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3-methyladenine (3MeA) DNA glycosylases remove 3MeAs from alkylated DNA to initiate the base excision repair pathway. Here we report the generation of mice deficient in the 3MeA DNA glycosylase encoded by the Aag (Mpg) gene. Alkyladenine DNA glycosylase turns out to be the major DNA glycosylase not only for the cytotoxic 3MeA DNA lesion, but also for the mutagenic 1,N6-ethenoadenine (epsilonA) and hypoxanthine lesions. Aag appears to be the only 3MeA and hypoxanthine DNA glycosylase in liver, testes, kidney, and lung, and the only epsilonA DNA glycosylase in liver, testes, and kidney; another epsilonA DNA glycosylase may be expressed in lung. Although alkyladenine DNA glycosylase has the capacity to remove 8-oxoguanine DNA lesions, it does not appear to be the major glycosylase for 8-oxoguanine repair. Fibroblasts derived from Aag -/- mice are alkylation sensitive, indicating that Aag -/- mice may be similarly sensitive.  相似文献   

Mammalian base excision repair and DNA polymerase beta   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: To describe six dogs with congenital abnormalities involving the portal vein, caudal vena cava, or both. ANIMALS: Six client-owned dogs with congenital interruption of the portal vein or the caudal vena cava, or both. METHODS: Portal vein and caudal vena cava anatomy was evaluated by contrast radiography and visualization at surgery. Vascular casts or plastinated specimens were obtained in three animals. RESULTS: Portal blood shunted into the caudal vena cava in four dogs and the left hepatic vein in one. Two of these five dogs also had interruption of the caudal vena cava with continuation as azygous vein, as did an additional dog, in which the portal vein was normally formed. Portal vein interruption was present in 5 of 74 (6.8%) dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts evaluated at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital during the study period. CONCLUSIONS: Serious malformations of the abdominal veins were present in more than 1 in 20 dogs with single congenital portosystemic shunts. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Veterinarians involved in diagnosis and surgery for portosystemic shunts should be aware of these potential malformations, and portal vein continuity should be evaluated in all dogs before attempting shunt attenuation.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of DNA repair in protecting the genome, the molecular basis for damage recognition and repair remains poorly understood. In the base excision repair pathway (BER), DNA glycosylases recognize and excise damaged bases from DNA. This review focuses on the recent development of chemical approaches that have been applied to the study of BER enzymes. Several distinctive classes of noncleavable substrate analogs that form stable complexes with DNA glycosylases have recently been designed and synthesized. These analogs have been used for biochemical and structural analyses of protein-DNA complexes involving DNA glycosylases, and for the isolation of a novel DNA glycosylase. An approach to trap covalently a DNA glycosylase-intermediate complex has also been used to elucidate the mechanism of DNA glycosylases.  相似文献   

The nucleotide-excision repair (NER) system removes bulky DNA adducts and is thought to be involved in resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs, which act by damaging DNA. In this study, we have investigated the ability of the NER system to recognize and excise melphalan monoadducts from a 140-mer DNA substrate. We show that rodent and human cell-free extracts (CFEs) excise 26-29-nt-long oligomers from a synthetic 140-mer containing centrally located melphalan adducts. CFEs from cell lines with mutations in xeroderma pigmentosum group F or G genes did not excise these alkylated oligomers; however, mixing the two CFEs restored excision activity to the level found with wild-type CFEs. These results demonstrate the ability of the NER system to excise melphalan monoadducts, and are consistent with the hypothesis that NER may be involved in resistance to melphalan chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Base excision repair (BER) constitutes a ubiquitous excision repair mechanism, which is responsible for the removal of multiple types of damaged and inappropriate bases in DNA. We have employed a yeast cell-free system to examine the biochemical mechanism of the BER pathway in lower eukaryotes. Using uracil-containing DNA as a model substrate, we demonstrate that yeast BER requires Apn1 protein, an Escherichia coli endonuclease IV homolog. In extracts of an apn1 deletion mutant, the 5'-incision at AP (apurinic/apyrimidinic) sites is not detectable, supporting the notion that yeast contains only one major 5'-AP endonuclease. The processing of the 5'-deoxyribose phosphate moieties was found to be a rate-limiting step. During BER of uracil-containing DNA, repair patch sizes of 1-5 nucleotides were detected, with single nucleotide repair patches predominant.  相似文献   

