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A mutant of bovine pancreatic DNase I containing two additionalresidues in a loop next to C173 has been expressed in Escherichiacoli, purified and characterized biochemically. Modelling studiessuggest that the inserted arginine and glutamate side chainsof the modified loop sequence C173-R-E-G-T-V176 could contactthe bases 3' to the cleaved bond in the major groove of a boundDNA, and that up to 10 bp could interact with the enzyme andpotentially influence its cutting rate. The loop insertion mutanthas an 800-fold lower specific activity than wild-type and showsoverall cleavage characteristics similar to bovine pancreaticDNase I. Compared with the wild-type enzyme, the mutant showsa strongly enhanced preference for cutting the inverted repeat:5'-GACTT A AAGTC-3' CTGAA T TTCAG or close variants thereof.Unexpectedly for a minor groove binding protein, the preferredcutting sites in opposite strands are staggered by 1 bp in the5' direction, causing the cleavage of a TA and a TT step, respectively.This finding demonstrates that the sequence context is relativelymore important for the cutting frequency than the nature ofthe dinucleotide step of the cleaved bond, and clearly showsthat base recognition is involved in determining the sequenceselectivity of the mutant. The importance of the sequence 5'to the cleaved bond for the cutting rate suggests that the additionalmajor groove contacts may require a distortion of the DNA associatedwith a higher energy barrier, resulting in an increased selectivityfor flexible DNA sequences and a lower overall activity of themutant enzyme.  相似文献   

A new phosphoglycerate kinase over-expression vector, pYE-PGK,has been constructed which greatly facilitates the insertionand removal of mutant enzyme genes by cleavage at newly introducedBamtHI sites. This vector has been used to prepare mutant proteinin appreciable (100 mg) quantities for use in kinetic, crystaUographicand NMR experiments. Aspartate 372 is an invariant amino acidresidue in genes known to code for a functionally active PGK.The function of this acidic residue appears to be to help desolvatethe magnesium ion compfexed with either ADP or ATP when thissubstrate binds to the enzyme. Both crystallographk and nuclearmagnetic resonance experiments show that the replacement ofthe residue with asparagine has only minimal effects on theoverall structure. The substitution of the charged carboxylgroup with that of the neutral amide affects the binding ofthe nucleotide substrate as predicted but not, as might havebeen expected, the binding of 3-phospho-glycerate. The overallvelocity of the enzymic reaction (Vmax) is reduced 10-fold bythe substitution of aspartic acid 372 by an asparagine residue(D372N). This reduction in Vmax is considerably less than onewould expect from its known position within the structure ofthe enzyme. This result therefore poses questions about ourunderstanding of charged groups at the active centres of enzymesand of the reason for their apparent conservation.  相似文献   

The L-arabinose binding protein (ABP) of Escherichia coli naturallybinds L-arabinose and D-galactose with very high affinity and,with reduced affinity, a variety of other sugars that differonly at the C5 position of the pyranose ring.However, thereare stringent specificity requirements at the 1, 2, 3 and 4positions. Based on the high resolution crystallographic structureof the Ugand-protein complex, remodelling of the binding pocketwas attempted to shift the specificity towards Cl-substitutedgalactosides. To create space in the vicinity of the reducingend of bound galactose, four residues, LyslO, Asp90, Thrl47and Leul45, have been mutated for residues with smaller sidechains. Forty-seven mutants containing different combinationsof these mutations were tested by fluorometry for their abilityto bind methylß-D-galactoside (met-ß-Gal)or iso-propyl-ß-D-thio-galactoside (IPTG). Two double-residuemutants carrying Ser at position 147 and Ala or Gly at position90 appeared of particular interest for being able to bind met-ß-Galor IPTG, respectively, and no longer galactose. Fluorescenceexperiments and molecular modelling indicate that the mode ofbinding of the new substrates to the mutant proteins might besimilar to that of the natural ligands to wild-type ABP.  相似文献   

We have used a combination of a genetic selection and oligonucleotide-directedmutagenesis to introduce a series of amino add replacementsfor a single residue into Escherichia coliglutaminyl-tRNA synthetase.The mutant enzymes mischarge supFtRNATyr, with glutamine, tovarying degrees depending on the polarity of the side chainintroduced but apparently not depending on the size or shapeof the side chain. These results indicate that repulsive charge-chargeinteractions may be important for specific recognition of nucleicacids by proteins and illustrate how a mutant, derived fromgenetic selection, may be further modified in activity by oligonucleotide-directedmutagenesis.  相似文献   

Two refined crystal structures of aspartate aminotransferasefrom E.coli are reported. The wild type enzyme is in the pyridoxalphosphate (PLP) form and its structure has been determined to2.4 Å resolution, refined to an R-factor of 23.2%. Thestructure of the Arg292Asp mutant has been determined at 2.8Å resolution, refined to an R–factor of 20.3%. Thewild type and mutant crystals are isomorphous and the two structuresare very similar, with only minor changes in positions of importantactive site residues. As residue Arg292 is primarily responsiblefor the substrate charge specificity in the wild type enzyme,the mutant containing a charge reversal at this position mightbe expected to catalyze transamination of arginine as efficientlyas the wild type enzyme effects transamination of aspartate[Cronin,C.N. and Kirsch,J.F. (1988) Biochemistry, 27, 4572–4579].This mutant does in fact prefer arginine over aspartate as asubstrate, however, the rate of catalysis is much slower thanthat of the wild type enzyme with its physiological substrate,aspartate. A comparison of these two structures indicates thatthe poorer catalytic efficiency of R292D, when presented witharginine, is not due to a gross conformational difference, butis rather a consequence of both small side chain and main chainreorientations and the pre–existing active site polarenvironment, which greatly favors the wild type ion pair interaction.  相似文献   

