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Being the latest computing paradigm, cloud computing has proliferated as many IT giants started to deliver resources as services. Thus application providers are free from the burden of the low-level implementation and system administration. Meanwhile, the fact that we are in an era of information explosion brings certain challenges. Some websites may encounter a sharp rising workload due to some unexpected social concerns, which make these websites unavailable or even fail to provide services in time. Currently, a post-action method based on human experience and system alarm is widely used to handle this scenario in industry, which has shortcomings like reaction delay. In our paper, we want to solve this problem by deploying such websites on cloud, and use features of the cloud to tackle it. We present a framework of dynamic virtual resource management in clouds, to cope with traffic burst that applications might encounter. The framework implements a whole work-flow from prediction of the sharp rising workload to a customized resource management module which guarantees the high availability of web applications and cost-effectiveness of the cloud service providers. Our experiments show the accuracy of our workload forecasting method by comparing it with other methods. The 1998 World Cup workload dataset used in our experiment reveals the applicability of our model in the specific scenarios of traffic burst. Also, a simulation-based experiment is designed to indicate that the proposed management framework detects changes in workload intensity that occur over time and allocates multiple virtualized IT resources accordingly to achieve high availability and cost-effective targets.  相似文献   

This study proposes a new model of firewall called the ‘Tree-Rule Firewall’, which offers various benefits and is applicable for large networks such as ‘cloud’ networks. The recently available firewalls (i.e., Listed-Rule firewalls) have their limitations in performing the tasks and are inapplicable for working on some networks with huge firewall rule sizes. The Listed-Rule firewall is mathematically tested in this paper to prove that the firewall potentially causes conflict rules and redundant rules and hence leads to problematic network security systems and slow functional speed. To overcome these problems, we show the design and development of Tree-Rule firewall that does not create conflict rules and redundant rules. In a Tree-Rule firewall, the rule positioning is based on a tree structure instead of traditional rule listing. To manage firewall rules, we implement a Tree-Rule firewall on the Linux platform and test it on a regular network and under a cloud environment respectively to show its performance. It is demonstrated that the Tree-Rule firewall offers better network security and functional speed than the Listed-Rule firewall. Compared to the Listed-Rule firewall, rules of the Tree-Rule firewall are easier to be created, especially on a large network such as a cloud network.  相似文献   

Cloud computing is emerging as an increasingly important service-oriented computing paradigm. Management is a key to providing accurate service availability and performance data, as well as enabling real-time provisioning that automatically provides the capacity needed to meet service demands. In this paper, we present a unified reinforcement learning approach, namely URL, to automate the configuration processes of virtualized machines and appliances running in the virtual machines. The approach lends itself to the application of real-time autoconfiguration of clouds. It also makes it possible to adapt the VM resource budget and appliance parameter settings to the cloud dynamics and the changing workload to provide service quality assurance. In particular, the approach has the flexibility to make a good trade-off between system-wide utilization objectives and appliance-specific SLA optimization goals. Experimental results on Xen VMs with various workloads demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach. It can drive the system into an optimal or near-optimal configuration setting in a few trial-and-error iterations.  相似文献   

Traditionally, complex engineering applications (CEAs), which consist of numerous components (software) and require a large amount of computing resources, usually run in dedicated clusters or high performance computing (HPC) centers. Nowadays, Cloud computing system with the ability of providing massive computing resources and customizable execution environment is becoming an attractive option for CEAs. As a new type on Cloud applications, CEA also brings the challenges of dealing with Cloud resources. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of Cloud resource management research for CEAs. The survey puts forward two important questions: 1) what are the main challenges for CEAs to run in Clouds? and 2) what are the prior research topics addressing these challenges? We summarize and highlight the main challenges and prior research topics. Our work can be probably helpful to those scientists and engineers who are interested in running CEAs in Cloud environment.  相似文献   

Cloud infrastructures consisting of heterogeneous resources are increasingly being utilized for hosting large-scale distributed applications from diverse users with discrete needs. The multifarious cloud applications impose varied demands for computational resources along with multitude of performance implications. Successful hosting of cloud applications necessitates service providers to take into account the heterogeneity existing in the behavior of users, applications and system resources while respecting the user’s agreed Quality of Service (QoS) criteria. In this work, we propose a QoS-Aware Resource Elasticity (QRE) framework that allows service providers to make an assessment of the application behavior and develop mechanisms that enable dynamic scalability of cloud resources hosting the application components. Experimental results conducted on the Amazon EC2 cloud clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach while complying with the agreed QoS attributes of users.  相似文献   

The growing size and complexity of cloud systems determine scalability issues for resource monitoring and management. While most existing solutions consider each Virtual Machine (VM) as a black box with independent characteristics, we embrace a new perspective where VMs with similar behaviors in terms of resource usage are clustered together. We argue that this new approach has the potential to address scalability issues in cloud monitoring and management. In this paper, we propose a technique to cluster VMs starting from the usage of multiple resources, assuming no knowledge of the services executed on them. This innovative technique models VMs behavior exploiting the probability histogram of their resources usage, and performs smoothing-based noise reduction and selection of the most relevant information to consider for the clustering process. Through extensive evaluation, we show that our proposal achieves high and stable performance in terms of automatic VM clustering, and can reduce the monitoring requirements of cloud systems.  相似文献   

