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A mathematical model has been developed for the direct, continuous esterification process. Influence of process and operational variables, including temperature distribution, residence time distribution, bis(hydroxyethyl)terephthalate recycle, pressure, and ethylene glycol (EG) to terephthalic acid ratio on the reactor performance have been investigated in a range as close to industrial practice as possible. The variables influencing the amount of EG reflux (which governs the energy economy) and side products (which govern the product quality) have been discussed. This investigation provides an analysis of a continuous, direct esterification process, and the results indicate strategies for optimizing productivity and product quality.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for the continuous prepolymerization of BHET to PET, carried out in a series of stirred tank reactors, has been developed. The influence of process and operational variables on productivity, as well as the side-product formation (which controls the product quality), have been studied in a range as close to industrial practice as possible. The overall conclusions concerning the productivity profile, as well as some side products, appear to be substantiated from the available data in the open literature. The results of the mathematical model have been used to highlight the key process and operational variables that are likely to give the best productivity and product quality in industrial practice.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of a continuous polycondensation reactor used in the finishing stages is developed. This axial dispersion model predicts the directions in which mixing, and other process and operational variables, will influence the progress of polycondensation. The available pilot plant data have been compared with the model predictions. In view of the neglect of the side reactions in our model, the comparison is only approximate but appears reasonable. The analysis developed is used to highlight certain critical design considerations.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for simulation of industrial process of solid state polycondensation of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) has been developed. The model eliminates errors evident in the earlier models by proper formulation. The model results have been validated by experimental data in the literature. It enables prediction of the influence of particle shape, size, temperature, etc. on the polycondensation process correctly in all different regimes of operation, apart from bringing out the importance of gas-side resistance, influence of carrier gas, etc. for the first time.  相似文献   

A mathematical modelling of a semibatch prepolymerization process has been undertaken. Prepolymerization conducted at constant temperature and pressure and with a predetermined variation in temperature and pressure has been studied. Influence of DMT and TPA addition during prepolymerization has also been examined. The focus has been on investigation of the influence of processing and operational variables on productivity and side product formation, which controls product quality. The results of this investigation (which are applicable only up to DP ? to 30) are borne out by the limited experimental data available in the literature. Important pragmatic implications of the results of the work in terms of design and operation of prepolymerization reactors have been emphasized.  相似文献   

A comprehensive model for a semibatch ester interchange reactor has been developed with a view to investigate the effect of various process and operational variables on the DMT conversion rate as well as the by-product formation. The influence of important variables such as EG-to-DMT ratio, catalyst concentration, and operational variables such as temperature and pressure has been considered. Definite conclusions concerning the choice of the desirable range of process and operational variables to maximize productivity and minimize by-product formation have been reached.  相似文献   

The second stage of batch poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) reactor with bis(2-hydroxyethyl) terephthalate (BHET) as the feed has been simulated. In this stage, the overall polymerization is not diffusion limited and is known to be a complex reaction. In this work it has been assumed to consist of polycondensation, reaction with monofunctional compounds (cetyl alcohol), redistribution, and cyclization reactions. The forward and reverse steps of each of these have been modelled in terms of the rate constants involving functional groups and the reacted bonds. The equations for the calculation of the molecular weight distribution (MWD) in batch reactors have been written and solved numerically. The MWD reported in this work is assumed to include the monofunctional products only, and, for the case where ethylene glycol is not removed from the reaction mass, it was found to be unaffected by the choice of the redistribution rate constant (kr). Since the removal of ethylene glycol is not mass transfer controlled, its concentration in the reaction mass is assumed be given by the vapor–liquid equilibrium existing at the pressure applied on the reactor. In this work, the level of ethylene glycol concentration, yg (?[G]/[P1]0), has been taken as a parameter, and, on application of vacuum, the MWD results were found to vary with kr with the sensitivity increasing with yg. It was then shown that the importance of the redistribution reaction is enhanced when the cyclization reaction also occurs. The effect of vacuum on the performance of the reactor has been studied by varying yg. For yg less than 0.01, the change in the MWD of the polymer becomes very small. The effects of polymerization temperature and initial concentration of monofunctional compounds on MWD were found to be small.  相似文献   

