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When [1-14C], [U-14C], and [16-14C]palmitate were oxidized by isolated rat hepatocytes, there was a differential distribution of label as a percent of total oxidized products, such that14CO2 from [1-14C]>[U-14C]>[16-14C]-palmitate and acid-soluble radioactivity from [16-14C]>[U-14C]>[1-14C]palmitate. The oxidation of [2,3-14C]succinate to14CO2 by isolated hepatocytes was only 9.1% of that from [1,4-14C]succinate, demonstrating that the differences in distribution of labeled products are in part due to less14CO2 production from label in the even carbon positions entering the citric acid cycle. Apparent total ketone body production from [16-14C]palmitate was markedly higher than [1-14C], and [U-14C]palmitate. In addition, the14C-acetone:14CO2 ratio derived from decarboxylation of labeled acetoacetate from [1-14C]palmitate was less than 1 and positively correlated to the rate of fatty acid oxidation in hepatocytes. These findings indicate that the known preferential incorporation of the omega-C2 unit of fatty acids into14C-ketone bodies also contributed to the differential distribution of labeled products and that this contribution was greatest at the lower rates of fatty acid oxidation. In isolated mitochondria, the distribution of label to14CO2 and acid-soluble radioactivity from [1-14C], [U-14C] and [16-14C]palmitate was qualitatively similar to that seen with hepatocytes. The distribution of label from [1-14C]acetylcarnitine to14CO2 and14C-ketone bodies by mitochondria was identical to that observed from [1-14C]palmitate, indicating that the higher rates of14CO2 production from [1-14C]palmitate cannot be explained by a preferential oxidation in the citric acid cycle of either extramitochondrial acetyl-CoA (generated in peroxisomes) or the carboxyl terminal of the fatty acid. As shown by others in cell-free systems, we observed that the total oxidation of [16-14C]palmitate by hepatocytes and mitochondria was significantly less than [1-14C] and [U-14C]palmitate, suggesting either incomplete mitochondrial β-oxidation or incomplete degradation of peroxisomal oxidation products. The data indicate that this incomplete oxidation does not, however, contribute to the differential distribution of label to oxidized products.  相似文献   

Thirteen-day old rats were given intracranial injections of 1-14C linolenic acid (allcis 9,12,15 octa decatrienoic acid) and were sacrificed after 8 hr. Analysis of brain fatty acids showed that 16∶0, 18∶0, 18∶1, 18∶3, 20∶3, 20∶4, 20∶5, 22∶5, and 22∶6 were labeled. The total fatty acid methyl esters were separated into classes according to degree of unsaturation on a AgNO3∶SiO2 impregnated plate. The bands were scraped off and the eluted fatty acids were first analyzed by radiogas liquid chromatography and then subjected to reductive ozonolysis to determine double bond position. The saturated acids, 16∶0, and 18∶0, as well as the mono-unsaturated 18∶1, must have been formed from radioactive acetate produced by β oxidation of the injected linolenate. Among the polyunsaturated fatty acids, the triene fraction was characterized and identified as 18∶3 ε3 (Δ9,12,15), the starting material, and 20∶3 ω3 (Δ11,14,17); the tetraene fraction was identified as 20∶4 ω3 (Δ8,11,14,17); the pentaene fraction was identified as 20∶5 ω3 (Δ5,8,11,14,17) and 22∶5 ω3 (Δ7,10,13,16,19); and, finally, the hexaene fraction was shown to be 22∶6 ω3 (Δ4,7,10,13,16,19). The biosynthesis of these ω3 family fatty acids in the brain in situ is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of a low protein diet during pregnancy and lactation on the fatty acid composition of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) from brains of ten-day-old rats was studied. The results indicated that partial deprivation of protein during early development was associated with an increase in the fatty acids of the n−9 family in PC. The fatty acids of the linoleic acid series decreased in PE but were not modified in PC. These minor changes did not affect the double bond index values either in PC or in PE. The effect of protein depletion on thein vivo metabolic transformation of intracraneally injected [1-14C]linoleic and [1-14C]α-linolenic acids was also studied. The percentage distribution of the labeled precursors and their derivatives among PC and PE differed from that of mass distribution. These results indicate that the direct uptake of polyunsaturated fatty acids from the blood and/or the low turnover rate of these acids incorporated into PC and PE might be involved in maintaining the fatty acid pattern of these brain lipids.  相似文献   