Policy based resource allocation in IaaS cloud   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In present scenario, most of the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds use simple resource allocation policies like immediate and best effort. Immediate allocation policy allocates the resources if available, otherwise the request is rejected. Best-effort policy also allocates the requested resources if available otherwise the request is placed in a FIFO queue. It is not possible for a cloud provider to satisfy all the requests due to finite resources at a time. Haizea is a resource lease manager that tries to address these issues by introducing complex resource allocation policies. Haizea uses resource leases as resource allocation abstraction and implements these leases by allocating Virtual Machines (VMs). Haizea supports four kinds of resource allocation policies: immediate, best effort, advanced reservation and deadline sensitive. This work provides a better way to support deadline sensitive leases in Haizea while minimizing the total number of leases rejected by it. Proposed dynamic planning based scheduling algorithm is implemented in Haizea that can admit new leases and prepare the schedule whenever a new lease can be accommodated. Experiments results show that it maximizes resource utilization and acceptance of leases compared to the existing algorithm of Haizea.  相似文献   


Cloud computing, the recently emerged revolution in IT industry, is empowered by virtualisation technology. In this paradigm, the user’s applications run over some virtual machines (VMs). The process of selecting proper physical machines to host these virtual machines is called virtual machine placement. It plays an important role on resource utilisation and power efficiency of cloud computing environment. In this paper, we propose an imperialist competitive-based algorithm for the virtual machine placement problem called ICA-VMPLC. The base optimisation algorithm is chosen to be ICA because of its ease in neighbourhood movement, good convergence rate and suitable terminology. The proposed algorithm investigates search space in a unique manner to efficiently obtain optimal placement solution that simultaneously minimises power consumption and total resource wastage. Its final solution performance is compared with several existing methods such as grouping genetic and ant colony-based algorithms as well as bin packing heuristic. The simulation results show that the proposed method is superior to other tested algorithms in terms of power consumption, resource wastage, CPU usage efficiency and memory usage efficiency.  相似文献   

As the size and complexity of Cloud systems increase, the manual management of these solutions becomes a challenging issue as more personnel, resources and expertise are needed. Service Level Agreement (SLA)-aware autonomic cloud solutions enable managing large scale infrastructure management meanwhile supporting multiple dynamic requirement from users. This paper contributes to these topics by the introduction of Cloudcompaas, a SLA-aware PaaS Cloud platform that manages the complete resource lifecycle. This platform features an extension of the SLA specification WS-Agreement, tailored to the specific needs of Cloud Computing. In particular, Cloudcompaas enables Cloud providers with a generic SLA model to deal with higher-level metrics, closer to end-user perception, and with flexible composition of the requirements of multiple actors in the computational scene. Moreover, Cloudcompaas provides a framework for general Cloud computing applications that could be dynamically adapted to correct the QoS violations by using the elasticity features of Cloud infrastructures. The effectiveness of this solution is demonstrated in this paper through a simulation that considers several realistic workload profiles, where Cloudcompaas achieves minimum cost and maximum efficiency, under highly heterogeneous utilization patterns.  相似文献   

There is a growing interest around the utilisation of cloud computing in education. As organisations involved in the area typically face severe budget restrictions, there is a need for cost optimisation mechanisms that explore unique features of digital learning environments. In this work, we introduce a method based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation that considers heterogeneity of IT infrastructure in order to devise resource allocation plans that maximise platform utilisation for educational environments. We performed experiments using modelled datasets from real digital teaching solutions and obtained cost reductions of up to 30%, compared with conservative resource allocation strategies.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种云环境下的网络安全处理模型,模型中的每台云服务器都拥有自己的入侵检测系统,并且所有的服务器共享一个异常管理平台,该平台负责报警信息的接收、处理和日志管理.模型采用报警级别动态调整技术和攻击信息共享方法,最大限度地降低了漏报率和服务器遭受同种攻击的可能性,有效提高了检测效率和系统安全水平.  相似文献   

云计算作为计算机技术与互联网有效结合的里程碑,其引领IT界和信息领域的进一步技术变革。在云计算快速发展形势下,其中云计算的网络安全问题变得十分重要。本文通过对云计算的理念与存在的问题分析基础上,结合实际状况总结出相应的网络安全保护对策。  相似文献   

The limited battery life of modern mobile devices is one of the key problems limiting their use. Even if the offloading of computation onto cloud computing platforms can considerably extend battery duration, it is really hard not only to evaluate the cases where offloading guarantees real advantages on the basis of the requirements of the application in terms of data transfer, computing power needed, etc., but also to evaluate whether user requirements (i.e. the costs of using the cloud services, a determined QoS required, etc.) are satisfied. To this aim, this paper presents a framework for generating models to make automatic decisions on the offloading of mobile applications using a genetic programming (GP) approach. The GP system is designed using a taxonomy of the properties useful to the offloading process concerning the user, the network, the data and the application. The fitness function adopted permits different weights to be given to the four categories considered during the process of building the model. Experimental results, conducted on datasets representing different categories of mobile applications, permit the analysis of the behavior of our algorithm in different applicative contexts. Finally, a comparison with the state of the art of the classification algorithm establishes the goodness of the approach in modeling the offloading process.  相似文献   

