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The design technique proposed in Part 1 is successfully developed to deal with multiloop control systems design. The inner loop is used to extend the frequency range of sensitivity reduction. In the case of a ‘square’ plant this inevitably leads to an excessive noise-response bandwidth. However, it is discovered that the noise response within the inner loop can be reduced considerably by the use of extra output measurements. Again, the standard model-matching problem plays a vital role in the design of a control system with a ‘tall’ plant.  相似文献   

简要综述发光服装的用途。设计了含有发光服装的无线控制单元模块,采用C51语言开发了应用程序。实现了上位机与单片机之间的无线数据传输、遥控切换曲目以及乐谱即时同步控制。  相似文献   

We investigate the relationships between the three classes of systems mentioned in the title: we show that systems with delays in control are a special instance of boundary control systems, and a boundary control system produces a generalized control system when projected onto its (unstable) eigenspaces. We use this observation to investigate the action of feedback on the dynamical behavior of systems with boundary controls. In particular, the well-known fact that spectral controllability is necessary and sufficient for a system with delays in control to be stabilizable is derived from a general rather than from anad hoc method. This paper was written according to the programs of the GNAFA-CNR group, with the financial support of the Italian “Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione.”  相似文献   

剖析了传统带钢冷却系统存在的冷却效果差、卷取温度不可控等问题。以国内最近投运的两条热轧线的实际经验为前提,阐述了一些新的控制技术。  相似文献   

Micromachined jets for liquid impingement cooling of VLSI chips   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two-phase microjet impingement cooling is a potential solution for removing heat from high-power VLSI chips. Arrays of microjets promise to achieve more uniform chip temperatures and very high heat transfer coefficients. This paper presents the design and fabrication of single-jets and multijet arrays with circular orifice diameters ranging from 40 to 76 /spl mu/m, as well as integrated heater and temperature sensor test devices. The performance of the microjet heat sinks is studied using the integrated heater device as well as an industry standard 1 cm/sup 2/ thermal test chip. For single-phase, the silicon temperature distribution data are consistent with a model accounting for silicon conduction and fluid advection using convection coefficients in the range from 0.072 to 4.4 W/cm/sup 2/K. For two-phase, the experimental results show a heat removal of up to 90 W on a 1 cm/sup 2/ heated area using a four-jet array with 76 /spl mu/m diameter orifices at a flowrate of 8 ml/min with a temperature rise of 100/spl deg/C. The data indicate convection coefficients are not significantly different from coefficients for pool boiling, which motivates future work on optimizing flowrates and flow regimes. These microjet heat sinks are intended for eventual integration into a closed-loop electroosmotically pumped cooling system.  相似文献   

Based on the recently proposed (SISO) multi-scale control scheme, a new approach is introduced to design multi-loop controllers for multivariable processes. The basic feature of the multi-scale control scheme is to decompose a given plant into a sum of basic modes. To achieve good nominal control performance and performance robustness, a set of sub-controllers are designed based on the plant modes in such a way that they are mutually enhanced with each other so as to optimize the overall control objective. It is shown that the designed multi-scale controller is equivalent to a conventional PID controller augmented with a filter. The multi-scale control scheme offers a systematic approach to designing multi-loop PID controllers augmented with filters. Numerical studies show that the proposed multi-loop multi-scale controllers provide improved nominal performance and performance robustness over some well-established multi-loop PID controller schemes.  相似文献   

多回路网络化控制系统级联反馈调度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏锋  孙优贤 《信息与控制》2007,36(3):328-333
针对动态环境下的多回路网络化控制系统,本文基于反馈控制与网络调度协同设计的思想,提出一种级联反馈调度策略.以优化系统整体控制性能为目标,根据可用带宽资源的动态变化,对控制回路采样周期进行在线调节,将截止期错过率控制在期望的较低水平,并对可用带宽进行优化分配.仿真实验结果表明,相对于传统设计方法,该方法能够明显改善整体控制性能.  相似文献   

针对热轧带钢层流冷却终冷温度范围的扩大以及控制精度提高的要求,通过分析影响层流冷却过程的关键性因素如,速度、厚度、喷水量对终轧温度的影响,以及各因素之间相互的作用关系,合理制定出层流冷却的初始值,并建立起层流冷却温度控制的数学模型。运用前馈控制、速度补偿控制的思想以及针对层流冷却特点的线性叠加控制对层流冷却过程进行实时控制。所提出的方法成功运用于某层流冷却生产模型中,实现了终冷温度范围扩大以及控制精度提高的目标。  相似文献   

