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A user-friendly Control and Measurement System (CMS) is designed and realized at the Wuhan High Magnetic Field Center (WHMFC). Structure and functions of the CMS system are described in detail. Three kernel parts of CMS are discussed. The success of the comprehensive system test shows that the CMS is effective and reliable.  相似文献   

Very high pulsed magnetic fields can be generated more economically using a system of multiple coils, with a high-energy, limited-power pulse generator providing the background field for a smaller inner coil, energized in its turn, but for a much shorter pulse duration, with a very high-power, limited-energy generator. Because of the increased number of parameters in the design of multi-coils, systematic insight into their mutual dependence is helpful in order to converge to an optimized design. In this paper we will discuss strategies to determine the optimum choice for the design of inner- and outer-coil and how to optimize their design in relation to the type of pulse generator used. In particular, we will consider energy-limited capacitor banks and power-limited supplies. The approach will use scaling arguments and modeling tools as the ‘Pulsed Magnet Design Software’ (PMDS) package, developed at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Optimization of coil systems is demonstrated with the example of the successful 87 T pulsed dual-coil system in Dresden.  相似文献   

The Backshort-Under-Grid (BUG) superconducting bolometer array architecture is intended to be highly versatile, operating over a large range of wavelengths and background conditions. To validate the basic array design and to demonstrate its applicability for future kilopixel arrays, we will demonstrate a 128-element bolometer array optimized for 2 mm wavelength using a new Goddard Space Flight Center instrument, GISMO (Goddard IRAM Superconducting 2-Millimeter Observer). The design considerations unique to GISMO and laboratory experimental results will be discussed.   相似文献   

We present here the final design of the cryogenic system where the CUORE detector will be installed in 2010. It is a large cryogen-free cryostat cooled by pulse tubes and by a high-power dilution refrigerator. To avoid radioactive background, about 15000 kg of lead will be cooled to below 1 K and only few construction materials are acceptable. The detector assembly will have a total mass of about 1500 kg and must be cooled to less than 10 mK in a vibration-free environment. We discuss the adopted technical solutions, the results of the preliminary thermal analysis of the system, and its expected performance.   相似文献   

We have developed a radically new technological process of making very largescale integrated circuits, which has no analogs and is based on the use of fast heat treatments for forming gettering layers, silicon oxidation, annealing of iondoped layers, fusion of phosphoro and borophosphorosilicate glasses, forming silicides, and increasing the thermostability of aluminum metallization.  相似文献   

We study the possibility of multiple paring for more than two particles or two quasiparticles in terms of the BCS model. We consider the multiple pairs of particles in terms of the BCS Hamiltonian for two different ground states: in a quiescent Fermi sea model and in the BCS ground state. In case of quasiparticles, we consider the multiple quasiparticle pairs in terms of the BCS ground state only. Although there is no interaction between Cooper’s type pairs in terms of the BCS Hamiltonian, yet we have shown that four particles or two/four quasiparticles can be paired and form a bound state in the singlet state with just twice the bound state energy of a single Cooper’s pair. In the case of a pair of quasiparticles, the bound state exists as a result of the large quasiparticle density of states and the residual interaction between two quasiparticles which is described by the off-diagonal terms in the BCS Hamiltonian written in terms of quasiparticles. In the case of four particles, the bound state exists only as a result of the Pauli principle and the sharp Fermi edge. In the BCS model, a quartet of bound fermions indeed represents a boson, and the many-particle system of the composite of bosons can undergo the conventional Bose condensation of a boson gas. The temperature of the Bose condensation corresponds to the conventional temperature of Bose condensation for non-interacting bosons where each boson has quadruple mass (4m) and the boson density is one-quarter (n/4) of fermions density. A similar conclusion remains valid in the case of the particle–hole resonance in a quiescent Fermi sea. We have shown that in the particle–hole channel there exists the multiple particle–hole resonance for four particles and four holes in a quiescent Fermi sea model similar to the case of two particles and two holes resonance. We have shown that there is no particle–hole resonance in the case of the BCS ground state because there is no hole-type of excitations in the BCS ground state. Nevertheless we have shown that in the BCS ground state quasiparticle pairs can form bound pairs similar to the Cooper’s pair of particles due to the off-diagonal terms in the BCS Hamiltonian. The bound pairs of quasiparticles exist as a result of extremely large quasiparticle density of states. We also discuss the formation of a quartet of quasiparticles and the Bose condensation of the multiple pairs of quasiparticles.  相似文献   

We have used linear dichroism spectroscopy to measure the dynamic alignment of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) in pulsed magnetic fields up to 55 T. We make use of the fact that SWNTs absorb light only when the electric-field vector is oriented parallel to the tube axis. SWNTs thus produce a polarization dependent change of the optical transmission, that permits precise measurements of their orientation. In order to distinguish the influence of different mechanisms governing the alignment such as the external magnetic field, Brownian motion or the tube length, we have systematically varied parameters such as the viscosity of the aqueous solution and the sample temperature.  相似文献   