A method of recycling postconsumer poly(ethylene terephthalate (PET) using transesterification was studied. Shredded flakes of postconsumer PET waste were transesterified with higher diols, such as 1,4‐butanediol, 1,4‐cyclohexane dimethanol, and 1,6‐hexanediol, to yield copolyesters in the presence of Ti(iPrO)4 and Sb2O3 as catalysts. The extent of the formation of undesirable tetrahydrofuran side products was dependent on the molar ratio of PET to1,4‐butanediol and the time of reflux during transesterification. Quantitative insertion of the butylene moiety into PET could be achieved under appropriate reaction conditions. The mechanical properties of PBT obtained by a transesterification reaction of PET with 1,4‐butanediol were comparable to those of virgin PBT (obtained by direct reaction of dimethyl terephathalate with 1,4‐butanediol). © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 91: 3720–3729, 2004  相似文献   

A mathematical model for a continuous direct esterification reactor has been developed. The solid-liquid equilibrium of terephthalic acid (TPA) was considered in our modeling, and the characteristic dissolution time, an adjustable parameter, was introduced to account for the mass-transfer effect in the dissolution of TPA. The effects of the characteristic dissolution time, monomer feed ratio, temperature, and pressure on the reactor performance at different residence times were investigated through simulation. It was observed that the behavior of the first reactor strongly depends on whether the solid TPA is completely dissolved in the reaction mixtures. From the dynamic simulations, it was found that a sudden change in the operating conditions affects the ethylene glycol (EG) vapor flow rate instantly. For the esterification process having two reactors in series, the strategy for time distribution and recycling of EG is also discussed. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A general kinetic scheme for the polycondensation step of the PET formation has been used to establish the mole balance equations of various functional groups in batch reactors. An objective function has been defined which aims to attain a desired degree of polymerization in the shortest time, has a specified level of diethylene glycol group content, and minimizes the other side products. Using the control vector iteration procedure, an optimum temperature profile has been calculated. The computations suggest that a high temperature should be used initially which must be lowered as the time of reaction increases for limiting the formation of side products.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for solid-state polymerization of poly(ethylene terephthalate) was developed. The effects of temperature and chain entanglement on chain mobility were considered to estimate the rate constants of chemical reactions. The diffusivities of volatile byproducts could be determined using the free volume theory.13,14 The model predictions were validated with experimental data reported in the literature. In addition, assuming that the concentration profiles of volatile byproducts in spherical particles are described by a sinusoidal function, the mass transfer rate of the byproducts at a given time could be derived as an ordinary differential equation that can be easily treated. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 68:837–846, 1998  相似文献   

The transesterification of dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) with ethylene glycol (EG) was kinetically investigated in the presence of various catalysts at 197°C. The reaction was followed by the measurement of the quantity of methanol which distilled from the reaction vessel. This distillation made corrections of reactant and catalyst concentrations necessary. The transesterification was assumed to obey first-order kinetics with respect to DMT and EG, and a rate equation was derived. The reaction was found to be first order in catalyst concentration as well and when this finding was incorporated in the rate equation, excellent agreement between the observed and calculated values was recognized throughout the reaction. The first-order dependence on the catalyst concentration is valid below a critical concentration which was found to be dependent on the catalyst type. Above this concentration a lower reaction order was observed.  相似文献   

