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The pheromone-responsive Gbeta subunit of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (encoded by STE4) is rapidly phosphorylated at multiple sites when yeast cells are exposed to mating pheromone. It has been shown that a mutant form of Ste4 lacking residues 310-346, ste4delta310-346, cannot be phosphorylated, and that its expression leads to defects in recovery from pheromone stimulation. Based on these observations, it was proposed that phosphorylation of Ste4 is associated with an adaptive response to mating pheromone. In this study we used site-directed mutagenesis to create two phosphorylation null (Pho-) alleles of STE4: ste4-T320A/S335A and ste4-T322A/S335A. When expressed in yeast, these mutant forms of Ste4 remained unphosphorylated upon pheromone stimulation. The elimination of Ste4 phosphorylation has no discernible effect on either signaling or adaptation. In addition, disruption of the FUS3 gene, which encodes a pheromone-specific MAP kinase, leads to partial loss of pheromone-induced Ste4 phosphorylation. Two-hybrid analysis suggests that the ste4delta310-346 deletion mutant is impaired in its interaction with Gpa1, the pheromone-responsive Galpha of yeast, whereas the Ste4-T320A/S335A mutant has normal affinity for Gpa1. Taken together, these results indicate that pheromone-induced phosphorylation of Ste4 is not an adaptive mechanism, and that the adaptive defect exhibited by the 310-346 deletion mutant is likely to be due to disruption of the interaction between Ste4 and Gpa1.  相似文献   

Cytochrome oxidase (COX) is considered to integrate in a single enzyme two consecutive mechanistically different redox activities--oxidase and peroxidase--that can be catalyzed elsewhere by separate hemoproteins. From the viewpoint of energy transduction, the enzyme is essentially a proton pumping peroxidase with a built-in auxiliary eu-oxidase module that activates oxygen and prepares in situ H2O2, a thermodynamically efficient but potentially hazardous electron acceptor for the proton pumping peroxidase. The eu-oxidase and peroxidase phases of the catalytic cycle may be performed by different structural states of COX. Resolution of the proton pumping peroxidase activity of COX and identification of individual charge translocation steps inherent in this reaction are discussed, as well as the specific role of the two input proton channels in proton translocation.  相似文献   

Kss1 protein kinase, and the homologous Fus3 kinase, are required for pheromone signal transduction in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In MATa haploids exposed to alpha-factor, Kss1 was rapidly phosphorylated on both Thr183 and Tyr185, and both sites were required for Kss1 function in vivo. De novo protein synthesis was required for sustained pheromone-induced phosphorylation of Kss1. Catalytically inactive Kss1 mutants displayed alpha-factor-induced phosphorylation on both residues, even in kss1 delta cells; hence, autophosphorylation is not obligatory for these modifications. In kss1 delta fus3 delta double mutants, Kss1 phosphorylation was elevated even in the absence of pheromone; thus, cross-phosphorylation by Fus3 is not responsible for Kss1 activation. In contrast, pheromone-induced Kss1 phosphorylation was eliminated in mutants deficient in two other protein kinases, Ste11 and Ste7. A dominant hyperactive allele of STE11 caused a dramatic increase in the phosphorylation of Kss1, even in the absence of pheromone stimulation, but required Ste7 for this effect, suggesting an order of function: Ste11-->Ste7-->Kss1. When overproduced, Kss1 stimulated recovery from pheromone-imposed G1 arrest. Catalytic activity was essential for Kss1 function in signal transmission, but not for its recovery-promoting activity. Kss1 was found almost exclusively in the particulate material and its subcellular fractionation was unaffected by pheromone treatment. Indirect immunofluorescence demonstrated that Kss1 is concentrated in the nucleus and that its distribution is not altered detectably during signaling.  相似文献   