[3-14C] Eicosatrienoic acid (Δ11,14,17) chemically synthesized from [1-14C] linolenic acid was injected intracranially into 14-day old rats and sacrificed 8 hr later. The analysis of brain fatty acids by radio-gas liquid chromatography before and after ozonolysis showed that the tetraene fraction consisted of a desaturated product, Δ5,11,17–20∶4, and its elongated product, Δ7,13,16,19–22∶4. Both of these products, with a combined total of 61% of the total radioactivity recovered in the tetraene fraction, contain a nonmethylene interrupted double bond system and, therefore, are unsuitable for further desaturation. The other two components, Δ6,9,12,15–18∶4 and Δ8,11,14,17–20∶4, must have been formed from Δ9,12,15–18∶3, formed by retroconversion of the starting material 20∶3, followed by desaturation and elongation. These results suggest a lack of Δ8 desaturase in the developing brain, leading to formation of Δ5,11,14,17–20∶4 rather than Δ8,11,14,17–20∶4. Howeve, the nonmethylene interrupted double bond isomer does not restrict chain elongation.  相似文献   

Incorporation of [1-14C] acetate into lipids by slices of soybean seedlings was studied. The results were as follows: (a) the greatest amount of radioactivity was detected in the phospholipid fraction prepared from the main axis; (b) in the cotyledons, radioactivity was about the same in pigment, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylglycerol; (c) phosphatidylcholine was the main phospholipid labeled in the axis; (d) the distribution of radioactive fatty acids in the axis suggested that this tissue has the capacity for both phospholipid synthesis and fatty acid desaturation.  相似文献   

Suspension cultures of soybean cells incorporated [1-14C] acetate very rapidly into the fatty acid moieties of phospholipids and glycolipids when incubated at 26 C for up to 22 hr. The most rapidly labeled lipid was 3-sn-phosphatidylcholine, which contained 58% of the total fatty acid radioactivity after 16 min; more than 75% of this label was found to be in the oleic acid of the phosphatidylcholine. After longer periods of incubation, the proportion of14C label decreased exponentially in phosphatidylcholine and increased markedly in an unidentified phospholipid (tentatively,bis-phosphatidic acid), di- and triacylglycerols, and glycolipids. The proportion of radioactivity in oleic acid also decreased exponentially, accompanied by increases in linoleic acid first and then in linolenic acid. Most of the labeled linolenic acid at 22 hr was found in the unidentified phospholipid, di- and triacylglycerols, and the glycolipid fraction. Contribution no. 537, Ottawa Research Station, Agriculture Canada. A preliminary report was presented at the 20th International Conference on the Biochemistry of Lipids at Aberdeen, Scotland, September 1977.  相似文献   

Metabolism of 1-14C linolenic acid was studied in growing animals by injecting the tracer intraperitoneally into 12–13 day old suckling rats and following up the results by sacrificing groups of animals at 8 hr, 48 hr, 15 day, and 45 day intervals. In the first 15 days, there was a greater decrease in radioactivity of brain total lipids compared to the later period, although the earlier age period is characterized by lipid deposition rather than breakdown. Since the 18∶3 ω3 family of fatty acids occurs largely in the brain total phosphatidyl ethanolamine fraction, we expected that, in the initial period, total phosphatidyl ethanolamine would be the most highly radioactive component. However, results showed that 8 hr after the tracer phosphatidyl choline had the highest specific radioactivity. When the total phosphatidyl ethanolamine fraction was resolved into diacyl and alk-1-enyl species, it was found that radioactivity was not distributed evenly between the two species. There was a progressive increase in radioactivity of the alkenyl and a decrease in the diacyl species. Forty-eight hr after the tracer, however, the radioactivity of phosphatidyl ethanolamine increased and at 45 days remained slightly higher than phosphatidyl choline. Radioactivity of cholesterol, a result of synthesis from acetate undoubtedly derived from the breakdown of tracer linolenate, was also high 48 hr after tracer and remained high until 45 days.  相似文献   

