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In this work, we consider the problem of estimating the 3D position of multiple humans in a scene as well as their body shape and articulation from a single RGB video recorded with a static camera. In contrast to expensive marker-based or multi-view systems, our lightweight setup is ideal for private users as it enables an affordable 3D motion capture that is easy to install and does not require expert knowledge. To deal with this challenging setting, we leverage recent advances in computer vision using large-scale pre-trained models for a variety of modalities, including 2D body joints, joint angles, normalized disparity maps, and human segmentation masks. Thus, we introduce the first non-linear optimization-based approach that jointly solves for the 3D position of each human, their articulated pose, their individual shapes as well as the scale of the scene. In particular, we estimate the scene depth and person scale from normalized disparity predictions using the 2D body joints and joint angles. Given the per-frame scene depth, we reconstruct a point-cloud of the static scene in 3D space. Finally, given the per-frame 3D estimates of the humans and scene point-cloud, we perform a space-time coherent optimization over the video to ensure temporal, spatial and physical plausibility. We evaluate our method on established multi-person 3D human pose benchmarks where we consistently outperform previous methods and we qualitatively demonstrate that our method is robust to in-the-wild conditions including challenging scenes with people of different sizes. Code: https://github.com/dluvizon/scene-aware-3d-multi-human  相似文献   

For the last decades, the concern of producing convincing facial animation has garnered great interest, that has only been accelerating with the recent explosion of 3D content in both entertainment and professional activities. The use of motion capture and retargeting has arguably become the dominant solution to address this demand. Yet, despite high level of quality and automation performance-based animation pipelines still require manual cleaning and editing to refine raw results, which is a time- and skill-demanding process. In this paper, we look to leverage machine learning to make facial animation editing faster and more accessible to non-experts. Inspired by recent image inpainting methods, we design a generative recurrent neural network that generates realistic motion into designated segments of an existing facial animation, optionally following user-provided guiding constraints. Our system handles different supervised or unsupervised editing scenarios such as motion filling during occlusions, expression corrections, semantic content modifications, and noise filtering. We demonstrate the usability of our system on several animation editing use cases.  相似文献   

We present a probabilistic framework to generate character animations based on weak control signals, such that the synthesized motions are realistic while retaining the stochastic nature of human movement. The proposed architecture, which is designed as a hierarchical recurrent model, maps each sub-sequence of motions into a stochastic latent code using a variational autoencoder extended over the temporal domain. We also propose an objective function which respects the impact of each joint on the pose and compares the joint angles based on angular distance. We use two novel quantitative protocols and human qualitative assessment to demonstrate the ability of our model to generate convincing and diverse periodic and non-periodic motion sequences without the need for strong control signals.  相似文献   

3D gaze tracking from a single RGB camera is very challenging due to the lack of information in determining the accurate gaze target from a monocular RGB sequence. The eyes tend to occupy only a small portion of the video, and even small errors in estimated eye orientations can lead to very large errors in the triangulated gaze target. We overcome these difficulties with a novel lightweight eyeball calibration scheme that determines the user-specific visual axis, eyeball size and position in the head. Unlike the previous calibration techniques, we do not need the ground truth positions of the gaze points. In the online stage, gaze is tracked by a new gaze fitting algorithm, and refined by a 3D gaze regression method to correct for bias errors. Our regression is pre-trained on several individuals and works well for novel users. After the lightweight one-time user calibration, our method operates in real time. Experiments show that our technique achieves state-of-the-art accuracy in gaze angle estimation, and we demonstrate applications of 3D gaze target tracking and gaze retargeting to an animated 3D character.  相似文献   

Correlation filters (CF) achieve excellent performance in visual tracking but suffer from undesired boundary effects. A significant amount of approaches focus on enlarging search regions to make up for this shortcoming. However, this introduces excessive background noises and misleads the filter into learning from the ambiguous information. In this paper, we propose a novel target-adaptive correlation filter (TACF) that incorporates context and spatial-temporal regularizations into the CF framework, thus learning a more robust appearance model in the case of large appearance variations. Besides, it can be effectively optimized via the alternating direction method of multipliers(ADMM), thus achieving a global optimal solution. Finally, an adaptive updating strategy is presented to discriminate the unreliable samples and alleviate the contamination of these training samples. Extensive evaluations on OTB-2013, OTB-2015, VOT-2016, VOT-2017 and TC-128 datasets demonstrate that our TACF is very promising for various challenging scenarios compared with several state-of-the-art trackers, with real-time performance of 20 frames per second(fps).  相似文献   