Recent experimental studies of solid 4He indicate a strong correlation between the crystal defects and the onset of a possible supersolid state. We use pulsed NMR techniques to explore the quantum dynamics of the 3He impurities in the solid 4He in order to examine certain theoretical models that describe how the disordered states are related to supersolidity. Because of the very small signal-to-noise ratio at low 3He concentration and the long spin-lattice relaxation time (T 1), it is essential to significantly enhance the NMR sensitivity to be able to carry out the experiments. Here we present the design of a novel low temperature preamplifier which is built with a low noise pseudomorphic HEMT transistor that is embedded into a cross-coil NMR probe. With a low power dissipation of about 0.7 mW, the preamplifier is capable of providing a power gain of 30 dB. By deploying the preamplifier near the NMR coil below 4 K, the noise temperature of the receiver is reduced to approximately 1 K. This preamplifier design also has the potential to be adapted into a low temperature amplifier with both input and output impedance at 50 Ω or a low temperature oscillator.  相似文献   

We implement the rotationally-invariant formulation of the two-dimensional Hubbard model, with nearest-neighbors hopping t, which allows for the analytic study of the system in the low-energy limit. Both U(1) and SU(2) gauge transformations are used to factorize the charge and spin contribution to the original electron operator in terms of the corresponding gauge fields. The Hubbard Coulomb energy U-term is then expressed in terms of quantum phase variables conjugate to the local charge and variable spin quantization axis, providing a useful representation of strongly correlated systems. It is shown that these gauge fields play a similar role as phonons in the BCS theory: they act as the “glue” for fermion pairing. By tracing out gauge degrees of freedom the form of paired states is established and the strength of the pairing potential is determined. It is found that the attractive pairing potential in the effective low-energy fermionic action is non-zero in a rather narrow range of U/t.  相似文献   

The design of loudspeaker-driven 50 W cooling power thermoacoustic refrigerators operating with helium at 3% drive-ratio and 10 bar pressure for a temperature difference of 75 K using the linear thermoacoustic theory is discussed. The dimensional normalization technique to minimize the number of parameters involved in the design process is discussed. The variation in the performance of the spiral stack-heat exchangers’ at 75% porosity as a function of the normalized stack length and center position is discussed. The resonator optimization is discussed, and the optimized one-third-wavelength (tapered, small diameter tube and divergent section with hemispherical end), and one-fourth-wavelength (tapered and divergent section with hemispherical end) resonator designs show 41.3% and 30.8% improvements in the power density compared to the published 10 W designs, respectively. The back volume gas spring system for improving the performance of the loudspeaker is discussed. The one-third-wavelength and one-fourth-wavelength resonator designs are validated using the DeltaEC software, which predicts the cold heat exchanger temperature of ? 3.4 °C at 0.882 COP, and ? 4.3 °C at 0.841 COP, respectively.  相似文献   

The whole collective mode spectrum in axial and planar phases of superfluid 3He with dispersion corrections is calculated for the first time. In axial A-phase the degeneracy of clapping modes depends on the direction of the collective mode momentum k with respect to the vector l (mutual orbital moment of Cooper pairs), namely: the mode degeneracy remains the same as in case of zero momentum k for kl only. For any other directions there is a threefold splitting of these modes, which reaches maximum for k l. In planar 2D-phase, which exists in the magnetic field (at H>H C ) we find that for clapping modes the degeneracy depends on the direction of the collective mode momentum k with respect to the external magnetic field H, namely: the mode degeneracy remains the same as in case of zero momentum k for kH only. For any other directions different from this one (for example, for k H) there is twofold splitting of these modes. The obtained results imply that new interesting features can be observed in ultrasound experiments in axial and planar phases: the change of the number of peaks in ultrasound absorption into clapping mode. One peak, observed for these modes by Ling et al. (J. Low Temp. Phys. 78:187, 1990), will split into two peaks in a planar phase and into three peaks in an axial phase under the change of ultrasound direction with respect to the external magnetic field H in a planar phase and with respect to the vector l in an axial phase. In planar phase, some Goldstone modes in the magnetic field become massive (quasi-Goldstone) and have a similar twofold splitting under the change of ultrasound direction with respect to the external magnetic field H. The obtained results as well will be useful under interpretation of the ultrasound experiments in axial and planar phases of superfluid 3He.  相似文献   

The involvement of collagen in bone biomineralization is commonly admitted, yet its role remains unclear. Here we show that type I collagen in?vitro can initiate and orientate the growth of carbonated apatite mineral in the absence of any other vertebrate extracellular matrix molecules of calcifying tissues. We also show that the collagen matrix influences the structural characteristics on the atomic scale, and controls the size and the three-dimensional distribution of apatite at larger length scales. These results call into question recent consensus in the literature on the need for Ca-rich non-collagenous proteins for collagen mineralization to occur in vivo. Our model is based on a collagen/apatite self-assembly process that combines the ability to mimic the in vivo extracellular fluid with three major features inherent to living bone tissue, that is, high fibrillar density, monodispersed fibrils and long-range hierarchical organization.  相似文献   

