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Road tunnels in Japan: Deterioration and countermeasures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recently, some road tunnels have been deteriorating in Japan. The deterioration takes several forms, for example, cracking, collapse, etc. Generally it is thought that force on a tunnel lining or decay of lining concrete causes the deterioration. Researchers are studying the deterioration mechanism. This paper shows the states of deteriorated road tunnels in Japan and the relation between cause and effect.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of instrumentation data obtained from several tunnels in India, an empirical approach has been proposed for determination of the support reaction curve for tunnels supported with the steel rib-backfill support system. Expressions have been obtained for determining the stiffness of this support system with three types of backfills—concrete, tunnel muck, and gravel. These expressions show that the steel rib-backfill support system exhibits a non-linear behaviour under pressure, unlike the normally assumed linear elastic behavlour, due to the continuously changing backfill stiffness. The backfill, though not the main load carrying element, significantly influences the behaviour of the support system under pressure. The behaviour of three types of backfills—concrete, gravel and tunnel muck—under pressure, has been studied. The concrete backfill provides a stiffer support than the other two types backfills and is, therefore, preferable for the elastic ground condition. The tunnel-muck and the gravel backfills may be more suited to the moderately squeezing and the highly squeezing ground conditions, respectively, as the latter is relatively more flexible.  相似文献   

A model of a repetitive multiproject management is introduced that includes uncertainties in activity durations, and the corresponding quantities of resources needed. Following the convention, a project is viewed here as a network of related activities aimed at the accomplishment of a predetermined objective at a given deadline. A project has a starting point in time and a preplanned completion point and so does each activity within it. The structural and operational characteristics described here are drawn from organization and management theories and used to describe project organization. This is demonstrated by means of field data gathered from a sample of ‘bloodmobile projects’ - an organized effort for the collection of blood donations in support of medical needs.  相似文献   

In rapidly growing economies with limited land space, underground road tunnels are becoming more prevalent. Before the implementation of large-scale underground road systems, it is necessary to garner more knowledge on their implications and impacts. This study examined 608 road traffic accidents (RTAs) that occurred in the three Singapore expressway tunnels, over 2009–2011. Each road tunnel was divided into three zones and RTA characteristics were analysed for each zone. The analyses reveal that RTA rates are higher in the transition zones compared to the interior zones, being mostly attributed to multivehicle crashes. However, mean casualty per RTA was found to be higher in the interior zones. Upon disaggregation by travel direction, it was found that RTAs are more likely to occur when entering the tunnel than exiting. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Problems in construction management are complex, full of uncertainty, and vary based on site environment. Two tools, the fast messy genetic algorithms (fmGA) and support vector machine (SVM), have been successfully applied to solve various problems in construction management. Considering the characteristics and merits of each, this paper combines the two to propose an Evolutionary Support Vector Machine Inference Model (ESIM). In the ESIM, the SVM is primarily employed to address learning and curve fitting, while fmGA addresses optimization. This model was developed to achieve the fittest C and γ parameters with minimal prediction error. This research further integrates the developed ESIM with an object-oriented (OO) computer technique to create an Evolutionary Support Vector Machine Inference System (ESIS). Simulations conducted to demonstrate the robustness of the model in application indicate that ESIS may be used as a multifarious intelligent decision support system in decision-making to help solve a wide range of construction management problems.  相似文献   

基于科学性、代表性原则,结合我国近年来防震减灾管理实例,运用层次分析法等多种方法对我国现有建筑所在社区进行了应急管理体系的构建并完成了实际推演,对我国地震高发地区社区的管理具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

工程建设项目,一旦发生突发事件,就会造成一系列社会问题,给国家和企业带来巨大损失。所以,在工程建设项目管理中需要构建一套科学有效的应急管理系统。总结了突发事件的定义,阐述了工程建设项目应急管理的概念,分析了工程建设项目应急管理与风险管理的关系,构建了工程建设项目应急管理系统,为工程建设项目处理突发事件提供了参考。  相似文献   

