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Retroviruses require both spliced and unspliced RNA for replication. Accumulation of unspliced Rous sarcoma virus RNA is facilitated in part by a negative cis element in the gag region, termed the negative regulator of splicing (NRS), which serves to repress splicing of viral RNA but can also block splicing of heterologous introns. The NRS binds components of the splicing machinery including SR proteins, U1 and U2, small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) of the major splicing pathway, and U11 snRNP of the minor pathway, yet splicing does not normally occur from the NRS. A mutation that abolishes U11 binding (RG11) also abrogates NRS splicing inhibition, indicating that U11 is functionally important for NRS activity and suggesting that the NRS is recognized as a minor-class 5' splice site (5' ss). We show here, using specific NRS mutations to disrupt U11 binding and coexpression of U11 snRNA genes harboring compensatory mutations, that the NRS U11 site is functional when paired with a minor-class 3' ss from the human P120 gene. Surprisingly, the expectation that the same NRS mutants would be defective for splicing inhibition proved false; splicing inhibition was as good as, if not better than, that for the wild-type NRS. Comparison of these new mutations with RG11 indicated that the latter may disrupt binding of a factor(s) other than U11. Our data suggest that this factor is U1 snRNP and that a U1 binding site that overlaps the U11 site is also disrupted by RG11. Analysis of mutations which selectively disrupted U1 or U11 binding indicated that splicing inhibition by the NRS correlates most strongly with U1 snRNP. Additionally, we show that U1 binding is facilitated by SR proteins that bind to the 5' half of the NRS, confirming an earlier proposal that this region is involved in recruiting snRNPs to the NRS. These data indicate a functional role for U1 in NRS-mediated splicing inhibition.  相似文献   

The accumulation in infected cells of large amounts of unspliced viral RNA for use as mRNA and genomic RNA is a hallmark of retrovirus replication. The negative regulator of splicing (NRS) is a long cis-acting RNA element in Rous sarcoma virus that contributes to unspliced RNA accumulation through splicing inhibition. One of two critical sequences located in the NRS 3' region resembles a minor class 5' splice site and is required for U11 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) binding to the NRS. The second is a purine-rich region in the 5' half that interacts with the splicing factor SF2/ASF. In this study we investigated the possibility that this purine-rich region provides an RNA splicing enhancer function required for splicing inhibition. In vitro, the NRS acted as a potent, orientation-dependent enhancer of Drosophila doublesex pre-mRNA splicing, and enhancer activity mapped to the purine-rich domain. Analysis of a number of site-directed and deletion mutants indicated that enhancer activity was diffusely located throughout a 60-nucleotide area but only the activity associated with a short region previously shown to bind SF2/ASF correlated with efficient splicing inhibition. The significance of the enhancer activity to splicing inhibition was demonstrated by using chimeras in which two authentic enhancers (ASLV and FP) were substituted for the native NRS purine region. In each case, splicing inhibition in transfected cells was restored to levels approaching that observed for the NRS. The observation that a nonfunctional version of the FP enhancer (FPD) that does not bind SF2/ASF also fails to block splicing when paired with the NRS 3' region supports the notion that SF2/ASF binding to the NRS is relevant, but other SR proteins may substitute if an appropriate binding site is supplied. Our results are consistent with a role for the purine region in facilitated snRNP binding to the NRS via SF2/ASF.  相似文献   

The Gag protein of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) can direct particle assembly and budding at the plasma membrane independently of the other virus-encoded products. A previous deletion analysis has suggested that the first 86 amino acids of RSV Gag constitute a large membrane-binding domain that is absolutely required for these processes. To test this hypothesis, we inserted these residues in place of the N-terminal membrane-binding domain of the pp60v-src, a transforming protein whose biological activity requires plasma membrane localization. The ability of the Src chimera to induce cellular transformation suggests that the RSV sequence indeed contains an independent, functional domain.  相似文献   