The semimetal-semiconductor transition is observed in glass-coated quantum single-crystal bismuth wires with diameters less than 70 nm due to the quantum size effect. It is found that elastic deformation of Bi nanowires (10 $\bar{1}$ 1) oriented along the wire axis with the semiconductor dependence R(T) leads to the approaching of L and T bands and to the semiconductor-semimetal transition; as a result, Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations appear on the magnetoresistance dependences R(H). It is shown that strong magnetic field and elastic deformation are the tools to control gap size in quantum bismuth wires, which is principal for their practical use in particular in thermoelectricity.  相似文献   

We review the theory of relaxational kinetics of superfluid turbulence—a tangle of quantized vortex lines—in the limit of very low temperatures when the motion of vortices is conservative. While certain important aspects of the decay kinetics depend on whether the tangle is non-structured, like the one corresponding to the Kibble-Zurek picture, or essentially polarized, like the one that emulates the Richardson-Kolmogorov regime of classical turbulence, there are common fundamental features. In both cases, there exists an asymptotic range in the wavenumber space where the energy flux is supported by the cascade of Kelvin waves (kelvons)—precessing distortions propagating along the vortex filaments. At large enough wavenumbers, the Kelvin-wave cascade is supported by three-kelvon elastic scattering. At zero temperature, the dissipative cutoff of the Kelvin-wave cascade is due to the emission of phonons, in which an elementary process converts two kelvons with almost opposite momenta into one bulk phonon. Along with the standard set of conservation laws, a crucial role in the theory of low-temperature vortex dynamics is played by the fact of integrability of the local induction approximation (LIA) controlled by the parameter Λ=ln?(λ/a 0), with λ the characteristic kelvon wavelength and a 0 the vortex core radius. While excluding a straightforward onset of the pure three-kelvon cascade, the integrability of LIA does not plug the cascade because of the natural availability of the kinetic channels associated with vortex line reconnections. We argue that the crossover from Richardson-Kolmogorov to the Kelvin-wave cascade is due to eventual dominance of local induction of a single line over the collective induction of polarized eddies, which causes the breakdown of classical-fluid regime and gives rise to a reconnection-driven inertial range.  相似文献   

Simple algorithms are developed to proceed the probe characteristics in a number of limiting regimes when the characteristic probe size, r p, is relatively large (r p > 103rD). It relates both to steady plasmas and to movement with the directed velocity, u. We consider the cases of collision-free (the Knudsen number, Kn?1) and collisional (Kn?1) plasmas. The majority of the proposed algorithms are tested in practice and confirm their reliability.  相似文献   

Total magnetostriction in the superconducting state for high T c superconductors has been separated into critical state and paramagnetic components in terms of a H(x) dependent magnetic flux density. We show that the paramagnetic part is χ(2+χ)〈H(x)2〉, where χ is paramagnetic susceptibility. We have reproduced successfully ΔL/LH a curves measured by de la Fuente et al. (Phys. C 244:214, [1995]), in which they clearly observed coexistence of superconductivity and paramagnetism, employing the concepts presented in this work.   相似文献   

In the multivariate errors in variables models, one wishes to retrieve a linear relationship of the form y=β t x+α, where both x and y can be multivariate. The variables y and x are not directly measurable, but observed with measurement error. The classical approach to estimate the multivariate errors in variables model is based on an eigenvector analysis of the joint covariance matrix of the observations. In this paper, a projection-pursuit approach is proposed to estimate the unknown parameters. The focus is on projection indices based on half-samples. These lead to robust estimators which can be computed using fast algorithms. Fisher consistency of the procedure is shown, without the need to make distributional assumptions on the x-variables. A simulation study gives insight into the robustness and the efficiency of the procedure.  相似文献   

We have measured the magnetic field and temperature dependence of the resistivity of several micrometers long and heterogeneously thick graphite sample. The magnetoresistance results for fields applied nearly parallel to the graphene planes show both granular superconducting behavior and the existence of magnetic order in the sample.  相似文献   

This review addresses the quantum mechanical nature of the formation and stability of ultrathin metal films. The competition between quantum confinement, charge spilling effects, and Friedel oscillations determines whether an atomically smooth metal film will be marginally, critically, or magically stable or totally unstable against roughening. Pb(111) films represent a special case, not only because of strong quantum oscillations in the stability of two-dimensional thin films but also because of the exceptionally fast coarsening of Pb nanoclusters. The latter appears to be due to the combined effects of size quantization and the existence of a unique mass exchange medium in the form of an unusually dense and highly dynamic wetting layer. The consequences of size quantization on the physical and chemical properties of the films are profound, some of which will be highlighted in this review.  相似文献   

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