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Hawaii is subject to direct approach of swells from distant storms as well as seas generated by trade winds passing through the islands. The archipelago creates a localized weather system that modifies the wave energy resources from the far field. We implement a nested computational grid along the major Hawaiian Islands in the global WaveWatch3 (WW3) model and utilize the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model to provide high-resolution mesoscale wind forcing over the Hawaii region. Two hindcast case studies representative of the year-round conditions provide a quantitative assessment of the regional wind and wave patterns as well as the wave energy resources along the Hawaiian Island chain. These events of approximately two weeks each have a range of wind speeds, ground swells, and wind waves for validation of the model system with satellite and buoy measurements. The results demonstrate the wave energy potential in Hawaii waters. While the episodic swell events have enormous power reaching 60 kW/m, the wind waves, augmented by the local weather, provide a consistent energy resource of 15–25 kW/m throughout the year.  相似文献   

Wave energy is a renewable source, which has not yet been exploited to a large extent. So far the main focus of wave energy conversion has been on the large wave energy resources of the great oceans on northern latitudes. However, large portions of the world potential wave energy resources are found in sheltered waters and calmer seas, which often exhibit a milder, but still steady wave climate. Examples are the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean and the North Sea in Europe, and ocean areas closer to the equator. Many of the various schemes in the past consist of large mechanical structures, often located near the sea surface. In the present work we instead focus on wave power plants consisting of a number of small wave energy converters, forming large arrays. In this context, we look at advantageous arrangements of point absorbers, and discuss the potential of the Baltic Sea as a case study.  相似文献   

In this paper the feasibility of wave energy exploitation off the Italian coasts is investigated. At this aim, the energy production and the performance characteristics of three of the most promising and documented wave energy converters (AquaBuOY, Pelamis and Wave Dragon) are estimated for two of the most energetic Italian locations. The sites are Alghero, on the western coast of Sardinia and Mazara del Vallo, on the Sicily Strait and they have respectively an average annual wave power of 10.3 kW/m and 4 kW/m, and an available annual wave energy of 90 MWh/m and 35 MWh/m.The energy production of the hypothetical wave farms is calculated based on the performance matrices of the wave energy converters (WECs) and on 21 years of wave buoy records, covering the period from 1990 to 2011. The estimated capacity factors are low (between 4% and 9%) compared to the ones obtained for the same wave energy converters in other locations and are affected by a strong seasonal variability. This indicates that the considered WECs are oversized with respect to the local wave climate and that a more efficient energy conversion would be obtained if they were downscaled according to the typical wave height and period of the study sites. As a consequence of the optimization of the device scale, at Alghero the deployment of 1:2.5 AquaBuOY, Pelamis or Wave Dragon devices would result in capacity factors around 20% and in a quite constant energy production throughout the year. In fact, the size reduction of the wave energy converters allows to capture the energy of the small waves which would otherwise be lost with the original WECs.The results of the present work suggest that deploying classic wave energy converters in Italian seas would not be cost effective but if the devices could accommodate a proper downscaling, their performance in energy conversion would become economically attractive also for some Italian locations.  相似文献   

Earlier studies have indicated that the gross nearshore wave energy resource is significantly smaller than the gross offshore wave energy resource implying that the deployment of wave energy converters in the nearshore is unlikely to be economic. However, it is argued that the gross wave energy resource is not an appropriate measure for determining the productivity of a wave farm and an alternative measure, the exploitable wave energy resource, is proposed. Calculation of a site's potential using the exploitable wave energy resource is considered superior because it accounts for the directional distribution of the incident waves and the wave energy plant rating that limits the power capture in highly energetic sea-states. A third-generation spectral wave model is used to model the wave transformation from deep water to a nearshore site in a water depth of 10 m. It is shown that energy losses result in a reduction of less than 10% of the net incident wave power. Annual wave data for the North Atlantic coast of Scotland is analysed and indicates that whilst the gross wave energy resource has reduced significantly by the 10 m depth contour, the exploitable wave energy resource is reduced by 7 and 22% for the two sites analysed. This limited reduction in exploitable wave energy resource means that for many exposed coasts, nearshore sites offer similar potential for exploitation of the wave energy resource as offshore sites.  相似文献   

Hawaii is blessed with a variety of renewable energy resources,” says Representative Mina Morita, who chairs the state House of Representatives committee on energy and the environment. “Lots of sunshine, strong, reliable trade winds, fast-growing crops, flowing streams, geothermal heat, and both hot and cold ocean waters.” Tom Koppel looks at Hawaii's renewable energy potential, the extent to which it is being utilized, and at new developments that are either in the works or being proposed.  相似文献   