Video frame interpolation (VFI) enables many important applications such as slow motion playback and frame rate conversion. However, one major challenge in using VFI is accurately handling high dynamic range (HDR) scenes with complex motion. To this end, we explore the possible advantages of dual-exposure sensors that readily provide sharp short and blurry long exposures that are spatially registered and whose ends are temporally aligned. This way, motion blur registers temporally continuous information on the scene motion that, combined with the sharp reference, enables more precise motion sampling within a single camera shot. We demonstrate that this facilitates a more complex motion reconstruction in the VFI task, as well as HDR frame reconstruction that so far has been considered only for the originally captured frames, not in-between interpolated frames. We design a neural network trained in these tasks that clearly outperforms existing solutions. We also propose a metric for scene motion complexity that provides important insights into the performance of VFI methods at test time.  相似文献   

We propose a learning-based approach for full-body pose reconstruction from extremely sparse upper body tracking data, obtained from a virtual reality (VR) device. We leverage a conditional variational autoencoder with gated recurrent units to synthesize plausible and temporally coherent motions from 4-point tracking (head, hands, and waist positions and orientations). To avoid synthesizing implausible poses, we propose a novel sample selection and interpolation strategy along with an anomaly detection algorithm. Specifically, we monitor the quality of our generated poses using the anomaly detection algorithm and smoothly transition to better samples when the quality falls below a statistically defined threshold. Moreover, we demonstrate that our sample selection and interpolation method can be used for other applications, such as target hitting and collision avoidance, where the generated motions should adhere to the constraints of the virtual environment. Our system is lightweight, operates in real-time, and is able to produce temporally coherent and realistic motions.  相似文献   

3D animations are an effective method to learn about complex dynamic phenomena, such as mesoscale biological processes. The animators' goals are to convey a sense of the scene's overall complexity while, at the same time, visually guiding the user through a story of subsequent events embedded in the chaotic environment. Animators use a variety of visual emphasis techniques to guide the observers' attention through the story, such as highlighting, halos – or by manipulating motion parameters of the scene. In this paper, we investigate the effect of smoothing the motion of contextual scene elements to attract attention to focus elements of the story exhibiting high-frequency motion. We conducted a crowdsourced study with 108 participants observing short animations with two illustrative motion smoothing strategies: geometric smoothing through noise reduction of contextual motion trajectories and visual smoothing through motion blur of context items. We investigated the observers' ability to follow the story as well as the effect of the techniques on speed perception in a molecular scene. Our results show that moderate motion blur significantly improves users' ability to follow the story. Geometric motion smoothing is less effective but increases the visual appeal of the animation. However, both techniques also slow down the perceived speed of the animation. We discuss the implications of these results and derive design guidelines for animators of complex dynamic visualizations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a comprehensive theory of anti-aliasing sampling patterns that explains and revises known results, and introduce a variational optimization framework to generate point patterns with any desired power spectra and anti-aliasing properties. We start by deriving the exact spectral expression for expected error in reconstructing a function in terms of power spectra of sampling patterns, and analyzing how the shape of power spectra is related to anti-aliasing properties. Based on this analysis, we then formulate the problem of generating anti-aliasing sampling patterns as constrained variational optimization on power spectra. This allows us to not rely on any parametric form, and thus explore the whole space of realizable spectra. We show that the resulting optimized sampling patterns lead to reconstructions with less visible aliasing artifacts, while keeping low frequencies as clean as possible. Although we focus on image plane sampling, our theory and algorithms apply in any dimensions, and the variational optimization framework can be utilized in all problems where point pattern characteristics are given or optimized.  相似文献   

We present a learning-based approach for virtual try-on applications based on a fully convolutional graph neural network. In contrast to existing data-driven models, which are trained for a specific garment or mesh topology, our fully convolutional model can cope with a large family of garments, represented as parametric predefined 2D panels with arbitrary mesh topology, including long dresses, shirts, and tight tops. Under the hood, our novel geometric deep learning approach learns to drape 3D garments by decoupling the three different sources of deformations that condition the fit of clothing: garment type, target body shape, and material. Specifically, we first learn a regressor that predicts the 3D drape of the input parametric garment when worn by a mean body shape. Then, after a mesh topology optimization step where we generate a sufficient level of detail for the input garment type, we further deform the mesh to reproduce deformations caused by the target body shape. Finally, we predict fine-scale details such as wrinkles that depend mostly on the garment material. We qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrate that our fully convolutional approach outperforms existing methods in terms of generalization capabilities and memory requirements, and therefore it opens the door to more general learning-based models for virtual try-on applications.  相似文献   