Three high-resolution crystal structures of DNA complexes with wild-type and mutant human uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG), coupled kinetic characterizations and comparisons with the refined unbound UDG structure help resolve fundamental issues in the initiation of DNA base excision repair (BER): damage detection, nucleotide flipping versus extrahelical nucleotide capture, avoidance of apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) site toxicity and coupling of damage-specific and damage-general BER steps. Structural and kinetic results suggest that UDG binds, kinks and compresses the DNA backbone with a 'Ser-Pro pinch' and scans the minor groove for damage. Concerted shifts in UDG simultaneously form the catalytically competent active site and induce further compression and kinking of the double-stranded DNA backbone only at uracil and AP sites, where these nucleotides can flip at the phosphate-sugar junction into a complementary specificity pocket. Unexpectedly, UDG binds to AP sites more tightly and more rapidly than to uracil-containing DNA, and thus may protect cells sterically from AP site toxicity. Furthermore, AP-endonuclease, which catalyzes the first damage-general step of BER, enhances UDG activity, most likely by inducing UDG release via shared minor groove contacts and flipped AP site binding. Thus, AP site binding may couple damage-specific and damage-general steps of BER without requiring direct protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

XPG is a member of the FEN-1 structure-specific endonuclease family. It has 3'-junction cutting activity on bubble substrates and makes the 3'-incision in the human dual incision (excision nuclease) repair system. To investigate the precise role of XPG in nucleotide excision repair, we mutagenized two amino acid residues thought to be involved in DNA binding and catalysis, overproduced the mutant proteins using a baculovirus/insect cell system, and purified and characterized the mutant proteins. The mutation D77A had a modest effect on junction cutting and excision activity and gave rise to uncoupled 5'-incision by mammalian cell-free extracts. The D812A mutation completely abolished the junction cutting and 3'-incision activities of XPG, but the excision nuclease reconstituted with XPG (D812A) carried out normal 5'-incision at the 23rd-24th phosphodiester bonds 5' to a (6-4) photoproduct without producing any 3'-incision. It is concluded that Asp-812 is an active site residue of XPG and that in addition to making the 3'-incision, the physical presence of XPG in the protein-DNA complex is required non-catalytically for subsequent 5'-incision by XPF-ERCC1.  相似文献   

Mammalian cells possess two distinct pathways for completion of base excision repair (BER): the DNA polymerase beta (Pol beta)-dependent short-patch pathway (replacement of one nucleotide), which is the main route, and the long-patch pathway (resynthesis of 2-6 nucleotides), which is PCNA-dependent. To address the issue of how these two pathways share their role in BER the ability of Pol beta-defective mammalian cell extracts to repair a single abasic site constructed in a circular duplex plasmid molecule was tested in a standard in vitro repair reaction. Pol beta-deficient extracts were able to perform both BER pathways. However, in the case of the short-patch BER, the repair kinetics was significantly slower than with Pol beta-proficient extracts, while the efficiency of the long-patch synthesis was unaffected by the loss of Pol beta. The repair synthesis was fully dependent on PCNA for the replacement of long patches. These data give the first evidence that in cell extracts DNA polymerases other than Pol beta are specifically involved in the long-patch BER. These DNA polymerases are also able to perform short-patch BER in the absence of PCNA, although less efficiently than Pol beta. These findings lead to a novel model whereby the two BER pathways are characterized by different protein requirements, and a functional redundancy at the level of DNA polymerases provides cells with backup systems.  相似文献   

