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BACKGROUND: Shock associated with traumatic brain injury (TBI) doubles the mortality of TBI alone by inducing a secondary ischemic injury. Rapid correction of cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) is thought to be essential to improving outcome. Diaspirin cross-linked hemoglobin (DCLHb) has been shown to improve cerebral blood flow, increase mean arterial pressure (MAP), and reduce lesion size in models of occlusive cerebral ischemia but has not been evaluated in a model of TBI combined with hemorrhagic shock. METHODS: We studied the effects of DCLHb resuscitation in a porcine model of cryogenic TBI and hemorrhagic shock (MAP = 50 mmHg). After combined insults, animals were randomized to receive a bolus of 4 mliters/kg of either lactated Ringer's solution (n = 5) or DCLHb (n = 6). Lactated Ringer's solution was then infused in both groups to maintain MAP at baseline. Shed blood was returned 1 hour after the initiation of resuscitation (R1). Animals were studied for 24 hours. RESULTS: DCLHb infusion resulted in a significantly greater MAP at R1 and R24 (95 +/- 4 vs. 82 +/- 2 and 99 +/- 3 vs. 85 +/- 3 mm Hg, respectively) and a significantly greater CPP at R1 and R24 (83 +/- 10 vs. 68 +/- 5 and 89 +/- 6 vs. 71 +/- 11 mm Hg, respectively). Intracranial pressure was lower in the DCLHb group, but this difference was not significant. There was no significant difference between the groups in cerebral oxygen delivery. DCLHb animals required less fluid to maintain MAP (12,094 +/- 552 vs. 15,542 +/- 1094 mliters, p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: These data suggest that DCLHb is beneficial in the early resuscitation of head injury and shock and that further investigation is warranted. Key Words: Diaspirin cross-linked hemoglobin, Head injury, Shock, Cerebral perfusion pressure.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that the GABAA-receptor (GABAA-R) could be phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), protein kinase C (PKC), and a receptor associated kinase. However, no clear picture has yet emerged concerning the particular subunit/subtypes of the GABAA-R that were phosphorylated by PKA and PKC. In the present report we show that an antibody raised against a 23 amino acid polypeptide corresponding to a sequence in the putative intracellular loop of the beta 1 subunit of the receptor blocks the in vitro phosphorylation of the purified receptor by PKA and PKC. Moreover, N-terminal sequence analysis of the principal phosphopeptide fragment obtained after proteolysis of the receptor yielded a sequence that corresponds to the beta 3 subunit of the receptor. Such data provide additional support for our hypothesis (Browning et al., 1990, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87:1315-1317) that both PKA and PKC phosphorylate the beta-subunit of the GABAA-R.  相似文献   

During cerebral ischemia, nitric oxide (NO) production via stimulation of NO synthase, is likely one of the major events leading to neuronal death. Recently, we have demonstrated that after reversible focal ischemia, apoptosis was implicated in the penumbra whereas necrosis was prominent in the ischemic core. We have now examined the effect of a non-specific inhibitor of NO synthase, NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME, 3 ing kg-1 i.p., 5 min and 3 h after the onset of ischemia), on the progress of apoptotic and necrotic nuclei following transient focal cerebral ischemia, using DNA electrophoresis and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated dUTP-biotin nick-end labeling (TUNEL assay). Our results indicated that L-NAME prevented the loss of necrotic, but not apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: We attempted to determine whether N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) would improve neurological outcome and whether L-arginine (L-ARG) would worsen neurological outcome after transient global ischemia. METHODS: Halothane-anesthetized cats (n = 6 for each group) were treated with intravenous saline, L-NAME (5 mg/kg or 10 mg/kg), or L-arginine (300 mg/kg) 30 minutes before 10 minutes of ischemia (temporary ligation of the left subclavian and brachiocephalic arteries with hemorrhagic hypotension to 50 mm Hg). At 30 minutes of reperfusion, cats in the L-ARG group were administered an additional 300 mg/kg dose of intravenous L-arginine. RESULTS: Time (mean +/- SE) to isoelectric electroencephalography was similar among groups (saline, 26 +/- 11 seconds; L-NAME-5, 15 +/- 4 seconds; L-NAME-10, 36 +/- 27 seconds; and L-ARG, 22 +/- 7 seconds). At 72 hours, reperfusion pathological injury was severe and neurological deficit score (mean, range) was similar among groups (saline, 38[11 to 70]; L-NAME-5, 52 [40 to 73]; L-NAME-10, 47 [23 to 70]; and L-ARG, 40 [0 to 79]). CONCLUSIONS: Nitric oxide is not important in the mechanism of brain injury after global ischemia in cats.  相似文献   

