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We have developed and shown to be efficacious an immunotherapeutic strategy to enhance the generation of tumor-specific CD4+ T helper lymphocytes. The approach uses autologous tumor cells genetically modified to express syngeneic MHC class II genes as cell-based immunogens and is based on the hypothesis that tumor cells directly present tumor Ags to CD4+ T cells. Since the conventional pathway for CD4+ T cell activation is indirect via professional APC, induction of immunity following immunization with class II-transfected tumor cells was examined in bone marrow chimeric mice. Both tumor and host-derived cells are APC for tumor Ags, suggesting that the efficacy of tumor cell vaccines can be significantly improved by genetic modifications that enhance tumor cell Ag presentation.  相似文献   

Mouse spleen T cells can adoptively transfer immunity to Listeria monocytogenes; this activity was markedly enhanced by stimulation with Con A in vitro before transfer. The enhanced and prolonged protection against L. monocytogenes in vivo was correlated with enhanced lysis in vitro of target cells infected with strains of L. monocytogenes that produce listeriolysin O (LLO). One of the targets of such cytotoxic cells from BALB/c (H2d) mice was a peptide that corresponded to amino acids 91 to 99 (p91-99) of the LLO molecule, which satisfies the binding motif of H2-Kd. Listeria-immune CD3+CD8+, but not CD3+CD8-, cells could also lyse H-2-incompatible, infected target cells. Immune cells from C57BL/6 (H2b) mice lysed allogeneic H-2d target cells infected with L. monocytogenes or a Bacillus subtilis transformant that secretes LLO, but did not lyse targets pulsed with p91-99. This H2-unrestricted cytolysis was therefore directed at a fragment of the LLO molecule other than p91-99. Listeria-infected bone marrow macrophages from congenic and recombinant strains of mice were lysed only when they shared the H2-T region or were Qa1-compatible with the immune cytotoxic cells; sharing of the H2-D, Q, or M region was insufficient. Thus, the immune response to L. monocytogenes included cytolytic CD8+ cells that recognized endogenously processed Listeria-derived Ags in the context of the class Ia H2-K molecule, as well as a class Ib H2-T molecule.  相似文献   

Differentiation of naive CD4+ lymphocytes into either Th1 or Th2 cells is influenced by the cytokine present during initial Ag priming. IL-4 is the critical element in the induction of Th2 response; however, its origin during a primary immune response is not well defined. In the present study, we characterized a novel potential source of IL-4, the class I-selected CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ T cells. In a first set of experiments, we demonstrated that CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ thymocytes produce a large amount of IL-4 after in vitro anti-CD3 stimulation. This phenomenon was not observed in class I-deficient mice, demonstrating that among these cells, the class I-selected subset was predominantly responsible for IL-4 production. Further studies focused on the in vivo IL-4-producing capacity of peripheral CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ T cells. To this end, a single injection of anti-CD3 mAb, which promptly induces IL-4 mRNA expression, was used. Peripheral CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ T cells express high levels of IL-4 mRNA in response to in vivo anti-CD3 challenge. Furthermore, analysis performed in mice lacking MHC class I or class II molecules demonstrates that both the class I-selected subset of CD4-CD8-TCR+ and CD4+ peripheral T lymphocytes are the major IL-4 producers after in vivo anti-CD3 stimulation. These findings suggest that class I-selected CD4-CD8-TCR-alpha beta+ and CD4+ T cell populations are important sources of IL-4 probably implicated in the development of specific Th2 immune responses.  相似文献   

