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We show how a parallel composition of action systems can be refined by refining the components separately, and checking non-interference against invariants and guarantee conditions, which are abstract and stable. The guarantee condition can be thought of as a very abstract specification of how a system affects the global state, and it allows us to show that an action system refinement is valid in a given environment, even if we do not know any of the details of that environment. The paper extends the traditional notion of action systems slightly, and it makes use of a generalisation of the attribute model for program variables.  相似文献   

We present a novel framework for automatic inference of efficient synchronization in concurrent programs, a task known to be difficult and error-prone when done manually. Our framework is based on abstract interpretation and can infer synchronization for infinite state programs. Given a program, a specification, and an abstraction, we infer synchronization that avoids all (abstract) interleavings that may violate the specification, but permits as many valid interleavings as possible. Combined with abstraction refinement, our framework can be viewed as a new approach for verification where both the program and the abstraction can be modified on-the-fly during the verification process. The ability to modify the program, and not only the abstraction, allows us to remove program interleavings not only when they are known to be invalid, but also when they cannot be verified using the given abstraction. We implemented a prototype of our approach using numerical abstractions and applied it to verify several example programs.  相似文献   

This paper concerns calculational methods of refinement in state-based specification languages. Data refinement is a well-established technique for transforming specifications of abstract data types into ones, which are closer to an eventual implementation. The conditions under which a transformation is a correct refinement are encapsulated into two simulation rules: downward and upward simulations.One approach for refining an abstract system is to specify the concrete data type, and then attempt to verify that it is a valid refinement of the abstract type. An alternative approach is to calculate the concrete specification based upon the abstract specification and a retrieve relation, which links the abstract and concrete states. In this paper we generalise existing calculational methods for downward simulations and derive similar results for upward simulations; we also document their use and application in a particular specification language, namely Z.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate how standard model checkers can be applied to checking refinement relationships between Z specifications. The major obstacle to such a use are the (potentially) infinite data domains in specifications. Consequently, we examine the application of data abstraction techniques for reducing the infinite to a finite state space. Since data abstractions do, however, decrease the amount of information in a specification, refinement can—in general—not be proven on the abstractions anymore, it can only be disproved. The model checker can thus be used to generate counter examples to a refinement relationship. Here, we show how abstract specifications can be systematically constructed (from a given data abstraction) and how a standard model checker (FDR) can be applied to find counter examples in case when refinement is absent. We especially discuss the applicability of the construction method: it constructs abstract specifications which are either upward or downward simulations of the original specifications, and depending on the operations in the specification and the data abstraction chosen, such a construction might succeed or fail. The construction abstracts both the input/output as well as the state.  相似文献   

A Protean specification language (B. Bloom, 1995) based on structured operational semantics (SOS) allows the user to invent appropriate operations to improve abstraction and readability. This is in contrast to traditional specification languages, where the set of operations is fixed. An efficient algorithm, described by A. Dsouza and B. Bloom (1995), uses binary decision diagrams (BDDs) to verify properties of finite specifications written in a Protean language and provides the basis for a model checker we have developed. The paper provides a synthesis of our work on Protean languages and relates the work to other specification techniques. We show how abstraction and refinement in the Protean framework can improve the effectiveness of model checking. We rewrite and verify properties of an existing Z specification by defining suitable operations. We also show how a Protean language can be used to model restricted I/O automata, action refinement, and 1-safe and k-bounded Petri nets  相似文献   

为工程应用软件实现图符人机界面   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用图符技术设计中等复杂程度工程应用软件的人机界面。本文重点讨论多级汉字菜单结构,图形窗口管理的实现,图符的生成,存取和控制。为使人机界面软件达到实用性要求,实现了在图形方式下列库文件目录,字段编辑,热键操作,求助功能等。  相似文献   

Trace-based derivation of a scalable lock-free stack algorithm   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We show how a sophisticated, lock-free concurrent stack implementation can be derived from an abstract specification in a series of verifiable steps. The algorithm is based on the scalable stack algorithm of Hendler et al. (Proceedings of the sixteenth annual ACM symposium on parallel algorithms, 27–30 June 2004, Barcelona, Spain, pp 206–215), which allows push and pop operations to be paired off and eliminated without affecting the central stack, thus reducing contention on the stack, and allowing multiple pairs of push and pop operations to be performed in parallel. Our algorithm uses a simpler data structure than Hendler, Shavit and Yerushalmi’s, and avoids an ABA problem. We first derive a simple lock-free stack algorithm using a linked-list implementation, and discuss issues related to memory management and the ABA problem. We then add an abstract model of the elimination process, from which we derive our elimination algorithm. This allows the basic algorithmic ideas to be separated from implementation details, and provides a basis for explaining and comparing different variants of the algorithm. We show that the elimination stack algorithm is linearisable by showing that any execution of the implementation can be transformed into an equivalent execution of an abstract model of a linearisable stack. Each step in the derivation is either a data refinement which preserves the level of atomicity, an operational refinement which may alter the level of atomicity, or a refactoring step which alters the structure of the system resulting from the preceding derivation. We verify our refinements using an extension of Lipton’s reduction method, allowing concurrent and non-concurrent aspects to be considered separately.  相似文献   

