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网页的色彩是树立网页形象的关键要素之一。当浏览者观看网页时,首先看到的就是网页的色彩搭配,在不经意间,浏览者对网页的印象就从此固定下来了。在实用美术中常有“远看色彩近看花,先看颜色后看花,七分颜色三分花”的说法。这也说明在任何设计中,色彩对视觉的刺激起到第一信息传达的作用。既然色彩可以产生如此大的作用,那么在具体运用中是不可以随心所欲、任意发挥的,它需要有一些原则可供参考,在设计过程中也会有各式各样的配色技巧,这种搭配不仅体现在整体感觉上,还体现在网页的各个要素之间色彩的运用。  相似文献   

Photoshop软件自研发推出之后便受到越来越多人的青睐,它在图像编辑和处理中的强大功能为人们的日常使用提供了便利。但是作为应用型软件,Photoshop中的工具在使用中具有一些技巧,而这些技巧为人们更好地掌握和使用该款软件提供了便利。本文从选区工具、色彩工具、绘图工具和图层工具等四方面分析了Photoshop工具的使用技巧。  相似文献   

董杰 《电脑学习》1998,(1):35-36
1图层(LAYER)的使用技巧在一般的手工绘图中,只有一张图纸,没有图层可言。但在AutoCAD中,用户却可以通过图层Layer命令将一张图分为若干层,以便于检查和控制。在不同的图层中,可以定义不同的颜色、线型等。因此建议操作人员在建立图层时要养成一个良好的习惯,即不要以1,2,3……等阿拉伯数字作为层名,这将不便于以后查找图层,最好以图层实际用途的英文名称来作为层名,如:DAS(DASHED虚线)层即虚线层,进入此层无论画什么线如:直线、圆、弧等都是由虚线构成的;CEN(CENTE中心线)层即中心线层;HID(IDDEN隐藏…  相似文献   

本文主要就网页所采取的风格、文本图片的编辑、文件夹文件的命名以及网页代码编程的技巧和色彩搭配等方面谈谈网页设计中的原则及基本技巧。  相似文献   

PhotoShop是一个功能强大、用途广泛的图像处理软件,利用它可以制作出惊心动魄的作品.而它的图层功能被誉为PhotoShop软件的灵魂,在处理图像中具有十分重要的地位.对图层的概念进行了简述分析,介绍了图层的类型,并详细阐述了PhotoShop图层功能和应用技巧.  相似文献   

数据库设计的合理性以及科学性对深化数据库的性能与可靠性是十分重要的。对数据库设计的情况从根本影响着系统的运行效率。基于对数据库多年的设计经验,对一些设计技巧实施总结。  相似文献   

Visual FoxPro(以下简称VFP)是微软公司Visual系列开发工具中的一种,由于其强大的数据处理能力及良好的兼客性,VFP在各奎事生单位中有着广泛的应用,报表是数据输出最常用的格式,在企业管理中具有量要的作用和地位,本文介绍了利用VFP开发管理信息系统(以学校学生管理系统为例)时报表设计的两种特殊技巧。  相似文献   

笔者是总结了一些EDA软件经验技巧与大家分享。详情如下: 1.PADS文件和Protel文件件的相互转换目前PCB设计软件众多,但它们的格式互不兼容,经常有朋友由于各种原因要实现两种不同格式PCB文件的相互转换,本文以常见的PCB设计软件PADS和Protel为例,介绍了转换方法及步骤。  相似文献   

吴悦 《网迷》2003,(11):57-58
想不想拥有一条光彩夺目的珍珠项链呢?下面就让Photoshop来为你打造出一条属于你的珍珠项链吧。  相似文献   

字距调整对于制作美观的字体非常重要。来自Red Design的Tom Sewell将于我们分享他对于完美字间距的一些建议。  相似文献   

Most present-day interactive paint applications lack the means of adequately capturing a user’s gestures and translating them into realistic and predictable strokes, despite the importance of such a mechanism. We present a novel brush design that adopts constrained energy optimization to deform the brush tuft according to the user’s input movement. It incorporates bidirectional paint transfer and an anisotropic friction model. The main advantage of our method is its ability to handle a wide range of brush tuft shapes that are animated using a freeform deformation lattice, which is associated with the tuft’s geometry. This way, almost no conditions or limitations are placed upon the appearance of the brush. Examples range from round brushes modeled as polygon meshes, to flat brushes with individual bristles. Less common deformable tools that are used to apply or remove paint on the canvas, like sponges, can be created as well. The model is integrated in our interactive painting system for creating images with watery paint.  相似文献   