By-example aperiodic tilings are popular texture synthesis techniques that allow a fast, on-the-fly generation of unbounded and non-periodic textures with an appearance matching an arbitrary input sample called the “exemplar”. But by relying on uniform random sampling, these algorithms fail to preserve the autocovariance function, resulting in correlations that do not match the ones in the exemplar. The output can then be perceived as excessively random. In this work, we present a new method which can well preserve the autocovariance function of the exemplar. It consists in fetching contents with an importance sampler taking the explicit autocovariance function as the probability density function (pdf) of the sampler. Our method can be controlled for increasing or decreasing the randomness aspect of the texture. Besides significantly improving synthesis quality for classes of textures characterized by pronounced autocovariance functions, we moreover propose a real-time tiling and blending scheme that permits the generation of high-quality textures faster than former algorithms with minimal downsides by reducing the number of texture fetches.  相似文献   

Several fast global illumination algorithms rely on the Virtual Point Lights framework. This framework separates illumination into two steps: first, propagate radiance in the scene and store it in virtual lights, then gather illumination from these virtual lights. To accelerate the second step, virtual lights and receiving points are grouped hierarchically, for example using Multi-Dimensional Lightcuts. Computing visibility between clusters of virtual lights and receiving points is a bottleneck. Separately, matrix completion algorithms reconstruct completely a low-rank matrix from an incomplete set of sampled elements. In this paper, we use adaptive matrix completion to approximate visibility information after an initial clustering step. We reconstruct visibility information using as little as 10 % to 20 % samples for most scenes, and combine it with shading information computed separately, in parallel on the GPU. Overall, our method computes global illumination 3 or more times faster than previous state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

Dense dynamic aggregates of similar elements are frequent in natural phenomena and challenging to render under full real time constraints. The optimal representation to render them changes drastically depending on the distance at which they are observed, ranging from sets of detailed textured meshes for near views to point clouds for distant ones. Our multiscale representation use impostors to achieve the mid-range transition from mesh-based to point-based scales. To ensure a visual continuum, the impostor model should match as closely as possible the mesh on one side, and reduce to a single pixel response that equals point rendering on the other. In this paper, we propose a model based on rich spherical impostors, able to combine precomputed as well as dynamic procedural data, and offering seamless transitions from close instanced meshes to distant points. Our approach is architectured around an on-the-fly discrimination mechanism and intensively exploits the rough spherical geometry of the impostor proxy. In particular, we propose a new sampling mechanism to reconstruct novel views from the precomputed ones, together with a new conservative occlusion culling method, coupled with a two-pass rendering pipeline leveraging early-Z rejection. As a result, our system scales well and is even able to render sand, while supporting completely dynamic stackings.  相似文献   

In physics-based character animation, Proportional-Derivative (PD) controllers are commonly used for tracking reference motions in motor control tasks. Stable PD (SPD) controllers significantly improve the numerical stability of traditional PD controllers and support large gains and large integration time steps during simulation [TLT11]. For an articulated rigid body system with n degrees of freedom, all SPD implementations to date, however, use an O(n3) dense matrix factorization based method. In this paper, we propose a linear time algorithm for SPD computation, which is based on Featherstone's forward dynamics formulation for articulated rigid body systems in generalized coordinates [Fea14]. We demonstrate the performance advantage of our algorithm by comparing with both the conventional dense matrix factorization based method and an alternative sparse matrix factorization based method. We show that the proposed algorithm provides superior stability when controlling complex models at large time steps. We further demonstrate that our algorithm can improve the learning speed and quality of a Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) system for physics-based character animation.  相似文献   

Physically plausible fracture animation is a challenging topic in computer graphics. Most of the existing approaches focus on the fracture of isotropic materials. We proposed a frame-field method for the design of anisotropic brittle fracture patterns. In this case, the material anisotropy is determined by two parts: anisotropic elastic deformation and anisotropic damage mechanics. For the elastic deformation, we reformulate the constitutive model of hyperelastic materials to achieve anisotropy by adding additional energy density functions in particular directions. For the damage evolution, we propose an improved phase-field fracture method to simulate the anisotropy by designing a deformation-aware second-order structural tensor. These two parts can present elastic anisotropy and fractured anisotropy independently, or they can be well coupled together to exhibit rich crack effects. To ensure the flexibility of simulation, we further introduce a frame-field concept to assist in setting local anisotropy, similar to the fiber orientation of textiles. For the discretization of the deformable object, we adopt a novel Material Point Method(MPM) according to its fracture-friendly nature. We also give some design criteria for anisotropic models through comparative analysis. Experiments show that our anisotropic method is able to be well integrated with the MPM scheme for simulating the dynamic fracture behavior of anisotropic materials.  相似文献   

