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世界各国在积极发展可再生能源,而很大部分可再生能源用于发电.因此“能源安全”的范畴与重心将从20世纪的以石油安全为主逐步转向21世纪的以电力安全为主.确保安全、高质量供电,同时维持电力供需平衡是电力系统面临的持续挑战.发展新能源电力为常规电力机组的变负荷能力提出新的挑战:要求电力机组具备更快的变负荷调节能力;电力机组变负荷目标的不确定性增大;电力机组负荷调节范围更大.在电力系统中采用集成储能模块是解决电力系统变负荷和新能源电力接人产生问题的有效措施.储能总的作用是实现新能源电力上网、保持电网高效安全运行和电力供需平衡.储能系统的具体功能有三种:提高电能质量、提供桥接电能、能量管理.电力储能技术有抽水蓄能技术、压缩空气储能技术、超导储能技术、超级电容器储能技术、电化学储能技术、复合储能技术.对我国发展储能产业提出以下建议:从宏观战略层面制定储能发展规划;出台利于储能技术产业化的激励政策与机制;发布储能相关技术标准和管理规范,建立储能装置回收管理机制;加强储能技术研发与示范;建立储能产业链,降低成本;探索优化商业运营模式,加快储能技术的市场化步伐.  相似文献   

While the energy supply of most islands depends mainly on expensive oil derivatives’ importation, the others are linked by usually a weak electricity grid connection to the mainland. Due to high energy costs the islands are proving to be excellent test beds for the introduction of new technologies, and some islands are trying to become so-called renewable islands, to satisfy their energy demand mainly or entirely from indigenous and renewable sources, thus increasing the security of supply, and employment opportunities, without necessarily increasing the costs. Islands that have energy sources, such as hydro or geothermal energy, can easily integrate them into the power system, but those with mainly intermittent renewable energy sources are confronted with the necessity of energy storage. The most promising technologies are reversible hydro where geography allows, and storing hydrogen where it does not. The stored hydrogen can later be used for electricity production, and also for transport. This paper describes the H2RES model for optimisation of integration of hydrogen usage with intermittent renewable energy sources on the example of an isolated island in the Madeira archipelago, Porto Santo. It shows that it is possible to significantly increase the penetration of renewable energy sources, albeit at a relatively high cost, with hydrogen storage technology. The H2RES model, which includes reversible hydro and batteries as storage technologies, can serve as a valuable tool for island energy planning.  相似文献   

Interest in renewable energy in Ireland has increased continually over the past decade. This interest is due primarily to security of supply issues and the effects of climate change. Ireland imports over 90% of its primary energy consumption, mostly in the form of fossil fuels. The exploitation of Ireland's vast indigenous renewable energy resources is required in order to reduce this over-dependence on fossil fuel imports to meet energy demand. Various targets have been set by the Irish government to incorporate renewable energy technologies into Ireland's energy market. As a result of these targets, the development in wind energy has increased substantially over the past decade; however this method of energy extraction is intermittent and unpredictable. Ireland has an excellent tidal current energy resource and the use of this resource will assist in the development of a sustainable energy future. Energy extraction using tidal current energy technologies offers a vast and predictable energy resource. This paper reviews the currently accepted tidal current energy resource assessment for Ireland. This assessment was compiled by Sustainable Energy Ireland in a report in 2004. The assessment employed a 2-dimensional numerical model of the tidal current velocities around Ireland, and from this numerical model the theoretical tidal current energy resource was identified. With the introduction of constraints and limitations, the technical, practical, accessible and viable tidal current energy resources were obtained. The paper discusses why the assessment needs updating including the effect on the assessment of the current stage of development of tidal current turbines and their deployment technology.  相似文献   

The quest for renewable energy sources has been strong in Spain for a couple of decades, and has produced outstanding results, notably in windpower. Solar technologies also had a prompt response to the promoting legislation of 2007. This evolution has generated side effects in the electricity generation system as a whole, and all this phenomenology is analysed in this paper under the consideration of the three objectives theoretically guiding electricity policy nowadays: security of supply (at macro and micro level), environmental quality, and economic competitiveness. The analysis points out some unbalance among the objectives, which can evolve to a scenario where back-up power is going to be a critical point for the stability of the system. Such a back-up service will surely be provided by gas-fired combined cycles (GFCC). The estimated projections of the generation system show that the required back-up power will grow about 8–9 GW by year 2020, for complying with the objective of attaining a share of 40% renewable electricity. However, collateral effects as the decline in the load factor of GFCC, as well as a reduction in spot price of electricity, can cast many doubts about the feasibility to reach that back-up power level.  相似文献   