The 1.85 A crystal structure of endonuclease III, combined with mutational analysis, suggests the structural basis for the DNA binding and catalytic activity of the enzyme. Helix-hairpin-helix (HhH) and [4Fe-4S] cluster loop (FCL) motifs, which we have named for their secondary structure, bracket the cleft separating the two alpha-helical domains of the enzyme. These two novel DNA binding motifs and the solvent-filled pocket in the cleft between them all lie within a positively charged and sequence-conserved surface region. Lys120 and Asp138, both shown by mutagenesis to be catalytically important, lie at the mouth of this pocket, suggesting that this pocket is part of the active site. The positions of the HhH motif and protruding FCL motif, which contains the DNA binding residue Lys191, can accommodate B-form DNA, with a flipped-out base bound within the active site pocket. The identification of HhH and FCL sequence patterns in other DNA binding proteins suggests that these motifs may be a recurrent structural theme for DNA binding proteins.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the relative importance of the first six complementation groups of the nucleotide excision repair cross-complementing genes (ERCC1-ERCC6) and the first complementation group of the X-ray repair cross-complementing genes (XRCC1), in the repair of DNA damage induced by the in vitro active cyclophosphamide (CP) derivatives 4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamide (4HC) and phosphorodiamidic mustard (PM). We compared the sensitivity of the wild-type CHO cell line, AA8, with that of the CHO mutant cell lines UV4 and UV20 (ERCC1-), UV5 (ERCC2-), UV24 (ERCC3-), UV41 (ERCC4-), UV135 (ERCC5-), UV61 (ERCC6-), and EM9 (XRCC1-). Cell survival was determined using both growth inhibition and conventional clonogenic assays. The yield of DNA crosslinks in selected cell lines was determined using an ethidium bromide fluorescence assay. RESULTS: The rank ordering of sensitivity to both 4HC and PM, based on the combined survival data, was UV41/UV4/UV20 > > UV61/UV24/UV135/EM9 > or = UV5 approximately AA8. Thus mutations in the ERCC1 and ERCC4 genes impart a hypersensitivity to CP analogs. To confirm the importance of the ERCC1 gene for cellular resistance to 4HC and PM, UV20 cells were transfected with the human ERCC1 gene and subsequently exposed to 4HC and PM. The transfected cells displayed essentially wild-type resistance to both drugs. Furthermore, two interspecific hybrids derived from UV41, both of which retained the region of human chromosome 16 that harbors the ERCC4 gene, displayed essentially wild-type resistance to 4HC and PM, confirming the importance of ERCC4 for the repair of 4HC-induced DNA damage. When crosslinks were assayed after a 60-min treatment with 4HC or a 15-min treatment with PM, their yield paralleled the sensitivity of the cell lines to both drugs: UV41 cells showed markedly elevated levels of crosslinks, whereas AA8 and UV5 cells showed similar (low) levels of crosslinks. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings confirm the general pattern indicating that the ERCC1 and ERCC4 gene products are crucial for the repair of 4HC-induced DNA damage, while the other nucleotide excision repair genes examined are relatively unimportant. These data suggest that the hypersensitivity of ERCC1- and ERCC4- mutants to DNA crosslinking agents may reflect a defect in recombinational repair rather than nucleotide excision repair.  相似文献   

A new species of DNA polymerase has been purified more than 10 000-fold from the cytoplasm of erythroid hyperplastic bone marrow. This DNA polymerase, in contrast to previously described eukaryotic DNA polymerases, is associated with a very active 3' to 5' exonuclease activity. Similar to the 3' to 5' exonuclease activity associated with prokaryotic DNA polymerases, this enzyme catalyzes the removal of 3'-terminal nucleotides from DNA, as well as a template-dependent conversion of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates to monophosphates. The exonuclease activity is not separable from the DNA polymerase activity by chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex or hydroxylapatite, and upon sucrose density gradient centrifugation the two activities cosediment at 7 S or at 11 S depending on the ionic strength. Both exonuclease and polymerase activities have identical rates of heat inactivation and both are equally sensitive to hemin and Rifamycin AF/013, inhibitors of DNA synthesis that act by binding to DNA polymerase and causing its dissociation from its template/primer. These results are consistent with the coexistence of two enzyme activities in a single protein.  相似文献   

Potential genetic determinants of dengue virulence were studied by sequencing the entire genomes of eight dengue 2 virus strains isolated from patients exhibiting different disease severities during an epidemic season in northeastern Thailand in 1993. The isolates came from one dengue shock syndrome (ThNH-7/93), three dengue hemorrhagic fever, and four dengue fever patients. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the isolates belonged to the Southeast Asian genotype. The 3' noncoding regions showed distinctive secondary structures, with one specific structure for the isolate ThNH-7/93. Analysis of the predicted polyprotein showed several amino acid (aa) changes scattered mostly in the nonstructural region. Of 30 positions with aa changes, 7 were unique to the isolate ThNH-7/93 and 3 of those led to radical alterations in aa character. Several aa changes coincided with previous studies relating genome sequence and virulence. Minimal changes in computer-predicted protein secondary structures were observed. Infective particles in the inoculum for all isolates were approximately equal as measured by focus formation on BHK-21 cells, but this did not correlate with the number of plaques formed on LLC-MK2 cells. Isolates from patients that experienced secondary infection were shown to have significantly larger plaques than the isolates from primary infection patients.  相似文献   

