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This paper presents a new classification system called the Rock Penetrability index (RPi). An evaluation model based on the fuzzy Delphi analytic hierarchy process (FDAHP) has been used for estimation of penetrability and drillability of rocks. For this purpose, five parameters of the rock material, including uniaxial compressive strength, Schimazek's F-abrasivity, mean Moh's hardness, texture and grain size and Young's modulus have been investigated and rated. In the RPi system, a number from 10.25 to 100 can be assigned to each rock, with higher values corresponding to greater ease of drilling and penetration into rock. Based on the RPi classification, rocks are classified into five modes from the view point of penetrability: very poor, poor, medium, good and very good.  相似文献   

In this article, an attempt is made to assess the reliability of predicting the uniaxial compressive strength and the corresponding modulus of a rock mass by current approaches. These two basic engineering properties, when estimated from rock mass rating (RMR), Q and geological strength index (GSI), indicate hardly any change in the modulus ratio with the change in the quality of the rock mass from very good to very poor. However, the modulus ratio obtained from the relations involving the joint factor, Jf, indicate a definite decrease in the modulus ratio with a decrease in the quality of the rock mass. The strength and modulus in the unconfined and confined states, the modulus ratio and failure strain in the unconfined case were linked to Jf in earlier publications based on a large experimental database. Some of these relations were adopted to verify the response of jointed test specimens, the response of the rock mass during excavations for mining and civil underground chambers, in establishing ground reaction curves including the extent of the broken zone, and the bearing capacity of shallow foundations.The joint factor is now linked to RMR, Q and GSI. The prediction of compressive strength and modulus of the rock mass appears to be more suitable. For classifying the rock, based on these properties, the Deere and Miller engineering classification, applicable to intact rocks, has been suitably modified and adopted. The results of different modes of failure of jointed specimens establish definite trends of changes in the modulus ratio originating from the intact rock value on the modified Deere and Miller plot. A geo-engineering classification is evolved by considering strength, modulus, quantifiable weathering index and lithological aspects of the rock.  相似文献   

在总结国内外有一定代表性的隧道围岩分级方法的基础上,阐述了围岩分级方法发展现状,探讨了围岩分级方法的发展趋势,从而促进隧道围岩分级方法的研究,更好地反映各类工程岩体的质量好坏。  相似文献   

An energy-absorbing rock support device, called a D bolt, has been recently developed to counteract both burst-prone and squeezing rock conditions that occur during underground excavation. The bolt is a smooth steel bar with a number of anchors along its length. The anchors are firmly fixed within a borehole using either cement grout or resin, while the smooth sections of the bolt between the anchors may freely deform in response to rock dilation. Failure of one section does not affect the reinforcement performance of the other sections. The bolt is designed to fully use both the strength and the deformation capacity of the bolt material along the entire length. The bolt has large load-bearing and deformation capacities. Static pull tests and dynamic drop tests show that the bolt length elongates by 14–20% at a load level equal to the strength of the bolt material, thereby absorbing a large amount of energy. The impact average load of a 20 mm D bolt is 200–230 kN, with only a small portion of the load transferred to the bolt plate. The cumulative dynamic energy absorption of the bolt is measured to be 47 kJ/m. D bolts were tested in three deep mines. Filed measurements show that D bolts are loaded less than rebar bolts. This paper presents the layout and principle of the D bolt, and corresponding results from static, dynamic, and field tests.  相似文献   

The newly developed system presented in this paper is based on a three-step approach and on the probabilistic assessment of independently different failure mechanisms in a slope. First, the scheme classifies rock mass parameters in one or more exposures and allowance is made for weathering and excavation disturbance. This gives values for the parameters of importance to the mechanical behaviour of a slope in an imaginary, unweathered and undisturbed 'reference' rock mass. The third step is the assessment of the stability of the existing slope or any new slope in the reference rock mass, taking into account both method of excavation and future weathering. From the large quantity of data obtained in the field, the Slope Stability Probability Classification (SSPC) system has been proposed, based on the probabilities of different failure mechanisms occurring. Developed during 4 years of research in Falset, Tarragona province, Spain, it has been used with good results in Austria, South Africa, New Zealand and the Dutch Antilles.  相似文献   

The drilling process and its results are affected by various parameters of the rock material and rock mass. The effects of rock material have been emphasized in various studies; however lack of perfect knowledge of rock mass structural parameters may lead to unpredictable results. This paper presents a new classification system for specifying the rock mass drillability index (RDi). For this purpose, six parameters of the rock mass, including texture and grain size, Mohs hardness, uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), joint spacing, joint filling (aperture) and joint dipping have been investigated by physical modeling and rated. Physical modeling in particular has been used for investigating the effects of joint characteristics on drilling rate. In the proposed RDi system, each rock mass is assigned a rating from 7 to 100, with a higher rating corresponding greater ease of drilling. Based on the RDi rating, the drilling rate may be classified into five modes: slow, slow-medium, medium, medium-fast, and fast.  相似文献   

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - This article aims to present GAMAH-R as a new mining rock slope classification system, which was applied on three iron mines located in the...  相似文献   