An assessment of nearshore wave energy resource along the Portuguese coast is presented, focusing on identify appropriate locations for testing and developing Wave Energy Converter (WEC) for commercial exploit. The analysis covers the whole west seaside, to which a partition defined by 7 linear sections parallel to the coastline at 50 m depth was considered. Available wave energy at each linear sector was calculated from nearshore wave parameters, using as input the offshore wave conditions provided by a 15-year ocean wind-wave model simulation and considering a simplified but well-established analytical procedure for shoreward wave transformation. Two alternative measures of the nearshore wave energy resource were considered, the standard omni-directional wave power density and the more restricted normally-directed wave energy flux.Offshore wave direction combine to shoreline orientation proved to be determinant on the evaluation of the wave energy resource in each section, since sectors of the shoreline directly facing the offshore annual average wave direction have limited reduction in available wave energy as compare to offshore values. Independently of the wave energy measured criteria used, the analysis suggests that the sector from Peniche to Nazaré is the more suitable location for nearshore wave energy exploitation, with annual wave energy around 200 MWh m−1, closely followed by the adjacent sector from Nazaré to Figueira da Foz.  相似文献   

In the present work, in order to investigate the nearshore wave energy resources, the third-generation wave model SWAN is utilised to simulate wave parameters of the Shandong peninsula in China for 16 years (1996–2011). The wind parameters used to simulate waves are obtained by the Weather Research & Forecasting Model (WRF). The modelling results of wave are validated by observation data. The spatial distributions of significant wave height and wave energy density are analysed under both extreme and mean wave conditions. The wave energy resources of the Chengshantou headland, with the highest wave energy density, the Langyatai headland and the Yellow River Delta are also studied in detail. For the above three sites, the mean month averaged wave energy is investigated, the wave energy resources are characterised in terms of wave state parameters, and wave energy roses are introduced. The values of extreme high and time-averaged nearshore wave energy density are 296 kW/m and 5.1 kW/m respectively.  相似文献   

This paper describes the study of the impact of energy absorption by wave farms on the nearshore wave climate and, in special, the influence of the incident wave conditions and the number and position of the wave farms, on the nearshore wave characteristics is studied and discussed. The study was applied to the maritime zone at the West coast off Portugal, namely in front of São Pedro de Moel, where it is foreseen the deployment of offshore wave energy prototypes and farms between the 30 m and 90 m bathymetric lines, with an area of 320 Km2. In this study the REFDIF model was adapted in order to model the energy extraction by wave farms. Three different sinusoidal incident wave conditions were considered. Five different wave farm configurations, varying the position of the wave farm, its number and the width of the navigation channels at each wave farm were analysed. The results for each configuration in terms of the change of the wave characteristics (wave height and wave direction) at the nearshore are presented, compared and discussed for three representative wave conditions.  相似文献   

Hot Springs Cove on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, Canada is an off-grid community of approximately 80 residents reliant on diesel fuelled electricity generation. Recent concerns with on site diesel based electricity generation have prompted interest in renewable alternatives, including wave energy. To help evaluate the feasibility of deploying ocean wave energy conversion technologies near Hot Springs Cove, a preliminary assessment of the area's near-shore wave energy resources was performed. A near-shore wave model, utilizing a transfer function approach, was used to estimate wave conditions from 2005 to 2013 at a 3 h time-step. Spectral wave data from NOAA's Wavewatch3 model were used as model input boundary conditions. The wave spectra resulting from the near-shore model were parameterized to indicate the magnitude and frequency-direction distribution of energy within each sea-state. Yearly mean values as well as monthly variation of each of the spectral parameters are plotted to indicate the spatial variation of the wave climate. A site in 50 m of water, appropriate for a 2-body point absorber, was selected based on a number of generic constraints and objectives. This site is used to illustrate the temporal variation of the spectral parameters within each month of the year. The average annual wave energy at the reference location is 31 kW/m, with a minimum (maximum) monthly average of 7.5 (60.5) kW/m. The magnitude of this resource is significantly greater than other high profile sites in Europe such as the WaveHub and EMEC, and indicates that the Hot Springs Cove region may be a good candidate for wave energy development.  相似文献   

Wave power presents significant advantages with regard to other CO2-free energy sources, among which the predictability, high load factor and low visual and environmental impact stand out. Galicia, facing the Atlantic on the north-western corner of the Iberian Peninsula, is subjected to a very harsh wave climate; in this work its potential for energy production is assessed based on three-hourly data from a third generation ocean wave model (WAM) covering the period 1996–2005. Taking into account the results of this assessment along with other relevant considerations such as the location of ports, navigation routes, and fishing and aquaculture zones, an area is selected for wave energy exploitation. The transformation of the offshore wave field as it propagates into this area is computed by means of a nearshore wave model (SWAN) in order to select the optimum locations for a wave farm. Two zones emerge as those with the highest potential for wave energy exploitation. The large modifications in the available wave power resulting from relatively small changes of position are made apparent in the process.  相似文献   

