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The thermal neutron induced fission cross-section of 232Th was measured at an intense and very pure thermal neutron beam of the Grenoble High Flux Reactor, yielding a value of (3 ± 1) μbarn. For control purposes, the same targets were used at the VandeGraaff accelerator of the CBNM (Geel), where a 232Th (n, f) cross-section value of (0.12 ± 0.02) barn was obtained with 2.44 MeV neutrons, in agreement with other published data.  相似文献   

Cross sections for two high energy threshold reactions 23Na(n, 2n)22Na and 58Ni(n, 2n)57Ni were measured by the activation method in the neutron energy range from 14 to 18 MeV. Inelastic scattering cross section for 115In was measured in the threshold region, i.e. from 0.5 to 1.3 MeV. The results of measurements are compared with scarce and divergent earlier data.  相似文献   

用活化法相对于Au的中子俘获截面,测量了29-1100keV能区^75As(n, γ)^76As的反应截面,测量精度为6.7-7.8%,并将测量结果与现有的实验数据作了比较。  相似文献   

Measurements have been made of the 40Ca(n,p), 40Ca(n,α), 40Ca(n,n′) 40Ca(3.35) cross sections in the energy range 2.7–5.5 MeV. Neutron flux measurements are made using the associated particle technique. The data are compared to previous data and the recent Hauser-Feshbach calculations made by Fu (1979).  相似文献   

采用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)分析了中国中部地区三地(山西长治、河南濮阳和商丘)钻芯(0~30 cm)土壤样品中的239 240 Pu活度浓度和240Pu/239pu同位素比值,并对239 240 Pu和137Cs在土壤中的深度分布进行了研究.结果表明,三地表层土壤(0~2 cm)中239+ 240pu活度浓度为0.078 ~0.122mBq/g,137Cs为1.56 ~2.91 mBq/g,且浓度整体随深度增加而降低;240Pu/239 Pu原子比的平均值为0.188±0.016(全球沉降平均值为0.180±0.014),137Cs/239240Pu活度比值为34.61 ±5.91(1998年7月,全球沉降平均值为34±4).三地土壤中放射性核素137 Cs、239+240Pu浓度及钚同位素比值均与全球沉降值相当,说明其来源可能属于全球沉降.  相似文献   

The fission spectrum averaged cross-section of 94Zr(n, α)91Sr reaction was obtained by comparing that of 27Al(n, α)24Na reaction as reference. Highly enriched 94ZrO2 and 27Al samples were irradiated with fast neutrons having a fission-like spectrum above about 5.6 MeV. After the neutron irradiation, the produced 91Sr was chemically separated from the irradiated sample. Gamma-rays from 91Sr and 24Na were measured with a Ge(Li) detector. The obtained value is 5.37 ± 0.43 μb assuming the averaged cross-section of the reference reaction to be 0.61 mb.  相似文献   

《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2002,29(10):1157-1169
The neutron capture cross-section of indium (In) has been measured in the energy region from 0.003 eV to 30 keV by the neutron time-of-flight (TOF) method with a 46-MeV electron linear accelerator (linac) of the Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University. An assembly of Bi4Ge3O12 (BGO) scintillators, which was composed of 12 pieces of BGO and placed at a distance of 12.7±0.02 m from the neutron source, was employed as a total energy absorption detector for the prompt capture γ-ray measurement from the sample. In order to determine the neutron flux impinging on the capture sample, a plug of 10B powder sample and the 10B(n,α) standard cross-section were used. The data measured by Haddad et al. (Haddad, E., Friesenhahn, S., Lopez, W.M., 1963. Report of Gulf Energy and Environmental Systems, p. 3874) seem to be in good agreement with the present measurement. Popov et al. obtained the poor energy resolution data in the resonance region with a lead slowing-down spectrometer and the consistent data with the present above about 300 eV. The experimental data measured by Kononov et al. (Kononov, U.N., Jurlov, B.D., Poletaev, E.D., Timokhov, V.M., Manturov, G.N., 1977. Report of Obninsk, pp. 22–29) and Gibbons et al. (Gibbons, J.H., Macklin, R.L., Miller, P.D., Neiler, J.H., 1961. Phys. Rev. 122, 182) showed good agreement with the present values in the higher energy region. However, the data measured by Block et al. (Block R.C., Kaushal, N.N., Hockenbury, R.W., 1972. Conference on New Developments in Reactor Physics and Shielding at Kiamesha Lake, Vol. 2, p. 1107) seem to be a little higher than the present measurement above 800 eV. The evaluated data in ENDF/B-VI, JENDL-3.2, and JEF-2.2 have been in general agreement with the present result in the relevant energy region, although the JENDL-3.2 are higher than the measurement, the ENDF/B-VI and the JEF-2.2 from 2 to about 10 keV. Most of the previous experimental and the evaluated thermal neutron cross-sections are generally close to the present value of 199.6±5.6 b at 0.0253 eV.  相似文献   