Unilateral lesion of the cerebellum in rabbits completely and permanently abolishes previous learning and prevents new learning ipsilateral to the lesion. However, when training continues on the contralateral side, there is substantial savings in that it takes few trials to learn. This observation may imply that the memory survives the lesion. Rabbits were classically conditioned for an eyelid response and then the ipsilateral interpositus nucleus of the cerebellum was lesioned. Then the rabbits were trained on the contralateral side. There is no savings on the contralateral side without first trying to train on the lesioned side. It is concluded that the survival of a memory after the lesion probably does not account for the rapid transfer, but rather that the act of trying to train on the lesioned side in previous studies first induces a new memory on the contralateral side. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Rabbits and rats received horseradish peroxidase injections in the medial prefrontal cortex. and retrograde labeling was examined in the hippocampus (HC) and subicular complex (SC). Labeled cells were observed in HC and SC in the rat, but only in the SC of the rabbit. In a second experiment, separate groups of rabbits with sham, SC, or cortical control lesions were subjected to differential classical heart rate conditioning, in which 4-s, 75-db tones served as conditioned stimuli and a 3-mA paraorbital shock was the unconditioned stimulus. Although conditioned bradycardia was obtained in animals with SC lesions, it was slower to develop and was much shorter in duration than in the cortical and sham control groups. In the animals with SC lesions, the bradycardiac response was quickly replaced with tachycardia, suggesting a sympathetic bias in these animals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Bupropion is an effective abstinence aid for cessation of smoking and possibly other drug use as well. There is evidence that bupropion improves attention and impulse control in certain patient populations, and improvements in these processes could mediate its efficacy as an abstinence aid. In the present study, we tested the effects of acute bupropion on measures of attention and impulsivity in healthy adults with d-amphetamine included as a positive control. Twenty-two nonsmokers (11 women) and 11 smokers (4 women) completed four 4-hr sessions where they received placebo, bupropion (150 or 300 mg), or d-amphetamine (20 mg) in capsules. Ninety minutes after capsule administration, participants were tested on attention with a simple reaction time task (SRT) and on impulsivity with the stop task, a delay and probability discounting task (DPD), and the balloon analogue risk task (BART). Participants also completed mood questionnaires during sessions. Bupropion (150 mg) decreased lapses in attention on the SRT, but did not affect performance on the stop task, DPD, or BART. Amphetamine decreased lapses in attention and speeded sensory motor processing time on the SRT but did not significantly affect responding on the stop task or DPD. On the BART, d-amphetamine tended to decrease risk taking in men but increased risk taking in women. Bupropion (300 mg) and d-amphetamine increased ratings of arousal. These results suggest that bupropion improves attention without affecting impulsive behavior in healthy adults. Improvements in attention may contribute to the effectiveness of bupropion as a pharmacotherapy for smoking. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The results of some studies suggest that 3,4-diaminopyridine (3,4-DAP), a drug that enhances the release of acetylcholine, may improve memory. The present study examined the ability of 3,4-DAP to reverse the memory impairment produced by scopolamine and the ability of 3,4-DAP and physostigmine to reverse the memory impairment produced by quinolinic acid lesions of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (nbm) in rats. Mnemonic functioning was assessed with the use of a partially baited eight-arm radial maze. Entries into arms that were never baited were defined as reference memory errors; entries into baited arms from which the food already had been eaten were defined as working memory errors. In Experiment 1, 0.1 mg/kg scopolamine produced a significant increase in working and reference memory errors. Various doses of 3,4-DAP had no significant ameliorative effect on the mnemonic deficit. In Experiment 2, cholinergic function was impaired using a unilateral intra-nbm injection of quinolinic acid (120 nmol in 1.0 microliter). These lesions reduced the levels of the cholinergic marker, choline acetyltransferase, in the cortex by more than 40%. Results showed that the nbm lesion animals were significantly more impaired on the working than reference memory component of the task. Physostigmine (0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.50 mg/kg) dose-dependently decreased the number of working but not reference memory errors. 3,4-DAP (10(-8), 10(-6), 10(-4), 10(-2), 10(0) mg/kg) had no reliable effect. It was concluded that physostigmine, but not 3,4-DAP, ameliorates memory impairments following decreases in cholinergic function.  相似文献   

14(R,S)-[18F]fluoro-6-thia-heptadecanoic acid (FTHA) has been recently introduced as a new tracer for fatty acid metabolism. Myocardial [18F]FTHA uptake is believed to reflect mainly beta-oxidation of the circulating free fatty acids (FFAs), since it is trapped in the mitochondria because subsequent steps of beta-oxidation are inhibited by sulfur heteroatom. We investigated [18F]FTHA kinetics in myocardial and skeletal muscle in vivo. METHODS: Two dynamic PET studies were performed in seven patients with stable coronary artery disease, once in the fasting state and once during euglycemic hyperinsulinemia (serum insulin approximately 60 mU/liter). The fractional [18F] FTHA uptake rates (Ki) were multiplied with serum FFA concentrations and were considered to represent FFA uptake. RESULTS: Serum FFA concentration decreased by 80% during insulin clamp. After tracer injection, rapid myocardial uptake was identified both in the fasting state and during insulin stimulation. The cardiac image quality was excellent in both occasions. In addition, femoral muscles were clearly visualized in both studies. The fractional myocardial [18F]FTHA uptake rates (Ki) in the normal myocardial regions were similar in the fasting state (0.11 +/- 0.04 ml/g/min (mean +/- s.d.) and during insulin clamp (0.12 +/- 0.03 ml/g/min; ns). The calculated myocardial FFA uptake was four times higher in the fasting state than during insulin clamp (5.8 +/- 1.7 versus 1.4 +/- 0.5 micromol/100 g/min, p < 0.005). The femoral muscle fractional [18F]FTHA uptake rates (Ki) were lower (0.0071 +/- 0.0014 ml/g/min) in the fasting state than during insulin clamp (0.0127 +/- 0.0036 ml/g/min; p = 0.03), but the estimated femoral muscle FFA uptake was three times higher in the fasting state (0.38 +/- 0.09 micromol/100 g/min) as compared to that during insulin clamp (0.12 +/- 0.05 micromol/100 g/min, p < 0.005). CONCLUSION: Fluorine-18-FTHA PET appears to be a feasible method to estimate fatty acid kinetics in myocardial and skeletal muscle. Physiologically reasonable rates of FFA uptake in myocardium and skeletal muscle were obtained. Furthermore, the uptake rates were suppressed in response to insulin both in the myocardial and femoral muscle as expected.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study examined the changes in myocardial energy metabolism during myocardial ischemia after "remote preconditioning" and investigated the involvement of adenosine receptors in the mechanisms of this effect. BACKGROUND: Recent studies have indicated that a brief period of ischemia and reperfusion (ischemic preconditioning, PC) in a remote organ reduces myocardial infarct size (IS) protecting against subsequent sustained myocardial ischemia. However, the mechanisms of "remote PC" remain unclear. We assessed myocardial energy metabolism during sustained myocardial ischemia and reperfusion after renal PC (RPC), in comparison with that after myocardial PC (MPC) in open-chest rabbits. It has been established that adenosine receptors are involved in the mechanisms of MPC. METHODS: Rabbits that had been anesthetized with halothane were