The islands usually face challenges in their energy supply due to their specific location. On islands that are distant from the land, power is typically provided by diesel generators. Therefore, oil tankers must regularly refuel the island in order to supply the necessary fuel for diesel generators. As a result, if the fueling procedure is not completed for whatever reason, the island will not receive the necessary energy, which will result in an unavoidable loss of load. Due to their strategic location, some of these islands are used as military islands to protect the nations and waterways. Given the vital role that these military islands play for nations, a delay in supplying the island with energy can seriously harm security, the economy, and other factors. Transferring fuel to these islands is typically difficult, and in some cases impossible, under certain circumstances, such as war. Therefore, reducing the island's reliance on fossil fuels as much as feasible is vital to ensure the energy security of these specific islands. Diesel generators provide electricity to Larak Island, which is situated in the Strait of Hormuz. Larak Island serves as a military island due to its geopolitical location, hence it is crucial to consistently provide Larak with electricity. Therefore, in this paper, a combination of distributed generations and system storage is used to supply the Larak island. The photovoltaic, wind and tidal plants are considered the main power plants, and fuel cells with electrolyzers and hydrogen tanks have also been used as storage systems. In addition, the diesel generator is considered the system backup. The considered objective functions to design and manage Larak island's power supply system are reducing diesel generators fuel consumption, reducing electricity cost, and reducing electricity outages and lost power generation of renewable resources.  相似文献   

The challenges of providing electricity to rural households are manifold. Ever increasing demand–supply gap, crumbling electricity transmission and distribution infrastructure, high cost of delivered electricity are a few of these. Use of renewable energy technologies for meeting basic energy needs of rural communities has been promoted by the Governments world over for many decades. Photovoltaic (PV) technology is one of the first among several renewable energy technologies that was adopted globally as well as in India for meeting basic electricity needs of rural areas that are not connected to the grid. This paper attempts at reviewing and analyzing PV literature pertaining to decentralized rural electrification into two main categories—(1) experiences from rural electrification and technology demonstration programmes covering barriers and challenges in marketing and dissemination; institutional and financing approaches; and productive and economic applications, (2) techno-economic aspects including system design methodologies and approaches; performance evaluation and monitoring; techno-economic comparison of various systems; and environmental implications and life cycle analysis. The paper discusses the emerging trends in its concluding remarks.  相似文献   

Jordan has experienced a significant increase of peak load and annual electricity demand within the last years due to economic development and population growth. The experienced growth rates are expected to continue during the next decades, making large investments in new power plant capacity necessary. Additionally, when gas supply from Egypt was interrupted several times and crude oil world market prices increased simultaneously, recent years have shown painfully that a power supply exclusively based on fossil fuel imports is subject to a very high risk and can have a strong negative impact on the national budget. Electricity-sector authorities are therefore looking for suitable solutions to keep up with the increasing electricity demand, to make Jordan more independent from fossil fuel imports, and to provide electricity at reasonable prices in the future. This paper presents a methodology for the optimized integration of renewable energy (RE) technologies into Jordan's existing power plant portfolio. The core of the methodology is the mixed integer linear optimization program REMix-CEM, developed at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), which optimizes capacity expansion and unit commitment of RE and conventional power generation technologies simultaneously. After describing Jordan's electricity sector and the available RE resources, the developed methodology and the results are presented. The paper shows that by the year 2022, Jordan could generate at least 47% of its electricity demand by a well-balanced mix of concentrating solar power, utility-scale photovoltaics, and onshore wind power. This scenario would maintain the security of electricity supply, absorb present growth rates of power generation costs, and make Jordan significantly more independent of fossil fuel imports.  相似文献   

Renewable electricity supply is a crucial factor in the realization of a low-carbon energy economy. The understanding is growing that a full turn-over of the electricity sectors by 2050 is an elementary condition for avoiding global average temperature increase beyond 2 °C. This article adopts such full transition as Europe's target when designing renewable energy policy. An immediate corollary is that phasing-in unprecedented energy efficiency and renewable generation must be paralleled by phasing-out non-sustainable fossil fuel and nuclear power technologies. The double phasing programme assigns novel meaning to nearby target settings for renewable power as share of total power consumption. It requires organizing in the medium term EU-wide markets for green power, a highly demanding task in the present context of poorly functional markets in brown power. The EU Commission's 2007/2008 proposals of expanding tradable certificates markets were not based on solid analysis of past experiences and future necessities. The keystone of sound policies on renewable electricity development is a detailed scientific differentiation and qualification of renewable electricity sources and technologies, for measuring the huge diversity in the field. We provide but structuring concepts about such qualification, because implementation requires extensive research resources.  相似文献   