In order to assess the possible role of human apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (Ape) in double-strand break repair, the substrate specificity of this enzyme was investigated using short DNA duplexes and partial duplexes, each having a single 3'-phosphoglycolate terminus. Phosphoglycolate removal by Ape was detected as a shift in mobility of 5'-end-labeled DNA strands on polyacrylamide sequencing gels, and was quantified by phosphorimaging. Recombinant Ape efficiently removed phosphoglycolates from the 3'-terminus of an internal 1 base gap in a 38mer duplex, but acted more slowly on 3'-phosphoglycolates at a 19 base-recessed 3'-terminus, at an internal nick with no missing bases, and at a double-strand break end with either blunt or 2 base-recessed 3'-termini. There was no detectable activity of Ape toward 3'-phosphoglycolates on 1 or 2 base protruding single-stranded 3'-overhangs. The results suggest that both a single-base internal gap, and duplex DNA on each side of the gap are important binding/recognition determinants for Ape. While Ape may play a role in repair of terminally blocked double-strand breaks, there must also be additional factors involved in removal of at least some damaged 3'-termini, particularly those on 3'-overhangs.  相似文献   

Activity of type II restriction endonuclease is affected by many common factors including buffer composition and sequences flanking the recognition site (Brabec et al., Eur.J. Biochem. 216, 183, 1993). The successful development of Optical Mapping (Schwartz et al., Science, 262, 110, 1993; Meng et al., Nature Genet. 9, 432, 1995; Wang and Schwartz, PNAS, 1995 Cai et al., PNAS, 92, 5164, 1995) relied on optimization of light microscope-based imaging of fluorescently labeled DNA molecules during restriction endonuclease digestion. Little was known about the effects of commonly used DNA-fluorochromes on restriction endonuclease activity. Thus, we developed an enzyme activity assay using lambda bacteriophage DNA or adenovirus-2 DNA to evaluate the effects of five DNA binding fluorochromes (4'-6-daimidine-2-phenylindole (DAPI), ethidium bromide (EtdBr), ethidium bromide homodimer (EthD-1), bis-benzimide (H33258) and benzothiazolium-4-quinolinium dimer (TOTO-1)) on the enzymatic activities of eleven type II restriction endonucleases (Asc I, Csp I, Dra I, EcoR I, Hha I, Hind III, Not I, Rsr II, Sfi I, SgrA I and Sma I). We found that the minor groove binding fluorochrome, DAPI, did not measurably inhibit activity of this group, with the exception of Dra I. Similarly, another minor groove binding fluorochrome H33258 inhibited Dra I and Not I (slightly). The three intercalating fluorochromes EtdBr, EthD-1 and TOTO-1, however, variably inhibited the other enzymes. Since Beta-mercaptoethanol (Beta-ME) is used to discourage photodamage of stained DNA molecules, we also assessed its effect on restriction endonuclease activity. Interestingly, Dra I, Hind III, Sfi I and Sma I retained full activities at high concentration of Beta-ME (5%), but Asc I, Csp I, Not I, Rsr II and SgrA I showed varying sensitivities to the Beta-ME. Isoschizomers Csp I and Rsr II behaved differently to both fluorochromes and Beta-ME. The results presented here should provide a basis for further development of new Optical Mapping-based techniques requiring fluorescence labeling of other actively imaged enzymatic reactions.  相似文献   

Interaction of different oligodeoxyribonucleotides (oligos), their analogs and oligonucleopeptide with uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG) from human placenta was investigated. It is shown that there is no considerable contribution of heterocyclic bases of DNA to UDG-substrate binding but the UDG interaction with some DNA phosphate groups is necessary for enzyme-substrate recognition. However the phosphate group adjacent to single dU from the 3'-end in oligo is not involved into the electrostatic contact with UDG. It is found that UDG has the high affinity to its reaction product. An oligonucleotide containing a single 2'-deoxy-2'-aminouridine is a non-hydrolyzable substrate analog for UDG.  相似文献   