Mouse CD8+ CTL reactive with an H-2Db presented 9-mer peptide of the human papilloma virus 16 (HPV-16) protein E749-57 (RAHYNIVTF) were generated from the splenocytes of wild-type C57BL/6 (B6), B6.perforin-deficient, B6.gld or B6.TNF-deficient mice. In short-term (4 h) assays, CTL from B6, B6.TNF-deficient and B6.gld mice displayed peptide-specific perforin- and/or Fas ligand (FasL)-mediated lysis of E7-transfected mouse RMA lymphoma cells (RMA-E7) or E749-57 peptide-pulsed RMA-S cells, while CD8+ CTL from B6.perforin-deficient mice lysed via FasL exclusively. Rapid and efficient lysis of syngeneic bystander B6 spleen T cell blasts by B6, B6.TNF-deficient or B6.perforin-deficient antigen-activated CTL was mediated apparently exclusively by a FasL/Fas mechanism. By contrast CTL from B6.gld mice did not mediate rapid bystander lysis of B6 blasts. Rather B6.gld CTL delivered delayed bystander lysis after 36-48 h that was mediated by TNF. TNF-mediated bystander lysis of syngeneic blasts appeared to be independent of class I molecules and was mediated at least in part by soluble TNF. By contrast, there was no evidence that soluble FasL-mediated bystander lysis. For the first time, these data indicate that CD8+ CTL may use FasL or TNF in a kinetically and physically distinct fashion to mediate bystander killing.  相似文献   

Hepatocytes constitute the principal site of listerial replication in the livers of mice infected i.v. CD8+ T lymphocytes play a predominant role in the host defenses to Listeria monocytogenes. In vitro experiments by others undertaken to delineate the functions of CD8+ T lymphocytes have focused primarily on their interaction with Listeria-infected macrophages. Such experiments do not address directly the role of CD8+ T lymphocytes in eliminating the bulk of Listeria replicating within the liver. Here, we report that immune CD8+ T cells at an E:T cell ratio > or = 10:1 lysed Listeria-infected hepatocytes as judged by the following two criteria. Aspartate aminotransferase activity in the culture supernatants, indicative of hepatocyte damage, increased significantly. Conversely, infected hepatocytes cocultured with immune CD8+ T cells exhibited a marked reduction in viable intracellular Listeria assessed by CFUs. Neither immune CD4+ T cells nor nonimmune CD8+ T cells caused a similar increase in aspartate aminotransferase activity released or a decrease in intracellular bacteria. Immune CD8+ T cell-mediated lysis of infected hepatocytes was restricted by classical MHC class I (H-2Kb) molecules and was inhibited by the presence of either brefeldin A or mAb specific for CD8. These results suggest that the predominant role of CD8+ T lymphocytes in host resistance to listerial infections of the liver may be due to their capacity to lyse infected hepatocytes.  相似文献   

In the absence of other cells, cloned CTL in culture can undergo massive destruction upon the addition of a peptide that is recognized, in association with the CTL's class I MHC proteins, by the CTL's Ag-specific TCR. To determine whether the destruction is a result of the individual CTL's recognition via its own TCR of peptide-MHC-I complexes on its own surface ("suicide"), or to cytolytic attack by some CTL on others in the same culture ("fratricide"), we compared the rate of peptide-induced cell death in conventional cultures, where CTL are free to establish cell-cell contacts, with other cultures in which individual CTL were prevented from forming cell-cell contacts by encasing them individually in agarose gel microdrops. The differences were dramatic: in the presence of high concentrations of peptide (10 millionfold greater than is necessary to support 50% lysis of conventional target cells by these CTL) cell death was linear over 0 to 8 h in conventional cultures, at a rate of about 10% per hour, whereas in the presence of the same high concentration of peptide over the same time course, no death was detected among the cells encased in agarose gel microdroplets. The results demonstrate an absolute requirement for cell-cell contact in the destruction of cloned CTL in culture with their cognate peptides at high concentration. Using an increase of intracellular calcium ion concentration ([Ca2+]i) as a measure of T-cell activation, we also found that peptide-dependent activation of CTL likewise depends upon cell-cell contact.  相似文献   

Direct activation of human cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) by interleukin (IL)-18 was observed in a system in which CTL effective against autologous tumor cells were generated. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from tumor-bearing patients, after removal of natural killer (NK) cells, were cultured in a medium containing IL-1, -2, -4, and -6, with or without IL-18, and stimulated with autologous tumor cells. IL-18 increased the activity of the CTL and the proportion of autologous CD8+ T cells present after 28 days in the induction culture. When purified CD8+ T cells were cultured in the presence of IL-18 and IL-2 for 7 days, the CTL showed enhanced cytotoxic activity against autologous tumor cells. Moreover, a purified CD8+ T cell population, which did not exhibit any apparent cytotoxic activity against autologous tumor cells, displayed cytotoxic activity after 7-day incubation with IL-18. These results suggest that IL-18 may be useful to generate autologous CTL in humans and may thereby contribute to adoptive immunotherapy for tumors.  相似文献   