divided into six groups. The control (CNT) group underwent 40-min coronary occlusion followed by 120 min reperfusion. Before the procedure, the MPC group underwent an additional protocol of 5 min coronary artery occlusion and 20 min reperfusion, and the RPC group received a 10 min episode of renal artery occlusion and 20 min reperfusion. In additional experimental groups, 8 sulfophenyl-theophylline (SPT, 10 mg/kg), an adenosine receptor inhibitor, was intravenously injected before the 40 min myocardial ischemia (SPT, MPC + SPT and RPC + SPT groups, respectively). Myocardial levels of phosphocreatine (PCr), ATP and intracellular pH (pHi) were measured by 31P-NMR spectroscopy. RESULTS: RPC and MPC delayed the decreases in ATP levels, preserved pHi during 40-min myocardial ischemia and resulted in better recovery of ATP and PCr during 120 min reperfusion compared with the controls. SPT abolished the improvement in myocardial energy metabolism and the reduction in myocardial IS caused by MPC or RPC. Myocardial IS in the CNT (n = 8), MPC (n = 9), RPC (n = 9), SPT (n = 6), MPC + SPT (n = 8) and RPC + SPT (n = 8) groups averaged 42.8+/-3.5%, 18.2+/-1.8%*, 19.6+/-1.3%*, 44.9+/-5.0%, 35.6+/-2.7% and 34.8+/-3.6% of the area at risk (*p < 0.05 vs. CNT), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: PC in a remote organ, similar to MPC, improved myocardial energy metabolism during ischemia and reperfusion and reduced IS in vivo by an adenosine-dependent mechanism in rabbits.  相似文献   

Infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality among immunocompromised patients. This report discusses bacterial and mycotic infections prophylaxis in the granulocytopenic patients with hematologic malignancies. Various strategies have been derived to prevent the infections: a combination of oral antibacterial and antifungal prophylaxis with quinolones and newer azoles (fluconazole, itraconazole), high efficiency particulate air filtration, protective isolation and management of central venous catheter. However, the emergence of antibiotic resistant organism continues to pose a major challenge to the successful eradication and prevention of infections in neutropenic host, and demands the development of innovative approaches to antibiotic use and infection control procedures.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that music training can improve verbal memory was tested in children. The results showed that children with music training demonstrated better verbal but not visual memory than did their counterparts without such training. When these children were followed up after a year, those who had begun or continued music training demonstrated significant verbal memory improvement. Students who discontinued the training did not show any improvement. Contrary to the differences in verbal memory between the groups, their changes in visual memory were not significantly different. Consistent with previous findings for adults (A. S. Chan, Y. Ho, & M. Cheung, 1998), the results suggest that music training systematically affects memory processing in accordance with possible neuroanatomical modifications in the left temporal lobe. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Oocyte growth within the follicle is preponderantly due to the accumulation of hepatically derived yolk protein (vitellogenin, VTG) by receptor-mediated endocytosis; once in the oocyte, VTG is partially processed and stored in yolk globules. In some pelagic egg-laying marine teleosts, additional cleavages of yolk proteins followed by a pronounced water uptake occur concomitantly with final oocyte maturation. The aim of this study was to establish the lysosomal enzymes involved in these two proteolytic processes that characterize oocyte maturation of seabream Sparus aurata. The enzymatic activities of several cathepsins were assessed in the various classes of oocytes. Changes in cathepsin B, D, and L activity were found depending on the oocyte maturation stage; cathepsin B and D were found to be at maximum level in early-vitellogenesis oocytes, and cathepsin L in mid-vitellogenesis ones. Cathepsin D and L were purified from seabream ovary, and their roles in VTG and lipovitellin (LV) proteolysis, respectively, were analyzed. Here we demonstrate directly that one of the catalysts for the intraoocytic processing of VTG in yolk proteins is cathepsin D; however, we cannot exclude also a role of cathepsin B in the same process. On the other hand, cathepsin L is responsible for the second proteolytic cleavage of the LV components. We postulate that the acquisition of buoyancy by eggs through the hydration process may be regulated by enzymatic activation at the appropriate time of oocyte maturation, this process probably being the key event in the reproduction of this marine pelagic egg spawner.