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The effect of citrate on the growth of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis var. diacetylactis in milk has been investigated. Five strains of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis var. diacetylactis were compared to their citrate-negative variants, which lack the plasmid coding for citrate permease. In most cases, acidification kinetics and the final bacterial concentration of pure cultures of parental and variant strains did not differ significantly. Co-cultures of parental and variant strains, however, systematically tended towards the predominance of parental strains. Citrate metabolism is responsible for this change, since the predominance of citrate-positive strains was not observed in the absence of citrate. Continuous culture in milk enabled the difference in growth rates between the parental strain Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis var. diacetylactis CDI1 and its citrate-negative variant to be quantified by following changes in the populations of the two co-cultured strains. At 26 degrees C, the growth rate of the parental strain was 7% higher than that of its citrate-negative variant. These results show that citrate metabolism slightly stimulates the growth of lactococci in milk.  相似文献   

The alpha-acetolactate decarboxylase gene aldB is clustered with the genes for the branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) in Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis. It can be transcribed with BCAA genes under isoleucine regulation or independently of BCAA synthesis under the control of its own promoter. The product of aldB is responsible for leucine sensibility under valine starvation. In the presence of more than 10 microM leucine, the alpha-acetolactate produced by the biosynthetic acetohydroxy acid synthase IlvBN is transformed to acetoin by AldB and, consequently, is not available for valine synthesis. AldB is also involved in acetoin formation in the 2,3-butanediol pathway, initiated by the catabolic acetolactate synthase, AlsS. The differences in the genetic organization, the expression, and the kinetics parameters of these enzymes between L. lactis and Klebsiella terrigena, Bacillus subtilis, or Leuconostoc oenos suggest that this pathway plays a different role in the metabolism in these bacteria. Thus, the alpha-acetolactate decarboxylase from L. lactis plays a dual role in the cell: (i) as key regulator of valine and leucine biosynthesis, by controlling the acetolactate flux by a shift to catabolism; and (ii) as an enzyme catalyzing the second step of the 2,3-butanediol pathway.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the basic economic factors underlying managed mental health care directly impacts the clinical practitioners' ability to make constructive changes in the system. To aid understanding this article introduces the managed care marketplace model, the interactive relationship between medical necessity and patient co-payment, and demand management economics. The author encourages practitioners to develop strategies to overcome specific economic obstacles that prevent the promotion of group psychotherapy.  相似文献   

Protoporphyria is a genetic disorder in which patients may develop severe protoporphyrin-induced liver damage and require transplantation. Because unique problems occur in the perioperative period and because excess production of protoporphyrin by the bone marrow continues after liver transplantation, the efficacy of this procedure for protoporphyric liver disease is uncertain. We present follow-up of nine patients who underwent liver transplantation. Two patients died within 2 months of transplantation, one from complications of abdominal bleeding and the other from sepsis after bowel perforations. The remaining seven patients had follow-up at 14 months to 8 years after transplantation (mean, 3.8 years). Two of the seven had suffered skin burns from exposure to operating room lights, which healed without scarring. Three had axonal neuropathies in the postoperative period requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation, and motor defects persisted in two. Five patients had normal liver chemistries at follow-up (mean, 3.5 years), with liver biopsy results normal or showing mild portal triad abnormalities, but erythrocyte protoporphyrin levels remained significantly elevated (1,765 +/- 365 mcg/dL; normal, < 65). The other two patients, both of whom had rejection, cytomegalovirus infection, and biliary tract obstruction requiring endoscopic therapy, had a recurrence of protoporphyric liver disease as indicated by liver biopsy features. One died 5 years after transplantation from complications of the liver disease. The other was stable 3.3 years after transplantation and was being monitored for possible retransplantation. Thus, liver transplantation can be performed successfully in patients with protoporphyric liver disease, with intermediate survival rates comparable to the general transplant population. However, disease may recur in the graft, particularly if there are complications that cause cholestasis.  相似文献   

Ll.ltrB is a functional group II intron located within a gene (ltrB) encoding a conjugative relaxase essential for transfer of the lactococcal element pRSO1. In this work, the Ll.ltrB intron was shown to be an independent mobile element capable of inserting into an intronless allele of the ltrB gene. Ll.ltrB was not observed to insert into a deletion derivative of the ltrB gene in which the intron splice site was removed. In contrast, a second vector containing a 271-nucleotide segment of ltrB spanning the Ll.ltrB splice site was shown to be a proficient recipient of intron insertion. Efficient homing was observed in the absence of a functional host homologous recombination system. This work demonstrates that the Ll.ltrB intron is a novel site-specific mobile element in lactococci and that group II intron self-transfer is a mechanism for intron dissemination among bacteria.  相似文献   