Since the inception of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board statement-34 (GASB 34) in the United States, local and state governing entities need to inspect sewer systems and collect general information about their properties. Application of the collected information in decision-making processes, however, is often problematic due to the lack of consistency and completeness of infrastructure data. In addition, most techniques involved in decision-making processes are relatively complicated and difficult to implement without a certain level of engineering experience and training. Consequently, the sharing and transferring of pertinent information among stakeholders is not smooth and is frequently limited. This study presents a decision support system (DSS) for the management of sewer infrastructure using data warehousing technology. The proposed decision support system automatically assigns appropriate inspection and renewal methods for each pipeline and estimates associated costs, resulting in effective and practical sewer infrastructure management from various perspectives, with corresponding levels of detail.  相似文献   

以上海化学工业区为例,依据园区应急管理需求,结合当前智慧园区发展趋势,设计了物资储备系统的整体架构,并从设计原则、目标、功能、数据库结构、储备模式等多个层面进行阐述。基于园区接处警平台,开发配套物资储备管理软件,利用数据库、GPS、GIS等技术手段,实现了应急物资动态管理、维保检测、紧急采购、转运监测等功能。研究成果强化了化工园区应急响应中心在物资储备中的主控地位,体现了物资储备智能化,应急处置科学化的特征,为智慧应急的发展做了有益的探索和尝试。  相似文献   

刘元元 《山西建筑》2013,(6):175-176
针对机电系统在隧道应急管理体系中的运用进行了探讨,分析了中央控制系统自动化的必要性和机电设施日常维护的重要性,对机电系统与应急管理体系综合管理与发展提出了设想并作了具体阐述,以确保隧道的安全畅通。  相似文献   

随着现代化信息技术的快速发展,ETC用户数量快速增加。在通行量快速增加的同时,许多高速公路管理问题也日益凸显出来。文章研究了高速公路ETC运营管理中出现的问题,通过对高速公路收费站ETC运营情况进行分析,研究一种ETC运营支撑管理系统。借助信息化技术解决ETC运营管理水平低等问题,充分满足高速公路主管部门、业主和车主三方共同利益诉求。  相似文献   

The estimation of support requirements to stabilize underground structures is of prime importance for rational design of these structures. The characterizing parameters of rock mass may vary with depth. Determination of these parameters by drilled cores and Ground-Probing-Radar (GPR) is difficult and expensive due to anisotropy of rock mass. Laboratory testing is also expensive. Also the in situ conditions are difficult to simulate in the laboratory. The designer is thus resorting to empirical methods and analytical methods to determine these parameters. Often, the analytical techniques may mesmerize the designer to feel the problem and its solution on the screen of the computer. In this paper, an attempt has been made to develop algorithm based on Block Theory with geological information & mechanical properties of rock for determining the rock pressure. Limitations of this technique are number of joint sets not less than three and width of the opening up to 25 m. The algorithm determines all the wedges formed at a time by 3, 4, 5, 6, …, n joint planes with excavation plane responsible for manifestation of rock pressure at roof/wall. All the permutations and combinations for wedge formation can be considered in this respect. Rock pressure for design is determined for reinforcement of the underground openings. Spacing of rock bolts is found out as an additional feature. The alignment of the opening for optimal reinforcement can also be determined. Case history of Tehri Power House, India is taken up for analysis. The empirical correlations developed by Goel (1994) are used for comparative study. It was found that no appreciable rock pressure was developed at walls. Roof pressure is determined to be 140 kPa, which is almost same as observed. It is thus established that block theory may be applicable for design criterion up to depth of 500 m.  相似文献   

<正>随着全球气候变暖,极端气象灾害事件出现的频率和强度明显上升。日常生活中,异常天气也日渐增多。在社会经济快速发展的今天,气象与经济、社会发展和人民群众生活的关系密不可分,气象灾害给生态、环境、社会、经济等方面都带来诸多影响,造成的人员伤亡和财产损失也日趋严重。因此,如何应对气象灾害的发生,如何做好突发公共事件的应急气象服务,最大限度地减少灾害造成的影响,是各级气象部门、广大气象工作者一直在思考和力图解决的难题。  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the general conditions (i.e. safety, serviceability and durability) of tunnels, a detailed analysis of the lining structure and surrounding rock mass is required. During the service life of the tunnel, regular survey activities should be performed to check the tunnel conditions and regular conservation practices are necessary to preserve the tunnel’s structural integrity and guarantee safety and serviceability during operation. The collection of data about tunnels since their construction and during their service life may help in the assessment of tunnel conditions and improve the understanding of tunnel degradation with time. The long term behaviour of the Swiss National Road tunnels has been studied and a specific data base has been developed. Based on detailed literature review and analysis of principal inspections results collected in the data base, the main pathologies that affect the Swiss road tunnels have been identified. In addition, by means of a specific data analysis, both degradation potential and rate have been investigated and the main influence factors involved have been selected. The obtained results confirm what was expected according to observations in the past. After a brief introduction about the tunnels of the National Roads network, this paper describes the main steps of the data analysis, different methods used and main results of the analysis. Due to the fact that the tunnels within Swiss National Roads were developed during the 60s, attention has been focused only on concrete lined tunnels.  相似文献   