We present a method for estimating the main properties of human skin, leveraging a hyperspectral dataset of skin tones synthetically generated through a biophysical layered skin model and Monte Carlo light transport simulations. Our approach learns the mapping between the skin parameters and diffuse skin reflectance in such space through an encoder-decoder network. We assess the performance of RGB and spectral reflectance up to 1 μm, allowing the model to retrieve visible and near-infrared. Instead of restricting the parameters to values in the ranges reported in medical literature, we allow the model to exceed such ranges to gain expressiveness to recover outliers like beard, eyebrows, rushes and other imperfections. The continuity of our albedo space allows to recover smooth textures of skin properties, enabling reflectance manipulations by meaningful edits of the skin properties. The space is robust under different illumination conditions, and presents high spectral similarity with the current largest datasets of spectral measurements of real human skin while expanding its gamut.  相似文献   

We present a practical method to synthesize plausible 3D facial expressions for a particular target subject. The ability to synthesize an entire facial rig from a single neutral expression has a large range of applications both in computer graphics and computer vision, ranging from the efficient and cost-effective creation of CG characters to scalable data generation for machine learning purposes. Unlike previous methods based on multilinear models, the proposed approach is capable to extrapolate well outside the sample pool, which allows it to plausibly predict the identity of the target subject and create artifact free expression shapes while requiring only a small input dataset. We introduce global-local multilinear models that leverage the strengths of expression-specific and identity-specific local models combined with coarse motion estimations from a global model. Experimental results show that we achieve high-quality, plausible facial expression synthesis results for an individual that outperform existing methods both quantitatively and qualitatively.  相似文献   

We describe a method to use Spherical Gaussians with free directions and arbitrary sharpness and amplitude to approximate the precomputed local light field for any point on a surface in a scene. This allows for a high-quality reconstruction of these light fields in a manner that can be used to render the surfaces with precomputed global illumination in real-time with very low cost both in memory and performance. We also extend this concept to represent the illumination-weighted environment visibility, allowing for high-quality reflections of the distant environment with both surface-material properties and visibility taken into account. We treat obtaining the Spherical Gaussians as an optimization problem for which we train a Convolutional Neural Network to produce appropriate values for each of the Spherical Gaussians' parameters. We define this CNN in such a way that the produced parameters can be interpolated between adjacent local light fields while keeping the illumination in the intermediate points coherent.  相似文献   

In the past few years, advances in graphics hardware have fuelled an explosion of research and development in the field of interactive and real-time rendering in screen space. Following this trend, a rapidly increasing number of applications rely on multifragment rendering solutions to develop visually convincing graphics applications with dynamic content. The main advantage of these approaches is that they encompass additional rasterised geometry, by retaining more information from the fragment sampling domain, thus augmenting the visibility determination stage. With this survey, we provide an overview of and insight into the extensive, yet active research and respective literature on multifragment rendering. We formally present the multifragment rendering pipeline, clearly identifying the construction strategies, the core image operation categories and their mapping to the respective applications. We describe features and trade-offs for each class of techniques, pointing out GPU optimisations and limitations and provide practical recommendations for choosing an appropriate method for each application. Finally, we offer fruitful context for discussion by outlining some existing problems and challenges as well as by presenting opportunities for impactful future research directions.  相似文献   

Research in rendering large point clouds traditionally focused on the generation and use of hierarchical acceleration structures that allow systems to load and render the smallest fraction of the data with the largest impact on the output. The generation of these structures is slow and time consuming, however, and therefore ill-suited for tasks such as quickly looking at scan data stored in widely used unstructured file formats, or to immediately display the results of point-cloud processing tasks. We propose a progressive method that is capable of rendering any point cloud that fits in GPU memory in real time, without the need to generate hierarchical acceleration structures in advance. Our method supports data sets with a large amount of attributes per point, achieves a load performance of up to 100 million points per second, displays already loaded data in real time while remaining data is still being loaded, and is capable of rendering up to one billion points using an on-the-fly generated shuffled vertex buffer as its data structure, instead of slow-to-generate hierarchical structures. Shuffling is done during loading in order to allow efficiently filling holes with random subsets, which leads to a higher quality convergence behavior.  相似文献   

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