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高等教育是衡量一国教育事业的发展水平。对科技生产力和人才资源有着重要的影响,分析教育供求矛盾的核心问题是高等教育的供求矛盾。浅析当前我国高等教育供求矛盾发现:高等教育矛盾主要体现在数量方面庞大的教育人才供给社会的容量小,就业难问题显著;质量上,高技能人才的比例小与市场需求量大的矛盾;结构上,区域发展不平衡导致教育资源的不平衡不公平问题突出,本文着眼数量、质量、结构三个方面的问题,提出了四点建议。解决上述矛盾要政府宏观调控与经济市场机制相结合。发挥政府的能力,合理规划教育供给,增加经济市场活跃度,缓解矛盾,使我国高等教育矛盾供给与高等教育需求趋于平衡。  相似文献   

社会主义和谐社会的理论内涵包括社会公平,教育公平尤其是高等教育公平是社会和谐的重要前提。不断完善和发展自学考试制度可以为解决高等教育不公平问题、构建社会主义和谐社会作出贡献。  相似文献   

<正>公平公平,处理事情合情合理,不偏袒哪一方面。公平一般只是理想的目标,没有绝对的公平。公平正义,是人类共同的追求,更是社会主义的本质要求,也是改革必须坚持的方向。要实现公平正义,就要做到以下四点:一是社会平等;二是共同富裕;三是保障人权;四是机会公平。这四个方面,是改革必须坚持的重要方向,必须在制度设计、制度建设中切实加以体现。只有以"建立公平开放透明的市场规则""保障农民公平分享土地增值收益""建立更加公平可持续的社会保障制度"  相似文献   

投标人作为产品和服务的提供方,在招投标过程中与招标人、招标代理机构、其他投标人、相关权力部门等都有交集。本文从投标人角度探讨了当前招投标环境中投标人面临的问题,包括招标代理机构对投标人不公平对待、投标人与其他投标人关系、投标人与各方面关系不融洽、投标人自身管理工作不完善等问题。为解决当前招投标环境中投标人面临的问题,应从以下几个方面入手:投标人应利用招投标法律、法规保护自身平等权益;投标人应重视提高自身竞争条件;投标人应重视完善自身管理工作;投标人应重视与招标人关系的融洽。  相似文献   

新"读书无用"观点的产生有着各个方面的因素,本文将从高等教育这一因素进行分析,具体从对高等教育所能带来的经济回报的怀疑;高校专业设置、人才培养模式与快速变化的市场需求错位,难以满足岗位需求;高校的人才培养模式不符合社会的需求;就业不公平等方面进行分析,并且适当给些解决策略。  相似文献   

收入不平等与经济增长的关系一直是经济学家们长期关注的问题,然而随着人口老龄化的到来,收入分配问题再一次成为焦点。本文将人口老龄化对收入不平等的影响研究归纳为四个方面:正、反向作用、微小作用和不确定性作用。归纳发现,此方面研究的理论基础包含永久性收入假说、人口理论、世代交叠模型、家庭交叠模型、基尼系数和数值模型,且基于不同理论基础得出的结论差别较大。本文在归纳文献的基础上,提出现有文献在人口老龄化概念的界定、收入不平等的衡量指标以及不平等指数分解三方面存在缺陷,并提出将人口老龄化对收入不平等的作用机制作为进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

近几年,随着微课、MOOC及翻转课堂等教学形式大量进入并广泛应用于教学、教育信息化,"互联网+"教育等理念已成为现代教育的主流发展方向。但是,由于区域经济、信息技术发展的不平衡,以及线上教育资源投放存在"质"与"量"上的不平等等诸多问题,导致线上教育发展不平等,甚至于产生了"数字化鸿沟"的问题。本文以信息化背景下线上教育发展为研究对象,展开调查研究、分析其发展现状、存在的问题,并尝试寻找解决的方案,以期为线上教育的公平、健康发展提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本在概述近若干年来关于高等教育平等问题论争的主要观点的基础上,对其进行审视和评判,旨在探讨高等教育平等的时代特征以及如何真正实现高等教育平等的途径。  相似文献   