There are regions in the Republic of Croatia (underdeveloped, devastated by war, depopulated, as well as islands and mountainous areas) which are still disconnected from the electricity network or where the current network capacity is insufficient. In addition, these regions have good renewable energy potential. Since the decentralized energy generation (DEG) covers a broad range of technologies, including many renewable energy technologies (RET) that provide small-scale power at sites close to the users, this concept could be of interest for these locations. This paper identifies the areas in Croatia where such systems could be applied. Consideration is given to geographical locations as well as possible applications. Wind, hydro, solar photovoltaic, geothermal, and biomass conversion systems were analyzed from a technological and economic point of view. Since the renewable energy sources (RES) data for Croatia are rather scarce, the intention was to give a survey of the present situation and an estimate of future potential for DEG based on RES. The energy potential (given as capacity and energy capability) and production costs were calculated on a regional basis and per type of RET. Finally, the RES cost–supply curves for 2006 and 2010 are given.  相似文献   

Several African countries in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) endure insufficiencies in the power sector, including both generation and distribution. One important step towards increasing energy security and availability is to intensify the use of renewable energy sources. The access to cost-efficient hydropower is low in coastal and island regions and combinations of different renewable energy sources will play an increasingly important role. In this study the physical preconditions for renewable ocean energy are investigated, considering the specific context of the WIO countries. Global-level resource assessments and oceanographic literature and data have been compiled in an analysis of the match between technology-specific requirements for ocean energy technologies (wave power, ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC), tidal barrages, tidal current turbines, and ocean current power) and the physical resources in 13 WIO regions Kenya, Seychelles, Northern Tanzania and Zanzibar, Southern Tanzania, Comoros and Mayotte, Northern-, Central-, and Southern Mozambique, Western-, Eastern-, and Southern Madagascar, Réunion, and Mauritius. The results show high potential for wave power over vast coastal stretches in southern parts of the WIO and high potential for OTEC at specific locations in Mozambique, Comoros, Réunion, and Mauritius. The potential for tidal power and ocean current power is more restricted but may be of interest at some locations. The findings are discussed in relation to currently used electricity sources and the potential for solar photovoltaic and wind power. Temporal variations in resource intensity as well as the differences between small-scale and large-scale applications are considered.  相似文献   

The continued increase in the demand for energy, growing recognition of climate change impacts, high oil and gas prices and the rapid depletion of fossil fuel reserves have led to an increased interest in the mass generation of electricity from renewable sources. Traditionally, this has been pursed through riverine hydropower plants, with onshore wind systems growing steadily in popularity and importance over the years. Other renewable energy resources, which were previously not economically attractive or technically feasible for large scale exploitation, are now being considered to form a significant part of the energy mix. Amongst these, marine and in particular, tidal energy resource has become a serious candidate for undergoing mass exploitation in the near future, particularly in places with a tidal range of 4 m or more. Tidal renewable energy systems are designed to extract the kinetic or potential energy flow and convert it into electricity. This can be achieved by placing tidal stream turbines in the path of high speed tidal currents or through tidal range schemes, where low head turbines are encapsulated in impoundment structures, much like in low head riverine hydropower schemes. It is thought that these systems, when implemented at scales required to generate substantial amounts of electricity, have the potential to significantly alter the tidal flow characteristics, which could have knock-on impacts on the hydro-environment. This review gathers together knowledge from different research areas to facilitate an evaluation of the potential hydro-environmental impacts of tidal renewable energy systems, with a particular focus on water quality. It highlights the relevance of hydro-environmental modelling in assessing potential impacts of proposed schemes and identifies areas where further research is needed. A case study is presented of recent modelling studies undertaken for the Severn Estuary.  相似文献   

Facing the energy crisis and the requirement of green power, China is making great efforts to fulfill the international cooperation on renewable energy electricity aimed at protecting the security of electricity supply and economy development. This paper firstly utilizes the tool of SWOT strategy analysis to make a research on internal and external environment of international cooperation on renewable energy electricity in China. Secondly discusses the current situation and existing problems of international cooperation from four dimensions of strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. Then, gives a propose of four different kinds of international cooperation strategies based on the combination analysis of SWOT matrix. Finally puts forward the detailed implementation strategies of the policy recommendations for international cooperation on renewable energy electricity.  相似文献   