The role of B lymphocytes in initiating and maintaining a CD4+ T cell response has been examined using a variety of strategies, but remains controversial because of weaknesses inherent to each of the approaches. Here, we address this issue by measuring CD4+ T cell priming both in mutant mice devoid of B cells and in chimeric animals lacking major histocompatibility complex class II molecules specifically on B cells. We find that peptide and some protein antigens do not require B cells expressing class II molecules, nor B cells themselves, to efficiently prime. This could be demonstrated by the usual lymph node proliferation assay, a rather indirect in vitro measure of priming, and by a direct ex vivo assay of population expansion and activation marker expression. Interestingly, one protein antigen, conalbumin, could not prime in the absence of B cells, but could in the presence of B cells devoid of class II molecules. This finding constrains the possible mechanisms whereby B lymphocytes contribute to the initiation of a CD4+ T cell response, arguing against the importance of surface immunoglobulin-mediated antigen presentation by B cells.  相似文献   

The vast majority of in vitro experiments testing the cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) activity in HIV infection has been performed with target cells consisting of autologous EBV-transformed B lymphoblastoid cell lines (B-LCLs) expressing Human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) proteins. However data concerning the lysis of primary CD4+ T lymphocytes expressing HIV-1 antigens by CTLs is still lacking. To study the CTL activity against such primary targets, we used a system involving PBMCs of an HIV+ asymptomatic patient (PT) as effector cells and the CD4+ lymphocytes or B-LCLs of his healthy HLA-identical twin brother (HTW) as target cells. These syngeneic targets were either infected with recombinant vaccinia virus containing HIV-1 gag gene (gag-vac), or coated with HIV-1 gag peptides. We demonstrate in this study that PT CTLs (which were CD3+, CD4-, CD8+, TCRalphabeta+, TCRgammadelta-, CD56-) specifically lysed both types of syngeneic target cells expressing gag-vac; however, CD4+ T cells expressing HIV gag proteins were lysed less efficiently than B-LCLs expressing the same HIV epitopes. On the other hand, no specific lysis was detected when the target cells were uninfected or infected by wild-type vaccinia virus.  相似文献   

We obtained mice deficient for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules encoded by the H-2K and H-2D genes. H-2 KbDb -/- mice express no detectable classical MHC class I-region associated (Ia) heavy chains, although beta2-microglobulin and the nonclassical class Ib proteins examined are expressed normally. KbDb -/- mice have greatly reduced numbers of mature CD8+ T cells, indicating that selection of the vast majority (>90%) of CD8+ T cells cannot be compensated for by beta2-microglobulin-associated molecules other than classical H-2K and D locus products. In accord with the greatly reduced number of CD8+ T cells, spleen cells from KbDb -/- mice do not generate cytotoxic responses in primary mixed-lymphocyte cultures against MHC-disparate (allogeneic) cells. However, in vivo priming of KbDb -/- mice with allogeneic cells resulted in strong CD8+ MHC class Ia-specific allogeneic responses. Thus, a minor population of functionally competent peripheral CD8+ T cells capable of strong cytotoxic activity arises in the complete absence of classical MHC class Ia molecules. KbDb -/- animals also have natural killer cells that retain their cytotoxic potential.  相似文献   

T cells are believed to play an important role in the pathogenesis of Lyme arthritis (LA), an inflammatory joint disease caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb). The presence or absence of certain Bb-specific CD4+ T helper cells has been associated with prognosis. Since recent observations suggested the activation of CD8+ T cells during infection with Bb, we searched for CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes in patients with LA. CD8+ T cell lines were generated from peripheral blood and synovial fluid of five patients with LA. In addition, CD8+ T cells were expanded by Ag-specific stimulation in bulk cultures. A cytotoxicity assay was established using target cells infected with recombinant vaccinia viruses expressing the borrelial proteins outer surface protein (Osp) A, OspB, or flagellin. We found Bb-specific CTL lines derived from the peripheral blood of three patients with LA with specificity for flagellin, OspA, and OspB. All Bb-specific CTL lines were CD3+, CD8+, and TCRalphabeta, and cytotoxic activity was HLA class I restricted. Moreover, CD8+ T cells expanded by Ag-specific stimulation in vitro demonstrated Bb-specific and HLA class I-restricted lysis toward individual borrelial proteins. Interestingly, Bb-specific lytic activity was only detected in patient samples obtained after the disappearance of arthritis. We report the detection of Bb-specific cytotoxic CD8+ T cells in patients with LA. The induction of specific CD8+ T cells may play an important role in disease control and may have important bearings for the development of effective vaccines against Lyme borreliosis.  相似文献   

