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Depending on whether α is an idempotent element of the t‐norm T0 or not, we study and characterize the structure of a continuous crossmigrative t‐norm T with respect to a fixed and continuous t‐norm T0, which is indeed the conjecture presented by Fodor et al. (Int J Intell Syst 2012;27:411–428) Results of this paper show that the ‐cross‐migrativity is completely determined by the restriction on a portion of domain of T and have nothing to do with the remaining of [0, 1]2. Moreover, we also clarify the relations between our present results and the previous results.  相似文献   

The main focus of this paper is to investigate group decision‐making (GDM) method under interval‐valued multiplicative intuitionistic fuzzy environment based on Archimedean t‐conorm and t‐norm. First of all, some operations laws are proposed for interval‐valued multiplicative intuitionistic fuzzy elements, which is an extension of multiplicative intuitionistic fuzzy operations developed earlier by other scholars. The effectiveness of these proposed operations is illustrated with some numerical examples. Then, a series of aggregation operators are proposed and the desirable properties are also studied. This paper reveals that some existing multiplicative intuitionistic fuzzy and interval‐valued multiplicative intuitionistic fuzzy aggregation operators are the special cases of the operators proposed in this paper. Finally, a GDM method based on proposed operators under interval‐valued multiplicative intuitionistic fuzzy environment is proposed, and a real case about annual evaluation for personnel of Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to present some series of geometric‐aggregated operators under Pythagorean fuzzy environment by relaxing the condition that the sum of the degree of membership functions is less than one with the square sum of the degree of membership functions is less than one. Under these environments, aggregator operators, namely, Pythagorean fuzzy Einstein weighted geometric, Pythagorean fuzzy Einstein ordered weighted geometric, generalized Pythagorean fuzzy Einstein weighted geometric, and generalized Pythagorean fuzzy Einstein ordered weighted geometric operators, are proposed in this paper. Some of its properties have also been investigated in details. Finally, an illustrative example for multicriteria decision‐making problems of alternatives is taken to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.  相似文献   

For q-ary Hamming spaces we address the problem of the minimum number of points such that any point of the space is uniquely determined by its (Hamming) distances to them. It is conjectured that for a fixed q and growing dimension n of the Hamming space this number asymptotically behaves as 2n/ log q n. We prove this conjecture for q = 3 and q = 4; for q = 2 its validity has been known for half a century.  相似文献   

One class of fuzzy implications is introduced by means of the additive generators of continuous Archimedean t‐norms. Basic properties of these implications are discussed. These implications are shown to be different from the known (S,N)‐, R‐, QL‐, and Yager's f‐ and g‐implications. Several functional equations with fuzzy implications are investigated. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We propose a new graph layout method based on a modification of the t‐distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t‐SNE) dimensionality reduction technique. Although t‐SNE is one of the best techniques for visualizing high‐dimensional data as 2D scatterplots, t‐SNE has not been used in the context of classical graph layout. We propose a new graph layout method, tsNET, based on representing a graph with a distance matrix, which together with a modified t‐SNE cost function results in desirable layouts. We evaluate our method by a formal comparison with state‐of‐the‐art methods, both visually and via established quality metrics on a comprehensive benchmark, containing real‐world and synthetic graphs. As evidenced by the quality metrics and visual inspection, tsNET produces excellent layouts.  相似文献   

复合模糊命题运算中的弱范数研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
安世虎 《计算机学报》2001,24(10):1071-1076
在模糊诊断和分析问题中,一个复合命题往往由多个子命题组成,子命题之间除有合取、析取及加权平均运算关系外,还存在一种非常重要的弱逻辑关系。对基于单一数值表达的模糊命题间的合取、析取关系的最一般运算形式是三角范数和三角余范数。该文给出基于单一数值表示模糊命题的弱逻辑关系的最一般运算形式f范数和基于区间值表示的模糊命题弱逻辑关系最一般运算形式f-范数,具体给出相关算子,讨论了它们的性质及与传统的一些算子之间的联系,通过引入强f范的概念,给出了构造f-范数算子的一般方法,对具有弱逻辑关系复合模糊命题的真值运算可采用本文介绍的概念和方法。  相似文献   