Though the development of renewable energy is rapid, innovation in renewable energy technologies is relatively weak due to the late commencement of renewable energy in China. In addition, renewable energy is mainly introduced into the supply mix of electricity generation, which increases the costs of electricity generation. Higher electricity price will make renewable energy more competitive and call forth renewable energy technological innovation. Based on FMOLS and DOLS models, as well as PMG model, this paper investigates the induced long and short run effects of electricity price, funding support, and economic growth on innovation in renewable energy technologies at the provincial level in China during the period 2006–2016. The Conclusions drawn were: (1) R&D expenditure and economic growth have positive impacts on innovation in renewable energy technologies in the long and short run; (2) Electricity price only has a long run effect on patenting in renewable energy technologies; (3) In the long run, a 1% increase in electricity price can lead to a 0.7825%–1.0952% increase in the patent counts of renewable energy technologies; (4) Electricity pricing system in China does not play any role in driving renewable energy technological innovation in the short run.  相似文献   

During the last 50 years, Kinmen's economy has gone from military-based to increasingly tourism-based, Kinmen has been putting various constructions into action, and hence, the demand for electricity supply is getting higher relatively while the province is pushing various constructions. Nowadays, Kinmen County Government has made directions for future developments already and kept on promoting the sustainable development of Kinmen Island in order to make it a suitable place for living. According to the development blueprint, the future resident population will increase to around 150  200 thousand people so the relative electricity consumption in Kinmen Island will cause serious problems for Taipower in addition to large scale environmental pollution. The present study researches on both the limitation and independence of this particular island and presumes the electricity power supply will be provided through renewable energy sources, such as solar energy, wind energy, and tidal power generation and so on, whereby it will achieve the target of energy saving and carbon reduction successfully soon. Upon the construction process of the renewable energy sources, this study will simultaneously assess the eco-environment and social conditions on the island to evaluate the feasibility of existing renewable energy technologies which are more mature and determine the optimum renewable energy system that shall be constructed in the Kinmen region in the near future, in order to replace traditional energy sources. Meanwhile, it will assist the related energy industries to create an ultra-clean environment in Kinmen with self-developing power and enhance international competition forces so as to establish a positive international image of environmental protection by achieving a habitat with energy self-sufficiency, and ultimately the empirical model can be duplicated and promoted to other islands.  相似文献   

Portugal is a country with an energy system highly dependent on oil and gas imports. Imports of oil and gas accounted for 85% of the country’s requirements in 2005 and 86% in 2006. Meanwhile, the share of renewable energy sources (RES) in the total primary energy consumption was only 14% in 2006. When focusing only on electricity production, the situation is somewhat better. The share of RES in gross electricity production varies between 20% and 35% and is dependent on the hydropower production in wet and dry years. This paper presents, on a national scale, Portugal’s energy system planning and technical solutions for achieving 100% RES electricity production. Planning was based on hourly energy balance and use of H2RES software. The H2RES model provides the ability to integrate various types of storages into energy systems in order to increase penetration of the intermittent renewable energy sources or to achieve a 100% renewable island, region or country. The paper also represents a stepping-stone for studies offering wider possibilities in matching and satisfying electricity supply in Portugal with potential renewable energy sources. Special attention has been given to intermittent sources such as wind, solar and ocean waves that can be coupled to appropriate energy storage systems charged with surplus amounts of produced electricity. The storage systems also decrease installed power requirements for generating units. Consequently, these storages will assist in avoiding unnecessary rejection of renewable potential and reaching a sufficient security of energy supply.  相似文献   

The concept of intelligent electricity grids, which primarily involves the integration of new information and communication technologies with power transmission lines and distribution cables, is being actively explored in the European Union and the United States. Both developments share common technological developmental goals but also differ distinctly towards the role of distributed generation for their future electrical energy security. This paper looks at options that could find relevance to New Zealand (NZ), in the context of its aspiration of achieving 90% renewable energy electricity generation portfolio by 2025. It also identifies developments in technical standardization and industry investments that facilitate a pathway towards an intelligent or smart grid development for NZ. Some areas where policy can support research in NZ being a “fast adapter” to future grid development are also listed.This paper will help policy makers quickly review developments surrounding SmartGrid and also identify its potential to support NZ Energy Strategy in the electricity infrastructure. This paper will also help researchers and power system stakeholders for identifying international standardization, projects and potential partners in the area of future grid technologies.  相似文献   

