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并行问题和最短路径问题已成为一个热点研究课题,传统的最短路径算法已不能满足数据爆炸式增长的处理需求,尤其当网络规模很大时,所需的计算时间和存储空间也大大的增加;MapReduce模型的出现,带来了一种新的解决方法来解决最短路径;GPU具有强大的并行计算能力和存储带宽,与CPU相比具有明显的优势;通过研究MapReduce模型和GPU执行过程的分析,指出单独基于MapReduce模型的最短路径并行方法存在的问题,降低了系统的性能;论文的创新点是结合MapReduce和GPU形成双并行模型,并行预处理数据,针对最短路径中的数据传输和同步开销,增加数据动态处理器;最后实验从并行算法的性能评价指标平均加速比进行比较,结果表明,双重并行环境下的最短路径的计算,提高了加速比。  相似文献   

Graphics processing units (GPU) have taken an important role in the general purpose computing market in recent years.At present,the common approach to programming GPU units is to write GPU specific cod...  相似文献   

MapReduce in MPI for Large-scale graph algorithms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

现如今,GPU作为一种低功耗高性能图形处理器单元,被广泛应用于高度并行化的应用程序中。其线程和内存的层次结构在诸多成功的多线程应用和科学研究中表现出巨大的优势。为了简化多GPU集群的编程模式以及更好地利用GPU的计算性能,设计并实现了一个新的基于多GPU的MapReduce并行编程框架。使用了并行虚拟文件系统(PVFS)来存储数据,考虑了动态的负载平衡和GPU相关的权重要素以达到优化系统的效率、透明性以及系统的可伸缩性的目的。在文中,将演示使用该编程模式解决地质应用的一个典型的偏移应用-叠前时间偏移(PKTM),并给出实验结果。  相似文献   

基于Hadoop的高性能海量数据处理平台研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海量数据高性能计算蕴藏着巨大的应用价值,但是目前云计算体系只具有海量数据处理能力,而不具有足够的高性能计算能力。将具有超强并行计算能力的CPU与云计算相融合,提出了基于CPU/GPU协同的异构高性能云计算体系结构。以开源Hadoop为基础,采用注释码的形式对MapReduce函数中需要并行的部分进行标记。通过 定制GPU类加载器,将被标记代码转换为CUDA代码并动态编译运行。该平台将GPU的计算能力融合到MapReduce框架中,可高效处理海量数据。  相似文献   

Task parallelism is an attractive approach to automatically load balance the computation in a parallel system and adapt to dynamism exhibited by parallel systems. Exploiting task parallelism through work stealing has been extensively studied in shared and distributed‐memory contexts. In this paper, we study the design of a system that uses work stealing for dynamic load balancing of task‐parallel programs executed on hybrid distributed‐memory CPU‐graphics processing unit (GPU) systems in a global‐address space framework. We take into account the unique nature of the accelerator model employed by GPUs, the significant performance difference between GPU and CPU execution as a function of problem size, and the distinct CPU and GPU memory domains. We consider various alternatives in designing a distributed work stealing algorithm for CPU‐GPU systems, while taking into account the impact of task distribution and data movement overheads. These strategies are evaluated using microbenchmarks that capture various execution configurations as well as the state‐of‐the‐art CCSD(T) application module from the computational chemistry domain. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In recent years, the MapReduce framework has become one of the most popular parallel computing platforms for processing big data. MapReduce is used by companies such as Facebook, IBM, and Google to process or analyze massive data sets. Since the approach is frequently used for industrial solutions, the algorithms based on the MapReduce framework gained significant attention within the scientific community. The subgraph isomorphism is a fundamental graph theory problem. Finding small patterns in large graphs is a core challenge in the analysis of applications with big data sets. This paper introduces two novel algorithms, which are capable of finding matching patterns in arbitrary large graphs. The algorithms are designed for utilizing the easy parallelization technique offered by the MapReduce framework. The approaches are evaluated regarding their space and memory requirements. The paper also provides the applied data structure and presents formal analysis of the algorithms.  相似文献   

