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Fontworks是英国头号字体设计厂家之一,代理了世界100多家公司如Adobe,linotype,T26,Jon Barnbrook及Identikal的字体设计工作。如果你想寻找新的或是已颉有知名度的字体,那么点击他们的网站{Type.co.uk}。你肯定能找到你所想要的东西。  相似文献   

字体设计中的文字已不仅仅是传递信息、表述内容,而是更多地追求个性化、风格化的形式语言,从而达到作品整体性状态的具体指向。此时的文字其实已经图形化,具备图形和文字的双重功能,使我们在接受文字所传递的信息的同时,又被文字的独特造型与审美表现所感动。所以,现代文字设计带有强烈的"表现性",文字作为与点、线、面、色彩一样的视觉符号,在形式的安排下,使之在结构上成为不可分割的设计元素,从而赋予了文字更深刻、更丰富的内涵。  相似文献   

本期.准备了两种字体Labelo.由Anuthin Wongsunkakon设计.和Klunk.由Justin Sola设计。  相似文献   

为了提高矫形器快速定制的精准性与匹配性,建立了一种基于足部数字化模型的 拇外翻矫形器定制设计与评价模型以及具体方法流程。利用人机工程学用户需求三维分类与访 谈法获取拇外翻患者用户需求,通过层次分析法确立用户需求优先度;利用 TRIZ 冲突解决理 论获取矫形器创新设计方向;借助 3D 扫描技术得到足部点云模型,通过三阶段式数据处理与 偏差分析确保足部数字化模型的精准性。构建基于足部数字化模型的拇外翻矫形器基础模型, 并结合创新设计方向产生矫形器设计方案;通过偏差平均值与标准差评价设计方案匹配度,结 合方案可视化评价,确保最终设计方案的精准性。最后,通过拇外翻矫形器定制设计实例论证 了所建立模型与具体方法流程的可行性。  相似文献   

Dino dos Santos是著名的字体设计师和设计教育家。他的字体设计获过奖.也刊登在不少刊物上,并且参加过世界各地举办的展览。  相似文献   

想看到自己的字体被印刷出来吗? 如果你想让全球的设计代理公司更多的了解你设计的字体,请将样本寄给我们,也许你就会在这里看到它。  相似文献   

“字母和文字的历史是让人难以置信的:这是文明的历史。而能够参与其中也是非常值得一做的。”Jeremy Tankard和其它字体设计师们在谈到他们对这一手工艺时如此感叹道……  相似文献   

如今移动终端的开发都是基于平台的,为了加速开发的速度,不同的芯片供应商都为手机设计厂家提供了各自的开发平台。该文总结了基于平台的手机开发过程中字体处理所共有的特点和流程。通过从开发平台提供的接口函数,来分析移动终端字体处理的通用步骤和处理方法。所涉及的处理流程在不同的开发平台上有共通性,具有很强的实用价值,方便开发人员对移动终端的字符处理有清晰的理解。  相似文献   

程哲涵发现每换一部Android手机,也就是外观变了些、功能多了些,但是手机里面的字体、开关机的画面都是一戍不变的,尤其是系统自带的字体更是千篇一律。对于程哲涵这个喜欢追新、崇尚独特的时髦小伙实在是难以忍受的。功夫不有心人,程哲涵终于找到让他的手机变成独一无二的办法了。  相似文献   

Byme Stencil是Atelier Telescopique(www.ateliertelescopique.com)在2006年为,Les Recreatives de BePUB的象征与视觉身份而创作的,这是一次为了庆祝图形设计而发生的事件。Byme Stencil有3种类型可用(正常.细体和粗体).而且可以按含有正常,细体,细斜体和粗体的Byme经典版的字体包形式购买。  相似文献   

This paper describes a system, DOTFONT, which is capable of generating fonts for most dot matrix displays, both printers and CRT's. This capability should be useful to engineers writing technical papers, for it can be used to create Greek characters and other special symbols not otherwise readily available. The software requires an IBM compatible with an EGA, but the font files which it creates can be used on other configurations.  相似文献   

International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) - We propose a large-scale Hangul font recognizer that is capable of recognizing 3300 Hangul fonts. Large-scale Hangul font...  相似文献   