For this study, a spatially and temporally resolved optimization model was used to investigate and economically evaluate pathways for using surplus electricity to cover positive residual loads by means of different technologies to reconvert hydrogen into electricity. The associated technology pathways consist of electrolyzers, salt caverns, hydrogen pipelines, power cables, and various technologies for reconversion into electricity. The investigations were conducted based on an energy scenario for 2050 in which surplus electricity from northern Germany is available to cover the electricity grid load in the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW).A key finding of the pathway analysis is that NRW's electricity demand can be covered entirely by renewable energy sources in this scenario, which involves CO2 savings of 44.4 million tons of CO2/a in comparison to the positive residual load being covered from a conventional power plant fleet. The pathway involving CCGT (combined cycle gas turbines) as hydrogen reconversion option was identified as being the most cost effective (total investment: € 43.1 billion, electricity generation costs of reconversion: € 176/MWh).Large-scale hydrogen storage and reconversion as well as the use of the hydrogen infrastructure built for this purpose can make a meaningful contribution to the expansion of the electricity grid. However, for reasons of efficiency, substituting the electricity grid expansion entirely with hydrogen reconversion systems does not make sense from an economic standpoint. Furthermore, the hydrogen reconversion pathways evaluated, including large-scale storage, significantly contribute to the security of the energy supply and to secured power generation capacities.  相似文献   

Hydrogen as a clean energy carrier is frequently identified as a major solution to the environmental problem of greenhouse gases, resulting from worldwide dependence on fossil fuels. However, most of the world's hydrogen (about 96%) is currently produced from fossil fuels, which does not address the issue of greenhouse gases. Although there is a large motivation of the “hydrogen economy”, for improvement of urban air quality, energy security, and integration of intermittent renewable energy sources, CO2 free energy sources are critical to hydrogen becoming a significant energy carrier. Two technologies, applied in tandem, have a promising potential to generate hydrogen without leading to greenhouse gas emissions: 1) electrolysis and 2) thermochemical decomposition of water. This paper will investigate their unique complementary roles to reduce costs of hydrogen production. Together they have a unique potential to serve both de-centralized hydrogen needs in periods of low-demand electricity, and centralized base-load production from a nuclear station. Thermochemical methods have a significantly higher thermal efficiency, but electrolysis can take advantage of low electricity prices during off-peak hours, as well as intermittent and de-centralized supplies like wind, solar or tidal power. By effectively linking these systems, water-based production of hydrogen can become more competitive against the predominant existing technology, SMR (steam-methane reforming).  相似文献   

This study presents a policy planning model that integrates learning curve information on renewable power generation technologies into a dynamic programming formulation featuring real options analysis. The model recursively evaluates a set of investment alternatives on a year-by-year basis, thereby taking into account that the flexibility to delay an irreversible investment expenditure can profoundly affect the diffusion prospects of renewable power generation technologies. Price uncertainty is introduced through stochastic processes for the average wholesale price of electricity and for input fuel prices. Demand for electricity is assumed to be increasingly price-sensitive, as the electricity market deregulation proceeds, reflecting new options of consumers to react to electricity price changes (such as time-of-use pricing, unbundled electricity services, and choice of supplier). The empirical analysis is based on data for the Turkish electricity supply industry. Apart from general implications for policy-making, it provides some interesting insights about the impact of uncertainty and technical change on the diffusion of various emerging renewable energy technologies.  相似文献   

Green electricity is energy that is generated from renewable energy sources such as solar power, wind power, small-scale hydroelectric power, tidal power, and biomass power. These sources mostly do not produce pollutants and are considered environmentally friendly. However, considering the current state of technology, they are more costly. Government should take visible actions to compensate for the increased production costs. This paper attempts to apply a contingent valuation (CV) method to obtain at least a preliminary evaluation of the benefits that ensue from the introduction of the policy that raises the percentage of green electricity consumption from 0.2% of the total electricity supply to 7% by 2011. Overall, the CV survey was successful in eliciting the willingness to pay (WTP) for green electricity considering that the CV method operated within respondents’ abilities to answer and the WTP estimates were statistically significant. The monthly mean WTP estimates from parametric and non-parametric methods were KRW 1681 (USD 1.8) and KRW 2072 (USD 2.2), respectively. The estimates of the annual benefits to relevant residents amounted to KRW 150.5 billion (USD 157.5 million) and KRW 185.6 billion (USD 194.2 million), respectively.  相似文献   

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