The computing power of graphics processing units (GPU) has increased rapidly, and there has been extensive research on general‐purpose computing on GPU (GPGPU) for cryptographic algorithms such as RSA, Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (ECC), NTRU, and Advanced Encryption Standard. With the rise of GPGPU, commodity computers have become complex heterogeneous GPU+CPU systems. This new architecture poses new challenges and opportunities in high‐performance computing. In this paper, we present high‐speed parallel implementations of the rainbow method based on perfect tables, which is known as the most efficient time‐memory trade‐off, in the heterogeneous GPU+CPU system. We give a complete analysis of the effect of multiple checkpoints on reducing the cost of false alarms and take advantage of it for load balancing between GPU and CPU. For GTX460, our implementation is about 1.86 and 3.25 times faster than other GPU‐accelerated implementations, RainbowCrack and Cryptohaze, respectively, and for GTX580, 1.53 and 2.40 times faster. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A parallel implementation via CUDA of the dynamic programming method for the knapsack problem on NVIDIA GPU is presented. A GTX 260 card with 192 cores (1.4 GHz) is used for computational tests and processing times obtained with the parallel code are compared to the sequential one on a CPU with an Intel Xeon 3.0 GHz. The results show a speedup factor of 26 for large size problems. Furthermore, in order to limit the communication between the CPU and the GPU, a compression technique is presented which decreases significantly the memory occupancy.  相似文献   

Nearly two decades of research in the area of Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) have seen steady progress in clarifying its theoretical foundations and regular demonstrations of its applicability to complex problems in very diverse domains. These results are necessary, but not sufficient, for ILP to be adopted as a tool for data analysis in an era of very large machine-generated scientific and industrial datasets, accompanied by programs that provide ready access to complex relational information in machine-readable forms (ontologies, parsers, and so on). Besides the usual issues about the ease of use, ILP is now confronted with questions of implementation. We are concerned here with two of these, namely: can an ILP system construct models efficiently when (a) Dataset sizes are too large to fit in the memory of a single machine; and (b) Search space sizes becomes prohibitively large to explore using a single machine. In this paper, we examine the applicability to ILP of a popular distributed computing approach that provides a uniform way for performing data and task parallel computations in ILP. The MapReduce programming model allows, in principle, very large numbers of processors to be used without any special understanding of the underlying hardware or software involved. Specifically, we show how the MapReduce approach can be used to perform the coverage-test that is at the heart of many ILP systems, and to perform multiple searches required by a greedy set-covering algorithm used by some popular ILP systems. Our principal findings with synthetic and real-world datasets for both data and task parallelism are these: (a) Ignoring overheads, the time to perform the computations concurrently increases with the size of the dataset for data parallelism and with the size of the search space for task parallelism. For data parallelism this increase is roughly in proportion to increases in dataset size; (b) If a MapReduce implementation is used as part of an ILP system, then benefits for data parallelism can only be expected above some minimal dataset size, and for task parallelism can only be expected above some minimal search-space size; and (c) The MapReduce approach appears better suited to exploit data-parallelism in ILP.  相似文献   

Recent graphics processing units (GPUs), which have many processing units, can be used for general purpose parallel computation. To utilise the powerful computing ability, GPUs are widely used for general purpose processing. Since GPUs have very high memory bandwidth, the performance of GPUs greatly depends on memory access. The main contribution of this paper is to present a GPU implementation of computing Euclidean distance map (EDM) with efficient memory access. Given a two-dimensional (2D) binary image, EDM is a 2D array of the same size such that each element stores the Euclidean distance to the nearest black pixel. In the proposed GPU implementation, we have considered many programming issues of the GPU system such as coalesced access of global memory and shared memory bank conflicts, and so on. To be concrete, by transposing 2D arrays, which are temporal data stored in the global memory, with the shared memory, the main access from/to the global memory enables to be performed by coalesced access. In practice, we have implemented our parallel algorithm in the following three modern GPU systems: Tesla C1060, GTX 480 and GTX 580. The experimental results have shown that, for an input binary image with size of 9216 × 9216, our implementation can achieve a speedup factor of 54 over the sequential algorithm implementation.  相似文献   