The objective of this study is the introduction of an optimum model extent in discontinuous rock masses for tunnel inflow assessment using numerical models. Tunnel groundwater inflow is an important problem in tunneling, and numerical simulation is widely used for estimating the amount of tunnel inflow. An adequate size of the model domain is of very high importance when using such models. On the one hand, if the tunnel boundary is too close to the outer model boundary, the simulated inflow rate into the tunnel is significantly overestimated (which will be shown in the present study). On the other hand, if the model domain is very large, models may become “unhandy”, and simulations become very expensive with respect to computer memory and CPU. In this technical note, an approach is presented that derives an optimum model extent for numerical simulation of tunnel inflow in fractured rock. The approach uses the two-dimensional universal distinct element code (UDEC). The impact of different model parameters, such as tunnel radius, groundwater level, joint spacing, joint dip/dip direction and joint aperture on the optimum model extent has been evaluated. Based on the results, an optimum model extent chart is presented that allows modelers a quick determination of the optimum model extent as a function of the most significant parameters, which are the tunnel depth under the groundwater level, tunnel radius and joint spacing.  相似文献   

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - Safe construction and operation of tunnels in high seismic risk regions require special aseismic design. A possible solution to this issue is...  相似文献   

鲁长亮  黄生文  刘廷望 《山西建筑》2009,35(33):316-317
针对广东省惠深高速公路牛湖山隧道勘察情况,对其围岩质量进行分级评价中主要采用了可拓评价体系,并通过与灰色关联分析方法、专家经验方法等评价结果相比较,得出高速公路隧道围岩分级系统可拓评价体系的科学性、合理性、经济性。  相似文献   

Tectonically undisturbed sedimentary rocks deposited in a quiescent shallow marine environment often include a sequence of strata that may present significant lithological variety at the scale of an engineering structure. Such rock masses exhibit engineering properties that are significantly different from tectonically disturbed rock masses of similar composition. For example, molasse consists of a series of tectonically undisturbed sediments of sandstones, conglomerates, siltstones and marls, produced by the erosion of mountain ranges after the final phase of an orogeny. They behave quite differently from flysch which has the same composition but which was tectonically disturbed during the orogeny. The molasses behave as continuous rock masses when they are confined at depth and the bedding planes do not appear as clearly defined discontinuity surfaces. Close to the surface the layering of the formations is discernible and only then similarities may exist with the structure of some types of flysch. Therefore extreme care is necessary in the use of geotechnical classification systems for the selection of design parameters, in order to avoid penalizing the rock mass unnecessarily. A discussion on the use of the geological strength index (GSI) for the characterisation of such rock masses is presented. Two GSI charts are proposed for estimating the mechanical properties of these masses: one mainly for tunnels; and the second for surface excavations. An example is given to illustrate the process of tunnel design in molassic rocks.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple procedure for the ground response curve of a circular tunnel excavated in elastic-strain softening rock mass compatible with a linear Mohr–Coulomb or a nonlinear Hoek–Brown yield criterion. The numerical stepwise procedure proposed by Brown et al. [Brown, E.T., Bray, J.W., Ladanyi, B., Hoek, E., (1983). Ground response curves for rock tunnels. J. Geotech. Eng. ASCE 109, 15–39] is modified by including the effects of elastic strain increments and variable dilatancy within the plastic region. The accuracy and practical application of the proposed procedure are shown through some examples. Four different combinations of dilatancy angle and softening parameter are considered to investigate the effects of elastic strain increments and variable dilatancy within the plastic region. The effects of variable dilatancy and peak dilatancy angle on the ground response curve are investigated for tunnels in poor-to-good-quality rock masses. The results show the importance of correctly estimating peak dilatancy angle in elastic-perfectly plastic and elastic-strain softening Hoek–Brown media.  相似文献   

In this paper a new methodology for evaluation and classification of rock mass quality that can be applied to rock tunneling is presented. An evaluation model based on combing the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the fuzzy Delphi method (FDM) for assessing the rock mass rating is the main procedure. This research treats rock mass classification as a group decision problem, and applies the fuzzy logic theory as the criterion to calculate the weighting of factors. The main advantage of this procedure is that it can effectively change the weighting of each rating parameter with the variation of geological conditions. The proposed method was evaluated and applied to the actual cases that are the two tunnels along the Second Northern Highway around Taipei area in Taiwan, namely Mu-Zha and Hsin-Tien tunnels. It was found that the determined results were in a good agreement with the original data assessed by the RMR. Results of the analyses show that it can be provided a more quantitative measure of rock mass and hence minimize judgmental bias. The proposed method should be more feasible for future tunnel construction and for suggestions of tunnel support design in the geological area of Taiwan.  相似文献   

基于距离判别分析理论,结合大量高速公路隧道围岩的工程数据,建立了公路隧道围岩预测的判别模型,工程应用表明,该模型结果与实际情况吻合良好,说明了该模型在公路隧道预测中具有良好的实用性和有效性.  相似文献   

结合某公路隧道的工程概况及地质条件,介绍了抽水孔成井结构设计的方法,并对该隧道工程进行了抽水试验,通过整理资料及水文地质参数计算,准确测定了该隧道围岩的渗透系数。  相似文献   

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - Rock mass integrity is related to rock mass quality and strength. It can be characterized by a single index, or a combination of multiple...  相似文献   

In this paper, the mechanical behavior of inclined jointed rock masses during tunneling is considered. Such rock masses can be considered as an assembly of discrete blocks with the discontinuities having a significant influence on the mechanical behavior. To simulate this situation, a discrete numerical analysis method, Discontinuous Deformation Analysis (DDA), is applied. The DDA results show the existence of stress arching in the rock masses during tunneling. This stress arching is the primary influence on the stress distribution and surface subsidence. In addition, the stress arching is affected by the dip angle of the jointed rock masses. Moreover, the DDA results are in good agreement with experiments, explaining the reason for the asymmetrical vertical stress and surface subsidence obtained in laboratory tests. These results suggest that DDA can be applied to model the tunneling behavior of complicated discontinuous rock masses.  相似文献   

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