Firemen often suffer from heat strain. This study investigated two chest cooling systems for use under a firefighting suit. In nine male subjects, a vest with water soaked cooling pads and a vest with water perfused tubes were compared to a control condition. Subjects performed 30 min walking and 10 min recovery in hot conditions, while physiological and perceptual parameters were measured. No differences were observed in heart rate and rectal temperature, but scapular skin temperature and fluid loss were lower using the perfused vest. Thermal sensation was cooler for the perfused vest than for the other conditions, while the cool pad vest felt initially cooler than control. However, comfort and RPE scores were similar. We conclude that the cooling effect of both tested systems, mainly providing a (temporally) cooler thermal sensation, was limited and did not meet the expectations.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of designing a switching policy for an adaptive switching control system is formulated as a problem of supervisory control of a discrete-event system (DES). Two important problems in switching control are then addressed using the DES formulation and the theory of supervisory control under partial observation. First, it is verified whether for a given set of controllers, a switching policy satisfying a given set of constraints on the transitions among controllers exists. If so, then a minimally restrictive switching policy is designed. Next, an iterative algorithm is introduced for finding a minimal set of controllers for which a switching policy satisfying the switching constraints exists. It is shown that in the supervisory control problem considered in this paper, limitations on event observation are the factors that essentially restrict supervisory control. In other words, once observation limitations are respected, limitations on control will be automatically satisfied. This result is used to simplify the proposed iterative algorithm for finding minimal controller sets.  相似文献   

针对服装建模过程中,需要反复修改衣片来获得令人满意的虚拟服装模型以及计算复杂度高的问题,提出一种基于多控制点的衣片网格局部变形方法.该方法首先建立衣片网格模型,然后利用OpenGL的选择模式移动服装关键点,进而得到边界控制点,利用控制点对衣片网格模型进行局部变形,最后对衣片建立受力模型,通过虚拟缝合、碰撞检测以及纹理映射建立三维服装模型,展现服装整体效果,得到多样的服装模型.实验结果表明,由于在算法中不需要重新网络化,故具有较低的计算代价,同时也使得到的服装模型更加多样化.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a tomographic approach focusing on ultrasonic measurements to monitor liquid multiphase mixtures. Separately a capacitive tomography low-cost setup is regarded. Both sensor arrays aim for the localization of variable phase boundaries and the physical characterisation of spatially distributed phases. Focusing on a real time processing, a reduced number of transducers in combination with a fast linear modelling and direct image reconstruction methods are used. Experimental results of a layered 3-phase-system validate the potential and limits of physical resolution of both approaches. Finally, the prospectively intended data fusion of both approaches is discussed.  相似文献   

Quadratic control systems   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We outline a geometric theory for a class of homogeneous polynomial control systems called quadratic systems. We describe an algorithm to compute a minimal realization and study the feedback classification problem. Feedback invariants are related to the singularities of the input-output mapping and canonical forms are exhibited.  相似文献   

Spinellis  D. 《Software, IEEE》2005,22(5):108-109
Sane programmers don't write production code without the help of an editor and an interpreter or a compiler, yet the author has seen many software projects limping along without using a version control system. We can explain this contrast if we think in terms of the increased start-up costs and delayed gratification associated with adopting a VCS. We humans typically discount the future, and therefore implementing version control in a project appears to be a fight against human nature. It's true that you can't beat the productivity boost that compilers and editors provide, but four decades after punched-card programming in assembly language has gone out of fashion, we must now look elsewhere for our next efficiency gains. And if you or your project isn't using a VCS, adopting one might well be the single most important tooling improvement you can undertake.  相似文献   

Monotone systems constitute one of the most important classes of dynamical systems used in mathematical biology modeling. The objective of this paper is to extend the notion of monotonicity to systems with inputs and outputs, a necessary first step in trying to understand interconnections, especially including feedback loops, built up out of monotone components. Basic definitions and theorems are provided, as well as an application to the study of a model of one of the cell's most important subsystems.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a model for interaction between random environments and random automata. To this model we can apply the theory of (generalized) random systems with complete connections (i.e., learning models or dynamic models) in order to describe its behavior. We shall call such a system a general control system. Next criteria and conditions of expediency of a random automaton within such a system are formulated. Finally two special cases are examined.  相似文献   

The techniques of mechanization, automation and communication, inherent in the present state-of-the-art of assembly manufacturing are being projected into a framework for an extension of the concept of FMS into a configuration of sewing assembly automation, featuring a computer-controlled man/machine interaction at three levels of integration within the plant and based on an integrated CAD/CAM application in the form of multipurpose mini/micro computers, distributed at all three levels of plant operation and controlled by a central, mainframe computer via a company-wide dataprocessing network.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the design methodology for the active noise control of sound disturbances in a forced-air cooling system. The active sound cancellation algorithm uses the framework of output-error based optimization of a linearly parametrized filter for feedforward sound compensation to select microphone location and demonstrate the effectiveness of active noise cancellation in a small portable data projector. Successful implementation of the feedforward based active noise controller on a NEC LT170 data projector shows a 20–40 dB reduction per frequency point in the spectrum of external noise of the forced-air cooling system can be obtained over a broad frequency range from 1 to 5 kHz. A total noise reduction (unweighted) of 9.3 dB is achieved.  相似文献   

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