务综合评价中,服务资源的评价是综合评价的基础.针对云制造服务评价问题,根据云制造服务评价体系中评价指标的多样性与云制造服务特点相匹配,基于模糊理论中的模糊数学,建立了模糊综合评价模型,并确定了由层次分析法和熵权法组合确定权重的...  相似文献   

石柯 《计算机工程》2007,33(13):233-235
提出了一种基于服务网格的制造资源集成方法,通过将服务网格技术引入制造行业,实现了制造资源的虚拟化,为制造资源提供了统一的接口和互操作协议、屏蔽平台及所使用技术的异构性。平台采用基于服务的协同工作流技术,在动态变化的环境中,能够根据用户需求优化业务逻辑及其执行过程,选择、配置和调度相应的制造资源完成指定的任务,实现跨组织的资源共享和任务协同。  相似文献   

Cloud computing and Internet of Things have promoted a new logistics service mode, i.e., the cloud logistics mode. This work studies the resource virtualization and service encapsulation of a logistics center, and focuses on the technologies of resource expression and service encapsulation. After the resources of a logistics center are encapsulated in web services, how to find the “best” concrete web service among many is a critically important issue. This work considers service selection as an optimization problem and establishes a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)-based web service selection model with quality of service (QoS) constraints. It can be used to address the horizontal adaptation issues from the composite web services. The feasibility and effectiveness of the model are verified by several experiments.  相似文献   

Web服务环境下,为了快速建立制造服务链,提出了一种制造服务逻辑关系的确定方法。首先分析了产品结构、制造任务和制造服务三者之间的关系,提出了基于产品结构建立制造服务链的过程,然后论述了制造任务时序关系的确定方法,定义了基于产品结构的制造服务分类模型,最后给出了制造服务逻辑关系的确定规则。  相似文献   

Servitization is an important approach to integrate the value chain through product lifecycle and to reenergize the manufacturing industry. In this regard, a large number of service models and cloud-based platforms have been put forward in the last decades. However, with the geometric growth in the manufacturing data, the traditional cloud-based architecture is becoming less effective for manufacturers, making it harder to manage the resources precisely and timely. In this research, the personification and socialized operations of manufacturing resources were initially studied so that they can manage their “social circles” and look for workmates and backups as insurance to unexpected situations. Specifically, an overall framework for the socialized manufacturing services was proposed that established an artificial social network for manufacturing resources. In this framework, the resources and services were virtually modeled using finite state machines and trie-based peer-to-peer networks. A dynamic capability network was formed where the adding, searching, and updating of services were defined. In addition, the collaboration and substitution of services were mathematically described to implement the proposed methods in the real-world manufacturing environment. The framework was demonstrated using a simulated production line, which showed the feasibility of resource socialization. This research has brought the early designs of the resource-oriented social network and provided a possible solution to promote the autonomy and flexibility of manufacturing systems.  相似文献   

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