The authors report the case of a very large deterged aortic valve ring abscess detected at long-term after infective endocarditis during investigation of symptomatic consequent aortic regurgitation. The different imaging methods of diagnostic import are reviewed with special emphasis on the role of transoesophageal echocardiography during infective endocarditis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Neutrophils, platelets, and cytokines are thought to play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of endotoxin-induced lung injury which resembles features of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). For initiation of this pathological process, neutrophils and platelets are activated and adhere to pulmonary endothelium. Nitric oxide (NO) inhibits adhesion and activation of these cells and decreases the cytokine level in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid obtained from patients with ARDS. Limited data are available on the effect of NO treatment before and after endotoxin on the development and advance of ARDS. The aim of the current study was to determine whether NO inhalation prevents acute lung injury. METHODS: Thirty-two male anaesthetized rabbits were randomly assigned to receive one of four treatments (n = 8 each); Group S-N received saline with nitrogen (N2), Group S-NO received saline infusion with NO (20 p.p.m.) inhalation, Group E-N received an infusion of Escherichia coli endotoxin 100 micrograms/ kg over 60 min with inhalation of N2, and Group E-NO received endotoxin with NO (20 p.p.m.) inhalation. The lungs of the rabbits were ventilated with 40% oxygen until 6 h after the start of endotoxin or saline administration. Haemodynamics and PaO2 were recorded during the ventilation period. After observation, the lung wet-to dry-(W/D) weight ratio, lung mechanics, and cell fraction, activated complements, cytokines, arachidonic acid metabolites, and albumin concentrations in the BAL fluid were measured and analysed. Light microscopic findings were compared among the four groups. RESULTS: Pulmonary hypertension and deterioration of oxygenation by endotoxin were less pronounced in rabbits receiving NO. The lung compliance after endotoxin was similar in Groups E-NO and E-N. The W/D weight ratio and neutrophils and albumin concentrations in the BAL fluid increased in Groups E-NO and E-N. The BAL fluid concentrations of interleukin-8, thromboxane A2, and prostacyclin were similar in the two endotoxin-treated groups. Endotoxin caused extensive morphologic lung damage regardless of NO inhalation. CONCLUSIONS: The increase in pulmonary arterial pressure and deterioration of oxygenation were less in endotoxin-exposed rabbits receiving NO inhalation compared with those receiving N2. Accumulation of neutrophils and platelets in the lung, morphological lung damage, and the release of cytokines and prostanoids were observed in the E-NO group. However, we are unable to extrapolate these results directly to the human clinical setting because of the short observation period, the use of only one dose of NO, and the species difference.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers designed from a multiple alignment of predicted amino acid sequences from bacterial aroA genes were used to amplify a fragment of Lactococcus lactis DNA. An 8 kb fragment was then cloned from a lambda library and the DNA sequence of a 4.4 kb region determined. This region was found to contain the genes tyrA, aroA, aroK, and pheA, which are involved in aromatic amino acid biosynthesis and folate metabolism. TyrA has been shown to be secreted and AroK also has a signal sequence, suggesting that these proteins have a secondary function, possibly in the transport of amino acids. The aroA gene from L. lactis has been shown to complement an E. coli mutant strain deficient in this gene. The arrangement of genes involved in aromatic amino acid biosynthesis in L. lactis appears to differ from that in other organisms.  相似文献   

The genes encoding the restriction-modification (R/M) system LlaCI have been found on the naturally occurring 7.0 kb plasmid pAW153 in L. lactis subsp. cremoris W15. The R/M system was isolated on a chloramphenicol resistant derivative of the wild type plasmid (pAW153cat). Plasmid pAW153cat and a 2.4 kb HincII-SphI fragment cloned into a high- and a low-copy vector conferred decreased sensitivity in L. lactis LM2301 and L. lactis SMQ86 against small isometric-headed phages of the 936 or P335 species, respectively. Increased plasmid copy number enhanced the level of phage restriction. Sequencing the 2.4 kb HincII-SphI fragment revealed two open reading frames arranged convergently with a 94 bp separation. IlaCIM showed 66% identity to hindIIIM, and IlaCIR showed 45% identity to hindIIIR. The organization of the LlaCI operon differs from the HindIII operon, where the endonuclease and methylase genes overlap and are transcribed in the same direction. The LlaCI methylase is predicted to be 296 amino acids long, with 63% identity to the HindIII methylase, while the LlaCI endonuclease is predicted to consist of 324 or 332 amino acids, depending on the position of the start codon. It shows 24% identity to the HindIII endonuclease.  相似文献   