With the systematic sequencing of the yeast genome, yeast biology has entered a new era where novel challenges have to be faced. One challenge is the identification of the function of the several hundred novel genes discovered by genome sequencing. Another is to understand how all yeast genes act in concert to ensure and maintain cell organization. Two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis is the technique of choice to take up these challenges because it provides the opportunity of obtaining an overall view of genome expression. In prospect of these studies we have undertaken the construction of a yeast 2-D gel protein database that contains information on polypeptides of the yeast protein map. In this paper we report the information presently contained in this database. The reported information includes the identification of 250 protein spots and the characterization of polypeptides corresponding to N-terminal acetylated proteins, mitochondrial proteins, glucose-repressed proteins, heat shock induced proteins and proteins encoded by intron-containing genes. In all, 600 spots are annotated. These data can be accessed on the Yeast Protein Map server through the World Wide Web network.  相似文献   

The meiosis-specific HOP1 gene is important both for crossing over between homologs and for production of viable spores. hop1 diploids fail to assemble synaptonemal complex (SC), which normally provides the framework for meiotic synapsis. Immunochemical methods have shown that the 70-kDa HOP1 product is a component of the SC. To assess its molecular function, we have purified Hop1 protein to homogeneity and shown that it forms dimers and higher oligomers in solution. Consistent with the zinc-finger motif in its sequence, the purified protein contained about 1 mol equivalent of zinc whereas mutant protein lacking a conserved cysteine within this motif did not. Electrophoretic gel mobility shift assays with different forms of M13 DNA showed that Hop1 binds more readily to linear duplex DNA and negatively superhelical DNA than to nicked circular duplex DNA and even more weakly to single-stranded DNA. Linear duplex DNA binding was enhanced by the addition of Zn2+, was stronger for longer DNA fragments, and was saturable to about 55 bp/protein monomer. Competitive inhibition of this binding by added oligonucleotides suggests preferential affinity for G-rich sequences and weaker binding to poly(dA-dT). Nuclear extracts of meiotic cells caused exonucleolytic degradation of linear duplex DNA if the extracts were prepared from hop1 mutants; addition of purified Hop1 conferred protection against this degradation. These findings suggest that Hop1 acts in meiotic synapsis by binding to sites of double-strand break formation and helping to mediate their processing in the pathway to meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

The function of a protein generally is determined by its three-dimensional (3D) structure. Thus, it would be useful to know the 3D structure of the thousands of protein sequences that are emerging from the many genome projects. To this end, fold assignment, comparative protein structure modeling, and model evaluation were automated completely. As an illustration, the method was applied to the proteins in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker's yeast) genome. It resulted in all-atom 3D models for substantial segments of 1,071 (17%) of the yeast proteins, only 40 of which have had their 3D structure determined experimentally. Of the 1,071 modeled yeast proteins, 236 were related clearly to a protein of known structure for the first time; 41 of these previously have not been characterized at all.  相似文献   

The primary determinant for telomere replication is the enzyme telomerase, responsible for elongating the G-rich strand of the telomere. The only component of this enzyme that has been identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the TLC1 gene, encoding the telomerase RNA subunit. However, a yeast strain defective for the EST1 gene exhibits the same phenotypes (progressively shorter telomeres and a senescence phenotype) as a strain deleted for TLC1, suggesting that EST1 encodes either a component of telomerase or some other factor essential for telomerase function. We designed a multitiered screen that led to the isolation of 22 mutants that display the same phenotypes as est1 and tlc1 mutant strains. These mutations mapped to four complementation groups: the previously identified EST1 gene and three additional genes, called EST2, EST3 and EST4. Cloning of the EST2 gene demonstrated that it encodes a large, extremely basic novel protein with no motifs that provide clues as to function. Epistasis analysis indicated that the four EST genes function in the same pathway for telomere replication as defined by the TLC1 gene, suggesting that the EST genes encode either components of telomerase or factors that positively regulate telomerase activity.  相似文献   