现在我们将列出40条宝贵意见帮助读者磨练Creative Suite的跨媒体设计技能。以Photoshop为起点,我们将向大家展示如何快速而巧妙地实现网络、印刷、手机和视频的跨媒体创作。认真阅读下去……  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that when interfaces are designed consistently with regards to structure and physical attributes, higher performance and lower error rates are achieved than when interfaces are designed inconsistently. The objective of the current study was to develop a methodology to measure all aspects of computer interface consistency and assess the impact of linguistic inconsistency of interface design on user performance. Based on the background literature, seven factors were identified as affecting overall consistency. Based on this identification, a structured questionnaire of 125 items was developed and a factor analysis was conducted which reduced the number of items in the questionnaire to 94 and identified the following nine factors which contribute to consistency: text structure, general text features, information representation, lexical categories, meaning, user knowledge, text content, communicational attributes and physical attributes. A series of four experiments were conducted with 140 subjects using four different tasks and eight different interface types. The internal reliability of the questionnaire was 0.81, and the inter-rater reliability was 0.75. The instrument effectively identified all of the inconsistencies in interface designs. The instrument can be utilized both as an evaluation and as a design tool for Web-based interfaces.  相似文献   


Previous studies have indicated that when interfaces are designed consistently with regards to structure and physical attributes, higher performance and lower error rates are achieved than when interfaces are designed inconsistently. The objective of the current study was to develop a methodology to measure all aspects of computer interface consistency and assess the impact of linguistic inconsistency of interface design on user performance. Based on the background literature, seven factors were identified as affecting overall consistency. Based on this identification, a structured questionnaire of 125 items was developed and a factor analysis was conducted which reduced the number of items in the questionnaire to 94 and identified the following nine factors which contribute to consistency: text structure, general text features, information representation, lexical categories, meaning, user knowledge, text content, communicational attributes and physical attributes. A series of four experiments were conducted with 140 subjects using four different tasks and eight different interface types. The internal reliability of the questionnaire was 0.81, and the inter-rater reliability was 0.75. The instrument effectively identified all of the inconsistencies in interface designs. The instrument can be utilized both as an evaluation and as a design tool for Web-based interfaces.  相似文献   

以便携式电子产品为例,系统设计工程师要面对成本压力,因为产品价格必须尽量降低,才可凭借价格优势,抢占更大的市场。放大器是这类便携式系统的重要组成部分,因为这类器件可以执行信号放大、滤波、转换及其他功能。  相似文献   

Integration of metacognitive skills in the design of learning objects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent studies have demonstrated that specific instruction about metacognitive strategies improves achievement, the accuracy of knowledge monitoring, and the application of learning strategies in hypermedia environments. However, there are no models to date for instructional designers who design and develop learning objects for the incorporation of specific scaffolds to aid student reflection about their metacognitive skills; thus making it difficult to identify tasks to orientate learners in improving such skills. In this paper, we propose the use of specific ontologies as the basis for incorporating information about metacognition in learning objects so that a Learning Management System can select and recommend tasks designed for the development and/or improvement of the learners’ metacognitive skills within the context of e-learning.  相似文献   

基于用户认知能力的自助服务终端界面交互设计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大众用户认知能力的多样性问题一直是自助服务终端界面交互设计领域的一大挑战。基于分布式认知理论对自助服务终端界面交互活动进行分析和建模, 确定人机交互过程中交互活动和信息呈现之间的关系, 并在此基础上提出基于用户认知能力的自助服务终端界面交互设计方法。采用这种方法, 设计人员首先要进行用户调研, 识别出需要照顾的用户群体, 然后进行认知能力分析, 建立用户认知负荷模型, 接下来描述用户的交互行为, 确定基本的交互框架, 再运用通用可用性设计方法建立交互设计矩阵, 提出交互设计方案。以酒店自助服务终端为实例, 采用该方法制定设计方案, 通过与传统方法形成的设计方案进行对比, 验证所提设计方法的有效性。这种交互设计方法能够帮助设计人员开发易于大众用户理解和使用的自助服务终端界面, 降低用户的认知负荷, 更好地满足自助服务终端用户的认知多样性需求。  相似文献   

The article discusses the rationale used to make the decision to implement a constrained design capability for VLSI in Wang. A CAD/CAM system will be put in place that will permit product designers to achieve design and manufacturing turn-a-round times that are consistent with a product development cycle of 18 to 24 months. The functional requirements of the various subsystems are discussed as well as those for the excutive, the data base, and the audit capability. The latter capabilities are necessary to achieve a controlled constrained design environment.  相似文献   

Although it has become very common to use World Wide Web‐based information in many educational settings, there has been little research on how to better search and organize Web‐based information. This paper discusses the shortcomings of Web search engines and Web browsers as learning environments and describes an alternative Web search environment that combines a concept mapping and a data mining technique to address their drawbacks.  相似文献   

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