Morphological and morphometric features of the cornea of 13 species of primates have been studied in order to determine possible morphological differences between them. The existence of relationships between different morphometric corneal variables was also examined to establish which variables best defined and characterized the cornea. The present aim is to determine which primate cornea resembles that of the human being most with a view to possible future clinical and experimental studies. The results obtained revealed that all the cornea under study presented similar morphological features. The relationship between total corneal thickness and corneal epithelial thickness was determined as well as the relationship between epithelial thickness, the number of epithelial layers and the number of epithelial cells. However, the morphological pattern of Bowman's membrane and corneal endothelium differed in the species studied. Finally, the study indicates that the chimpanzee and the gorilla are the species with a corneal morphometry which is closest to that of the human cornea.  相似文献   

To develop a nisin-producing cheese starter, Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris SK110 was conjugated with transposon Tn5276-NI, which codes for nisin immunity but not for nisin production. Cheese made with transconjugant SK110::Tn5276-NI as the starter was bitter. The muropeptide of the transconjugant contained a significantly greater amount of tetrapeptides than the muropeptide of strain SK110, which could have decreased the susceptibility of the cells to lysis and thereby the release of intracellular debittering enzymes.  相似文献   

High levels of constitutive aldehyde-dependent light emission were obtained from nongrowing cells of Lactococcus lactis subsp. diacetylactis F712 transformed with IuxA/B when they were suspended in buffered solutions. Inductions of light emission was time-dependent and was not due to growth, synthesis of luciferase or stimulation of metabolism by fermentable carbohydrate. The major factor controlling light emission in such cells appears to be the intracellular pH value. Experiments with ionophores indicated that a transmembrane pH gradient was not essential for light emission.  相似文献   

We sequenced the pepP gene of Lactococcus lactis, which encodes an aminopeptidase P (PepP), and demonstrated that the X-prolyl dipeptidyl aminopeptidase PepX plays a more important role than PepP in nitrogen nutrition. PepP shares homology with methionine aminopeptidases and could play a role in the maturation of nascent proteins.  相似文献   

The relative immunogenicity of tetanus toxin fragment C (TTFC) has been determined in three different strains of inbred mice when expressed in Lactococcus lactis as a membrane-anchored protein (strain UCP1054), as an intracellular protein (strain UCP1050), or as a secreted protein which is partly retained within the cell wall (strain UCP1052). Protection against toxin challenge (20 x LD50) could be obtained without the induction of anti-lactococcal antibodies. When compared in terms of the dose of expressed tetanus toxin fragment C required to elicit protection against lethal challenge the membrane-anchored form was significantly (10-20 fold) more immunogenic than the alternative forms of the protein.  相似文献   

A tRNA operon (trnA) from Lactococcus lactis consisting of seven tRNA genes and a 5S rRNA gene was cloned and sequenced. Promoter-fusion of the trnA promoter to a promoter-less beta-galactosidase gene of Leuconostoc mesenteroides resulted in high levels of beta-galactosidase activity in L. lactis. Searching for sequences with similarity to the sequence of the promoter region revealed a consensus sequence of promoters preceeding rRNA operons and tRNA operons from Lactococcus species including a not previously described conserved sequence (AGTT).  相似文献   

The influence of the type of cell envelope-located proteinase (PI versus PIII) on the associative growth of Lactococcus lactis in milk was studied. Two genetically engineered strains, differing only by the type of proteinase, were first used as a model study. An interaction occurred during the second exponential growth phase of the mixed culture and resulted in a decrease in growth rate of the PI-type proteinase strain, whereas that of the PIII-type proteinase strain remained unaffected. The reduction in proteolytic activity of the PI-type proteinase strain (presumably resulting from an inhibition of the synthesis of the enzyme) due to the peptides released by the PIII-type proteinase was found to be partly responsible for this interaction. Extension of the study to wild-type proteinase-positive L. lactis strains showed a systematic imbalance of the mixture of the two strains in favor of the PIII-type proteinase strain.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of chromosomal macrorestriction polymorphism of the two closely related Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris strains MG1363 and NCDO763 revealed the presence of a large inversion covering half of the genome. To determine what kind of genetic element could be implicated in this rearrangement, the two inversion junctions of MG1363 and NCDO763 chromosomes were cloned and characterized. Nucleotide sequence analysis showed the presence of one copy of the lactococcal IS905 element in each junction. Each copy of this element contained the same nucleotide mutation that inactivates the putative transposase. Comparison of the sequences surrounding the insertion sequence demonstrated that the large inversion arose from a single-step homologous recombination event between the two defective copies of the IS905 element. The large inversion presumably conferred no selective disadvantage on strain NCDO763 because this rearrangement did not alter the oriC-terC symmetry of the chromosome and the local genetic environment.  相似文献   