The mouse H19 gene is expressed exclusively from the maternal allele. The imprinted expression of the endogenous gene can be recapitulated in mice by using a 14-kb transgene encompassing 4 kb of 5'-flanking sequence, 8 kb of 3'-flanking sequence, which includes the two endoderm-specific enhancers, and an internally deleted structural gene. We have generated multiple transgenic lines with this 14-kb transgene and found that high-copy-number transgenes most closely follow the imprinted expression of the endogenous gene. To determine which sequences are important for imprinted expression, deletions were introduced into the transgene. Deletion of the 5' region, where a differentially methylated sequence proposed to be important in determining parental-specific expression is located, resulted in transgenes that were expressed and hypomethylated, regardless of parental origin. A 6-kb transgene, which contains most of the differentially methylated sequence but lacks the 8-kb 3' region, was not expressed and also not methylated. These results indicate that expression of either the H19 transgene or a 3' DNA sequence is key to establishing the differential methylation pattern observed at the endogenous locus. Finally, methylation analysis of transgenic sperm DNA from the lines that are not imprinted reveals that the transgenes are not capable of establishing and maintaining the paternal methylation pattern observed for imprinted transgenes and the endogenous paternal allele. Thus, the imprinting of the H19 gene requires a complex set of elements including the region of differential methylation and the 3'-flanking sequence.  相似文献   

Clonal central nervous system neuronal cells, B103, do not synthesize detectable endogenous APP or APLP. B103 cells transfected with both wild-type (B103/APP) and mutant APP construct (B103/APP delta NL) secreted comparable amounts of soluble forms of APP (sAPP). B103/APP cells produced sAPP and cleaved at amyloid beta/A4 (A beta) 16, the alpha-secretase site, and B103/APP delta NL cells produced sAPP beta cleaved at A beta 1, the beta-secretase site. B103/APP delta NL cells developed fewer neurites than B103/APP cells in a serum-free defined medium. Neurite numbers of parent B103 cells were increased by the 50% conditioned medium (CM) from B103/APP cells but reduced by the CM from B103/APP delta NL cells. Chemically synthesized A beta at concentration levels higher than 1 nM reduced numbers of neurites from B103 or B103/APP delta NL cells. However, A beta at 1-100 nM could not reduce the neurite number of B103/APP cells. The protective activity against A beta's deleterious effect to reduce neurite numbers was attributed to sAPP alpha in the CM. Although sAPP alpha could block the effect of A beta, sAPP beta could not do so under the identical condition, suggesting the importance of the C-terminal 15-amino acid sequence in sAPP alpha. Nevertheless, sAPP alpha's protective activity required the N-terminal sequence around RERMS, previously identified to be the active domain of sAPP beta. The overall effect of APP mutation which overproduced A beta and sAPP beta and underproduced sAPP alpha was a marked decline in the neurotrophic effect of APP. We suggest that the disruption of balance between the detrimental effect of A beta and the trophic effect of sAPP may be important in the pathogenesis of AD caused by this pathogenic APP mutation.  相似文献   

The growth of the body was studied in 30 human fetuses ranged from 10 to 22 weeks of gestation. The fetuses were fixed by immersion in 4 percent formaldehyde and the following dimensions were studied: a) lengths: arm, forearm, hand, thigh, leg, foot and crown-rump (sitting height), b) perimeters: head, thorax and abdomen. A covariance matrix was calculated from natural logarithms of all measurements. The relative growth of these measurement was computed by multivariate allometry using a principal components analysis (PCA). All characters were positively correlated with the first principal component which accounted for 94.65 per cent of the total variance. Considering the different measurements in the sequence of the increasing growth rates no one was considered to increase in isometric relationship. PCA showed that the following measurements grew with negative allometry: head perimeter, C-R length, thoracic perimeter, length of the forearm and abdominal perimeter. On the other hand, the following lengths grew with positive allometry: hand, foot, thigh, arm and leg. In conclusion, during the first two trimesters of prenatal life the growth of the body is allometrical. Limbs increase with greater growth rates than the perimeters of the body cavities.  相似文献   