We present a cryptographically t‐private protocol for electronic auctions whose low resource demands make it viable for practical use. Our construction is based on Yao's garbled circuits and pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs). Our protocol involves a field of (t + 1)2 parties for the generation of the garbled circuit and permits an arbitrary large number of bidders. The computational requirements are low: Only t + 1 parties of the field have to use the PRNG, the remaining parties execute only primitive computations (XOR, permutations and sharing). The bidders have to stay active for one round of communication, independent of each other. Each bidder has to compute only t + 1 XOR‐operations. We present an implementation and evaluate its performance. The observed running time of our protocol is linear in the size of the auction circuit and the number of bidders and, as expected, grows quadratically in the parameter t. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The application of conjunctive aggregation functions in fuzzy control systems with n inputs is discussed, and the effect of the choice of a continuous t‐norm in the inference phase for Takagi–Sugeno–Kang (TSK) systems is computed. A continuous t‐norm modeling AND connective in antecedent part of fuzzy rules can be reduced just to strict or nilpotent t‐norm. The isomorphism of strict (nilpotent) t‐norms enables simpler fitting of TSK fuzzy system parameters and reduces the computational complexity. Similar principle can also be used in the case of some noncommutative conjunctive aggregation functions modeling AND connective. The effect of the choice of a continuous t‐norm is then evaluated on well‐known case studies in fuzzy control, the Sinc function, and the urban traffic noise control system.  相似文献   

On Generalized Fuzzy Belief Functions in Infinite Spaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Determined by a fuzzy implication operator, a general type of fuzzy belief structure and its induced dual pair of fuzzy belief and plausibility functions in infinite universes of discourse are first defined. Relationship between the belief-structure-based and the belief-space-based fuzzy Dempster-Shafer models is then established. It is shown that the lower and upper fuzzy probabilities induced by the fuzzy belief space yield a dual pair of fuzzy belief and plausibility functions. For any fuzzy belief structure, there must exist a fuzzy belief space such that the fuzzy belief and plausibility functions defined by the given fuzzy belief structure are just the lower and upper fuzzy probabilities induced by the fuzzy belief space, respectively. Essential properties of the fuzzy belief and plausibility functions are also examined. The fuzzy belief and plausibility functions are, respectively, a fuzzy monotone Choquet capacity and a fuzzy alternating Choquet capacity of infinite order.  相似文献   

Game theory is an important basis to simulate several situations where multiple agents interact strategically for decision making and support. In many applications, such as auctions, frequently used for resource management involving two or more agents competing for the resources, the interacting agents only know their own characteristics and must make decisions while having to estimate the characteristics of the others. When probabilities are assigned for the different types of the interacting agents, this kind of strategic interaction constitutes a Bayesian game. In cases in which it is very difficult to characterize the private information of each agent, the payoffs can be given by approximate (not probabilistic) values, but the concept of Bayesian Nash equilibrium cannot be applied in this context. Fuzzy set theory is an excellent basis for studying this type of game, where the payoffs are represented by fuzzy numbers. When it is the case that there is also uncertainty about such fuzzy numbers, the use of interval fuzzy numbers appears as a good modeling alternative. This paper introduces an approach for interval‐based fuzzy Bayesian games, based on interval‐valued fuzzy probabilities for modeling the types of agents involved in the interaction. We present two different case studies, namely the (Interval) Fuzzy Bayesian Hiring Game and (Interval) Fuzzy Bayesian Prisoner's Dilemma with Moral Standards, comparing the results obtained with the crisp, fuzzy and interval fuzzy approaches, highlighting a particular case in which the interval fuzzy approach presents a solution although the two other do not.  相似文献   

基于三角模的模糊双向联想记忆网络的性质研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于模糊取大算子和三角模T的模糊合成,构建了一类模糊双向自联想记忆网络Max-T FBAM.利用三角模T的伴随蕴涵算子,为这类Max-T FBAM提出了学习算法,并理论上证明了该学习算法确定的连接权矩阵是网络最大的连接权矩阵.对任意输入能使Max-T FBAM迭代一步内就进入稳定态,该类网络具有全局稳定性和可靠的存储能力.当三角模T满足利普希兹条件时,采用上述学习算法时自联想Max-T FBAM对训练模式的摄动全局拥有好的鲁棒性.最后用实验证实了理论研究,也为图像的可靠存储提供了参考.  相似文献   