Predicate abstraction is a form of abstract interpretation where the abstract domain is constructed from a finite set of predicates over the variables of the program. This paper explores a way to integrate predicate abstraction into a calculus for deductive program verification based on symbolic execution, where it allows us to infer loop invariants automatically that would otherwise have to be given interactively. The approach has been implemented as a part of the KeY verification system.  相似文献   

A formal technique for incorporating two specification paradigms is presented,in which an algebraic specification is implemented by a set of abstract procedures specified in pre and post-condition style.The link between the two level specifications is provided via a translation from terms of algebraic specifications into temporal logic formulae representing abstract programs.In terms of translation,a criterion for an abstract implementation satisfying its specification is given,which allows one to check the consistency between the two levels of specifications.The abstract implementations can be refined into executable code by refining each abstract procedure in it.It is proved that the satisfication relation between a specification and its implementations is preserved by such refinement steps.  相似文献   

This paper presents algorithms for program abstraction based on the principle of loop summarization, which, unlike traditional program approximation approaches (e.g., abstract interpretation), does not employ iterative fixpoint computation, but instead computes symbolic abstract transformers with respect to a set of abstract domains. This allows for an effective exploitation of problem-specific abstract domains for summarization and, as a consequence, the precision of an abstract model may be tailored to specific verification needs. Furthermore, we extend the concept of loop summarization to incorporate relational abstract domains to enable the discovery of transition invariants, which are subsequently used to prove termination of programs. Well-foundedness of the discovered transition invariants is ensured either by a separate decision procedure call or by using abstract domains that are well-founded by construction. We experimentally evaluate several abstract domains related to memory operations to detect buffer overflow problems. Also, our light-weight termination analysis is demonstrated to be effective on a wide range of benchmarks, including OS device drivers.  相似文献   

Summary The program development process is viewed as a sequence of implementation steps leading from a specification to a program. Based on an elementary notion of refinement, two notions of implementation are studied: constructor implementations which involve a construction “on top of” the implementing specification, and abstractor implementations which additionally provide for abstraction from some details of the implemented specification. These subsume most formal notions of implementation in the literature. Both kinds of implementations satisfy a vertical composition and a (modified) horizontal composition property. All the definitions and results are shown to generalise to the framework of an arbitrary institution, and a way of changing institutions during the implementation process is introduced. All this is illustrated by means of simple concrete examples. An extended abstract of this paper appeared in [65].  相似文献   

We propose checking the execution of an abstract data type's imperative implementation against its algebraic specification. An explicit mapping from implementation states to abstract values is added to the imperative code. The form of specification allows mechanical checking of desirable properties such as consistency and completeness, particularly when operations are added incrementally to the data type. During unit testing, the specification serves as a test oracle. Any variance between computed and specified values is automatically detected. When the module is made part of some application, the checking can he removed, or may remain in place for further validating the implementation. The specification, executed by rewriting, can be thought of as itself an implementation with maximum design diversity, and the validation as a form of multiversion-programming comparison  相似文献   

Formal notations like B or action systems support a notion of refinement. Refinement relates an abstract specification A to a concrete specification C that is as least as deterministic. Knowing A and C one proves that C refines, or implements, specification A. In this study we consider specification A as given and concern ourselves with a way to find a good candidate for implementation C. To this end we classify all implementations of an abstract specification according to their performance. We distinguish performance from correctness. Concrete systems that do not meet the abstract specification correctly are excluded. Only the remaining correct implementations C are considered with respect to their performance. A good implementation of a specification is identified by having some optimal behaviour in common with it. In other words, a good refinement corresponds to a reduction of non-optimal behaviour. This also means that the abstract specification sets a boundary for the performance of any implementation. We introduce the probabilistic action system formalism which combines refinement with performance. In our current study we measure performance in terms of long-run expected average-cost. Performance is expressed by means of probability and expected costs. Probability is needed to express uncertainty present in physical environments. Expected costs express physical or abstract quantities that describe a system. They encode the performance objective. The behaviour of probabilistic action systems is described by traces of expected costs. A corresponding notion of refinement and simulation-based proof rules are introduced. Probabilistic action systems are based on discrete-time Markov decision processes. Numerical methods solving the optimisation problems posed by Markov decision processes are well-known, and used in a software tool that we have developed. The tool computes an optimal behaviour of a specification A thus assisting in the search for a good implementation C.Received September 2002 Accepted in revised form January 2004 by E.C.R. Hehner  相似文献   

