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茶饮料自80年代初开发生产以来,已成为国际饮料市场上增长较快、发展潜力较大的饮料产品之一。1996年,日本茶饮料销售量约360万吨,同我国台湾省一样,茶饮料的市场占有率均位居榜首;在美国,1994年的茶饮料销售量达150万吨,人均年消费量为7.9升,已成为仅次于碳酸饮料的第二大饮品;在瑞士,人均年消费茶饮料更达32升。而具有五千年饮茶历史的中国,1997年茶饮料的销售量却只有15万吨。 差距虽大,但也预示着茶饮料在我国的发展空间和潜力巨大。近两三年,茶饮料开始进入我国的消费领域,并得到飞快的发展,很多著名的企业纷纷加入到生产行列中。今年入夏以来,许多碳酸型饮料销售平平,有的甚至出现滑坡,而茶饮料销量则直线上升,显示了茶饮料行业良好的发展势头。为此,本刊特邀一些专家、学者及企业,从加工、包装、市场等不同的角度,比较全面地介绍国内外茶饮料的现状和发展趋势,希望能对业内人士有所启发,促进茶饮料行业的健康发展。  相似文献   

据隆众资讯调查,春节前后瓦楞箱板纸企业装置整体开工率下降,春节后由于原料供应及下游企业开工推迟、流通受阻等多种因素影响,部分造纸企业表示开工日期推迟,后续装置开工负荷不排除继续下降的风险。  相似文献   

Current UK intake of non-milk extrinsic sugars (NMES) is above recommendations. Reducing the sugar content of processed high sugar foods through reformulation is one option for reducing consumption of NMES at a population level. However, reformulation can alter the sensory attributes of food products and influence consumer liking. This study evaluated consumer acceptance of a selection of products that are commercially-available in the UK; these included regular and sugar-reduced baked beans, strawberry jam, milk chocolate, cola and cranberry & raspberry juice. Sweeteners were present in the reformulated chocolate (maltitol), cola (aspartame and acesulfame-K) and juice (sucralose) samples. Healthy, non-smoking consumers (n = 116; 55 men, 61 women, age: 33 ± 9 years; BMI: 25.7 ± 4.6 kg/m2) rated the products for overall liking and on liking of appearance, flavor and texture using a nine-point hedonic scale. There were significant differences between standard and reduced sugar products in consumers' overall liking and on liking of each modality (appearance, flavor and texture; all P < 0.0001). For overall liking, only the regular beans and cola were significantly more liked than their reformulated counterparts (P < 0.0001). Cluster analysis identified three consumer clusters that were representative of different patterns of consumer liking. For the largest cluster (cluster 3: 45%), there was a significant difference in mean liking scores across all products, except jam. Differences in liking were predominantly driven by sweet taste in 2 out of 3 clusters. The current research has demonstrated that a high proportion of consumers prefer conventional products over sugar-reduced products across a wide range of product types (45%) or across selected products (27%), when tasted unbranded, and so there is room for further optimization of commercial reduced sugar products that were evaluated in the current study. Future work should evaluate strategies to facilitate compliance to dietary recommendations on NMES and free sugars, such as the impact of sugar-reduced food exposure on their acceptance.  相似文献   

Most nanomaterials enter the natural environment as nanoenabled products, which are typically composites with primary nanoparticles bound on substrates or embedded in liquid or solid matrices. The environmental risks associated with these products are expected to differ from those associated with the as-produced particles. This article presents a case study on the end-of-life emission of a commercial prototype polymer/quantum-dot (QD) composite used in solid-state lighting for homes. We report the extent of cadmium release upon exposure to a series of environmental and biological simulant fluids, and track the loss of QD-characteristic fluorescence as a marker for chemical damage to the CdSe/ZnS nanoparticles. Measured cadmium releases after 30-day exposure range from 0.007 to 1.2 mg/g of polymer, and the higher values arise for low-pH simulants containing nitric or gastric acid. Centrifugal ultrafiltration and ICP was used to distinguish soluble cadmium from particulate forms. The leachate is found to contain soluble metals with no evidence of free QDs or QD-containing polymeric debris. The absence of free nanoparticles suggests that this product does not raise nanotechnology-specific environmental issues associated with degradation and leaching, but is more usefully regarded as a conventional chemical product that is a potential source of small amounts of soluble cadmium.  相似文献   

