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2011年12月21日,当新闻里传来约翰·张伯伦(John Chamberlain)的死讯时,古根海姆博物馆(Solomon R.Guggenheim Museum)的工作人员正在为他布展——原定于2012年2月24日至5月13日举办的张伯伦大型回顾展“选择(Choices)”, 相似文献
如果设计也可以被称为一种毒品,那么他绝对是一个中毒极深的瘾君子。他沉湎于平面设计、产品设计、空间设计、包装设计、纯艺术、音乐等多个设计及相关领域。对于他这种自然而然时多类型、跨媒体、广泛涉猎”的设计态度,我们美其名曰“设计成瘾”。 相似文献
龚忠玲 《艺术与设计.数码设计》2013,(11):44-46
公益广告是全社会的公益事业,让包装设计和公益广告理念互相融洽到一起,不仅是为了展示包装、促销商品,也是为了让公益广告更好的传递到人们的生活中。文章主要是通过文字、造型、色彩三个方面,把公益广告理念在包装设计中充分体现出来。 相似文献
现代主义设计理论——少即是多,被无数设计师奉为经典。简约几乎成为现代设计响亮的代名词,随着人类物质生活水平的不断提升,环境污染和能源缺乏开始成为全世界共同关注的话题。文章以月饼包装为例,结合简约设计和绿色环保两个理念,研究月饼包装文化,发现其中存在的问题,提出绿色设计在现代包装设计中的运用,试图解决过度包装这一问题,进而思考绿色简约的设计思潮对产品包装设计的启示。 相似文献
修智英 《电子制作.电脑维护与应用》2013,(15):290
土特产品包装所具有的品格,与其他产品相比,无论在文化品位上,还是包装形式上都应具有明显的不同。土特产品的重要特征就是天然、绿色。其包装的设计,更以该遵循这样的原则。包装材料上和包装形式上,都应该寻求发展。生态包装,又叫绿色包装,目的是为人类创造一个洁净、良性循环的生态环境,最大限度的保存自然资源,形成最小数量的废弃物和最低限度的环境污染。 相似文献
乡村振兴战略要求加强农村生态环境建设.基于移动终端的农村社区废品管理系统是为适应农村社区物业管理人员回收农户废品的实际需要,开发了点对点废品回收管理系统.通过采取TCP/IP协议、搭建云服务器、创建云端图片处理服务器、建立非关系型云端数据库,实现了对用户操作处理、数据存储和传输的即时性.良好的交互页面与全面的功能设计,... 相似文献
The recent availability of high spatial resolution multispectral scanners provides an opportunity to adapt existing methods and test models to derive spatially explicit forest type and per cent cover information at the Landsat pixel level. A regression modelling methodology was applied for scaling‐up high resolution (IKONOS) to medium spatial resolution satellite imagery (Landsat) to predict softwood and hardwood forest type and density (per cent cover) in a northern Maine study area. Regression relationships (63 different models) were developed and compared. The model variables included vegetation indices and several date (season) combinations of Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) imagery (August, September, October and May). A model incorporating all variables from four dates of Landsat ETM+ imagery produced the highest coefficient of variation in predicting both softwood (0.655) and hardwood cover (0.66). The addition of vegetation indices with the six ETM+ reflected bands did not significantly improve or detract from the regression relationships for any of the multi‐date or single date models examined. A two‐date combination of October and May variables provided an acceptable (and arguably more cost‐effective) model as the adjusted R 2 value was 0.645 for softwood and 0.649 for hardwood. A significant result was that all single‐date models produced inferior results with a sharp drop in adjusted R 2, compared with the multi‐date seasonal models. This research has demonstrated that the regression models including multi‐date variables produce good results and can provide spatially explicit forest type and stand structure data that has been difficult or infeasible to obtain from medium spatial resolution imagery using traditional classification methods. 相似文献
本文主要介绍Protel 99SE中的PLD可编程逻辑设计的方法和过程以及在实际工作中的应用。 相似文献
Michael Mitzenmacher 《Distributed Computing》1997,10(4):189-197
We analyze the relationship between the expected packet delay in rooted tree networks and the distribution of time needed
for a packet to cross an edge using convexity-based stochastic comparison methods. For this class of networks, we extend a
previously known result that the expected delay when the crossing time is exponentially distributed yields an upper bound
for the expected delay when the crossing time is constant [20] using a different approach. An important aspect of our result
is that unlike most other previous work, we do not assume Poisson arrivals. Our result also extends to a variety of service
distributions, and it can be used to bound the expected value of all convex, increasing functions of the packet delays. An
interesting corollary of our work is that in rooted tree networks, if the expectation of the crossing time is fixed, the distribution
of the crossing time that minimizes both the expected delay and the expected maximum delay is constant. Our result also holds
in multi-casting rooted tree networks, where a single message can have several possible destinations.
Besides offering a useful analysis on this restricted class of networks, we also provide a small improvement to the bounding
technique. Surprisingly, this improvement is also applicable to previously developed comparison methods, leading to an improvement
in the upper bounds for greedy routing on butterfly and hypercube networks given by Stamoulis and Tsitsiklis [20].
Received: September 1996 / accepted: April 1997 相似文献
The article proposes an optimal design approach to minimize the mass of load carrying structures with discrete design variables. The design variables are chosen from catalogues, and several variables are assigned to each part of the structure. This allows for more design freedom than only choosing parts from a catalogue. The problems are modelled as mixed 0–1 nonlinear problems with nonconvex continuous relaxations. An algorithm based on outer approximation is proposed to find optimized designs. The capabilities of the approach are demonstrated by optimal design of a space frame (jacket) structure for offshore wind turbines, with requirements on natural frequencies, strength, and fatigue lifetime. 相似文献
《Computers & Structures》1986,22(2):179-184
A finite element based programming system for minimum weight design of a truss-type structure subjected to displacement, stress, and lower and upper bounds on design variables is presented. The programming system consists of a number of independent processors, each performing a specific task. These processors, however, are interfaced through a well-organized data base, thus making the tasks of modifying, updating, or expanding the programming system much easier in a friendly environment provided by many inexpensive personal computers. The proposed software can be viewed as an important step in achieving a “dummy” finite element for optimization. The programming system has been implemented on both large and small computers (such as VAX, CYBER, IBM-PC, and APPLE) although the focus is on the latter. Examples are presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the code. The present programming system can be used stand-alone or as part of the multilevel decomposition procedure to obtain optimum design for very large scale structural systems. Furthermore, other related research areas such as developing optimization algorithms (or in the larger level: a structural synthesis program) for future trends in using parallel computers may also benefit from this study. 相似文献