State oriented specifications with invariants occur in almost all formal specification languages. Hence the problem is to prove the consistency of the specified operations with respect to the invariants. Whilst the problem seems to be easily solvable in predicative specifications, it usually requires sophisticated verification efforts, when specifications in the style of Dijkstra's guarded commands as e.g. in the specification language B are used. As an alternative consistency enforcement will be discussed in this paper. The basic idea is to replace inconsistent operations by new consistent ones preserving at the same time the intention of the old one. More precisely, this can be formalized by consistent spezializations, where specialization is a specific partial order on operations defined via predicate transformers. It will be shown that greatest consistent specializations (GCSs) always exist and are compatible with conjunctions of invariants. Then under certain mild restrictions the general construction of such GCSs is possible. Precisely, given the GCSs of simple basic assignments the GCS of a complex operation results from replacing involved assignments by their GCSs and the investigation of a guard. In general, GCS construction can be embedded in refinement calculi and therefore strengthens the systematic development of correct programs. Received: 28 April 1994 / 5 November 1998  相似文献   

We present an abstraction refinement algorithm for model checking of safety properties that relies exclusively on a SAT solver for checking the abstract model, testing abstract counterexamples on the concrete model, and refinement. Model checking of the abstractions is based on bounded model checking extended with checks for the existence of simple paths that help in deciding passing properties. All minimum-length spurious counterexamples are eliminated in one refinement step by an incremental procedure that combines the analysis of the conflict dependency graph produced by the SAT solver while looking for concrete counterexamples with an effective refinement minimization procedure.  相似文献   

Miro is a set of languages and tools that support the visual specification of file system security. Two visual languages are presented: the instance language, which allows specification of file system access, and the constraint language, which allows specification of security policies. Miro visual languages and tools are used to specify security configurations. A visual language is one whose entities are graphical, such as boxes and arrows, specifying means stating independently of any implementation the desired properties of a system. Security means file system protection: ensuring that files are protected from unauthorized access and granting privileges to some users, but not others. Tools implemented and examples of how these languages can be applied to real security specification problems are described  相似文献   

动画剧本描述语言SDL/A的设计与实现   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍了基于时序逻辑的动画描述模型和基于此模型设计的动画剧本描述语言SDL/A.这种语言具有便于动画设计各个层次的描述、能够描述设计的逐步求精过程、能描述动画中的各种抽象对象以及角色间动作的同步等特点,并易于将这种基本的通用的剧本描述语言集成到一个功能强大的CASE环境-XYZ系统之中.本文主要介绍了SDL/A语言的设计思想和实现技术.  相似文献   

We report on experiences gained from the application of data refinement techniques to the development of examples of secure communications systems. The aim was to the carry the development from initial abstract specification of security services through to detailed designs. The development approach was based on action systems, with B and CSP being used as concrete notations. The security services in question are a confidential communications service and an authenticated transaction service. Refinements include explicit representations of intruder behaviour. The paper makes several interrelated contributions. It demonstrates the feasibility of applying a refinement approach to this type of problem, including an effective way of combining B and CSP in refinements. It introduces a more systematic approach to the development of abstraction invariants and refinement checking. Finally, it illustrates the limitation, when modelling security protocols, of a formalism that does not deal with probability. Received October 1998 / Accepted in revised form February 2002 Correspondence and offprint requests to: Michael Butler, Department of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK. Email: M.J.Butler@ecs.soton.ac.ukau  相似文献   

Codesign from cospecification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Woo  N.S. Dunlop  A.E. Wolf  W. 《Computer》1994,27(1):42-47
Describes an object-oriented codesign specification approach designed to eliminate the bias introduced from using more commonplace software or hardware specification languages. The goal is to investigate automated partitioning of behavior into hardware and software. The design methodology allows gradual, continuous repartitioning of codesign operations during design. For instance, designers might start with an all-software implementation and check the implementation's functionality: they might then refine the implementation over time to a mixed hardware-software implementation. At the system level, the authors use an object-oriented approach to identify the basic objects and associated functions of a system. They divide them into three groups: hardware, software, and codesign . They represent the codesign group's objects and functions using a prototype codesign specification language, Object-Oriented Functional Specifications (OOFS), which lets one describe system state in objects and write object methods as pure functions. Thus, the authors can describe complex systems without biasing the implementation toward hardware or software  相似文献   

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