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Significant progress has been made in high-quality hair rendering, but it remains difficult to choose parameter values that reproduce a given real hair appearance. In particular, for applications such as games where naive users want to create their own avatars, tuning complex parameters is not practical. Our approach analyses a single flash photograph and estimates model parameters that reproduce the visual likeness of the observed hair. The estimated parameters include color absorptions, three reflectance lobe parameters of a multiple-scattering rendering model, and a geometric noise parameter. We use a novel melanin-based model to capture the natural subspace of hair absorption parameters. At its core, the method assumes that images of hair with similar color distributions are also similar in appearance. This allows us to recast the issue as an image retrieval problem where the photo is matched with a dataset of rendered images; we thus also match the model parameters used to generate these images. An earth-mover's distance is used between luminance-weighted color distributions to gauge similarity. We conduct a perceptual experiment to evaluate this metric in the context of hair appearance and demonstrate the method on 64 photographs, showing that it can achieve a visual likeness for a large variety of input photos.  相似文献   

We introduce image-space radiosity and a hierarchical variant as a method for interactively approximating diffuse indirect illumination in fully dynamic scenes. As oft observed, diffuse indirect illumination contains mainly low-frequency details that do not require independent computations at every pixel. Prior work leverages this to reduce computation costs by clustering and caching samples in world or object space. This often involves scene preprocessing, complex data structures for caching, or wasted computations outside the view frustum. We instead propose clustering computations in image space, allowing the use of cheap hardware mipmapping and implicit quadtrees to allow coarser illumination computations. We build on a recently introduced multiresolution splatting technique combined with an image-space lightcut algorithm to intelligently choose virtual point lights for an interactive, one-bounce instant radiosity solution. Intelligently selecting point lights from our reflective shadow map enables temporally coherent illumination similar to results using more than 4096 regularly-sampled VPLs.  相似文献   

We present a new method for estimating the radiance function of complex area light sources. The method is based on Jensen's photon mapping algorithm. In order to capture high angular frequencies in the radiance function, we incorporate the angular domain into the density estimation. However, density estimation in position-direction space makes it necessary to find a tradeoff between the spatial and angular accuracy of the estimation. We identify the parameters which are important for this tradeoff and investigate the typical estimation errors. We show how the large data size, which is inherent to the underlying problem, can be handled. The method is applied to different automotive tail lights. It can be applied to a wide range of other real-world light sources.  相似文献   

Fluid animations in computer graphics show interactions with various kinds of objects. However, fluid flowing through a granular material such as sand is still not possible within current frameworks. In this paper, we present the simulation of fine granular materials interacting with fluids. We propose a unified Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics framework for the simulation of both fluid and granular material. The granular volume is simulated as a continuous material sampled by particles. By incorporating previous work on porous flow in this simulation framework we are able to fully couple fluid and sand. Fluid can now percolate between sand grains and influence the physical properties of the sand volume. Our method demonstrates various new effects such as dry soil transforming into mud pools by rain or rigid sand structures being eroded by waves.  相似文献   

Point clusters occur in both spatial and non-spatial data. In the former context they may represent segmented particle data, in the latter context they may represent clusters in scatterplots. In order to visualize such point clusters, enclosing surfaces lead to much better comprehension than pure point renderings.
We propose a flexible system for the generation of enclosing surfaces for 3D point clusters. We developed a GPU-based 3D discrete Voronoi diagram computation that supports all surface extractions. Our system provides three different types of enclosing surfaces. By generating a discrete distance field to the point cluster and extracting an isosurface from the field, an enclosing surface with any distance to the point cluster can be generated. As a second type of enclosing surfaces, a hull of the point cluster is extracted. The generation of the hull uses a projection of the discrete Voronoi diagram of the point cluster to an isosurface to generate a polygonal surface. Generated hulls of non-convex clusters are also non-convex. The third type of enclosing surfaces can be created by computing a distance field to the hull and extracting an isosurface from the distance field. This method exhibits reduced bumpiness and can extract surfaces arbitrarily close to the point cluster without losing connectedness.
We apply our methods to the visualization of multidimensional spatial and non-spatial data. Multidimensional clusters are extracted and projected into a 3D visual space, where the point clusters are visualized. The respective clusters can also be visualized in object space when dealing with multidimensional particle data.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel method for estimating specular roughness and tangent vectors, per surface point, from polarized second order spherical gradient illumination patterns. We demonstrate that for isotropic BRDFs, only three second order spherical gradients are sufficient to robustly estimate spatially varying specular roughness. For anisotropic BRDFs, an additional two measurements yield specular roughness and tangent vectors per surface point. We verify our approach with different illumination configurations which project both discrete and continuous fields of gradient illumination. Our technique provides a direct estimate of the per-pixel specular roughness and thus does not require off-line numerical optimization that is typical for the measure-and-fit approach to classical BRDF modeling.  相似文献   