In the normal course of an immune response, both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells respond to each of the bacterial pathogens we have discussed and both responses may be required for the most potent immunity to infection. In this discussion, we have focused on the ability of these organisms to prime CD8+ T-cell responses in vivo and the ability of CD8+ T cells as sole mediators of acquired immunity, to protect against infection. It is clear that the vacuolar location of bacterial pathogens such as Salmonella or Mycobacteria does not prevent in vivo priming of CD8+ T-cell responses to these pathogens. However, vacuolar localization may affect the potency of CD8+ T-cell responses under experimental conditions that assess the capacity of CD8+ T cells as the sole mediators of acquired immunity. In the case of cytoplasmic L. monocytogenes, clear evidence exists that antigen-specific CD8+ T cells, in the absence of immune CD4+ T cells, can provide substantial acquired immunity to naive mice. Similar clear experimental results with Salmonella and Mycobacteria are lacking. Such results would provide stronger support for vaccines that elicit CD8+ T-cell responses to these vacuolar pathogens. Although our discussion has focused on only three specific organisms, we suggest that detection of an in vivo CD8+ T-cell response to a bacterial antigen does not ensure that the response will be protective against infection in a vaccine setting. In the case of Salmonella and Mycobacteria, this issue remains unresolved.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Controversy exists as to whether natural killer (NK)1.1+ cells additionally support cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) generation. We have previously demonstrated that mice generate a strong in vitro xenospecific CTL response in local popliteal lymph nodes (LN) to footpad immunizations with large numbers of human tumor cells. METHODS: In vivo depletion of various LN subsets using cytotoxic monoclonal antibodies was used to determine their relative importance in stimulating xenospecific CD8+ CTL responses to human Jurkat tumor cells. Depletion of functional NK cells in vivo was evidenced by the relative lack of NK1.1+ cells and NK activity in the spleens and LN of anti-NK1.1 monoclonal antibody-treated mice. CONCLUSION: Depletion of LN subsets indicated that CD4+ T cells were critical in generating an effective xenospecific CD8+ CTL response, but also suggested that NK1.1+ cells play a significant additional accessory role in the development of mouse anti-human xenospecific CTL.  相似文献   

