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张明江  王云才 《激光技术》2006,30(2):158-160
提出了一种产生可调谐双波长低抖动超短光脉冲的新方法。采用外光注入法来降低增益开关F-P激光脉冲的时间抖动,实现了脉冲光谱的双波长可调谐输出。实验中利用两个多量子阱DFB激光器作为外部种子光源,通过温度控制和偏振态调节使外部种子光有效地耦合到增益开关F-P激光器中,输出的光脉冲时间抖动(均方根)从2.57ps降低至1.06ps,双波长的边模抑制比可达25dB。通过改变DFB激光器和F-P激光器的工作温度,可实现波长从1540nm到1560nm的可调谐输出。  相似文献   

Hawkins  R.T. 《Electronics letters》1990,26(5):292-294
Generation of <3 ps full width at half maximum (FWHM) 1.3 mu m pulses by compressing the chirped output of a gain-switched distributed feedback laser diode (DFB-LD) with a fibre dispersive delay line is reported. Diode laser requirements for minimum pulse width and maximum pulse energy, as well as suppression of 'wings' on the optical pulse, are discussed.<>  相似文献   

Multi-wavelength gain-coupled quantum well DFB laser array has been fabricated on an InP substrate by simply varying the ridge waveguide width of the element lasers. Owing to the gain-coupling effect, seven singlemode lasing wavelengths around 1.55 μm with ~2 nm spacing were obtained simultaneously. The lasers had low threshold currents and small beam divergence  相似文献   

16-wavelength gain-coupled DFB laser array with fine tunability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
16-wavelength semiconductor laser array with fine wavelength tunability is demonstrated, utilizing gain-coupled distributed feedback (DFB) lasers with different ridge waveguide widths. Besides the coarse tuning by the ridge widths, the fine post-fabrication tunability for individual lasers in the array is achieved with a Ti thin-film resistor integrated on the chip. Due to the gain-coupling effect, 16 single-mode lasing wavelengths around 1.55 /spl mu/m in /spl sim/1 nm spacing are obtained simultaneously. An effective fine-tuning up to 1 nm is observed at a moderate heating power of 100 mW.  相似文献   

A theoretical investigation of a novel multiwavelength laser diode based on cascading of distributed feedback lasers is presented with consideration of the optical and the thermal-induced interactions among the different lasing sections. The design criteria and conditions for stable continuous-wave operation are established by way of simulation. The possibility and mechanism for short pulse generation as a result of mode beating are demonstrated and discussed  相似文献   

Mahnkopf  S. Kamp  M. Marz  R. Forchel  A. 《Electronics letters》2003,39(14):1055-1056
The authors report the development of laterally gain-coupled ring lasers that exhibit uni-directional and singlemode operation. Counterpropagating modes in the ring are suppressed such that 83% of the light output comes from only one propagation direction. The mode stability of the ring laser is significantly improved through the introduction of a gain-coupled distributed feedback mechanism.  相似文献   

A novel scheme to generate dual-wavelength picosecond optical pulses has been demonstrated. The pulses are obtained by self-injection seeding of a gain-switched laser diode simultaneously at two different wavelengths. Optical feedback is provided by a partially reflecting fiber mirror. Single-mode pulses at alternate wavelengths around 1.3 μm have been generated. The pulse width varies from about 40 to 50 ps. The output wavelengths can be tuned by changing the electrical modulation frequency. Spacing between the wavelengths can also be controlled by adjusting the length of the dispersive fiber cavity. Our experimental data are in good agreement with the calculated results  相似文献   

Recently there is an increasing interest in generatingshort optical pulses with lowti ming jitter and tuneablemulti-wavelength due toitsi mportant applicationin op-tical ti me division multiplexed(OTDM),wavelength di-vision multiplexed(WDM)systems,and opt…  相似文献   

We have investigated the optical output of the free-electron laser for infrared experiments (FELIX) when it is driven by an electron beam with a ramped energy. We show that the applied slow ramp on the electron beam energy leads to a frequency chirp on each picosecond optical pulse. Typical values for the chirp are 0.2% frequency sweep across a 1.5-ps-long optical pulse. The optical pulses were analyzed with a double-grating pair and with a second-order autocorrelator. The pulse duration was reduced in the double-grating pair by 20%. A linear dependence of the chirp on the cavity desynchronization was measured  相似文献   

A tunable dual-wavelength fiber Bragg grating (FBG) laser based on a distributed feedback (DFB) laser injection is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The wavelength spacing can be tuned by adjusting the operation temperature of the DFB laser. When the DFB works at 25 ℃, a dual-wavelength simultaneous oscillation at 1 549.67 nm and 1 553.44 nm with wavelength spacing of 3.77 nm is achieved. Our experimental results demonstrate the new concept of dual-wavelength lasing with a DFB laser injection and the technical feasibility.  相似文献   