为缩小新中式服装产品的消费需求与产品设计供给间的落差,提升企业产品开发效率,基于期望确认理论,首先通过访谈与因素分析提炼出新中式服装产品消费需求的7个构面与30个元素因子;其次使用成对样本T检验,验证了受测者对消费需求元素因子的期望与认知之间存在显著差异;最后基于品质机能展开法,找出应优先改善的消费需求项目与产品设计技...  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse the importance of consumer knowledge and its moderating effect on the use of extrinsic cues to make product choices within the white asparagus category. Our experimental design uses 18 screens showing options made from different combinations of brand, origin and price cues. The design uses three knowledge measures: experience in the product category, subjective knowledge and objective knowledge. The results are analysed by means of a multinomial logit model, enabling us to assess the importance of the various cues and interactions between these and knowledge. The results show that knowledge has different effects on the perceived importance of brand and origin. Among other effects, we show that less experienced consumers tend to rely more on origin labels, while the more experienced focus predominantly on brands.  相似文献   

我国城市居民奶制品消费行为的调查分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
在对哈尔滨,郑州两个有代表性的城市居民奶制品消费状况进行抽样调查的基础上,对城市居民的奶制品消费状况,购买因素,消费偏好进行了分析。具体分析了对奶制品消费群体的变化趋势,奶制品品种消费状况,奶制品消费的影响因素和消费方式;城市居民对奶制品的购买方式,购买时间的分布和购买地点的选择,以及获取奶制品信息的方式和来源。城市居民对奶制品消费的产品,品种,产地,品牌偏好,并提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

The effects of different types of product information on consumer product evaluation were examined in real life settings. Cod fillets were presented to 1440 consumers drawn from the Dutch TasteNet consumer panel for assessment in their own households. The product was presented accompanied by product information included in the package labelling. A control product, labelled simply as cod, was included. Consumers reported their evaluation of the product for overall and analytic sensory attributes. It was found that information about product type, price, freshness and the advantages of fish farming could influence product evaluation. Cod labelled as wild, highly priced or recently caught was judged more favourably than the unlabelled product. Information on the advantages of farming had a negative effect on product evaluation that interacted with price so as to minimise the positive effect of the latter. Interaction of the information provided with product perception in a realistic situation demonstrated that farmed fish was associated with less favourable product characteristics.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that credence attributes play an important and often undervalued role in consumers’ product evaluation and purchasing behavior. By contrast, the factors moderating these effects have received less attention by scholars. The current study uncovers the moderating effects of consumers’ psychographic characteristics (i.e.: subjective knowledge, wine involvement, and sustainability concern) on their preferences for wine with different credence attributes related to sustainability. A non-hypothetical economic experiment, consisting of three rounds (blindtaste, info, infotaste), was performed in Italy and Germany to assess consumers’ preferences in terms of willingness to pay for conventional wine and wine differentiated by wine sustainable certifications (i.e.: Organic, VIVA sustainable wine, Vignaioli Indipendenti, Carbon footprint). Wine sustainable certifications positively affect consumers’ preferences, and these effects are mainly moderated by individuals’ wine involvement and sustainability concern. This holds if respondents have information about the wine but do not taste it. After tasting the wine consumers’ preferences are moderated only by respondents’ sustainability concern.  相似文献   

Some of the techniques used in market research are described, whereby consumer needs are identified and guidance can be given on the development of brands to meet these needs. Quantitative and qualitative methods must be used together, with typical consumer representatives involved at all stages in the generation, development and evaluation of new product proposals.  相似文献   

研究了气调包装(60%CO2/40%N2、60%CO2/30%N2/10% O2)对太平洋牡蛎的气调保鲜效果.以空气包装组为对照,通过感官评定、pH、TVB-N、需氧菌数几项指标来评价气调包装的牡蛎样品在冷藏务件下(4±1℃)的贮藏效果,并对对照组和气调包装组的腐败样品进行了细菌菌相分析.实验结果表明,气调包装有效延长了牡蛎的冷藏货架期,对照组、CO2/N2组和CO2/N2/O2组的赁架期分别为6~7d、9~10d和11~12d.货架期终点时,对照组牡蛎样品以革兰氏阴性菌为主,其中假单胞菌(Pseudomonas)比例高达55%,是常规包装牡蛎冷藏的特定腐败菌;气调包装组样品以革兰氏阳性菌为主,其中CO2/N2组的优势菌为乳酸菌(Lactic acid bacteria),CO2/N2/O2组的优势菌为棒状杆菌(Corynebacterium).  相似文献   