Human immune responses to M. tuberculosis are characterized by activation of multiple T cell subsets including CD4+, CD8+, and gammadelta T cells, and the role of CD8+ alphabeta TCR+ T cells in this response is poorly understood. Stimulation of T cells from healthy tuberculin skin test-positive persons with live M. tuberculosis-H37Ra or soluble M. tuberculosis Ags readily up-regulated IL-2Ralpha (CD25) expression on CD8+ T cells. Purified resting and activated CD8+ T cells produced IFN-gamma and proliferated to both M. tuberculosis bacilli and soluble mycobacterial Ags with monocytes as APC. Precursor frequency of mycobacterial Ag-specific CD8+ T cells by IFN-gamma enzyme-linked immunospot was 5-10-fold lower than the precursor frequency of CD4+ T cells, and IFN-gamma secretion by CD8+ T cells was 50-100-fold lower. CD8+ T cells secreted approximately 10-fold less IFN-gamma per cell than CD4+ T cells in response to mycobacterial Ags. CD8+ T cell responses to M. tuberculosis bacilli were blocked by anti-MHC class I antibody and required Ag processing. Processing of M. tuberculosis bacilli by monocytes for presentation to MHC class I-restricted CD8+ T cells was insensitive to brefeldin A treatment, which blocks the conventional MHC class I Ag-processing pathway. These results represent the first demonstration that human cells can process pathogen Ags via an alternate Ag-processing pathway for MHC class I and suggest a mechanism for participation of IFN-gamma-secreting CD8+ T cells in the human immune responses to M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Chronic pancreatitis is a painful chronic inflammatory disease of the exocrine pancreas that is associated with the replacement of functional parenchyma by extended fibrosis and with a massive infiltration of T lymphocytes. However, to date further characterization of infiltrating T cells in chronic pancreatitis has not been undertaken. METHODS: Using the novel method of multiepitope imaging with fluorochrome-tagged specific monoclonal antibodies, which allows the simultaneous localization and characterization of T cells in tissues, we analyzed the distribution and phenotypes of T cells infiltrating the pancreas in chronic pancreatitis. RESULTS: The mean CD4:CD8 ratio in 10 cases of chronic pancreatitis was 2.4:1. In order of decreasing frequency, the following markers were observed: CD45RO, CD18, TCRgammadelta, and CD103. The lymphocytes, especially of the CD4+ subset, were found mainly in the fibrous stroma, but T cells were also observed periductally. A T-cell subset bearing the phenotype CD8+CD103+, analogous to intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes, was found intracalating between the cells of the ductal epithelium. CONCLUSIONS: Phenotyping of the T lymphocytes in chronic pancreatitis supports the concept of the involvement of cell-mediated cytotoxicity in the pathogenesis of this disease. In addition, intraepithelial lymphocytes were found interspersed between the ductal epithelial cells, pointing to a role of this T-cell subset as a first-line defense against deleterious epithelial events in chronic pancreatitis.  相似文献   

Recent studies revealed that CD4+ cells initiate allograft rejection through direct recognition of allogeneic MHC class II Ags and indirect recognition of MHC peptides processed by self APCs. Both pathways were shown to help CD8+ cells that eventually lysed allogeneic MHC class I-presenting targets. There was little evidence, however, that CD4+ cells are sufficient for graft rejection. We studied skin graft rejection by CD8-deficient (CD8 -/-) mice. We showed that BALB/cJ(H-2d) CD8 -/- mice could reject allogeneic skin from C57BL/6J(H-2b) mice deficient in MHC class I or in MHC class II Ags. To understand the role of CD4+ cells in this process, we isolated them from CD8 -/- mice and transferred them to BALB/cJ nude mice that had been grafted with allogeneic skin (H-2b) from animals deficient in MHC class I or MHC class II. Nude mice injected with CD4+ cells rejected MHC class II and, albeit more slowly, MHC class I disparate skins. We showed in vitro evidence that CD4+ cells were not cytotoxic toward MHC class I or MHC class II disparate targets and that they recognized MHC class I allogeneic targets through indirect recognition. CD4+ cells produced Th1 cytokines, but not IL-4, following stimulation with allogeneic cells. Furthermore, intragraft TNF-alpha was elevated in skin grafted onto nude mice reconstituted with CD4+ cells compared with nonreconstituted mice. This suggests that MHC class II- or MHC class I-guided CD4+ cells alone are sufficient to induce rejection by the generation of cytokine-induced lesions.  相似文献   

The CD8 molecule is expressed either as an alpha/alpha homodimer or an alpha/beta heterodimer on thymocytes and cytotoxic T cells, and functions as a coreceptor in concert with TCR for binding the MHC class I/peptide complex. Although CD8alpha/beta heterodimers have been shown to be more effective coreceptors, the precise role of the beta-chain in TCR-mediated thymic maturation and T cell activation is not understood. To understand the role of CD8beta in mediating CD8/MHC class I interaction, we examined whether cell surface CD8alpha/beta heterodimer promotes better cell-cell adhesion with MHC class I than the CD8alpha/alpha homodimer. The abilities of different forms of CD8 to adhere to MHC class I were measured with a cell-cell binding assay. Using a wild-type CD8beta and -alpha, we found that CD8alphabeta heterodimers did not mediate greater cell-cell adhesion than CD8alphaalpha homodimers. Furthermore, we found that chimeric CD8beta-alpha homodimers afforded no detectable binding. These results do not support the idea that CD8alphabeta binding to MHC class I is greater than that of CD8alphaalpha. Rather, they point to an alternative explanation in which CD8beta may play an role in promoting CD8/TCR interaction and/or in signaling/regulatory pathways.  相似文献   