Tissue factor (TF)-induced coagulation was compared in contact pathway suppressed human blood from normal, factor VIII-deficient, and factor XI-deficient donors. The progress of the reaction was analyzed in quenched samples by immunoassay and immunoblotting for fibrinopeptide A (FPA), thrombin-antithrombin (TAT), factor V activation, and osteonectin. In hemophilia A blood (factor VIII:C <1%) treated with 25 pmol/L TF, clotting was significantly delayed versus normal, whereas replacement with recombinant factor VIII (1 U/mL) restored the clot time near normal values. Fibrinopeptide A release was slower over the course of the experiment than in normal blood or hemophilic blood with factor VIII replaced, but significant release was observed by the end of the experiment. Factor V activation was significantly impaired, with both the heavy and light chains presenting more slowly than in the normal or replacement cases. Differences in platelet activation (osteonectin release) between normal and factor VIII-deficient blood were small, with the midpoint of the profiles observed within 1 minute of each other. Thrombin generation during the propagation phase (subsequent to clotting) was greatly impaired in factor VIII deficiency, being depressed to less than 1/29 (<1.9 nmol TAT/L/min) the rate in normal blood (55 nmol TAT/L/min). Replacement with recombinant factor VIII normalized the rate of TAT generation. Thus, coagulation in hemophilia A blood at 25 pmol/L TF is impaired, with significantly slower thrombin generation than normal during the propagation phase; this reduced thrombin appears to affect FPA production and factor V activation more profoundly than platelet activation. At the same level of TF in factor XI-deficient blood (XI:C <2%), only minor differences in clotting or product formation (FPA, osteonectin, and factor Va) were observed. Using reduced levels of initiator (5 pmol/L TF), the reaction was more strongly influenced by factor XI deficiency. Clot formation was delayed from 11.1 to 15.7 minutes, which shortened to 9.7 minutes with factor XI replacement. The maximum thrombin generation rate observed ( approximately 37 nmol TAT/L/min) was approximately one third that for normal (110 nmol/L TAT/min) or with factor XI replacement (119 nmol TAT/L/min). FPA release, factor V activation, and release of platelet osteonectin were slower in factor XI-deficient blood than in normal blood. The data demonstrate that factor XI deficiency results in significantly delayed clot formation only at sufficiently low TF concentrations. However, even at these low TF concentrations, significant thrombin is generated in the propagation phase after formation of the initial clot in hemophilia C blood.  相似文献   

A 9-yr-old African-American male presenting with severe recurrent pyogenic infections was found to have C2 deficiency (C2D). Analysis of his genomic DNA demonstrated that he carried one type I C2D allele associated with the HLA-A25, B18, DR15 haplotype. Screening all 18 exons of the C2 gene by exon-specific PCR/single-strand conformation polymorphism indicated abnormal bands in exons 3, 7, and 6, the latter apparently caused by the 28-bp deletion of the typical type I C2D allele. Nucleotide (nt) sequencing of the PCR-amplified exons 3 and 7 revealed a heterozygous G to A transition at nt 392, causing a C111Y mutation, and a heterozygous G to C transversion at nt 954, causing a E298D mutation and a polymorphic MaeII site. Cys111 is the invariable third half-cystine of the second complement control protein module of C2. Pulse-chase biosynthetic labeling experiments indicated that the C111Y mutant C2 was retained by transfected COS cells and secreted only in minimal amounts. Therefore, this mutation causes a type II C2D. In contrast, the E298D mutation affected neither the secretion of C2 from transfected cells nor its specific hemolytic activity. Analysis of genomic DNA from members of the patient's family indicated that 1) the proband as well as one of his sisters inherited the type I C2D allele from their father and the novel type II C2D allele from their mother; 2) the polymorphic MaeII site caused by the G954C transversion is associated with the type I C2D allele; and 3) the novel C111Y mutation is associated in this family with the haplotype HLA-A28, B58, DR12.  相似文献   

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