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Deodorizing Agents from the View of the Dermatologist The great advantages of the deodorants are partly compensated by following disadvantages: 1. Allergies, 2. Photochemical reactions, 3. Disorder of ecological equilibrium. The dermatologist has to deal with such problems. The author discusses the pathological mechanism of such side actions which are observed to occur within normal limits due to the wide use of deodorants. It is emphasized that the basis of every form of body care is the daily washing with water and soap. The application of a deodorant should always follow a thorough cleansing of the body.  相似文献   

Behaviour of catalytic exhaust converters from a reaction-engineering standpoint . The technology of exhaust converters has been actively promoted and thoroughly documented in recent years. The present article is intended to demonstrate the contribution of chemical reaction engineering concepts and thought processes to this development. A recently published survey [1] emphasized the relevant general principles of micro- and macrokinetics, while the present paper discusses the integral behaviour of exhaust converters with the aid of selected examples.  相似文献   

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is increasingly becoming established as a tool for analysis and design in the chemical industry. Several projects from various areas are introduced as examples of CFD projects from the perspective of the CFD user in chemical industry. The areas chosen are based on those in a process chain: transportation, mixing, reaction, and separation of materials. The most important steps and decisions in the use of CFD are presented from the perspective of the process engineer. This paper attempts to convey an appreciation for the possibilities and opportunities, but also for the limits of computational fluid dynamics.  相似文献   

Fat Supply for Men from Economical and Technological Point of View Up to the last century the edible fat for men was rather scarce and expensive in Europe till the supply, partially correlated with increasing meat production but also as a consequence of the increased milk production of cows, improved. The 20th century led to a high increase, especially in vegetable fat production, which have become a healthy and cheap source of energy. During its development the fat technology has always succeeded in adapting to the changing offer of raw material. Finally oil milling, fractionation, hydrogenation, interesterification as well a modern refining have caused that as well a high flexibility concerning the composition of important edible fats as the chance of qualitative optimization can be used.  相似文献   

This paper describes the way in which processes are currently developed and optimized within a chemical firm, paying attention to all aspects of the production process. The use of mathematical models and simulation alongside laboratory and plant experiments has proved successful for well understood processes. For new processes that are not as well understood, knowledge‐based process synthesis tools offer advantages over optimization‐based synthesis methods, which select particular designs from a predefined superstructure. Methods of mathematical programming are used in production logistics.  相似文献   

Packaging Plants for Foods from the Viewpoint of the User The technical and economical utility of packaging machines for the user depends on the degree of perfection with which they operate. In addition to their price and performance, their tendency to break down, ease of operation and service, safety, and level of noise are some of the factors that should be taken into consideration. Structural set up of packaging plants for different types of foods is discussed followed by the most important parameters that are of value to the user.  相似文献   

Developments of metallic materials in view of their use for chemical plants . The demands placed on materials of construction for chemical plants are becoming more and more stringent due to the steady increase in mechanical, thermal, and chemical loading. Molten metallurgical improvements, alloying steps, new methods of plastic deformation and heat treatment, and facilitation of workability are implemented in attempts to optimize the properties of construction materials and to achieve better adaptation to the service conditions. Progress achieved by research and developments during recent years in the above mentioned field is apparent in practical applications of some groups of materials which are important for construction of apparatus; these are high-strength fine grained steels, high-alloyed ferritic and austenitic stainless steels, as well as duplex steels. Moreover, the improvements – especially in corrosion restistance – are considered which can be obtained by special melting techniques and new fabrication processes. In addition, the advantages of electroslag remelting (ESR) and powdermetallurgical fabrication of semi-finished products of corrosion resistant alloys and the possibilities of hotisostaticpressing (HIP) of structural components are discussed.  相似文献   

Fat and Nutrition - The Point of View of the DGE Fat is an important energy source because of its high energy density. Moreover fat in food is carrying fat soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids. Fat contributes to the taste of dishes and increases the acceptance of food. Energy density of fat is important for the high energy demand of children and heavy workers. The supply of fat soluble antioxidative vitamins is of increasing importance. The influence of the amount and the quality of fat on lipoproteins in blood and coronary risk as well as epidemiological data on the relation of a high fat intake and the risk of different kinds of cancer are of importance. Fat intake is a critical factor in nutrition and should be intensively monitored with respect to upper and lower limits.  相似文献   

Production and maintenance of chemical engineering equipment from the viewpoint of the operator . Maintenance of chemical engineering plant is cost intensive, owing to the large size of such installations. A large variety of heavily taxed units in long term use necessitates constant maintenance. All possible means of cost reduction must therefore be exploited. Collaboration between manufacturer and maintainer is one possible area for such measures. All joint efforts must be directed to the faultless unit. Such efforts are nearly always possible without affecting the manufacturing costs of the unit. Various forms of collaboration are conceivable.  相似文献   

Oil-Bearing Plant Cultivation and Utilization from the Viewpoint of Agricultural Policy Cultivation of oil-bearing plants has a greater importance than generally thought. Hardly any other agricultural commodity is more dependent on supply by the world market than oilseeds. The European Economic Community meets only 30% of its requirement of plant oils and less than 10% of its requirement of plant proteins by its own production. From this aspect the marketing instruments are fully justified. Rapeseed is undoubtedly the most important oilseed of the temperate zone. It has a great future in entire Europe. More than twothirds of the German rapeseed production was harvested in the northernmost federal state. Without exaggeration, one might designate Schleswig-Holstein as the most intensive winter rape region of the world. This would not have been possible without successful breeding work carried out at research institutes and plant breeding firms. In this context one might recall the impressive quality improvement of rapeseed by switching over to low-erucic varieties. The next step must be the improvement of protein content. The author anticipates intensive research that would provide useful results within a short time. The same holds for the stability of the oil by reducing the linolenic acid content, which is genetically not an easy task. In view of the importance of meeting the energy requirement the utilization of biomass in future will become an important part of agricultural considerations. Although the utilization of plant oils as fuel might not be very successful, the fat market must be considered from a global viewpoint. For the time being and in the near future plant oil will remain a food item. A good quality and informing the public will ensure their sale.  相似文献   

Alkylethersulfates – A Review on Applications Alkylethersulfates based on fatty alcohols are commonly used in modern bath preparations and liquid cleansing agents. Their annual consumption in the Federal Republic of Germany amounts to about 20 000 t. Optimum properties for each application are achieved by varying the alkyl chain length and the degree of ethoxylation. Alkylethersulfates are harmless from toxicological viewpoint; they are biologically degradable. A ISO-visco-curve is proposed for the formulation of finished products. In this relationship, the amount of common salt required for a given viscosity is a function of the concentration of ethersulfate. 70% ether sulfate, without the addition of liquifying substances, is used in increasing amounts. Their processing is described.  相似文献   

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