High affinity iron uptake in Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires Fet3p. Fet3p is proposed to facilitate iron uptake by catalyzing the oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III) by O2; in this model, Fe(III) is the substrate for the iron permease, encoded by FTR1. Here, a recombinant Fet3p has been produced in yeast that, lacking the C-terminal membrane-spanning domain, is secreted directly into the growth medium. Solutions of this Fet3p at >1 mg/ml have the characteristic blue color of a type 1 Cu(II)-containing protein, consistent with the sequence homology that placed this protein in the class of multinuclear copper oxidases that includes ceruloplasmin. Fet3p has an intense absorption at 607 nm (epsilon = 5500 M-1 cm-1) due to this type 1 Cu(II) and a shoulder in the near UV at 330 nm (epsilon = 5000 M-1 cm-1) characteristic of a type 3 binuclear Cu(II) cluster. The EPR spectrum of this Fet3p showed the presence of one type 1 Cu(II) and one type 2 Cu(II) (A parallel = 91 and 190 x 10(-4) cm-1, respectively). Copper analysis showed this protein to have 3.85 g atom copper/mol, consistent with the presence of one each of the three types of Cu(II) sites found in multinuclear copper oxidases. N-terminal analysis demonstrated that cleavage of a signal peptide occurred after Ala-21 in the primary translation product. Mass spectral and carbohydrate analysis of the protein following Endo H treatment indicated that the preparation was still 15% (w/w) carbohydrate, probably O-linked. Kinetic analysis of the in vitro ferroxidase reaction catalyzed by this soluble Fet3p yielded precise kinetic constants. The Km values for Fe(II) and O2 were 4.8 and 1.3 microM, respectively, while kcat values for Fe(II) and O2 turnover were 9.5 and 2.3 min-1, consistent with an Fe(II):O2 reaction stoichiometry of 4:1.  相似文献   

Peptides representing both loop and the sixth transmembrane regions of the alpha-factor receptor of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were synthesized by solid-phase procedures and purified to near homogeneity. CD, nmr, and modeling analysis indicated that in aqueous media the first extracellular loop peptide E1(107-125), the third intracellular loop peptide I3(231-243), and the carboxyl terminus peptide I4(350-372) were mostly disordered. In contrast, the second extracellular loop peptide E2(191-206) assumed a well-defined structure in aqueous medium and the sixth transmembrane domain peptide receptor M6(252-269, C252A) was highly helical in trifluoroethanol/water (4:1), exhibiting a kink at Pro258. A synthetic peptide containing a sequence similar to that of the sixth transmembrane domain of a constitutively active alpha-factor receptor M6(252-269, C252A, P258L) in which Leu replaces Pro258 exhibited significantly different biophysical properties than the wild-type sequence. In particular, this peptide had very low solubility and gave CD resembling that of a beta-sheet structure in hexafluoroacetone/water (1:1) whereas the wild-type peptide was partially helical under identical conditions. These results would be consistent with the hypothesis that the constitutive activity of the mutant receptor is linked to a conformational change in the sixth transmembrane domain. The study of the receptor segments also indicate that peptides corresponding to loops of the alpha-factor receptor do not appear to assume turn structures.  相似文献   

A novel DNA helicase, scHelI, has been purified from whole cell extracts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae using biochemical assays to monitor the fractionation. The enzyme unwinds partial duplex DNA substrates, as long as 343 base pairs in length, in a reaction that is dependent on either ATP or dATP hydrolysis. scHelI also catalyzes a single-stranded DNA-dependent ATP hydrolysis reaction; the apparent Km for ATP is 325 microM. The unwinding reaction on circular partial duplex substrates is biphasic, with a fast component occurring within 5 min of the initiation of the reaction and a slow component continuing to 60 min. This is in contrast to the ATP hydrolysis reaction, which exhibits linear kinetics for 60 min. The direction of the unwinding reaction is 5' to 3' with respect to the strand of DNA on which the enzyme is bound. The unwinding reaction is strongly stimulated by the addition of Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA-binding protein when long partial duplex substrates are used. The enzymatic activity of scHelI copurifies with a polypeptide of 135 kDa as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The polypeptide sediments as a monomer in a glycerol gradient in the presence of 0.2 M NaCl.  相似文献   