近年来,基于图形处理器的通用计算获得了广泛关注,并在多个领域取得了进展.内存OLAP减少了磁盘I/O,但基于单核或多核CPU的计算能力及cache miss成为新的性能瓶颈,从而无法保证好的效率.而图形处理器由于其众多核和高带宽能够很好地适应OLAP计算特性.通过图形处理器来加速任一cuboid的计算,从而提高整个内存OLAP系统的性能.提出了基于图形处理器的分块并行算法,并对算法进行了优化及讨论了数据稀疏和数据分布倾斜等不同条件下的算法.算法通过扩展可以突破内存限制,组成磁盘、内存、显存三级流水线,适应海量数据计算;同时算法也可以作为计算整个cube的基础.通过实验比较,基于图形处理器的算法明显优于四核CPU算法.  相似文献   

张宇  张延松  陈红  王珊 《软件学报》2016,27(5):1246-1265
通用GPU因其强大的并行计算能力成为新兴的高性能计算平台,并逐渐成为近年来学术界在高性能数据库实现技术领域的研究热点.但当前GPU数据库领域的研究沿袭的是ROLAP(relational OLAP)多维分析模型,研究主要集中在关系操作符在GPU平台上的算法实现和性能优化技术,以哈希连接的GPU并行算法研究为中心.GPU拥有数千个并行计算单元,但其逻辑控制单元较少,相对于CPU具有更强的并行计算能力,但逻辑控制和复杂内存管理能力较弱,因此并不适合需要复杂数据结构和复杂内存管理机制的内存数据库查询处理算法直接移植到GPU平台.提出了面向GPU向量计算特性的混合OLAP多维分析模型semi-MOLAP,将MOLAP(multidimensionalOLAP)模型的直接数组访问和计算特性与ROLAP模型的存储效率结合在一起,实现了一个基于完全数组结构的GPU semi-MOLAP多维分析模型,简化了GPU数据管理,降低了GPU semi-MOLAP算法复杂度,提高了GPU semi-MOLAP算法的代码执行率.同时,基于GPU和CPU计算的特点,将semi-MOLAP操作符拆分为CPU和GPU平台的协同计算,提高了CPU和GPU的利用率以及OLAP的查询整体性能.  相似文献   

Classification using Ant Programming is a challenging data mining task which demands a great deal of computational resources when handling data sets of high dimensionality. This paper presents a new parallelization approach of an existing multi-objective Ant Programming model for classification, using GPUs and the NVIDIA CUDA programming model. The computational costs of the different steps of the algorithm are evaluated and it is discussed how best to parallelize them. The features of both the CPU parallel and GPU versions of the algorithm are presented. An experimental study is carried out to evaluate the performance and efficiency of the interpreter of the rules, and reports the execution times and speedups regarding variable population size, complexity of the rules mined and dimensionality of the data sets. Experiments measure the original single-threaded and the new multi-threaded CPU and GPU times with different number of GPU devices. The results are reported in terms of the number of Giga GP operations per second of the interpreter (up to 10 billion GPops/s) and the speedup achieved (up to 834× vs CPU, 212× vs 4-threaded CPU). The proposed GPU model is demonstrated to scale efficiently to larger datasets and to multiple GPU devices, which allows the expansion of its applicability to significantly more complicated data sets, previously unmanageable by the original algorithm in reasonable time.  相似文献   

针对Hadoop平台MapReduce分布式计算模型运行机制中的顺序制约而产生的计算资源浪费问题,从提高平台中每个执行节点的细粒度并行数据处理角度出发,结合Java共享内存多线程编程技术,对该模型进行了优化,提出一种MapReduce+OpenMP粗细粒度相结合的分布式并行计算模型。并在由四个节点组成的Hadoop集群环境下对不同规模大小的出租车GPS轨迹数据分析处理,验证该模型的性能和效率,实验结果证明MapReduce+OpenMP分布式并行计算模型确实能够提高针对大数据集的计算效率,是对Hadoop平台大数据分析处理模型有效的完善和优化。  相似文献   

