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Rotational effects on textures of superfluid 3He in aerogel with 98% porosity at a pressure 3.0 MPa were investigated by cw-NMR measurement at 700 kHz (H 0=22 mT) under rotation up to 2π rad/s. At rest, the superfluidtransition to the A phase occurred at T aerogel c =2.07 mK and the A phase was supercooled down to T aerogel A→B==1.73~1.80 mK and became the B phase in the cooling process. In the warming process, the B phase was superheated up to T aerogel c . In the B phase, a new peak appeared in the NMR spectrum by rotating the sample. The intensity of this peak increased as the rotation speed increased almost linealy to Ω and started to be saturated for ΩΩ c. We attributed the new peak to the textural change caused by the counter flow and the onset of the saturation at Ω c to the onset of vortex nucleation in aerogel. On deceleration, the peak intensity decreased and disappeared at Ω=Ω v. Further decreasing Ω, the peak intensity increased even at Ω=0. The counterflow peak observed at Ω=0 indicates the existence of persistent current induced by pinned vortices in aerogel. In the A phase, we did not find any noticeable change in the NMR spectrum under the rotation speed up to 2π rad/s, or by cooling through T c with or without rotation. We concluded that the ${\hat \ell }$ texture in the A phase was strongly pinned to aerogel. No spin wave satellite signal localized at a soft, core vortex was observed in contrast to the bulk A phase.  相似文献   

No Heading Formal derivation of criterion for selection of superfluid phases of 3He in aerogel is presented. At the strength of the derived criterion variation of the order parameter of B-like phase in magnetic field differs from that of B-phase of pure 3He. Possible observable consequence of this difference is discussed.PACS numbers: 67.57.Pq, 67.57.Bc, 67.57.De  相似文献   

We have investigated the superfluid transition of 3 He in different samples of silica aerogel. Several of these samples have been characterized using x-ray imaging, yielding information about the microstructure of the aerogel. In comparing new measurements on a 99.5% sample with previous observations on the behavior of 3 He in 98% porous aerogel we have found evidence for a scaling of the superfluid transition temperature to the correlation length of the aerogel. Furthermore, the superfluid density exhibits a similar universal behaviour over a range of values of reduced temperature. We discuss these new results in the context of superfluid pairing in the presence of a correlated disorder, specifically focussing on the fractal nature of the aerogel.  相似文献   

We have studied phase transition of superfluid 3He in 97.5% porosity aerogel by NMR method. Above 1.0 MPa, superfluid phase transition has been observed. The transition temperature T c a is strongly suppressed from its bulk value. The Pressure-Temperature diagram suggests that superfluid phase will not appear below near 0.8 MPa. The A-B phase transition has been observed above 1.3 MPa, below which a state of superfluid phases remains to be identified. The temperature dependence of NMR frequency shifts Δf in the A-like and the B-like phases are almost linear at pressures below 2.4 MPa. We obtained the differential coefficient of NMR frequency shifts f)/(T/T c a ) at 0.9T c a as a function of pressure, and it suggests that superfluid phase will not appear below near 0.8 MPa which is the same pressure estimated by P-T diagram.  相似文献   

We present the results of experiments on sound propagation at audio frequencies in 3 He-filled aerogel. Sound modes were observed at temperatures of 0.8–100 mK in an aerogel sample of 98% porosity. We find that below T c for superfluid 3 He in the aerogel matrix the speed of sound in the composite system increases by as much as 1.5%. Also below the aerogel T c new modes appear which correspond to propagation speeds of up to 10 m/s.  相似文献   

Within a phenomenological approach possible forms of the order parameter of the superfluid phases of 3He in the vicinity of the transition temperature are discussed. The effect of aerogel is described by a random tensor field interacting with the orbital part of the order parameter. With respect to their interaction with the random tensor field a group of “robust” order parameters which can maintain long-range order in the presence of the random field is specified. Robust order parameters, corresponding to Equal Spin Pairing (ESP) states are found and proposed as candidates for the observed A-like superfluid phase of liquid 3He in aerogel.  相似文献   

