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The China Econom ic Situation A nalysis and Fore- cast project group of the A cadem y of Social Sciences of China has issued the 2004 A utum n R eport, m aking anew forecast and analysis of C hina s national econom icdevelopm ent in 2004-2005.The report forecast that G D P own a bit in 2005 to m ore than report, agriculture will pose a hat of the previous year at m ore th 2003,growth of the secondary n in the 2004-2005 period to respectively. O f this, grow th o ected to be faster tha…  相似文献   

The“Analysls and Forecast for China'a Economic Situation“ Study Group of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences recently published its 2003 Autumn report, forecasting that the growth of the national economy in China in 2003 will exceed that in 2002, with GDP growth reaching 8.2% in 2003 and over 8% in 2004. In 2003 and 2004, growth of agriculture will be slightly higher than in the past two years  相似文献   

China manufactured 1.09 million cars in 2002 and sold 1.12 million, rising 55 precent and 56 percent respectively. Although the growth of car output and sales will not be as high as last year, it will still maintain the strong momentum. According to a forecast made by the China State Information Centre, the demand for ears will reach 1. 435 million in  相似文献   

After more than 50 years of development, China's machine tool industry has made much headway. Since 2000, the industry has maintained a steady and high-speed growth. According to an authoritative forecast, the industry will continue its steady growth in 2006 with industrial added value and profits increasing 10-15%.After m ore than 50years of developm ent, China s m achine tool industry has m ade m uch headway.Since 2000, the industry has m aintained a steady and high- speed growth.According…  相似文献   

According to an analysis on statistics of production and sales of China's 70 bus enterprises in 2005, bus sales are expected to continue to grow this year, posing a better performance than that in the previous year, and the urban public bus transport, rural bus transport and export together will be a major motive power for pulling up growth of the industry.  相似文献   

China will maintain a strong momentum in growth of investment in 2003 to reach RMB5, 093.4 billion this year, rising about 16 percent, according to recent report on the economic forecast for 2003 issued by the China State Information Centre.  相似文献   

China exported US$39.89 billion worth of electrical and mechanical products in September,the record high for a single month since the beginning of 2005,according to the National Bureau of Statistics. The export of electrical and mechanical products exceeded US$20 billion in September 2003,and rose to US$30.2 billion in September 2004 and almost reached US$40 billion in the same month of 2005,an increase of US$10 billion each year.China exported US$39.89billion worth of electrical and m…  相似文献   

The supply and demand of major commodities in China will be basically balanced this year,according to an analysis on the national market of major comm odities conducted by the China Retailers Federation. -Grain output will increase this year,which will help narrow the gap between p roduction and demand and make the relationship between demand and supply take a turn for the better. The sharp increase of grain supply will reduce the shortage of grain from 60 billion kilograms last year to 35 …  相似文献   

Due to the fact that in ship maintena n ce process,the method of determining the number of spare parts is not scientific and the actual operation is complicated,this paper analyzes four major facto rs affecting the number of ship spare parts,including number of main planned op eration s,total times of disassembling in maintenance,accumulated working time and mea n t ime between failures.It also establishes a spare parts demand forecast model b ased on the affecting factors and radial-basis function(RBF) neural network.F inally,the paper provide s forecast examples and makes a comparison between the examples and back propaga tion(BP) neura l network forecast result.The comparison results s how that the forecast based on RBF neural network is simple and the forecast res ult fits the actual situa tion and fitting effect is better than that based on BP.  相似文献   

China is the world's largest producer of plastic machinery and its manufacturing capacity is more than 200,000 units per year (sets), the output value of industry in recent years is a double-digit growth, China's machinery industry is the rapid growth in one of the species. As China's plastic machinery industry development, China-made plastic machineries are step forward in a hightech content and high-end products. This year, the plastic machinery association will continue to promote new technologies and speed up industrial upgrading as a priority.  相似文献   