This paper presents and discusses the wave climate off the Swedish west coast. It is based on 8 years (1997–2004) of wave data from 13 sites, nearshore and offshore, in the Skagerrak and Kattegat. The data is a product of the WAM and SWAN wave models calibrated at one site by a wave measurement buoy. It is found that the average energy flux is approximately 5.2 kW/m in the offshore Skagerrak, 2.8 kW/m in the nearshore Skagerrak, and 2.4 kW/m in the Kattegat. One of the studied sites, i.e. site 9, is the location of a wave energy research site run by the Centre for Renewable Electric Energy Conversion at Uppsala University. This site has had a wave power plant installed since the spring of 2006, and another seven are planned to be installed during 2008. Wave energy as a renewable energy source was the driving interest that led to this study and the results are briefly discussed from this perspective.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the wave energy resource, the third-generation wave model SWAN is utilised to simulate wave parameters of the China East Adjacent Seas (CEAS) including Bohai, Yellow and East China Sea for the 22 years period ranging from 1990.1 to 2011.12. The wind parameters used to simulate waves are obtained by the Weather Research & Forecasting Model (WRF). The results are validated by observed wave heights of 7 stations. The spatial distributions of wave energy density in the CEAS are analysed under the 22-year largest envelop, mean annual and season averaged wave conditions. Along China east coastal, the largest nearshore wave energy flux occurs along the nearshore zones between Zhoushan Island and south bound of CEAS area. The wave energy resources at Liaodong Peninsula Headland and East Zhoushan Island where economy develops rapidly are also studied in detail. For the two sites, the monthly averaged wave energy features of every year for the 22 years are investigated. The wave energy resources of the two potential sites are characterised in terms of wave state parameters. The largest monthly averaged density for the two sites occurs at Zhoushan Island adjacent sea and amounts to 29 kW/m.  相似文献   

We look at the variability of the power produced by the three-float M4 wave energy converter for locations in the North-East Atlantic and North Sea using the NORA10 hindcast data from 1958−2011. The aim is to investigate whether the produced power is also strongly affected by the climate variability (such as the North Atlantic Oscillations) in the winter, just as the ocean wave power resource as observed in previous studies. In this study, we demonstrate the use of proxy indices in combination with the climate indices to reconstruct a historic practical wave power climate from 1665−2005. We also conduct sensitivity studies to assess the changes in the practical wave power variability in response to perturbing the machine size, the power take-off coefficient, the response bandwidth and the power limit of the power take off. We find that the resultant temporal variation is still dominated by the climate variability. However, the overall variability important for power availability and energy supply economics is smaller than that of the ocean wave power resource because of the finite capture bandwidth of the M4 machine. The statistical methodology presented here is also potentially relevant to other wave energy converters in similar locations.  相似文献   

The area around Cape Estaca de Bares (the northernmost point of Iberia) presents a great potential for wave energy exploitation owing to its prominent position, with average deepwater wave power values exceeding 40 kW/m. The newly available SIMAR-44 dataset, composed of hindcast data spanning 44 years (1958–2001), is used alongside wave buoy data and numerical modelling to assess this substantial energy resource in detail. Most of the energy is provided by waves from the IV quadrant, generated by the prevailing westerlies blowing over the long Atlantic fetch. Combined scatter and energy diagrams are used to characterise the wave energy available in an average year in terms of the sea states involved. The lion's share is shown to correspond to significant wave heights between 2 and 5 m and energy periods between 11 and 14 s. The nearshore energy patterns are then examined using a coastal wave model (SWAN) with reference to four situations: average wave energy, growing wave energy (at the approach of a storm), extreme wave energy (at the peak of the storm) and decaying wave energy (as the storm recedes). The irregular bathymetry is found to produce local concentrations of wave energy in the nearshore between Cape Prior and Cape Ortegal and in front of Cape Estaca de Bares, with similar patterns (but varying wave power) in the four cases. These nearshore areas of enhanced wave energy are of the highest interest as prospective sites for a wave energy operation. The largest of them is directly in the lee of a large underwater mount west of Cape Ortegal. In sum, the Estaca de Bares area emerges as one of the most promising for wave energy exploitation in Europe.  相似文献   