Adaptive Caustic Maps Using Deferred Shading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Caustic maps provide an interactive image-space method to render caustics, the focusing of light via reflection and refraction. Unfortunately, caustic mapping suffers problems similar to shadow mapping: aliasing from poor sampling and map projection as well as temporal incoherency from frame-to-frame sampling variations. To reduce these problems, researchers have suggested methods ranging from caustic blurring to building a multiresolution caustic map. Yet these all require a fixed photon sampling, precluding the use of importance-based photon densities. This paper introduces adaptive caustic maps. Instead of densely sampling photons via a rasterization pass, we adaptively emit photons using a deferred shading pass. We describe deferred rendering for refractive surfaces, which speeds rendering of refractive geometry up to 25% and with adaptive sampling speeds caustic rendering up to 200%. These benefits are particularly noticable for complex geometry or using millions of photons. While developed for a GPU rasterizer, adaptive caustic map creation can be performed by any renderer that individually traces photons, e.g., a GPU ray tracer.  相似文献   

Textured Liquids based on the Marker Level Set   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this work we propose a new Eulerian method for handling the dynamics of a liquid and its surface attributes (for example its color). Our approach is based on a new method for interface advection that we term the Marker Level Set (MLS). The MLS method uses surface markers and a level set for tracking the surface of the liquid, yielding more efficient and accurate results than popular methods like the Particle Level Set method (PLS). Another novelty is that the surface markers allow the MLS to handle non-diffusively surface texture advection, a rare capability in the realm of Eulerian simulation of liquids. We present several simulations of the dynamical evolution of liquids and their surface textures.  相似文献   

An increasing number of projects have examined the perceptual magnitude of visible artifacts in animated motion. These studies have been performed using a mix of character types, from detailed human models to abstract geometric objects such as spheres. We explore the extent to which character morphology influences user sensitivity to errors in a fixed set of ballistic motions replicated on three different character types. We find user sensitivity responds to changes in error type or magnitude in a similar manner regardless of character type, but that users display a higher sensitivity to some types of errors when these errors are displayed on more human‐like characters. Further investigation of those error types suggests that being able to observe a period of preparatory motion before the onset of ballistic motion may be important. However, we found no evidence to suggest that a mismatch between the preparatory phase and the resulting ballistic motion was responsible for the higher sensitivity to errors that was observed for the most humanlike character.  相似文献   

An Adaptive Contact Model for the Robust Simulation of Knots   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we present an adaptive model for dynamically deforming hyper‐elastic rods. In contrast to existing approaches, adaptively introduced control points are not governed by geometric subdivision rules. Instead, their states are determined by employing a non‐linear energy‐minimization approach. Since valid control points are computed instantaneously, post‐stabilization schemes are avoided and the stability of the dynamic simulation is improved. Due to inherently complex contact configurations, the simulation of knot tying using rods is a challenging task. In order to address this problem, we combine our adaptive model with a robust and accurate collision handling method for elastic rods. By employing our scheme, complex knot configurations can be simulated in a physically plausible way.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an online motion capture marker labeling approach for multiple interacting articulated targets. Given hundreds of unlabeled motion capture markers from multiple articulated targets that are interacting each other, our approach automatically labels these markers frame by frame, by fitting rigid bodies and exploiting trained structure and motion models. Advantages of our approach include: 1) our method is an online algorithm, which requires no user interaction once the algorithm starts. 2) Our method is more robust than traditional the closest point-based approaches by automatically imposing the structure and motion models. 3) Due to the use of the structure model which encodes the rigidity of each articulated body of captured targets, our method can recover missing markers robustly. Our approach is efficient and particularly suited for online computer animation and video game applications.  相似文献   

We present a general method to intuitively create a wide range of locomotion controllers for 3D legged characters. The key of our approach is the assumption that efficient locomotion can exploit the natural vibration modes of the body, where these modes are related to morphological parameters such as the shape, size, mass, and joint stiffness. The vibration modes are computed for a mechanical model of any 3D character with rigid bones, elastic joints, and additional constraints as desired. A small number of vibration modes can be selected with respect to their relevance to locomotion patterns and combined into a compact controller driven by very few parameters. We show that these controllers can be used in dynamic simulations of simple creatures, and for kinematic animations of more complex creatures of a variety of shapes and sizes.  相似文献   