We give a full account of our extensive measurements of vortex mutual friction in rotating superfluid 3He, in both the A- and B-phases. The B-phase results are in qualitative agreement with a theory based on the concept of “spectral flow”; the agreement becomes quantitative if an effective energy gap of 0.63 Δ is used, but the Justification for such a substitution is not clear. The vortex core transition, at first not seen because of metastability and hysteresis, has now been observed. Detailed investigation suggests that the high temperature vortex state is a temperature dependent mixture of at least two vortex types. The A-phase mutual friction is found to be well described by two hydrodynamic coefficients, the orbital viscosity and the orbital inertia. The latter corresponds to an orbital angular momentum per Cooper pair of (0.0015 ± 0.0017 ) ħ, consistent with the prediction of the spectral flow theory. We find that the most uniform l texture is obtained by cooling through Tc while rotating, and then stopping rotation. Detailed investigation of textural memory effects shows that the uniform l-up and l-down textures are associated with opposite directions of rotation. We discuss the various types of texture that may be formed in our experiments. Finally, we compare our mutual friction results with those found in 4HeII.  相似文献   

No Heading Impurity effect on the fourth sound propagation in the superfluid 3He-aerogel system confined in a channel is discussed on the basis of a two-fluid theory in which phenomenological parameters are determined microscopically within the homogeneous scattering model.PACS numbers: 67.57.De, 67.57.Hi, 67.57.Pq.  相似文献   

It may be possible to stabilize new superfluid phases of 3He with anisotropic silica aerogels. We discuss two methods that introduce anisotropy in the aerogel on length scales relevant to superfluid 3He. First, anisotropy can be induced with uniaxial strain. A second method generates anisotropy during the growth and drying stages. We have grown cylindrical ∼98% aerogels with anisotropy indicated by preferential radial shrinkage after supercritical drying and find that this shrinkage correlates with small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). The growth-induced anisotropy was found to be ∼90° out of phase relative to that induced by strain. This has implications for the possible stabilization of superfluid phases with specific symmetry.  相似文献   

Superfluid 3He A-like and B-like phases in 98% aerogel have been studied under rotation up to 2π rad/s by using cw-NMR and Homogeneous Pressing Domain (HPD) NMR at 29 mT and 3.0 MPa. Triplet superfluid 3He has continuous symmetries whose degeneracies are lifted by small perturbations of magnetic field, boundary condition of the sample cell, counterflow and global anisotropies of aerogel. We report NMR results of the two typical samples in aerogel under rotation, which are almost identical in the phase diagram, T c and the critical velocity of the multiplication of vortex but are very different in textures and responses to the flow with each other. One samples (S-D) is slightly compressed by squeezing and thermal stress and thus has global anisotropic deformation along the sample axis. The other cell (S-H) has randomly(not uniaxially)-oriented global anisotropy. In the S-D, we observed a large negative shift in cw-NMR and spin wave and HPD in the B-like phase. Comparing textures determined by NMR and its response to the counterflows between two samples, we discuss how the long-range order of the continuous symmetry and textures are controlled by orientation effects due to global anisotropy in aerogel.   相似文献   

The fourth sound resonance experiment has been done on liquid 3He in 98.5% porosity aerogel. Aerogel was grown inside the pores among the sintered silver powder to avoid the vibration of the aerogel strands by the sound experiment. The measurement was performed at zero magnetic field and 27 bar. We observed the phase transition between the A-like and B-like phases and also their coexistent state. The A-like to B-like phase transition occurs not at a temperature but within a temperature band. In this band, the A-like phase gradually converts to the B-like phase. Possible picture of the coexistent state is discussed.  相似文献   

We present experimental observations of the suppressed superfluid transition temperature, T ca , superfluid fraction, ρ s /ρ and Leggett frequency of 3He-B in aerogel, Ω Ba . We determine T ca from mass decoupling and the vanishing of the frequency shift away from the Larmor frequency in our different samples and different laboratories. We find that the suppressed transition temperature for 3He in aerogel occurs at a sample dependent, but approximately pressure independent, length, , where T c and ξ 0(P), are the transition temperature and the pressure dependent zero temperature coherence length for bulk 3He. T ca also occurs at a pressure independent value of the Leggett frequency of bulk 3He-B. Further, we find that when the superfluid fraction and square of the Leggett frequency are plotted against T ca T (and not (T ca T)/T ca ), the results of each measurement nearly collapse on to a pressure independent but sample dependent plot, with no further scaling. When plotted on a log–log scale, both measurements exhibit power laws in the range 1.33–1.45.   相似文献   

This report discusses our results on the superfluidity of 3 He- 4 He mixtures in a 98% porosity silica aerogel. We have used low frequency sound to probe helium mixtures confined to aerogel, and have observed both the slow mode of superfluid 3 He in aerogel, which is manifested only below Tc, and an additional sound mode present only in the mixture. We attribute this novel sound mode to the slow-mode in the 4 He rich phase of the dilute 3 He- 4 He mixture. This mode exhibits positive frequency shifts below Tc in aerogel, while above Tc the mode is observed at a temperature independent frequency until close to T where it shifts to zero frequency.  相似文献   