Virtual machine placement (VMP) is an important issue in selecting most suitable set of physical machines (PMs) for a set of virtual machines (VMs) in cloud computing environment. VMP problem consists of two sub problems: incremental placement (VMiP) problem and consolidated placement (VMcP) problem. The goal of VMcP is to consolidate the VMs to more suitable PMs. The challenge in VMcP problem is how to find optimal solution effectively and efficiently especially when VMcP is a kind of NP-hard problem. In this paper, we present a novel solution to the VMcP problem called VMPMBBO. The proposed VMPMBBO treats VMcP problem as a complex system and utilizes the biogeography-based optimization (BBO) technique to optimize the virtual machine placement that minimizes both the resource wastage and the power consumption at the same time. Extensive experiments have been conducted using synthetic data from related literature and data from two real datasets. First of all, the necessity of VMcP has been proved by experimental results obtained by applying VMPMBBO. Then, the proposed method is compared with two existing multi-objective VMcP optimization algorithms and it is shown that VMPMBBO has better convergence characteristics and is more computationally efficient as well as robust. And then, the issue of parameter setting of the proposed method has been discussed. Finally, adaptability and extensibility of VMPMBBO have also been proved through experimental results. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first approach that applies biogeography-based optimization (BBO) to virtual machine placement.  相似文献   

The Cloud computing becomes an innovative computing paradigm, which aims to provide reliable, customized and QoS guaranteed computing infrastructures for users. This paper presents our early experience of Cloud computing based on the Cumulus project for compute centers. In this paper, we give the Cloud computing definition and Cloud computing functionalities. This paper also introduces the Cumulus project with its various aspects, such as design pattern, infrastructure, and middleware. This paper delivers the state-of-the-art for Cloud computing with theoretical definition and practical experience.  相似文献   

Cloud computing allows dynamic resource scaling for enterprise online transaction systems, one of the key characteristics that differentiates the cloud from the traditional computing paradigm. However, initializing a new virtual instance in a cloud is not instantaneous; cloud hosting platforms introduce several minutes delay in the hardware resource allocation. In this paper, we develop prediction-based resource measurement and provisioning strategies using Neural Network and Linear Regression to satisfy upcoming resource demands.Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed technique offers more adaptive resource management for applications hosted in the cloud environment, an important mechanism to achieve on-demand resource allocation in the cloud.  相似文献   

云数据中心的规模日益增长导致其产生的能源消耗及成本呈指数级增长.虚拟机的放置是提高云计算环境服务质量与节约成本的核心.针对传统的虚拟机放置算法存在考虑目标单一化和多目标优化难以找到最优解的问题,提出一种面向能耗、资源利用率、负载均衡的多目标优化虚拟机放置模型.通过改进蚁群算法求解优化模型,利用其信息素正反馈机制和启发式...  相似文献   

An important feature of most cloud computing solutions is auto-scaling, an operation that enables dynamic changes on resource capacity. Auto-scaling algorithms generally take into account aspects such as system load and response time to determine when and by how much a resource pool capacity should be extended or shrunk. In this article, we propose a scheduling algorithm and auto-scaling triggering strategies that explore user patience, a metric that estimates the perception end-users have from the Quality of Service (QoS) delivered by a service provider based on the ratio between expected and actual response times for each request. The proposed strategies help reduce costs with resource allocation while maintaining perceived QoS at adequate levels. Results show reductions on resource-hour consumption by up to approximately 9% compared to traditional approaches.  相似文献   

Cloud computing uses scheduling and load balancing for virtualized file sharing in cloud infrastructure. These two have to be performed in an optimized manner in cloud computing environment to achieve optimal file sharing. Recently, Scalable traffic management has been developed in cloud data centers for traffic load balancing and quality of service provisioning. However, latency reducing during multidimensional resource allocation still remains a challenge. Hence, there necessitates efficient resource scheduling for ensuring load optimization in cloud. The objective of this work is to introduce an integrated resource scheduling and load balancing algorithm for efficient cloud service provisioning. The method constructs a Fuzzy-based Multidimensional Resource Scheduling model to obtain resource scheduling efficiency in cloud infrastructure. Increasing utilization of Virtual Machines through effective and fair load balancing is then achieved by dynamically selecting a request from a class using Multidimensional Queuing Load Optimization algorithm. A load balancing algorithm is then implemented to avoid underutilization and overutilization of resources, improving latency time for each class of request. Simulations were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness using Cloudsim simulator in cloud data centers and results shows that the proposed method achieves better performance in terms of average success rate, resource scheduling efficiency and response time. Simulation analysis shows that the method improves the resource scheduling efficiency by 7% and also reduces the response time by 35.5 % when compared to the state-of-the-art works.  相似文献   

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