The Gag proteins of retroviruses are the only viral products required for the release of membrane-enclosed particles by budding from the host cell. Particles released when these proteins are expressed alone are identical to authentic virions in their rates of budding, proteolytic processing, and core morphology, as well as density and size. We have previously mapped three very small, modular regions of the Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) Gag protein that are necessary for budding. These assembly domains constitute only 20% of RSV Gag, and alterations within them block or severely impair particle formation. Regions outside of these domains can be deleted without any effect on the density of the particles that are released. However, since density and size are independent parameters for retroviral particles, we employed rate-zonal gradients and electron microscopy in an exhaustive study of mutants lacking the various dispensable segments of Gag to determine which regions would be required to constrain or define the particle dimensions. The only sequence found to be absolutely critical for determining particle size was that of the initial capsid cleavage product, CA-SP, which contains all of the CA sequence plus the spacer peptides located between CA and NC. Some regions of CA-SP appear to be more important than others. In particular, the major homology region does not contribute to defining particle size. Further evidence for interactions among CA-SP domains was obtained from genetic complementation experiments using mutant deltaNC, which lacks the RNA interaction domains in the NC sequence but retains a complete CA-SP sequence. This mutant produces low-density particles heterogeneous in size. It was rescued into particles of normal size and density, but only when the complementing Gag molecules contained the complete CA-SP sequence. We conclude that CA-SP functions during budding in a manner that is independent of the other assembly domains.  相似文献   

All retroviruses have a layer of matrix protein (MA) situated directly beneath the lipid of their envelope. This protein is initially expressed as the amino-terminal sequence of the Gag polyprotein, where it plays an important role in binding Gag to the plasma membrane during the early steps of the budding process. Others have suggested that MA may provide additional functions during virion assembly, including the selective incorporation of viral glycoproteins and the RNA genome into the emerging virion. To further study the role of the Rous sarcoma virus MA sequence in the viral replication cycle, we have pursued an extensive deletion analysis. Surprisingly, the entire second half of MA (residues 87 to 155) and part of the neighboring p2 sequence were found to be dispensable not only for budding but also for infectivity in avian cells. Thus, all of the functions associated with the Rous sarcoma virus MA sequence must be contained within its first half.  相似文献   

The Rous sarcoma virus protease displays a high degree of specificity and catalyzes the cleavage of only a limited number of amino acid sequences. This specificity is governed by interactions between side chains of eight substrate amino acids and eight corresponding subsite pockets within the homodimeric enzyme. We have examined these complex interactions in order to learn how to introduce changes into the retroviral protease (PR) that direct it to cleave substrates. Mutant enzymes with altered substrate specificity and wild-type or greater catalytic rates have been constructed previously by substituting single key amino acids in each of the eight enzyme subsites with those residues found in structurally related positions of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 PR. These individual amino acid substitutions have now been combined into one enzyme, resulting in a highly active mutant Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) protease that displays many characteristics associated with the HIV-1 enzyme. The hybrid protease is capable of catalyzing the cleavage of a set of HIV-1 viral polyprotein substrates that are not recognized by the wild-type RSV enzyme. Additionally, the modified PR is inhibited completely by the HIV-1 PR-specific inhibitor KNI-272 at concentrations where wild-type RSV PR is unaffected. These results indicate that the major determinants that dictate RSV and HIV-1 PR substrate specificity have been identified. Since the viral protease is a homodimer, the rational design of enzymes with altered specificity also requires a thorough understanding of the importance of enzyme symmetry in substrate selection. We demonstrate here that the enzyme homodimer acts symmetrically in substrate selection with each enzyme subunit being capable of recognizing both halves of a peptide substrate equally.  相似文献   

Retrovirus genomes contain a sequence at the 5' end which directs their packaging into virions. In Rous sarcoma virus, previous studies have identified important segments of the packaging signal, Psi, and support elements of a secondary-structure prediction. To further characterize this sequence, we used an in vivo selection strategy to test large collections of mutants. We generated pools of full-length viral DNA molecules with short stretches of random sequence in Psi and transfected each pool into avian cells. Resulting infectious virus was allowed to spread by multiple passages, so that sequences could compete and the best could be selected. This method provides information on the kinds of sequences allowed, as well as those that are most fit. Several predicted stem-loop structures in Psi were tested. A stem at the base of element O3 was highly favored; only sequences which maintained base pairing were selected. Two other stems, at the base and in the middle of element L3, were not conserved: neither base pairing nor sequence was maintained. A single mutation, G213U, was seen upstream of the randomized region in all selected L3 stem mutants; we interpret this to mean that it compensates for the defects in L3. Randomized mutations adjacent to G213 maintained the wild-type base composition but not its sequence. The kissing-loop sequence at end of L3, postulated to function in genome dimerization, was not required for infectivity but was selected for over time. Finally, a deletion of L3 was constructed and found to be poorly infectious.  相似文献   