Rosa M. Medina 《Polymer》2004,45(25):8517-8522
In a previous work [L. Alexandrova, A. Cabrera, M.A. Hernández, M.J. Cruz, M.J.M. Abadie, O. Manero, D. Likhatchev, Polymer 43 (2002) 5397. [1]], a model compounds study on the kinetics of a transesterification reaction in poly(ethylene terphthalate)-poly(ethylene naphthalene 2,6-dicarboxylate), PET-PEN blends, resulting from melt processing, was simulated using model compounds of ethylene dibenzoate (BEB) and ethylene dinaphthoate (NEN). A first-order kinetics was established under pseudo first-order conditions for both reactants, and thus the overall transesterification reaction was second-order reversible. Direct ester-ester exchange was deduced as a prevailing mechanism for the transesterification reaction under the conditions studied.In this work, the actual PET-PEN system was melt processed by mixing the polymers below the critical reaction temperature in a twin-screw extruder. Thereafter, the reaction was induced by temperature in open glass ampoules. A second order reversible kinetics was measured, in agreement with the kinetics established in the previous model compounds study. The equilibrium constant value corresponds to a forward rate constant which is four times larger than the reverse rate constant. The activation thermodynamic parameters confirmed the direct ester-ester exchange mechanism for the reaction.  相似文献   

Blends of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) and a copolyester of bisphenol A–terephthaloylisophthaloyl (PAr) (2:1:1) have been studied both before and after transesterification. The physical blends exhibit phase separation in their amorphous states: a pure PET phase and a mixed PAr-rich phase. In spite of this phase separation, PET crystallinity in blends, normalized to PET fraction, surprisingly goes through a maximum at 25% PAr content. The transesterfied copolymers are noncrystallizable and exhibit a single Tg between those of starting polymers, PET and PAr.  相似文献   

Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) has been covalently immobilized on poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) films using a radio frequency glow discharge polymer deposition process, followed by chemical coupling. Amino or hydroxyl groups were introduced onto the surface of the PET by exposing the films to allylamine and allyl alcohol plasmas. These functional groups were activated with cyanuric chloride, and then they were reacted with PEO. ESCA and water contact angle studies were used to characterize the surfaces of these films during the different stages of the reaction. The films containing the higher molecular weight PEO exhibited an increase in the ? C? O? peak of the Cls ESCA spectrum and an increase in oxygen content on the film surfaces. Increasing the molecular weight of the PEO attached to the PET also resulted in an increased wettability of the films.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of a semi batch reactor was developed to investigate the oligomerization reactions in the melt transesterification of dimethyl terephthalate with ethylene glycol catalyzed by metal acetate catalyst. The detailed kinetic scheme based on the molecular species model is used to estimate the conversion of methyl ester groups and the concentrations of various oligomeric species. The numerical simulation of the model shows that the oligomerization reactions lower the overall conversion of methyl ester end groups. Effects of ethylene glycol/dimethyl terephthalate mole ratios, reaction temperature and, catalyst concentration on the conversion, oligomer concentration, oligomer molecular weight, and molecular weight distribution were also analyzed.  相似文献   

Commercial grade poly(ethylene terephthalate), (PET, intrinsic viscosity = 0.80 dL/g) and poly(butylene terephthalate), (PBT, intrinsic viscosity = 1.00 dL/g) were melt blended over the entire composition range using a counterrotating twin‐screw extruder. The mechanical, thermal, electrical, and rheological properties of the blends were studied. All of the blends showed higher impact properties than that of PET or PBT. The 50:50 blend composition exhibited the highest impact value. Other mechanical properties also showed similar trends for blends of this composition. The addition of PBT increased the processability of PET. Differential scanning calorimetry data showed the presence of both phases. For all blends, only a single glass‐transition temperature was observed. The melting characteristics of one phase were influenced by the presence of the other. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 98: 75–82, 2005  相似文献   

Poly(ethylene terephthalate) containing hexabromobenzene, tricresyl phosphate, or a combination of triphenyl phosphate and hexabromobenzene, pentabromotoluene, or octabromobiphenyl was extruded or spun at 280°C into monofilaments or low-denier yarn, respectively. Only combinations of the phosphorus- and halogen-containing compounds resulted in flame-retardant poly(ethylene terephthalate) systems, without depreciating their degree of luster and color quality. The melting temperature, the reduced viscosity, and the thermal stability above 400°C of these flame-retardant systems were in most cases comparable to those of poly(ethylene terephthalate) itself. Phosphorus-bromine synergism was proposed with flame inhibition occurring mostly in the gas phase.  相似文献   

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