This work describes the phosphorylation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ras proteins and explores the physiological role of the phosphorylation of Ras2 protein. Proteins expressed from activated alleles of RAS were less stable and less phosphorylated than proteins from cells expressing wild-type alleles of RAS. This difference in phosphorylation level did not result from increased signaling through the Ras-cAMP pathway or reflect the primarily GTP-bound nature of activated forms of Ras protein per se. In addition, phosphorylation of Ras protein was not dependent on proper localization of the Ras2 protein to the plasma membrane nor on the interaction of Ras2p with its exchange factor, Cdc25p. The preferred phosphorylation site on Ras2 protein was identified as serine 214. This site, when mutated to alanine, led to promiscuous phosphorylation of Ras2 protein on nearby serine residues. A decrease in phosphorylation may lead to a decrease in signaling through the Ras-cAMP pathway.  相似文献   

Protein production with the recombinant yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in fed-batch culture is investigated in this work using beta-galactosidase as a model protein. Segregational instability was negligible during the observed culture periods. The final volumetric productivity, as determined by both cell concentration and gene expression, was strongly affected by the time course of the glucose levels in the bioreactor. It was found that an average glucose feed rate of 1.31 g glucose h-1 resulted in both the maximum beta-galactosidase production rate of 831-950 units ml-1 h-1 and the maximum cell production rate of 0.520-0.524 mg ml-1 h-1.  相似文献   

ADP-ribosylation factors (ARFs) are highly conserved, approximately 20-kDa guanine nucleotide-binding proteins that enhance the ADP-ribosyltransferase activity of cholera toxin and have an important role in vesicular transport. Several cDNAs for ARF-like proteins (ARLs) have been cloned from human, Drosophila, rat, and yeast, although the biological function(s) of ARLs is unknown. We have identified a yeast gene (yARL3) encoding a protein that is structurally related (>43% identical) to the mammalian ARF-like protein ARP. Biochemical studies of purified recombinant yARL3 protein revealed properties similar to those of ARF and ARL proteins, including the ability to bind and hydrolyze GTP. Like other ARLs, recombinant yARL3 did not stimulate cholera toxin-catalyzed auto-ADP-ribosylation. Anti-yARL3 antibodies did not cross-react with yARFs or yARL1. yARL3 was not essential for cell viability, but disruption of yARL3 resulted in cold-sensitive cell growth. At the nonpermissive temperature, processing of alkaline phosphatase and carboxypeptidase Y in arl3 mutant was slowed. yARL3 might be required for protein transport from endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi or from Golgi to vacuole at nonpermissive temperatures. On subcellular fractionation, unlike its mammalian homologue ARP, yARL3 was detected in the soluble fraction but not in the plasma membrane. Indirect immunofluorescence analysis revealed that yARL3 when overexpressed was associated in part with the endoplasmic reticulum-nuclear envelope. Thus, the structural and functional characteristics of yARL3 indicate that it may have a unique role(s) in vesicular trafficking.  相似文献   

Protein splicing of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae vacuolar membrane ATPase intein involves four highly coordinated reactions that result in precise cleavage and formation of peptide bonds. In this study, we investigated the roles of the last N-extein residue (-1 residue) and the intein penultimate residue in modulating splicing reactions. Most of the 20 amino acid substitutions at the -1 position had no effect on overall protein splicing but could lead to significant accumulation of thioester intermediates when splicing was blocked by mutation. A subset of -1 substitutions attenuated the initiation of protein splicing and enabled us to demonstrate in vitro splicing of a mesophilic intein containing all wild-type catalytic residues. Substitutions involving the intein penultimate residue allowed modulation of the branch resolution and C-terminal cleavage reaction. Our data suggest that the N-S acyl rearrangement, which initiates splicing, may also serve as the rate-limiting step. Through appropriate amino acid substitutions, we were able to modulate splicing reactions in vitro by change in pH or temperature or addition of thiol reagents. Both insertion and deletion were tolerated in the central region of the intein although splicing or structure of the intein may have been affected.  相似文献   

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