Earlier studies in our laboratories demonstrated that particles of a number of snack foods that are retained on the dentition accumulate fermentable sugars and short-chain carboxylic acids (SCCA; acetic, formic, lactic, and propionic) to different degrees. The present study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that the accumulated SCCA can induce a gingival inflammatory response. Five periodontally and medically healthy subjects were given portions of plain doughnuts (high SCCA levels) or oatmeal cookie (low SCCA), or had the SCCA applied directly to the gingival margins of designated teeth. Subjects were given wax to chew, or nothing, as controls. Inflammation was assessed by measurements of subgingival temperature, flow rates of gingival crevicular fluid (GCF), and neutrophil emigration into GCF. Subgingival temperatures of the maxillary gingiva rose by 1.32 +/- 0.30 degrees C (mean +/- SE) 5 min after the subjects consumed the doughnuts and remained elevated for at least 1 hr. These values were significantly higher than those obtained from subjects after ingestion of oatmeal cookies (0.63 +/- 0.17 degree C; p < 0.01), consistent with the low levels of SCCA in the retained cookie particles. Wax chewing elicited a similar response, indicating a masticatory effect on the gingiva. Gingival temperatures in the unchallenged controls remained unchanged. Neutrophil emigration into the GCF was significantly elevated in subjects after doughnut consumption. Rinses with a solution of SCCA, or application of the SCCA to the gingiva, also brought about significant elevations in subgingival temperature and neutrophil emigration. The findings describe the inflammatory effects of food ingestion on the gingiva of healthy human subjects, and support the hypothesis that SCCA in the particles of retained food are at least partly responsible for the observed responses.  相似文献   

All possible pairwise combinations of UvrD, MutL, MutS, and MutH were tested using the yeast two-hybrid system to identify potential interactions involving mismatch repair proteins. A two-hybrid screen previously identified a physical interaction between MutL and UvrD. Although several other known interactions were not observed, a novel interaction between MutL and MutH was detected. A series of truncations from the NH2 and COOH termini of MutL demonstrated that the COOH-terminal 218 amino acids were sufficient for the two-hybrid interaction with MutH. Removal of a small number of residues from either the NH2 or COOH termini of MutH eliminated the two-hybrid interaction with MutL. Protein affinity chromatography experiments confirmed that MutL, but not MutS, physically associates with MutH. Furthermore, MutL greatly stimulated the d(GATC)-specific endonuclease activity of MutH in the absence of MutS and a mispaired base. Stimulation of the MutH-associated endonuclease activity by MutL was dependent on ATP binding but not ATP hydrolysis. Further stimulation of this reaction by MutS required the presence of a DNA mismatch and a hydrolyzable form of ATP. These results suggest that MutL activates the MutH-associated endonuclease activity through a physical interaction during methyl-directed mismatch repair in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Base excision repair (BER) is one of the cellular defense mechanisms repairing damage to nucleoside 5'-monophosphate residues in genomic DNA. This repair pathway is initiated by spontaneous or enzymatic N-glycosidic bond cleavage creating an abasic or apurinic-apyrimidinic (AP) site in double-stranded DNA. Class II AP endonuclease, deoxyribonucleotide phosphate (dRP) lyase, DNA synthesis, and DNA ligase activities complete repair of the AP site. In mammalian cell nuclear extract, BER can be mediated by a macromolecular complex containing DNA polymerase beta (beta-pol) and DNA ligase I. These two enzymes are capable of contributing the latter three of the four BER enzymatic activities. In the present study, we found that AP site BER can be reconstituted in vitro using the following purified human proteins: AP endonuclease, beta-pol, and DNA ligase I. Examination of the individual enzymatic steps in BER allowed us to identify an ordered reaction pathway: subsequent to 5' "nicking" of the AP site-containing DNA strand by AP endonuclease, beta-pol performs DNA synthesis prior to removal of the 5'-dRP moiety in the gap. Removal of the dRP flap is strictly required for DNA ligase I to seal the resulting nick. Additionally, the catalytic rate of the reconstituted BER system and the individual enzymatic activities was measured. The reconstituted BER system performs repair of AP site DNA at a rate that is slower than the respective rates of AP endonuclease, DNA synthesis, and ligation, suggesting that these steps are not rate-determining in the overall reconstituted BER system. Instead, the rate-limiting step in the reconstituted system was found to be removal of dRP (i.e. dRP lyase), catalyzed by the amino-terminal domain of beta-pol. This work is the first to measure the rate of BER in an in vitro reaction. The potential significance of the dRP-containing intermediate in the regulation of BER is discussed.  相似文献   

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