Sodium [1-14C]acetate in water-dimethyl sulfoxide (11) was applied topically to sex pheromone glands ofArgyrolaenia velutinana. Radiolabel was incorporated into the pheromone components (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate and (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate, and also into triacylglycerols, diacylglycerols, ethanolamine phosphatides, and choline phosphatides. In the triacylglycerols, radiolabel appeared in (Z)-11-tetradecenoate, (E)-11-tetradecenoate, tetradecanoate, hexadecanoate, and octadecanoate. In the choline phosphatides, the same acyl moieties incorporated radiolabel but at lower levels. In the diacylglycerols and ethanolamine phosphatides, only the radiolabel in hexadecanoate and octadecanoate was above the limit of detection. At different times following application of sodium [1-14C]acetate, the relative proportions of labeled (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate and (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate changed very little, but the relative proportions of labeled fatty acyl moieties in the triacylglycerols and choline phosphatides changed markedly. After 8 min, triacylglycerols had incorporated about equal amounts of radiolabel into (Z)-11-tetradecenoate, (E)-11-tetradecenoate, and tetradecanoate. As the incubation time was increased, triacylglycerols accumulated proportionately more radiolabeled (E)-11-tetradecenoate than (Z)-11-tetradecenoate, and accumulated proportionately less radiolabeled tetradecanoate. In the choline phosphatides, at all times of incubation the amount of radiolabel incorporated into (Z)-11-tetradecenoate was small but above the limit of detection, and the amounts of radiolabel in (E)-11-tetradecenoate and tetradecanoate were smaller and often below the limit of detection. In both the triacylglycerols and the choline phosphatides, the relative proportion of radiolabeled hexadecanoate decreased with time, and that of octadecanoate increased.  相似文献   

Food restriction was found to impair the incorporation of [1-14C]palmitate into myelin membrane lipids of developing rat brain. An attempt was made to determine whether this phenomenon is due to differences in the rate of utilization of the labelled precursor or to its enhanced degradationvia β-oxidative pathways. Undernutrition in pups was imposed by food restriction during gestation and lactation. β-Oxidation by brain region homogenates using [1-14C]palmitate was monitored at days 7, 14 and 21 of postnatal age. There was a significant increase in β-oxidation in the brain regions of undernourished pups, with the cerebrum and cerebellum being more affected than the brain stem. Because developing brain possesses the enzymic potential to utilize ketone bodies, the data may indicate increased usage of palmitate as an energy source in the developing brain of undernourished animals.  相似文献   

A. Poulos  S. Usher  B. C. Paton 《Lipids》1993,28(2):97-102
The incorporation of [2-14C]acetate into the lipids of normal and peroxisome-deficient (Zellweger's syndrome) skin fibroblasts was examined. Most of the label was incorporated into triacyglycerol fatty acids in normal as well as Zellweger's syndrome cells. Triacylglycerols and cholesteryl esters in Zellweger's syndrome cells contained increased levels of labelled saturated and monounsaturated very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA, that is fatty acids with more than 22 carbon atoms), in particular hexacosanoic (26∶0) and hexacosaenoic (26∶1) acids. As traces of labelled VLCFA with up to 32 carbon atoms were detected in triacylglycerols even in control cells it is probable that these fatty acids are formed naturally during the elongation process. Our data suggest that peroxisomes are involved in the chain shortening of the saturated and monounsaturated VLCFA.  相似文献   

Thirteen-day-old rats were divided into two groups; one group received 1,2-(1-14C) dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine and the other 1-14C palmitic acid in the form of an intraperitoneal injection. One half of the total number of rats in each group was sacrificed 24 hr after injection, and the other half was allowed to survive for 17 days after the injection. Radioactivity incorporated into brain and liver total lipids and into individiual polar lipid components of the brain was determined at both intervals. Phosphatidylcholine was isolated and partially deacylated with phospholipase A2 fromCrotalus Admanteus venom. The ratio of radioactivity FA 2/FA 1 (fatty acid attached to 2 and 1 carbon of the glycerol moiety) 24 hr after the injection was 8.3, when the tracer was radioactive phosphatidylcholine, compared to only 0.7 when radioactive palmitate was injected. From this different labeling ratio and different pattern of labeling the polar lipid components, it was concluded that the radioactive phosphatidylcholine was not deacylated completely before being taken up directly into the brain. Possibilities are discussed to show that the observed radioactive ratio could result from direct uptake of intact phosphatidylcholine, with little or no restriction from the blood brain barrier system, followed by partial degradation by phospholipase A1 in the brain itself. Presented in part at the AOCS Meeting, New Orleans, April 1973.  相似文献   