The shape of the excitation function for the standard neutron reaction 10B(n, αγ)7Li in the energy range from 0.1 to 2.2 MeV has been determined relative to the angular distribution of the neutron source reaction T(p, n)3He at 1.6, 2.3, and 3.0 MeV proton energy. The 478 keV γ's produced in a 3-mm thick boron carbide sample were observed in a Ge(Li)-detector. The time-of-flight method was used to discriminate against events from neutrons of degraded energy.  相似文献   

Cross sections for (n,p) and (n,n′) reactions have been measured on osmium isotopes at the neutron energies from 13.5 to 14.8 MeV using the activation technique in combination with high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy. Neutrons were produced via the 3H(d,n)4He reaction using solid TiT. The neutron fluences were determined using the monitor reaction 93Nb(n,2n)92mNb. Data are reported for the following reactions: 190Os(n,p)190mRe, 190Os(n,p)190gRe, 190Os(n,p)190Re, 188Os(n,p)188Re and 190Os(n,n′)190mOs. Nuclear model calculations using the code HFTT, which employs the Hauser-Feshbach (statistical model) and exciton model (precompound effects) formalisms, were undertaken to describe the formation of the products. The cross sections were discussed and compared with experimental data found in the literature, with values of model calculations including the pre-equilibrium contribution, and with evaluation data of JEFF-3.1/A.  相似文献   

The surrogate reaction 238U(3He, tf) is used to determine the 237Np(nf) cross section indirectly over an equivalent neutron energy range from 10 to 20 MeV. A self-supporting ∼761 μg/cm2 metallic 238U foil was bombarded with a 42 MeV 3He2+ beam from the 88-Inch Cyclotron at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Outgoing charged particles and fission fragments were identified using the Silicon Telescope Array for Reaction Studies (STARS) consisted of two 140 μm and one 1000 μm Micron S2 type silicon detectors. The 237Np(nf) cross sections, determined indirectly, were compared with the 237Np(nf) cross section data from direct measurements, the Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF/B-VII.0), and the Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (JENDL 3.3) and found to closely follow those datasets. Use of the (3He, tf) reaction as a surrogate to extract (nf) cross sections in the 10-20 MeV equivalent neutron energy range is found to be suitable.  相似文献   

This study implies that 55Mn(n,γ)55Mn monitor reaction may be a convenient alternative comparator for the activation method and thus, it was used for the determination of thermal neutron cross section (TNX) and the resonance integral (RI) of the reaction 152Sm(n,γ)153Sm. The samples of MnO2 and Sm2O3 diluted with Al2O3 powder were irradiated within and without a cylindrical 1 mm-Cd shield case in an isotropic neutron field obtained from the 241Am–Be neutron sources. The γ-ray spectra from the irradiated samples were measured by high resolution γ-ray spectrometry with a calibrated n-type Ge detector. The correction factors for γ-ray attenuation, thermal neutron and resonance neutron self-shielding effects and epithermal neutron spectrum shape factor (α) were taken into account in the determinations. The thermal neutron cross section for 152Sm(n,γ)153Sm reaction has been determined to be 204.8 ± 7.9 b at 0.025 eV. This result has been obtained relative to the reference thermal neutron cross section value of 13.3 ± 0.1 b for the 55Mn(n,γ)56Mn reaction. For the TNX, most of the experimental data and evaluated one in JEFF-3.1, ENDF/B-VI, JENDL 3.3 and BROND 2.0, in general, agree well with the present result. The RI value for 152Sm(n,γ)153Sm reaction has also been determined to be 3038 ± 214 b, relative to the reference value of 14.0 ± 0.3 b for the 55Mn(n,γ)56Mn monitor reaction, using a 1/E1+α epithermal neutron spectrum and assuming Cd cut-off energy of 0.55 eV. In surveying literature, the existing experimental and evaluated data for the RI values are distributed from 1715 to 3462 b. However, when the Cd cut-off energy is defined as 0.55 eV, the present RI value agrees with some previously reported RI values, 3020 ± 163 b by Simonits et al., 3141 ± 157 by Van Der Linden et al., and 2962 ± 54 b by Kafala et al., within the limits of error.  相似文献   

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