恒定市场份额模型(Constant Market Share Model)是用来反映一国出口增长影响因素作用方向和作用程度的模型。本文运用恒定市场份额模型分析了我国烟草产品近15年来的出口数据,通过计量经济学手段测度了我国烟草产品在国际市场的产品结构效应、市场结构效应和产品竞争力效应,研究了我国烟草制品出口的影响因素。研究表明,我国烟草出口主要产品是烟叶,我国烟草制品在主要市场的竞争力逐渐减弱,但在新兴市场的出口额有所增加。   相似文献   

A multiple regression model was developed to predict the acceptability of the four tomato varieties studied (Aranka, Cherry, Beef and Pitenza). Agglomerative hierarchical clustering showed the presence of four consumer clusters. One cluster preferred small tomatoes (Aranka and Cherry) and another cluster the larger tomatoes (Beef and Pitenza). In the sensorial analysis Aranka was the preferred variety, scoring more highly in taste, odour, acidity, sweetness and hardness. In the physicochemical analysis Aranka also obtained the highest values for titratable acidity (TA) and sugars (SSC), confirming that these parameters are important in tomato flavour. Lower values for both sets of parameters were reflected by lower consumer acceptability, with Beef and Pitenza receiving the lowest score for these flavours attributes (except odour). A significant correlation between the sensorial and physicochemical parameters was also observed: odour was positively correlated with calibre, while taste, acidity, hardness and acceptability were negatively correlated with calibre, pH and SSC/TA and positively correlated with SSC and TA. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

This study discusses and analyses the relationship between the consumer's chronological age and frequent consumption of seafood, and how this relationship is mediated by three psychological variables: Attitudes/preferences towards eating seafood, involvement in healthy eating and perceived time used to prepare meals (convenience). This is done by cross-sectional data and with the assumption that people's life course is important in modelling food consumption behaviour. By using structural equation modelling, we were able to estimate the strength and direction of direct and indirect relationships between external, internal and behavioural variables as proposed in general attitude theory. Age is positively related to the frequency of seafood consumption. This relationship is mediated by attitudes toward eating seafood, health involvement and perceived convenience. In developing and testing conceptual models which integrate the relationship between age and psychological mediator variables, we may approach a deeper understanding of the more complex relationship between external and internal psychological variables in people's selection of food over their life course.  相似文献   

樊雯  程喜明  马长伟 《食品科技》2011,(10):305-308
为了解冷冻水产品中磷酸盐的残留情况,给制定磷酸盐残留限量标准提供依据,采用离子色谱法分离并测定了水产品中磷酸钠、焦磷酸钠、三偏磷酸钠、三聚磷酸钠及六偏磷酸钠的含量,并对北京市场上冷冻水产品中磷酸盐的残留量进行调研。结果表明:冷冻水产品中磷酸盐残留总量的平均值青虾仁最高,达6.7746g/kg,其次为红鲷鱼片含3.4593g/kg,贝柱含2.2339g/kg,鱿鱼圈中含量最低为1.3756g/kg。检测到的磷酸盐种类青虾仁1~4种,其次为贝柱含1~3种,红鲷鱼片含1~2种,鱿鱼圈中仅检测出磷酸钠。  相似文献   

目的 了解深圳市场转基因大豆及其制品的市场占有率和标识情况,为政府监管转基因大豆提供科学依据.方法 按照监测计划,定期在深圳市场随机抽取大豆及其制品,采用实时荧光PCR方法对其进行定性和定量检测,评估深圳市场转基因大豆的市场占有率和标识情况,并与2006年的监测结果进行比较和分析.结果 2011年共监测样品106份,检出2份转基因阳性样品,市场占有率为1.89%;两份阳性样品中转基因大豆的含量分别为0.93%和0.51%,定量检出限为0.1%.所有检出转基因阳性样品均没有转基因标识;与2006年结果比较,转基因大豆及其制品的市场占有率以及标识情况差异均无统计学意义.结论 目前深圳市场转基因大豆及其制品(食用油脂除外)的市场占有率还很低,并且5年来未发现明显上升;转基因产品标识的管理还有待加强,政府应该加大这方面的执法力度.  相似文献   

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