伍世刚  钟诚 《计算机应用》2014,34(7):1857-1861
依据各级缓存容量,将CPU主存中种群个体和蚂蚁个体数据划分存储到一级、二级和三级缓存中,以减少并行计算过程中数据在各级存储之间的传输开销,在CPU与GPU之间采取异步传送和不完全传送数据、GPU多个内核函数异步执行多个流的方法,设置GPU block线程数量为16的倍数、GPU共享存储器划分大小为32倍的bank,使用GPU常量存储器存储交叉概率、变异概率等需频繁访问的只读参数,将输入串矩阵和重叠部分长度矩阵只读大数据结构绑定到GPU纹理存储器,设计实现了一种多核CPU和GPU协同求解最短公共超串问题的计算、存储和通信高效的并行算法。求解多种规模的最短公共超串问题的实验结果表明,多核CPU与GPU协同并行算法比串行算法快70倍以上。  相似文献   

High-definition video is becoming a standard in clinical endoscopy. State-of-the-art systems for medical endoscopy provide 1080p video streams at 60 Hz. For such high resolutions and frame rates, the real-time execution of image-processing tasks is far from trivial, requiring careful algorithm design and development. In this article, we propose a fully functional software-based solution for correcting the radial distortion (RD) of HD video that runs in real time in a personal computer (PC) equipped with a conventional graphics processing unit (GPU) and a video acquisition card. Our system acquires the video feed directly from the digital output of the endoscopic camera control unit, warps each frame using a heterogeneous parallel computing architecture, and outputs the result back to the display. Although we target the particular problem of correcting geometric distortion in medical endoscopy, the concepts and framework herein described can be extended to other image-processing tasks with hard real-time requirements. We show that a heterogeneous approach, as well as efficient memory access patterns in the GPU, improve the performance of this highly memory-bound algorithm, leading to frame rates above 250 fps.  相似文献   

传统求图传递闭包的方法存在计算量大与计算时间长的问题。为加快处理大数据量的传递闭包算法的计算速度,结合算法密集计算和开放式计算语言(OpenCL)框架的特征,采用本地存储器优化的并行子矩阵乘和分块的矩阵乘并行计算,提出一种基于OpenCL的传递闭包并行算法。利用本地存储器优化的并行子矩阵乘算法来优化计算步骤,提高图形处理器(GPU)的存储器利用率,降低数据获取延迟。通过分块矩阵乘并行计算算法实现大数据量的矩阵乘,提高GPU计算核心的利用率。数据结果表明,与CPU串行算法、基于开放多处理的并行算法和基于统一设备计算架构的并行算法相比,传递闭包并行算法在OpenCL架构下NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070计算平台上分别获得了593.14倍、208.62倍和1.05倍的加速比。  相似文献   

Today, there is a growing demand for computer vision and image processing in different areas and applications such as military surveillance, and biological and medical imaging. Edge detection is a vital image processing technique used as a pre-processing step in many computer vision algorithms. However, the presence of noise makes the edge detection task more challenging; therefore, an image restoration technique is needed to tackle this obstacle by presenting an adaptive solution. As the complexity of processing is rising due to recent high-definition technologies, the expanse of data attained by the image is increasing dramatically. Thus, increased processing power is needed to speed up the completion of certain tasks. In this paper,we present a parallel implementation of hybrid algorithm-comprised edge detection and image restoration along with other processes using Computed Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) platform, exploiting a Single Instruction Multiple Thread (SIMT) execution model on a Graphical Processing Unit (GPU). The performance of the proposed method is tested and evaluated using well-known images from various applications. We evaluated the computation time in both parallel implementation on the GPU, and sequential execution in the Central Processing Unit (CPU) natively and using Hyper-Threading (HT) implementations. The gained speedup for the naïve approach of the proposed edge detection using GPU under global memory direct access is up to 37 times faster, while the speedup of the native CPU implementation when using shared memory approach is up to 25 times and 1.5 times over HT implementation.  相似文献   

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