采用文献计量学和内容分析法,对近年来我国学者关于小学语文教科书中不平等现象的研究进行分析,发现,在问题研究方面,国内学界对于小学语文教科书中存在的不同类型的不平等问题,关注度差异较大:性别偏见仍属研究热点,种族问题的关注度不断提高,但社会等级问题和残疾人问题的研究仍处于弱势;就研究类型而言,描述型研究较多,探究型研究较少,理论研究偏多,实证研究较少;从研究对象来说,选择的教材版本较为局限,集中在人教版、苏教版和北师大版;从研究结果来看,大部分学者对教科书中不平等现象的分析较为浅显。  相似文献   

高等教育公益性原则,体现在对增进社会公共利益和追求平等的教育价值的实现当中。然而,高考招生指标分配的地域失衡;过度向重点高校倾斜的政策取向;招生过程中的教育腐败;文凭的滥发和不合理的收费政策等,无一不导致现实中高等教育公益性的缺失。在应对上述问题以保证高等教育公益性的过程中,政府的政策引导与宏观调控至关重要。高校的自律和社会的监督亦不可或缺。  相似文献   

伴随着我国市场经济的逐渐成熟与大众化高等教育格局的初步形成,高等教育领域内的男女不平等现象也不断凸显,女性的权利、地位和个人价值的实现,受到严重挑战。在这种大背景下,女性接受高等教育的比例虽有所增长,但其在接受高学历教育后自我价值的实现。仍令人忧虑。  相似文献   

This study examines the role of subnational governmental units in the “distribution branch” of the Musgrave conceptual fiscal frame-work. The study analyzes the size distribution of family personal income in the 19 county North Central Planning Region of Texas. The measure of inequality used is the Gini ratio (Lorenz curves are also presented) which is calculated for each county and for the region for the years 1950, 1960 and 1970. Multiple regression analysis is then used to explain the variation in distributional inequality among the counties. The variables tested in the regression for each year included: median family income, manufacturing employment, rural-farm residence, an index of inequality in the distribution of education, female labor force participation, race, female family headship and age distribution of the population. The explanatory power of the variables varied from year to year and only the best results are presented. The results indicated that inequality increases with (1) the proportion of non-whites in the population, (2) the percent of the population over 65 years of age and (3) the degree of inequality in the distribution of education. In light of the results, the authors conclude that subnational governments could play a positive role in the activities of the Musgrave “distribution branch.” National programs with greater distributional equality as their objective could be reinforced through the activities of such subnational governmental units as regional councils of government. The COG roles in regional manpower planning and regional transportation planning are suggested as areas where regional programs can influence in a positive fashion some of the factors explaining income inequality.  相似文献   

The effects of trade openness on regional inequality in Mexico   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
This paper attempts to shed light on the debate about the effect of trade openness on regional inequality, by exploring the specific mechanisms through which this relationship might operate. It does so by testing the hypothesis, based on endogenous growth theory, that a region’s ability to capture the benefits of trade openness depends on key regional characteristics—its critical endowments—and therefore the degree to which trade will reduce regional inequality in a given country is mediated by the geographic distribution of its endowments. I test the hypothesis in Mexico, using statistical analysis of an original sub-national dataset that runs from 1940 to the present. The results indicate that opening up to trade benefits more those regions with lower levels of education, thereby tending to reduce regional inequality. However, opening up to trade also benefits more those regions with higher levels of income and infrastructure, thereby tending to increase regional inequality. This latter effect is greater than the former, so that the overall effect of trade openness is to increase regional inequality.  相似文献   

This paper based on a primary survey of slum dwellers in four Indian cities examines the caste dimension of migrants and the nexus, if any, between caste and the job market participation. Based on the quantitative exercises, we observe overlaps between social and economic status. A higher propensity to migrate is evident among the population belonging to the general (GEN) category and other backward castes in comparison to the scheduled castes and tribes who are at the bottom of the caste hierarchy. The disadvantaged castes are not even in a position to take the benefits of migration. Further, those with higher caste status seem to have better endowments required for absorption in the urban job market; the migrants of higher caste status are absorbed in relatively better jobs compared to the lower castes. Migrant workers from GEN category draw relatively higher incomes. On the whole, when both the caste and migration dimensions are combined, at the lower echelons, migration does pay if the worker is better off in terms of caste status. From this point of view, it is argued that special programmes offering improved access to livelihood opportunities need to be pursued in the rural areas so that the disadvantaged castes are able to reduce their vulnerability.  相似文献   