The incorporation of [1-14C]18∶3n−3, (LNA) and [1-14C]-22∶6n−3 (DHA), and the metabolismvia the desaturase/elongase pathways of [1-14C]LNA, and [1-14C]20∶5n−3 (EPA) were studied in brain cells from newly-weaned (1-month-old) and 4-month-old turbot. The rank order of the extent of net incorporation of both LNA and DHA into glycerophospholipids was total diradyl glycerophosphocholines (CPL)> total diradyl glycerophosphoethanolamines (EPL)> phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylinositol (PI) and was independent of the polyunsaturated fatty acid added, the age of the fish and the time of incubation. However, the rate of incorporation of LNA into total lipid, CPL, EPL and PS was significantly greater than the rate of incorporation of DHA, and there was a significantly greater amount of DHA incorporated into EPL than LNA. There was no significant difference between the amounts of LNA and DHA incorporated into total lipid, CPL, PS and PI. Therefore, little preferential uptake and incorporation of DHA into brain cells was apparent. In 24-h incubations, on average 1.1% and 8.5% of radioactivity from [1-14C]LNA and [1-14C]EPA, respectively, were recovered in the DHA fraction. Therefore, LNA cannot contribute significantly to brain DHA levels in the turbot but EPA can. There were no significant differences between the amounts of radioactivity from either [1-14C]LNA or [1-14C]EPA recovered in the individual products/intermediates of the desaturase pathways in brain cells from 30-day-old and 120-day-old turbot.  相似文献   

[1-14C] Phytanic acid has been prepared in good yield from the unlabeled acid. Pristanyl iodide, prepared from the latter by a modified Hunsdieker reaction, is converted to the corresponding [14C]-nitrile by reaction with sodium [14C] cyanide in dimethyl sulphoxide; hydrolysis of the [14C] nitrile yields [1-14C]phytanic acid. The labeled acid should prove to be a useful substrate for the diagnosis of Refsum's disease.  相似文献   

The additional mass associated with 13C in metabolic tracers may interfere with their metabolism. The comparative isomerization and biohydrogenation of oleic, [1-13C]oleic, and [U-13C]oleic acids by mixed ruminal microbes was used to evaluate this effect. The percent of stearic, cis-14 and- 15, and trans-9 to-16 18∶1 originating from oleic acid was decreased for [U-13C]oleic acid compared with [1-13C]oleic acid. Conversely, microbial utilization of [U-13C]oleic acid resulted in more of the 13C label in cis-9 18∶1 compared with [1-13C]oleic acid (53.7 vs. 40.1%). The isomerization and biohydrogenation of oleic acid by ruminal microbes is affected by the mass of the labeled tracer.  相似文献   

T. M. Yau  G. Y. Sun 《Lipids》1973,8(7):410-414
The incorporation of [1-14C]-oleic acid into the neutral glycerides and phosphoglycerides of adult mouse brain was examined between 1 and 80 min after intracerebral injection. Radioactivity of the free oleic acid in brain decreased rapidly with a half-life of ca. 5 min. The specific radioactivity of the phosphatidic acids was highest at 1 min after injection. This was followed by the diacylglycerols and triacylglycerols which attained a maximum specific radioactivity at 3 and 20 min after injection, respectively. Specific radioactivities of the neutral glycerides were higher than the phosphoglycerides. A larger proportion of the radioactivity in the diacylglycerols was transferred to the phosphoglycerides than to the triacylglycerols. Among the phosphoglycerides, radioactivity was actively incorporated into the inositol phosphoglycerides. The specific radioactivity of the inositol phosphoglycerides was higher than the diacylsn-glycero-3-phosphorylcholines, and the kinetics of incorporation of radioactivity into these lipids was also different. A water soluble material was found which showed maximum specific radioactivity at 6–10 min after injection. The properties of this water soluble material suggested that it may be an intermediate involved in the acyl group metabolism of phosphoglycerides in brain.  相似文献   