By the use of mixed leukocyte cultures it was shown that a population of allogeneically activated rat T cells synthesize and express class II MHC antigens, in confirmation of other studies. Compatible with the finding that the MHC molecules detected on these cells were of T cell origin rather than passively acquired, it was found that mRNA for class II transactivator could readily be detected in the T cells stimulated in these cultures. In contrast there was no evidence that mouse T cells synthesized class II MHC antigens. The size of the population of activated rat T cells expressing class II MHC antigens was affected by the presence of IL-4 and glucocorticoids in the activating cultures. However, whereas IL-4 increased the frequency of thymocytes and peripheral T cells expressing class II antigens in culture, glucocorticoids diminished this frequency. The expression of class II MHC antigens by allogeneically activated thymocytes demonstrated a novel heterogeneity amongst mature CD4+ CD8- thymocytes that could not readily be accounted for in terms of differences in maturity of the cells, in the affinity of the TCR for the stimulating ligands or in the stage in the cell cycle. The data suggest that CD4+ single-positive thymocytes do not constitute a homogeneous population differing only in TCR clonotypes.  相似文献   

We established a CD4+ T-cell clone specific for syngeneic methylcholanthrene-induced sarcoma, S1509a raised in an A/J mouse, involved in tumor regression. The phenotype of the T-cell clone was CD3+, TCR-beta+, CD4+, CD45RB+, LFA-1+, ICAM-1+, CD44+, and VLA-4+. The CD4+ T-cell clone specifically proliferated through antigen stimulation with attenuated S1509a in the presence of syngeneic accessory cells, and this antigen-induced proliferation was inhibited with anti-CD4 and anti-I-Ek monoclonal antibodies. The CD4+ T-cell clone designated YS1093 secreted interleukin (IL) 4, IL-5, and IL-6, but not IFN-gamma, tumor necrosis factor alpha, or IL-2, thus indicating that the clone belongs to the Th2 type. YS1093 cells and their culture supernatant after antigen stimulation augmented the primed cytotoxic T lymphocyte killing activity at the effector phase. YS1093 cells having Th2-type characteristics made the homologous growing tumor regress in the tumor-bearing syngeneic mice when YS1093 cells were transferred into the tumor-bearing mice i.v. The in vivo tumor regression initiated by YS1093 cell transfer essentially required the presence of CD8+ T cells in the tumor-bearing hosts, thus suggesting that some specific Th2 cells are positively involved in tumor regression by activating primed CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes against the homologous tumor in situ.  相似文献   

Mouse cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) reactive with a H-2Db-presented 9-mer peptide of the human papillomavirus type 16 protein E7(49-57) (RAHYNIVTF) were generated from the spleen cells of wild-type C57BL/6 (B6) or B6 perforin-deficient (B6.P0) mice. CD8(+) B6 CTL displayed peptide-specific perforin- and Fas-mediated lysis of E7-transfected mouse RMA lymphoma cells (RMA-E7), while CD8(+) CTL from B6.P0 mice lysed RMA-E7 cells via Fas ligand (FasL) exclusively. Rapid and efficient lysis of syngeneic bystander B6 blasts or RMA cells by either B6 or B6.P0 Ag-activated CTL was mediated by a FasL-Fas mechanism. Fas-resistant bystanders were not lysed, nor were allogeneic Fas-sensitive C3H/HeJ (H-2(k)) or BALB/c (H-2(d)) bystander blasts. Interestingly, however, phorbol myristate acetate-ionomycin preactivation of B6.P0 effectors enabled lysis of allogeneic H-2(k) and H-2(d) bystanders even in the absence of antigenic stimulation. Lysis of syngeneic bystander cells was always FasL-Fas dependent and required effector-bystander contact and, in particular, an interaction between CTL LFA-1 and bystander ICAM-1. Thus, in the context of major histocompatibility complex class I molecule-peptide ligation of the T-cell receptors of CD8(+) CTL, neighboring bystander cells that are syngeneic and Fas sensitive and express the adhesion molecule ICAM-1 are potential targets of CTL attack.  相似文献   

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