We propose a new criterion to characterize hierarchical two-dimensional vortex regions induced by swirling motion. Central to the definition are closed loops that intersect the flow field at a constant angle. The union of loops belonging to the same area of swirling motion defines a vortex region. These regions are disjunct but may be nested, thus introducing a spatial hierarchy of vortex regions. We present a parameter free algorithm for the identification of these regions. Since they are not restricted to star- or convex-shaped geometries, we are able to identify also intricate regions, e.g., of elongated vortices. Computing an integrated value for each loop and mapping these values to a vortex region, introduces new ways for visualizing or filtering the vortex regions. Exemplary, an application based on the Rankine vortex model is presented. We apply our method to several CFD datasets and compare our results to existing approaches.  相似文献   

Into the Blue: Better Caustics through Photon Relaxation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The photon mapping method is one of the most popular algorithms employed in computer graphics today. However, obtaining good results is dependent on several variables including kernel shape and bandwidth, as well as the properties of the initial photon distribution. While the photon density estimation problem has been the target of extensive research, most algorithms focus on new methods of optimising the kernel to minimise noise and bias. In this paper we break from convention and propose a new approach that directly redistributes the underlying photons. We show that by relaxing the initial distribution into one with a blue noise spectral signature we can dramatically reduce background noise, particularly in areas of uniform illumination. In addition, we propose an efficient heuristic to detect and preserve features and discontinuities. We then go on to demonstrate how reconfiguration also permits the use of very low bandwidth kernels, greatly improving render times whilst reducing bias.  相似文献   

Interactive rendering with dynamic natural lighting and changing view is a long‐standing goal in computer graphics. Recently, precomputation‐based methods for all‐frequency relighting have made substantial progress in this direction. Many of the most successful algorithms are based on a factorization of the BRDF into incident and outgoing directions, enabling each term to be precomputed independent of viewing direction, and re‐combined at run‐time. However, there has so far been no theoretical understanding of the accuracy of this factorization, nor the number of terms needed. In this paper, we conduct a theoretical and empirical analysis of the BRDF in‐out factorization. For Phong BRDFs, we obtain analytic results, showing that the number of terms needed grows linearly with the Phong exponent, while the factors correspond closely to spherical harmonic basis functions. More generally, the number of terms is quadratic in the frequency content of the BRDF along the reflected or half‐angle direction. This analysis gives clear practical guidance on the number of factors needed for a given material. Different objects in a scene can each be represented with the correct number of terms needed for that particular BRDF, enabling both accuracy and interactivity.  相似文献   

Despite their numerous applications, efficiently rendering participating media remains a challenging task due to the intricacy of the radiative transport equation. As they provide a generic means of solving a wide variety of problems, numerical methods are most often used to solve the air-light integral even under simplifying assumptions. In this paper, we present a novel analytical approach to single scattering from isotropic point light sources in homogeneous media. We derive the first closed-form solution to the air-light integral in isotropic media and extend this formulation to anisotropic phase functions. The technique relies neither on pre-computation nor on storage, and we provide a practical implementation allowing for an explicit control on the accuracy of the solutions. Finally, we demonstrate its quantitative and qualitative benefits over both previous numerical and analytical approaches.  相似文献   

We present a novel and effective method for modeling a developable surface to simulate paper bending in interactive and animation applications. The method exploits the representation of a developable surface as the envelope of rectifying planes of a curve in 3D, which is therefore necessarily a geodesic on the surface. We manipulate the geodesic to provide intuitive shape control for modeling paper bending. Our method ensures a natural continuous isometric deformation from a piece of bent paper to its flat state without any stretching. Test examples show that the new scheme is fast, accurate, and easy to use, thus providing an effective approach to interactive paper bending. We also show how to handle non-convex piecewise smooth developable surfaces.  相似文献   

Depth-of-Field Rendering by Pyramidal Image Processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present an image-based algorithm for interactive rendering depth-of-field effects in images with depth maps. While previously published methods for interactive depth-of-field rendering suffer from various rendering artifacts such as color bleeding and sharpened or darkened silhouettes, our algorithm achieves a significantly improved image quality by employing recently proposed GPU-based pyramid methods for image blurring and pixel disocclusion. Due to the same reason, our algorithm offers an interactive rendering performance on modern GPUs and is suitable for real-time rendering for small circles of confusion. We validate the image quality provided by our algorithm by side-by-side comparisons with results obtained by distributed ray tracing.  相似文献   

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