As a renewable energy, the assessment of wave power potential around a country is crucial. Knowledge of the temporal and spatial variations of wave energy is required for locating a wave power plant. This study investigates the variations in wave power at 19 locations covering the Indian shelf seas using the ERA-Interim dataset produced by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The ERA-Interim data is compared with the measured wave parameters in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. Along the western shelf seas of India, the seasonal oscillations lead to variation of the wave power from the lowest seasonal mean value (2.6 kW/m) in the post-monsoon period (October–January) to the highest value (25.9 kW/m) in the south-west monsoon (June–September) period. Significant (10–20%) inter-annual variations are detected at few locations. The mean annual wave power along the eastern Indian shelf seas (2.6–9.9 kW/m) is lower than the mean annual wave power along the western part (7.9–11.3 kW/m). The total annual mean wave power available along the western shelf seas of India is around 19.5 GW. Along the eastern shelf seas, it is around 8.7 GW. In the Indian Shelf seas, the annual mean wave power is highest (11.3 kW/m) at the southern location (location 11), and the seasonal variation in wave power is also less. Hence, location 11 is a better location for a wave power plant in the Indian shelf seas.  相似文献   

基于同化了30 a卫星高度计有效波高的全球高分辨率海浪再分析数据,该文详细分析波浪能分布特征,针对海浪的可开发性,提出一种新的波浪能资源选址评估方法,并利用该评估方法对全球和中国近海的波浪能进行区划。主要结论有:波浪能最为丰富处位于西风带海域,约占全球总波浪能的67%;其中,印度洋西风带尤甚,平均能流密度达90 kW/m,西风带近岸海域波浪能可利用程度较高;中国周边海域波浪能资源相对匮乏,但台湾岛东南部、琉球群岛以及东沙群岛附近波浪能资源较为丰富,可利用程度较高,平均能流密度最高约为11 kW/m,该研究可为波浪能发展规划与开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

Modeled nearshore wave propagation was investigated downstream of simulated wave energy converters (WECs) to evaluate overall near- and far-field effects of WEC arrays. Model sensitivity to WEC characteristics and WEC array deployment scenarios was evaluated using a modified version of an industry standard wave model, Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN), which allows the incorporation of device-specific WEC characteristics to specify obstacle transmission. The sensitivity study illustrated that WEC device type and subsequently its size directly resulted in wave height variations in the lee of the WEC array. Wave heights decreased up to 30% between modeled scenarios with and without WECs for large arrays (100 devices) of relatively sizable devices (26 m in diameter) with peak power generation near to the modeled incident wave height. Other WEC types resulted in less than 15% differences in modeled wave height with and without WECs, with lesser influence for WECs less than 10 m in diameter. Wave directions and periods were largely insensitive to changes in parameters. However, additional model parameterization and analysis are required to fully explore the model sensitivity of peak wave period and mean wave direction to the varying of the parameters.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the use of numerical wave models for assessing the impact of offshore wave farms on the nearshore wave climate. Previous studies have investigated the effect of energy extraction by wave energy devices through the use of spectral models such as SWAN, representing a wave farm as one or more barriers within the model domain and applying a constant wave energy transmission percentage across the whole wave spectrum incident at the barrier. However, this is an unrealistic representation of the behaviour of real wave energy converters. These will exhibit frequency-dependent energy absorption characteristics that will correspond to the spectral response of the device, and may reflect its ability to be tuned to extract energy at particular frequencies. This study describes a modification of the SWAN source code to enable frequency-dependent wave energy transmission through a barrier. A detailed analysis of the wave climate at the Wave Hub wave farm site is also presented, with a particular focus on the occurrence of bimodal sea states. The modified SWAN code is used to assess how impact predictions for typically occurring sea states may differ when using frequency-dependent rather than constant wave energy transmission, with reference to a previous study using the unmodified code (Millar, Smith and Reeve, 2007 [1]). The results illustrate the dependence of the magnitude of the impact on both the response function of the devices and the spectral sea state in which they are operating.  相似文献   

The electric power generation of co-located offshore wind turbines and wave energy converters along the California coast is investigated. Meteorological wind and wave data from the National Buoy Data Center were used to estimate the hourly power output from offshore wind turbines and wave energy converters at the sites of the buoys. The data set from 12 buoys consists of over 1,000,000 h of simultaneous hourly mean wind and wave measurements. At the buoys, offshore wind farms would have capacity factors ranging from 30% to 50%, and wave farms would have capacity factors ranging from 22% to 29%. An analysis of the power output indicates that co-located offshore wind and wave energy farms generate less variable power output than a wind or wave farm operating alone. The reduction in variability results from the low temporal correlation of the resources and occurs on all time scales. Aggregate power from a co-located wind and wave farm achieves reductions in variability equivalent to aggregating power from two offshore wind farms approximately 500 km apart or two wave farms approximately 800 km apart. Combined wind and wave farms in California would have less than 100 h of no power output per year, compared to over 1000 h for offshore wind or over 200 h for wave farms alone. Ten offshore farms of wind, wave, or both modeled in the California power system would have capacity factors during the summer ranging from 21% (all wave) to 36% (all wind) with combined wind and wave farms between 21% and 36%. The capacity credits for these farms range from 16% to 24% with some combined wind and wave farms achieving capacity credits equal to or greater than a 100% wind farm because of their reduction in power output variability.  相似文献   

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