自2008年北京奥运会成功举办以来,国民对体育运动的热情已达到空前高涨.高等院校更是加大了对自身体育设施——尤其是体育馆建设的投入力度,国内对校园体育馆的设计研究也有了实质性的成果。2010年,湖南大学设计研究院有限公司通过方案设计招标,取得了长沙医学院体育馆的设计权,该项目预计于2013年1月竣工验收。  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to analyze wage inequality among the 10 largest metropolitan regions in Brazil in the 1990s. We assess the extent to which worker characteristics (education, age, gender, race, position in the family) and job characteristics (occupational position, sector, experience) can explain wage inequality. The analysis is made both with regional-nominal and with regional-real wage data. In the second case regional price indexes are used to control for differences in cost of living among regions. Wage differentials in Brazil were slightly lowered when control variables were introduced, but the leftover inequality remained high. The results indicate that cost of living levels do have a role in explaining wage inequality in Brazil, but even after controlling for this factor, the remaining regional differentials are still important. Received: 18 August 2000 / Accepted: 20 June 2001  相似文献   

During the first decade of the twenty-first century, Chinese cities have experienced the unprecedented housing development and marketization, which has profoundly changed housing consumption. Using the latest census data, this paper provides the first evaluation of housing consumption in Chinese cities during 2000–2010. Not surprisingly, housing consumption has improved significantly over time, especially in the first five years due to more rapid marketization. Yet, housing inequality has increased significantly over time, especially across education groups. There is also significant spatial inequality at provincial level; yet, it has generally declined over time except inequality in homeownership and subsidized housing. Improved housing consumption and a complex pattern of housing inequality are two main characteristics of housing consumption during this decade.  相似文献   

This study examines a two-region OLG mode, in which parents educate their children and choose their location freely; that is, the population distribution and each worker’s productivity are determined endogenously. Owing to the setting of both agglomeration economies in wage and agglomeration diseconomies in utility and thereby different consumption patterns between regions, the present model represents a generation of inequality in educational level between regions even when households with equivalent education are given. Incentive for interregional segregation by educational level is also assumed and inequality is persistent in the result. This model demonstrates a development process starting with a low-developed initial state that represents population concentration accompanied with human capital growth and expansion of interregional inequalities. In addition, the effects of policies on long-run equilibria are addressed along with lock-in effects against these policies.  相似文献   

Using the inter-regional economic inequality index and the gross state product per capita for the Mexican states over the period 1940–2015, we apply regime dynamics and hierarchical cluster analysis for segmenting the sample into regimes of Mexican states with similar performance. Robust econometric models are studied showing the direction of causality between economic inequality and income per capita, and the existence of a U-shaped curve for the interdependence between economic growth vs economic inequality, and threshold levels. We additionally demonstrate the existence of inequality traps. The education literacy rate as a control variable indicates an inverted U-shaped curve.  相似文献   


Income inequality continues to increase worldwide and is highly visible in cities. This rising income inequality, along with the growing upper-middle class, has accelerated the development of gated communities (GC) as a desired housing for the ‘successful’ groups and a manifestation of how the city reproduces inequality. We analyze GC development in Jakarta and Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and offer a typology for this housing option in that country where income inequality has been growing and is now a serious government concern. Although the early 2000s saw isolated GC in only a few cities, now they are developing vigorously. This article contributes twofold. First, it provides evidence on the emergence and features of GC. Second, it shows a relationship between income inequality, social differences and GC development for upper-middle class residents in Indonesia. We argue that there is a mutually reinforcing relationship between inequality and GC: increasing income inequality leads to higher number of GC and this material artefact entrenches ‘emplaced inequality’.  相似文献   

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