The transformation-defective mutant of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), tdPH2010, has a gag p19 (matrix; MA) protein which migrates on SDS-polyacrylamide gels faster than that of the parental (tsNY68) as well as other wild-type strains of RSV. To study the molecular basis of this altered migration pattern and its biological significance, the nucleotide sequence of the p19 region of tdPH2010 was determined. Comparison of the nucleotide sequence of tdPH2010 with that of the Schmidt-Ruppin A strain of RSV revealed a point mutation at nucleotide 755 (G to A), resulting in an amino-acid substitution at residue 126 of p19 (Glu to Lys). Acidic-methanol esterification of free carboxyl groups suppressed the difference in electrophoretic mobility of p19 between tdPH2010 and the wild-type virus. Recombinant virus constructs having the mutated gag region of tdPH2010 produced a p19 with the same electrophoretic mobility as the p19 of tdPH2010. We concluded that the point mutation caused the altered electrophoretic behavior of p19 of tdPH2010. The mutation had no effect on the growth of infected cells.  相似文献   

The Drosophila doublesex female-specific splicing enhancer consists of two classes of regulatory elements, six 13-nucleotide repeat sequences, and a single purine-rich element (PRE). Here, we show that the Drosophila regulatory proteins Transformer (Tra) and Transformer 2 (Tra2) recruit different members of the SR family of splicing factors to the repeats and the PRE. The complexes formed on the repeats in HeLa cell extract consist of Tra, Tra2, and the SR protein 9G8. in Drosophila Kc cell extract, Tra and Tra2 recruit the SR protein RBP1 to the repeats. These proteins are arranged in a specific order on the repeats, with the SR protein at the 5' end of each repeat, and Tra2 at each 3' end. Although Tra did not cross-link strongly to the repeats, its presence was essential for the binding of Tra2 to the 3' end of the repeat. Individual SR proteins were also recruited to the PRE by Tra and Tra2, but in this case they were SF2/ASF and dSRp30 in HeLa and Drosophila cell extracts, respectively. The binding of Tra2, Tra, and the specific SR proteins to the repeats or the PRE was highly cooperative within each complex. Thus, Tra2, which contains a single RNA binding domain, can recognize distinct sequences in the repeats and the PRE in conjunction with specific SR proteins. These observations show that the protein composition of each complex is determined by the RNA recognition sequence and specific interactions between SR proteins and Tra and Tra2.  相似文献   

Two cytotoxic proteins, bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNase A), and a restriction endonuclease from Haemophilus parainfluenzae (HpaI), were produced using a novel semisynthetic approach that utilizes a protein splicing element, an intein, to generate a reactive thioester at the C-terminus of a recombinant protein. Nucleophilic attack on this thioester by the N-terminal cysteine of a synthetic peptide ultimately leads to the ligation of the two reactants through a native peptide bond. This strategy was used to produce RNase A and HpaI by isolating inactive truncated forms of these proteins, the first 109 and 223 amino acids of RNase A and HpaI, respectively, as fusion proteins consisting of the target protein, an intein, and a chitin binding domain. Thiol-induced cleavage of the precursor led to the liberation of the target protein with a C-terminal thioester-tag. Addition of synthetic peptides representing the amino acids missing from the truncated forms led to the generation of full-length products that displayed catalytic activity indicative of the wild-type enzymes. The turnover numbers and Km for ligated and renatured RNase A were 8.2 s(-1) and 1.5 mM, in good agreement with reported values of 8.3 s(-1) and 1.2 mM (Hodges & Merrifield, 1975). Ligated HpaI had a specific activity of 0.5-1.5 x 10(6) U/mg, which compared favorably with the expected value of 1-2 x 10(6) U/mg (J. Benner, unpubl. obs.). Besides assisting in the production of cytotoxic proteins, this technique could allow the easy insertion of unnatural amino acids into a protein sequence.  相似文献   