Used in chemical liquids, lubricants, paints and other industrial barrels are the new large-scale packaging containers developed in recent years, at present it has become the new development hot spot in China. By the end of 2004, China has imported more than 20 production lines, with a total production capacity of 90 million. The larger factories amongst in it are Shanghai Fan Shun Industrial Co., Ltd. and Changzhou overseas plastic containers company.  相似文献   

The 2001 Estimate of the Chinaese Market released byBoeing Company of the United States predicted that in thenext 20 years,starting this year,China’s need for civilaeroplanes would be 1,764 worth US $ 144 billion.By theyear 2020 China’s airlines will have more than 2,200 aero-planes and become one of fhe largest civil aviation markets,second only to the US.  相似文献   

The negotiation com m ittees of China and the A sso-ciation of Southeast A sian N ations (A SEA N ) have reached agreem ent on the m ost im portant prat-agreem ent on cargo trade, according to the Ministry of Com m erce spokesm an Chong Quan. The two sides decided to sign two agreem ents on cargo trade and dispute resolutionm echanism of the China-A SEA N free trade zone during the C hina-A SEA N leaders m eeting in Novem ber 2004. Based on the agreement, China and A SEA N will s…  相似文献   

China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC) announced that China and the European Union have reached a common understanding on jointly building a bilateral textile control system and from next year, the EU will exert bilateral control over China's export of eight categories of textile products, which will no longer be limited in quantity.  相似文献   

According to a China National Bureau of Statistics report,in line with diversification of the economy, China's state-owned enterprises will withdraw from most of the industrialsectors but will maintain control over a few sectors, and thepublic sector monopoly will be broken. The report holds that the state should withdraw from 146of the 196 industrial sectors. The 146 sectors include garmentsand textile which are now facing serious overcapacity of pro-duction; food, beverages, daily consumr goods which mainlysatisfy consumption demands; household electronics itemswhich, by market regulation could become more competitive,and other manufacturing sectors which do not have a strongdemand for funds and technology. The report analysis shows thatin some departments in the public sector the existence of the  相似文献   

The world's largest trans-polyisoprene rubber (TPI) installation which owned our own independent intellectual property rights and its output of TPI for per year is 500 t/a was trial produced successfully in Qingdao Agentsubsidiary Factory of Qingdao University of Science & Technology recently. This technological breakthrough made the TPI prices formerly dropped from more than 10 times of ordinary rubber price to less than two times. This will greatly promote the development of high-performance "green tire" in China.  相似文献   

A report published by the Economic and Resources Management Institute of Beijing Normal University recently forecasts that China's GDP will grow 10% in the first half of this year, and the country's national economy will keep growing adhesively and at high levels.That is, China's GDP will maintain the high-level growth of 10%, neither growing at a faster pace nor dropping sharply, to present a development trend of small fluctuations.  相似文献   

Bosch Group of Germany recently kicked off a wind turbine gear installation production base in Beijing with an investment of 100 million euros, the first such installation base ever constructed outside Germany by Bosch, and the company announced it would increase its investment in China by 850 million euros in 2008-2010. Research data show that the global sales volume of Bosch Group will reach 47 billion euros in 2008, and its sales volume in China will reach 2.3 billion euros, up 30% from 2007. China will remain the major driving force behind sales growth of Bosch Group on the Asian market.  相似文献   

Quoting statistics of the Japanese Ministry of Finance theJapanese Trade Promotion Committee announced that trade be-tween Japan and China is expected to reach US $100 billion in2001 though the growth rate of the total volume will tend to slowdown. The statistics show that there was a drastic increase ofSino-Japanese trade in 2000 which came to a record high of US$85. 8 billion, up 29. 5% over 1999, accounting for 10. 0% of  相似文献   

The Ministry for Information and Industy(MII)re-cently announced that the import tariff on all informationtechnology products will gradually be cancelled by 2005 aspart of the country’s commitment to the World Trade Or-ganisation in an effort to build up a fairer IT market world-wide and to promote the growth of the domestic IT industry.Import duties on 251 kinds of electronics and IT productshave been cut from January 1,2002 in a accordance with  相似文献   

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