王海玲 《山西建筑》2011,37(12):244-245
以合肥市桥梁应急工作为例,探讨了如何完善城市桥梁应急管理体系建设,结合实际,从管理制度、管理机制、应对能力、宣传教育等方面入手,阐述了加强应急管理体系建设的具体措施,以指导实践,保证桥梁设施安全运行。  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of the knowledge-based decision support system (KBDSS) for management of variation orders for institutional buildings in Singapore. The KBDSS consists of two main components, i.e., a knowledge-base and a decision support shell for selecting appropriate controls. The database is developed by collecting data from the source documents of 79 institutional building projects, questionnaire survey, literature review and in-depth interviews with the professionals who were involved in these projects. The knowledge-base was developed through initial sieving and organization of the data from the database. The decision support shell provided decision support through a structured process consisting of building the hierarchy between the main criteria and the suggested controls, rating the controls, and analyzing the controls for selection through multiple analytical techniques.The KBDSS is capable of displaying variations and their relevant details, a variety of filtered knowledge, and various analyses of the available knowledge. This would eventually lead the decision maker to the suggested controls for variations and assist in selecting the most appropriate controls. The KBDSS is able to assist project managers by providing accurate and timely information for decision making, and a user-friendly system for analyzing and selecting the controls for variation orders for institutional buildings.  相似文献   

浅埋大跨公路隧道施工过程和支护优化的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
基于沪蓉西八字岭隧道大跨段的工程特点,采用大型非线性有限元软件ABAQUS模拟大跨隧道的开挖和支护全过程,提出优化大拱隧道的衬砌结构形式,取消原有设计的中隔墙。同时开展隧道的现场监控量测,测试结果表明围岩的变形规律和数值分析规律基本一致,但数值分析结果量值略微偏高。本文的研究成果表明:在选择较好的施工工序下,对浅埋大跨四车道公路隧道采用无中隔墙法是可行的,研究成果还将在沪蓉西的其它几座分岔隧道的实践中得到应用。  相似文献   

分析了公共危机应急救援力量管理模式现状及目前管理模式的不足,剖析了制约应急救援工作发展的瓶颈问题.结合我国应急救援工作的开展情况,提出了构建应急救援力量管理模式的基本原则.在此原则的指导下,设计了一种新的应急救援力量管理模式,提出设立应急管理委员会的构想,并从必要性和可行性、构建、特点等方面详细说明.  相似文献   

Development of strategies to control urban air pollution is a complex and multi-disciplinary process involving a wide range of scientists with different expertise and interests. This paper presents an integrated assessment methodological scheme for the evaluation of air pollution control measures that are put forward in order to reduce sufficiently air pollution levels in urban areas. Forming long-term, efficient air pollution control strategies requires knowledge of the costs associated with their implementation, the emission inventories and emission reductions to be achieved, as well as the concentration variations that represent air quality levels in the area examined. In contrast to the majority of the currently employed assessment approaches, the presented scheme enables the evaluation of any proposed air pollution control option in terms of its combined impact on air quality and social welfare, by correlating economic and health impact assessment issues. The approach presented in this paper brings together air quality modelling and mathematical programming techniques and provides a decision support system for the determination of optimal bundles of air pollution control options according to the particular features and needs of the areas examined. Both cost-effectiveness and cost–benefit approaches are taken into account in order to put the problem on the basis of economic efficiency from a societal perspective. The methodology is implemented for the case of Thessaloniki, Greece, which is selected on the grounds that the area is considered as one of the most polluted—if not the most polluted—cities within Europe, especially with respect to airborne particles.  相似文献   

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