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of intraoperative colonic irrigation and proximal diverting end colostomy after segmental bowel resection in experimental left-colonic obstruction on anastomotic healing. Simple obstruction of descending colon was performed in male Sprague-Dawley rats. After 24 h we performed segmental colonic resection and anastomosis in the control group (n = 15); resection, anastomosis, and covering colostomy in the colostomy group (n = 14); resection and anastomosis after antegrade colonic lavage through cecum by using isotonic saline solution in the irrigation group (n = 13). In rats that were killed 7 days later anastomotic dehiscence and bursting pressure and tissue hydroxyproline concentration at the anastomosis were measured. No significant differences were observed between groups in terms of anastomotic dehiscence, bursting site, or pressure. The hydroxyproline concentration was significantly higher in the irrigation group than the control group (P = 0.025) and the colostomy group (P = 0.029), but no difference was noted between the control group and the colostomy group. These findings suggest that intraoperative antegrade colonic irrigation in the acute left-sided colonic obstruction positively affects collagen metabolism at the anastomotic site; if the anastomosis is performed without bowel cleansing, covering colostomy does not improve collagen metabolism.  相似文献   

Microdialysis measurements of dopamine (DA) and DA metabolites were carried out in the putamen and substantia nigra of unilateral 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-lesioned rhesus monkeys that received intraventricular injections of vehicle or glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF, 300 microg) 3 weeks prior to the microdialysis studies. Following behavioral measures in the MPTP-lesioned monkeys, they were anesthetized with isoflurane and placed in a stereotaxic apparatus. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided sterile stereotaxic procedures were used for implantations of the microdialysis probes. Basal extracellular levels of DA and the DA metabolites, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanillic acid (HVA), were found to be decreased by >95% in the right putamen of the MPTP-lesioned monkeys as compared to normal animals. In contrast, basal DA levels were not significantly decreased, and DOPAC and HVA levels were decreased by only 65% and 30%, respectively, in the MPTP-lesioned substantia nigra. Significant reductions in d-amphetamine-evoked DA release were also observed in the MPTP-lesioned substantia nigra and putamen of the monkeys as compared to normal animals. A single intraventricular administration of GDNF into one group of MPTP-lesioned monkeys elicited improvements in the parkinsonian symptoms in these animals at 2-3 weeks post-administration. In addition, d-amphetamine-evoked overflow of DA was significantly increased in the substantia nigra but not the putamen of MPTP-lesioned monkeys that had received GDNF. Moreover, post-mortem brain tissue studies showed increases in whole tissue levels of DA and DA metabolite levels primarily within the substantia nigra in MPTP-lesioned monkeys that had received GDNF. Taken together, these data support that single ventricular infusions of GDNF produce improvements in motoric behavior in MPTP-lesioned monkeys that correlate with increases in DA neuronal function that are localized to the substantia nigra and not the putamen.  相似文献   