After incubation of the cells with fresh quail serum, deposition of the third component of complement (C3) was demonstrated on the cell surface of various quail cell lines transformed by Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) as well as on that of primary quail embryo (QE) cells transformed by RSV. The C3 deposition occurred irrespective of virus production. On the other hand, the C-3 deposition was not observed on two quail cell lines transformed by a chemical carcinogen, QE cells infected with avian leukosis virus or normal QE cells. Moreover, QE cells infected with a temperature-sensitive mutant of RSV activated the complement at 37 degrees C but not at 41 degrees C. Since the progeny virus was generated even at 41 degrees C, viral molecules on the cell surface may not play an essential role for the activation. The activation of complement was blocked by EDTA but not by EGTA-Mg++. Therefore, the complement activation on the transformed cells appears to be mediated via the alternative complement pathway (ACP). Similar results were obtained with the complement consumption test; the residual cytolytic activity of fresh quail serum via ACP was markedly reduced by pre-incubation of the serum with transformed cells.  相似文献   

The Drosophila sex determination gene transformer-2 (tra-2) is a splicing regulator that affects the sex-specific processing of several distinct pre-mRNAs. While the tra-2 gene itself is known to produce alternative mRNAs that together encode three different TRA-2 protein isoforms, the respective roles of these isoforms in affecting individual pre-mRNA targets has remained unclear. We have generated transgenic fly strains with mutations affecting specific TRA-2 isoforms to investigate their individual roles in regulating the alternative processing of doublesex, exuperantia and tra-2 pre-mRNA. Our results indicate that in somatic tissues two different isoforms function redundantly to direct female differentiation and female-specific doublesex pre-mRNA splicing. In the male germline, where tra-2 has an essential role in spermatogenesis, a single isoform was found to uniquely perform all necessary functions. This isoform appears to regulate its own synthesis during spermatogenesis through a negative feedback mechanism involving intron retention.  相似文献   

Even though laboratory data provide the best indicators for systemic toxicities in clinical trials of investigational medications, many applied statisticians lack a basic understanding of the interpretation of such data. Understanding is essential to a statistician's ability to help evaluate a patient's overall safety experience in a trial, the latter being the primary objective for collecting laboratory data in the trial. In this paper, we discuss the purpose of conducting laboratory evaluations as well as some hidden issues concerning the current practice of laboratory data analysis. The issues include the use of reference ranges, the one-parameter-at-a-time approach, and the exploratory nature of safety data analyses.  相似文献   

Pain is a common problem among hospitalized persons with AIDS (PWAs), yet it has not been well studied. The purpose of this study was to understand, using the phenomenological method, the experience of pain in hospitalized PWAs. Multiple sources of data, including interviews with 11 hospitalized PWAs, literature, poetry, and film, were used to investigate the phenomenon. Five broad themes emerged: knowing pain, battling pain, having AIDS, pain's influence, and being a drug user. Multiple barriers to effective pain management were identified. Although there were commonalities in the experience of pain in chemically dependent and nonchemically dependent PWAs, unique challenges for the chemically dependent PWAs were identified. The findings indicate the importance of listening to and believing reports of pain. In addition, the findings underscore the delicate balance that exists between pain relief and relapse in PWAs with a history of chemical dependency.  相似文献   

The Src-like adaptor protein (Slap) is a recently identified adaptor protein containing Src homology 3 (SH3) and SH2 domains. Slap is found in a wide range of cell types and was shown to interact with the Eck receptor tyrosine kinase in a yeast two-hybrid interaction screen [1]. Here, we found that Slap is expressed in NIH3T3 cells and could associate with the activated platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor. Using mutated versions of the PDGF receptor and phosphopeptide competition experiments, we determined that Slap has the highest affinity for the Src-binding site of the PDGF receptor. Our inability to produce cell lines that stably expressed Slap suggested that Slap inhibited cell growth. We further investigated this issue by transiently expressing Slap by microinjection. Overexpression of Slap by this method inhibited DNA synthesis induced by PDGF and serum, whereas overexpression of the adaptor proteins Grb2 and Shc did not. Finally, microinjection of a Slap antibody into NIH3T3 cells that had been stimulated with suboptimal doses of growth factors potentiated the effects of the growth factors. These data suggest that, unlike other adaptor proteins, Slap is a negative regulator of signalling initiated by growth factors.  相似文献   

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