We investigate the relations between involutive monoidal t‐norm–based logics (IMTL) and R0 logics. The main results are as follows: the logic IMTL and weak R0 logic are equivalent; nilpotent minimum logic and R0 logic are equivalent. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study introduces a revised definition for fuzzy bags. It is based on the definition of bags given by Delgado et al. (Int J Intell Syst 2009;24:706–721) in which each bag has two parts: function and summary information. The new definition is given as a special case of L‐fuzzy bags, where L is a complete lattice. By some examples, the new concept is illustrated. Furthermore, the algebraic structure of L‐fuzzy bags is studied and the concept of α‐cuts, L‐fuzzy bag relations, and related theorems are given.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of multicriteria decision making. We indicate how the evaluation of an alternative involves a determination of the degree to which subsets of criteria are satisfied by the alternative. This calculation is based upon an anding of the satisfactions of the individual criteria in the subsets. We consider the possibility of using t‐norms other than the Min for the and operation. Using this generalization we develop an extension of the OWA operators, called the TOWA, which involves a mixing of the t‐norm with the OWA operator. We extend this generalization to other aggregation techniques, the Choquet and Sugeno integrals. We introduce the concept of the Power of a t‐norm to provide an ordering over the t‐norm operators. We look at Power of a number of families of t‐norm. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Int Syst 20: 453–474, 2005.  相似文献   

Salience detection is a principle mechanism to facilitate visual attention. A good visualization guides the observer's attention to the relevant aspects of the representation. Hence, the distribution of salience over a visualization image is an essential measure of the quality of the visualization. We describe a method for computing such a metric for a visualization image in the context of a given dataset. We show how this technique can be used to analyze a visualization's salience, improve an existing visualization, and choose the best representation from a set of alternatives. The usefulness of this proposed metric is illustrated using examples from information visualization, volume visualization and flow visualization.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on microfacet reflectance models, and more precisely on the definition of a new and more general distribution function, which includes both Beckmann's and GGX distributions widely used in the computer graphics community. Therefore, our model makes use of an additional parameter γ, which controls the distribution function slope and tail height. It actually corresponds to a bivariate Student's t‐distribution in slopes space and it is presented with the associated analytical formulation of the geometric attenuation factor derived from Smith representation. We also provide the analytical derivations for importance sampling isotropic and anisotropic materials. As shown in the results, this new representation offers a finer control of a wide range of materials, while extending the capabilities of fitting parameters with captured data.  相似文献   

Often, about the same real‐life system, we have both measurement‐related probabilistic information expressed by a probability measure P(S) and expert‐related possibilistic information expressed by a possibility measure M(S). To get the most adequate idea about the system, we must combine these two pieces of information. For this combination, R. Yager—borrowing an idea from fuzzy logic—proposed to use a t‐norm f&(a,b) such as the product f&(a,b)=a· b, i.e., to consider a set function f(S)=f&(P(S),M(S)). A natural question is: can we uniquely reconstruct the two parts of knowledge from this function f(S)? In our previous paper, we showed that such a unique reconstruction is possible for the product t‐norm; in this paper, we extend this result to a general class of t‐norms. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

首先分析了度量空间高维索引结构的研究意义及具体应用,然后在仔细探讨典型的基于距离的度量空间高维索引结构VP-tree及其变种MVP-tree的基本思想、构造和搜索算法的基础上,通过具体的实验对其在图像检索中的性能进行了全面的分析,给出了通过实验得到的结论,最后指出了有待进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

The hesitant fuzzy sets are a new efficient mathematical approach to study imprecise, uncertain, or incomplete knowledge. This paper focuses to extend this approach on a lattice and shows that two large application concepts of the fuzzy set theory namely resolution identity and representation theorem are true under this extended definition.  相似文献   

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