The rabbit model of rotavirus infection has proved to be useful for assessing active immunity and protection after infection or vaccination with virus or virus-like particles. One limitation of the rabbit model is that after experimental infection of rabbits, clinical diarrhea is not routinely induced. Lack of diarrhea in the rabbit model has been proposed to be due to the fluid absorptive capability of the cecum or attenuation of virus strains through tissue culture adaptation. To test whether a wild-type lapine rotavirus strain BAP (BAPwt) isolated from diarrheic rabbits would cause disease on passage in rabbits, 1-, 2-, 10-, and 16-week-old rabbits were orally inoculated with BAPwt, its tissue culture-adapted counterpart strain (BAP-2), tissue culture-adapted lapine strain ALA, or PBS. Lapine rotavirus infection in 1-week-old, but not >/=2-week-old, rabbits resulted in the development of disease characterized by soft, wet, yellow-to-brownish-green partially formed-to-liquid stools observed only at the time of virus antigen shedding. The level and duration of virus shedding after infection were prolonged in 1-week-old rabbits compared with rabbits >/=2 weeks of age. Although diarrhea was not observed beyond the first 2 weeks of life, histopathological changes, including villus shortening and fusion, increased vacuolation of epithelial cells, and mononuclear infiltration of the lamina propria, were observed throughout the small intestine between 12 and 120 h after ALA infection in 1-week-old, 1- to 2-month-old, and 11-month-old rabbits. In 11-month-old rabbits, onset of intestinal damage appeared to be slightly delayed, was less severe, and was not observed in the duodenum. There were no differences in the immune responses to rotavirus infection in rabbits of different age groups (1 week to 5 years of age). All lapine rotavirus-inoculated rabbits seroconverted and were protected from virus challenge at 28 days postinoculation. Like in mice, rotavirus disease is age restricted in rabbits.  相似文献   

The authors attempted to replicate previous findings that weight suppression is a significant predictor of treatment completion and treatment outcome (M. L. Butryn, M. R. Lowe, D. L. Safer, & W. S. Agras, 2006) and weight gain over treatment (M. R. Lowe, W. Davis, D. Lucks, R. A. Annunziato, & M. L. Butryn, 2006) among women with bulimic disorders. The authors also examined 2 alternative measures of weight variability. Participants were 132 women with bulimia nervosa treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy. Participants who dropped out of treatment did not have significantly higher levels of weight suppression than did treatment completers. Among those who completed treatment, weight suppression did not significantly predict binge eating and purging at post-treatment. Weight suppression did significantly predict weight change and, in particular, weight gain (≥5 kg) over treatment. Alternative measures of weight variability did not significantly predict treatment completion or treatment outcome, but 1 measure significantly predicted weight gain over treatment. In conclusion, the authors failed to replicate the previous finding that weight suppression predicts treatment compliance and treatment outcome, but they did replicate the finding that weight suppression predicts weight gain over treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the gastric acidity patterns of patients with duodenal ulcers and normal children. Eight patients with duodenal ulcer had their intragastric pH monitored for two consecutive 24 h periods using intragastric glass electrodes. The first 24 h period elucidated pH patterns in the absence of treatment and the second period evaluated the acid suppressive effect of 15 mg/kg of cimetidine when given in three divided doses. Results showed that the ulcer patients were hyperacidic, particularly at midnight. This finding was in marked contrast to the results obtained in the study of normal controls. The mean pH of normal children was above 3 around midnight. This phenomenon is known as intragastric pH inversion. The mean pH 3 time (the cumulative duration of the time for which gastric pH is maintained at > or = pH 3) was significantly shorter in patients with ulcers. However, pH 3 time of these patients significantly increased throughout the 24 h recording period during the daytime and at night after the introduction of cimetidine. This resulted in an induction of apparent nocturnal intragastric pH inversion for the ulcer patients. This study demonstrates the usefulness of 24 h continuous intragastric pH monitoring in children. The data showed that there was a pattern of gastric hyperacidity in pediatric ulcer patients which is clearly distinct from that of normal children, particularly in the patterns occurring at midnight. Cimetidine at 15 mg/kg per day in three divided doses was effective in suppressing secretion even at night.  相似文献   

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