The differential uptake and targeting of intravenously infused [1-14C]palmitic ([1-14C] 16∶0) and [1-14C]arachidonic ([1-14C]20∶4n−6) acids into heart lipid pools were determined in awake adult male rats. The fatty acid tracers were infused (170 μCi/kg) through the femoral vein at a constant rate of 0.4 mL/min over 5 min. At 10 min postinfusion, the rats were killed using pentobarbital. The hearts were rapidly removed, washed free of exogenous blood, and frozen in dry ice. Arterial blood was withdrawn over the course of the experiment to determine plasma radiotracer levels. Lipids were extracted from heart tissue using a two-phase system, and total radioactivity was measured in the nonvolatile aqueous and organic fractions. Both fatty acid tracers had similar plasma curves, but were differentially distributed into heart lipid compartments. The extent of [1-14C]20∶4n−6 esterification into heart phospholipids, primarily choline glycerophospholipids, was elevated 3.5-fold compared to [1-14C]16∶0. The unilateral incorporation coefficient, k *, which represents tissue radioactivity divided by the integrated plasma radioactivity for heart phospholipid, was sevenfold greater for [1-14C]20∶4n−6 than for [1-14C]16∶0. In contrast, [1-14C]16∶0 was esterified mainly into heart neutral lipids, primarily triacylglycerols (TG), and was also found in the nonvolatile aqueous compartment. Thus, in rat heart, [1-14C]20∶4n−6 was primarily targeted for esterification into phospholipids, while [1-14C]16∶0 was targeted for esterification into TG or metabolized into nonvolatile aqueous components.  相似文献   

T. Farkas  K. Kariko  I. Csengeri 《Lipids》1981,16(6):418-422
Daphnia magna andCyclops strenus were maintained in aquaria containing sodium [1-14C] acetate and the effect of temperature on labeling of their lipids was investigated. Incorporation of radioactivity in total lipids was slowed by a factor of 4 in cold-exposed (5C) specimens compared to those incubated at 25 C. There was no significant difference in the distribution of label in the lipid classes of animals incubated at the two extreme temperatures. Decrease of the temperature from 25 to 5 C brought about a considerable reduction in the formation of palmitic and stearic acids and an increase in labeling of monounsaturated (18∶1) fatty acids inD. magna. Docosapolyenoic acids were absent from lipids of this crustacean.C. strenus directed a higher proportion of radioactivity into both oleic and docosahexaenoic acids upon cold exposure. In response to decrease of the temperature,D. magna formed a less unsaturated fatty acid population, as judged from dpm ratios of total saturated to total unsaturated fatty acids, thanC. strenus. Inability to form and accumulate docosapolyenoic fatty acids byD. magna might be related to their poor survival at reduced temperatures.  相似文献   

H. Herrmann  G. Gercken 《Lipids》1980,15(3):179-185
After incubation of stationary phaseLeishmania donovani with [1-14C] octadecanol, about 70% of the precursor was taken up within 3 hr. Wax esters and acyl moieties of glycerolipids contained most of the14C-activity from 3 to 6 hr, because octadecanol was partly oxidized to stearate. Ether moieties were only weakly labeled. After 40 hr, 1-0-aklyl and 1-0-alk-1′-enyl diacylglycerols as well as 1-0-alkyl and 1-0-alk-1′-enyl-2-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamines contained nearly all of the radioactivity. Most of the label in the neutral ether lipids was located in the alkyl ether side chain, whereas, in the phosphatidylethanolamine fraction, most of the label was found in the alkenyl ether side chain. Administration of 1-0-[1-14C] hexadecyl glycerol resulted in rapid labeling of the vinyl ether side chain of phosphatidylethanolamine plasmalogen (1 hr) increasing further at 2.5 hr. Most of the radioactivity in the alkoxy diacylglycerols was found in the 1-0-alkyl moiety.  相似文献   

Coniglio  J. G.  Sharp  J. 《Lipids》1989,24(1):84-85
The conversion of [14C]linoleate to [14C]arachidonate by rat Sertoli cells was established by use of primary cultures. Most of the14C from [1-14C]linoleate was located in C-3 of the synthesized arachidonate, indicating that the labeled tetraene had originated largely by elongation and desaturation of the intact labeled substrate rather than by mere addition of14C-acetate generated by bio-oxidation of the radioactive substrate to an already existing 18-carbon precursor. Although a relatively small amount of14C was present in 18∶3ω6 and a relatively large amount of14C was present in 20∶2, it was not possible from these data to establish the relative importance of 20∶2 in the biosynthesis of arachidonic acid in rat Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

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