High-speed all-optical clock recovery using a two-section gain-coupled distributed feedback laser is demonstrated operating in the coherent and the incoherent modes. It is found that the coherent mode has a much better performance compared with the incoherent mode. The performance of the coherent clock recovery scheme at 12 and 40 Gb/s, including wavelength and polarization insensitivity, timing jitter, and phase noise; power penalty; sensitivity; dynamic range; locking bandwidth; detuning range of the injection wavelength; and lockup time are described in detail. A comparison between the performances of the two modes of operation is also presented.  相似文献   

The normalized oscillation frequency δL and threshold gain αL of gain-coupled distributed feedback (DFB) lasers with an AR/AR (symmetric) structure vary significantly with a variation in the corrugation phase at the facets when the facet reflectivity |r| is large, even though the spatial-hole-burning-corrected yield is 100%. For example, the standard deviation for the δL, σ(δL), increases from 0.018 to 0.40 when |r| is increased from 0.03 to 0.30. The magnitude of σ(δL) and σ(αL) are small, however, for the gain-coupled, index-coupled, and complex-coupled DFB lasers when the |r| is kept small. For the HR/AR (asymmetric) structure, these two values are more than an order of magnitude larger than those for the AR/AR structure, except for the σ(αL) for the index-coupled laser, even though yields of each of these lasers are relatively large. In the AR/AR structure, the contamination by the index-coupling and gain-coupling components always degrades the device characteristics because of the difference in the phase shifter and when the amount of contamination is small this degradation is particularly severe for the index-coupled laser. Several properties of the index-coupled laser with the HR/AR structure can be improved, however, by introducing the gain-coupling component  相似文献   

Synchronization switching between complete and generalized synchronization via frequency detuning of chaotic laser diodes has been observed. Maximum cross-correlation coefficients for the two forms of synchronization have been used to demonstrate such synchronization switching. The regime of synchronization achieved has also been confirmed by measurement of the time lag between the synchronized laser outputs.  相似文献   

分析了3 相移激光器的稳态特性。在分析中,考虑了空间烧孔(SHB) 及非线性增益等因素。在通用的传输矩阵法(TMM) 的基础上,通过对TMM 模型的输入进行向量处理来求解阈值及高于阈值条件下的主模及次模,进而求出单模稳定性。这个方法也可用于其他DFB 结构的模分析  相似文献   

Lowery  A.J. Hewitt  D.F. 《Electronics letters》1992,28(21):1959-1960
New scattering matrices are developed for the transmission-line laser model (TLLM) to enable the dynamics of gain-coupled DFB lasers to be studied. The resulting model is able to simulate large-signal transient responses and spectral characteristics of gain-coupled DFB semiconductor lasers, and gives threshold gains in excellent agreement with analytical formulations.<>  相似文献   

The role of cavity conditions in the dynamics of two-section gain-coupled distributed feedback (DFB) lasers is investigated using a self-consistent model. Self-sustained pulsation (SSP) exists only for devices with strongly coupled DFB gratings. As the coupling strength increases, multiple SSP regimes are developed. The SSP frequency tuning range increases as cavity length decreases. The frequency and modulation index predicted by the model agree well with experimental results. The facet condition of each section is found to affect SSP differently because of the asymmetrical behavior of the modes responsible for SSP.  相似文献   

A novel self-pulsation regime is observed in multisection laser diodes which consist of a loss-coupled distributed-feedback (DFB) section, a phase control section, and gain sections, where 10-GHz self-pulsation due to compound cavity mode beating has been reported with the DFB section operated as a single-mode laser. When the DFB section is below threshold current, the devices give the self-pulsation in a very wide operating range. We attribute the pulsation to passive mode-locking and also confirm that this structure is applicable to 40-GHz operation.  相似文献   

The spectro-temporal behavior of actively mode-locked fiber-external-cavity DFB lasers at 1.55 μm is analyzed in detail. Experiments are performed with multiquantum-well InGaAsP lasers of different lengths and different phase-amplitude coupling factors. Transform-limited picosecond pulses are generated with pulsewidth adjustable over half a decade by changing the RF conditions and the device length. As in the case of conventional laser diodes with external grating, the smallest time-bandwidth products are obtained for modulation frequencies to the high-frequency side of the mode-locking band. This result is presently described in terms of chirp compensation by the DFB cavity dispersion. An analytical expression of the pulse compressibility is established from a steady-state mode-locking equation including refractive index variations and cavity dispersion effects. Gain parameters entering the expression are separately evaluated from standard rate equations. A good agreement is found between experimental and theoretical results  相似文献   

The authors propose a method capable of providing arbitrarily chirped DFB (distributed feedback) gratings using bent waveguides on homogeneous grating fields and report the first realization as well as preliminary experimental results  相似文献   

The longitudinal dependence of the standing-wave envelope in a complex-coupled DFB InGaAsP MQW laser is experimentally investigated. We have observed localized clamping of the luminescence for unstable operating conditions. This local clamping is a consequence of the absorber saturation with increasing injection current and of the short period of the standing-wave envelope that is characteristic for multimode emission. The period can be used as a criterion to distinguish between regions of multimode emission and optical instabilities.  相似文献   

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