Font recognition is useful for improving optical text recognition systems’ accuracy and time, and to restore the documents’ original formats. This paper addresses a need for Arabic font recognition research by introducing an Arabic font recognition database consisting of 40 fonts, 10 sizes (ranging from 8 to 24 points) and 4 styles (viz. normal, bold, italic, and bold–italic). The database is split into three sets (viz. training, validation, and testing). The database is freely available to researchers.1 Moreover, we introduce a baseline font recognition system for benchmarking purposes, and report identification rates on our KAFD database and the Arabic Printed Text Image (APTI) database with 20 and 10 fonts, respectively. The best recognition rates are achieved using log-Gabor filters.  相似文献   

Detecting fraudulent plastic card transactions is an important and challenging problem. The challenges arise from a number of factors including the sheer volume of transactions financial institutions have to process, the asynchronous and heterogeneous nature of transactions, and the adaptive behaviour of fraudsters. In this fraud detection problem the performance of a supervised two-class classification approach is compared with performance of an unsupervised one-class classification approach. Attention is focussed primarily on one-class classification approaches. Useful representations of transaction records, and ways of combining different one-class classifiers are described. Assessment of performance for such problems is complicated by the need for timely decision making. Performance assessment measures are discussed, and the performance of a number of one- and two-class classification methods is assessed using two large, real world personal banking data sets.  相似文献   

A novel algorithm for font recognition on a single unknown Chinese character, independent of the identity of the character, is proposed in this paper. We employ a wavelet transform on the character image and extract wavelet features from the transformed image. After a Box-Cox transformation and LDA (linear discriminant analysis) process, the discriminating features for font recognition are extracted and classified through a MQDF (Modified quadric distance function) classifier with only one prototype for each font class. Our experiments show that our algorithm can achieve a recognition rate of 90.28 percent on a single unknown character and 99.01 percent if five characters are used for font recognition. Compared with existing methods, all of which are based on a text block, our method can provide a higher recognition rate and is more flexible and robust, since it is based on a single unknown character. Additionally, our method demonstrates that it is possible to extract subtle yet discriminative signals embedded in a much larger noisy background  相似文献   

This paper examines how the digitisation of the social network, and the resulting interplay between its online and offline components, has impacted the role of the technological gatekeeper in research and development (R&D) settings. Previous studies have firmly established the technological gatekeeper to be a key node in the innovation process – acquiring, translating and disseminating novel information throughout the R&D social network. Drawing on social network analysis and interview evidence from a software R&D group, we find that the gatekeeper role has undergone a division of labour. Theoretically, we contribute to the body of knowledge by developing an updated technological gatekeeper conceptual framework. For practitioners, we identify the competencies exhibited by the small number of communication specialists who are largely responsible for diffusing novel information. We then advise practitioners how to maximise the contribution of these ‘stars’ to the information flow network.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of Traditional-Chinese character sizes and typefaces on both reading time and subjective preference when participants used 5.5-inch smartphones without limiting their viewing distance. An experiment of 3 × 3 completely randomized design with eighteen replicates was employed. One hundred and sixty-two participants performed reading comprehension tasks and subjective preference ratings which were used to measure the readability of nine design combinations. The results suggested that the smaller character size was better than the larger one for reading tasks. Additionally, the most favorite typeface was the Kai or Hei style. These findings might be more appropriate than those of previous studies to be generalized for Traditional-Chinese typographic design on smartphones because the real conditions of operating smartphones were considered in this study.  相似文献   

Optical font recognition using typographical features   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A new statistical approach based on global typographical features is proposed to the widely neglected problem of font recognition. It aims at the identification of the typeface, weight, slope and size of the text from an image block without any knowledge of the content of that text. The recognition is based on a multivariate Bayesian classifier and operates on a given set of known fonts. The effectiveness of the adopted approach has been experimented on a set of 280 fonts. Font recognition accuracies of about 97 percent were reached on high-quality images. In addition, rates higher than 99.9 percent were obtained for weight and slope detection. Experiments have also shown the system robustness to document language and text content and its sensitivity to text length  相似文献   

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