We have studied phase transition of superfluid 3He at 2.4 MPa in cylindrical aerogel by NMR method. When the liquid is cooled down from the normal state, the A-like phase appears below superfluid transition temperature T c a which is suppressed in comparison with the transition temperature of the bulk liquid. With further cooling below the certain temperature T ab,c a , the A-like phase is converted into the B-like phase gradually. Both phases stably coexist within about 90 μK. When you keep the temperature constant in which both phases coexist, the A-B phase conversion stops. With furthermore cooling, the whole liquid becomes the B-like phase. The cwNMR spectra at the coexistence state suggest that the B-like phase is not uniformly distributed in the A-like phase like a large number of small bubbles in a liquid, but separated as a whole from the A-like phase. By applying a field gradient which changes as a function of square of radius, we found that the A-like phase is in the edge part with a cylindrical shape and the B-like phase is in the central part with a columnar shape.   相似文献   

We present novel experiments on a disk of 98% aerogel oscillating in superfluid 3 He at ultralow temperatures. The aerogel dik is attached to a goal post shaped vibrating wire resonator and immersed in liquid 3 He cooled by a Lancaster style nuclear cooling stage. At low pressures we see no evidence for superfluidity within the aerogel down to our base temperature of below <0.11Tc. At higher pressures we observe large temperature dependent frequency shifts, reminiscent of torsional oscillator experiments. We find the transition temperature at 5 bar to be around 600K. The response of the resonator is highly non linear when the helium in the aerogel is superfluid. The resonant frequency decreases strongly with increasing wire amplitude. This offers an exciting new technique for measuring the superfluid properties of 3 He in aerogel in the ultralow temperature regime.  相似文献   

Recently we have found that a vibrating wire resonator produces turbulence in superfluid 3He-B at low temperatures when driven above its pair-breaking critical velocity. The vorticity is produced along with a beam of excitations from pair breaking. Here, we discuss preliminary measurements of turbulence generated from an oscillating grid at low temperatures. The grid oscillator is made from a goal-post shaped vibrating wire resonator supporting a fine copper mesh. While the dissipation by a conventional wire resonator is dominated by pair-breaking at the velocities required for turbulence generation, the dissipation of the grid oscillator appears to be dominated by turbulence. This allows us to generate turbulence without the unwanted effects of a quasiparticle beam. Preliminary measurements suggest that the grid turbulence has a rather different behaviour from that generated by conventional wire resonators.  相似文献   

A mutual action of the random anisotropy brought in the superfluid 3He by aerogel and of the global anisotropy caused by its deformation is considered. Strong global anisotropy tends to suppress fluctuations of orientation of the order parameter and stabilizes ABM order parameter. In a limit of vanishing anisotropy fluctuations of ABM order parameter became critical. It is argued that still in a region of small fluctuations the order parameter changes its form to be less sensitive to the random anisotropy. For a favorable landscape of the free energy of superfluid 3He the fluctuations remain small even in a limit of vanishing global anisotropy and the long-range order is maintained.   相似文献   

Sound propagation in superfluid 3He in aerogel is studied on the basis of a two-fluid model taking into account the effect by the drag force due to collisions between 3He-quasiparticles and aerogel molecules. The drag force plays a role of frictional force between the aerogel and the normal-fluid component. In local equilibrium, they move together in accordance with McKenna et al.'s model. The deviation from the local equilibrium leads to the damping of sound. We give explicit expressions for the attenuation of longitudinal sounds in this system. We also discuss the sound propagation in a superfluid 3He-aerogel system embedded in a narrow pore. It is shown that the fourth sound propagates in such a system because of the clamping of the normal fluid by the aerogel.  相似文献   

While studying superfluid 3He of 2.4 MPa in 97.5 %-porosity aerogel with NMR/MRI techniques, we find that the T C is reduced when more than adequate amount of 4He, which covers the surface of silica strands, is introduced. For a sample, whose T C is reduced to as low as 0.9 mK, we find that the spin diffusion coefficient in the normal phase is increased by a factor of 1.56 both in high temperature region, where 3He-3He scattering dominates, and in low temperature region, where 3He-aerogel scattering dominates. This enhancement is attributed to a modification of Landau parameter $F_{0}^{a}$ from ?0.757 to ?0.62, which is a change towards less ferromagnetic direction. The modification of microscopic quantity could be explained if small amount of 4He has homogeneously mixed into liquid 3He in the aerogel.  相似文献   

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