A comparison of the sequences of three homologous ribonucleases(RNase A, angiogenin and bovine seminal RNase) identifies threesurface loops that are highly variable between the three proteins.Two hypotheses were contrasted: (i) that this variation mightbe responsible for the different catalytic activities of thethree proteins; and (ii) that this variation is simply an exampleof surface loops undergoing rapid neutral divergence in sequence.Three hybrids of angiogenin and bovine pancreatic ribonuclease(RNase) A were prepared where regions in these loops taken fromangiogenin were inserted into RNase A. Two of the three hybridshad unremarkable catalytic properties. However, the RNase Amutant containing residues 63–74 of angiogenin had greatlydiminished catalytic activity against uridylyl-(3' – 5')-adenosine(UpA), and slightly increased catalytic activity as an inhibitorof translation in vitro. Both catalytic behaviors are characteristicof angiogenin. This is one of the first examples of an engineeredexternal loop in a protein. Further, these results are complementaryto those recently obtained from the complementary experiment,where residues 59–70 of RNase were inserted into angiogenin[Harper and Vallee (1989) Biochemistry, 28, 1875–1884].Thus, the external loop in residues 63–74 of RNase A appearsto behave, at least in part, as an interchangeable ‘module’that influences substrate specificity in an enzyme in a waythat is isolated from the influences of other regions in theprotein.  相似文献   

Improving the stability of proteins is a major aim in basic and applied protein science. Querol and coworkers calculated changes in the quasi-electric dipole moment of a protein and used it as a simple criterion to predict stabilizing charge mutations. They employed this method to propose for the bacterial cold shock protein Bc-Csp a number of charge mutations that should have a strong influence on stability. We produced eight variants of Bc-Csp with such mutations and measured their stabilities experimentally. However, we could not find a correlation between the stability and the quasi dipole moment of these variants. Possibly, the quasi dipole moment reflects only a secondary aspect of the changes that are caused by charge mutations in a protein.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis has been used to change the codonfor cysteine-107 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae iso-1-cytochromec to a threonine codon. The resulting protein is active in vivo,is methylated as in the wild-type protein and has optical propertiesindistinguishable from those of the wild-type protein. The threonine-107iso-1-cytochrome c demonstrated fully reversible electrochemicalbehaviour and a mid-point reduction potential of 272 mV versusNHE. In addition, this mutant does not demonstrate a tendencyto autoreduce or to dimerize as does the wild-type protein.These properties of the threonine-107 mutant establish thatit will provide a useful background in which to make subsequentmutations for mechanistic and physical studies of yeast iso-1-cytochromec.  相似文献   

Californium-252 plasma desorption mass spectrometry (PDMS) hasbeen employed for the characterization of a series of humaninsulin derivatives in order to evaluate the performance ofthis technique as an analytical tool in protein engineering.Several of the characterized modifications result in a 1 a.m.u.mass change. The precision in mass determination obtainableby PDMS analysis is not sufficient for unambiguous verificationof such modifications based on the molecular weight alone. Itis, however, possible to carry out in situ enzymatic digestionof the sample. Subsequent PDMS analysis will in most cases revealif the modification has been introduced as intended.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of a four residue insertion intothe FR3 loop of the heavy chain variable region from the anti-NPantibody Bl-8. The insertion mutant is obtained as secretedantibody without major defects in biosynthesis, indicating thatantibody variable domains can accommodate length variation notonly in complementarity determining regions (CDRs), but alsoin framework region (FR) loops. The Bl-8 antigen binding siteis not affected by the change in a neighbouring loop. FR3 insertionsrepresent a new method of antibody engineering with a potentialto obtain strong antigen binding by designing additional antigencontacting residues.  相似文献   

Picornavirus 3C proteinases (3Cpro) are cysteine proteinasesbut recent sequence analyses have shown that they are relatedto trypsin-like serine proteinases. Two models of 3Cpro structurehave been presented. Both models indicate that residues His40and Cysl47 are members of the catalytic triad but the modelsdiffer in the designation of the third member of the catalytictriad, which is assigned as either Glu71 or Asp85. To test theimportance of these four residues in the catalytic activityof 3Cpro of coxsackievirus B3, a member of the enterovirus subgroupof the picornavirus family, single amino acid substitutionswere introduced at each of the four sites. All of these mutationsresulted in the reduction or inactivation of autocatalytic cleavageof the 3C precursor protein expressed in Escherichia coli, suggestingthat all of these residues are essential for the proteolyticreaction. The substitution of Cysl47 with Ala abolished 3Cproactivity while the mutant in which Cysl47 was replaced withSer retained reduced proteolytic activity both in cis and intrans. Our results strongly support the proposal that Cysl47of 3Cpro functions as a nucleophile analogous to Serl95 of trypsin-likeserine proteinases.  相似文献   

The phosphocarrier HPr (heat stable protein) of Staphylococcuscarnosus was modified by site-directed mutagenesis of the correspondingptsH gene in order to analyse the importance of amino acidswhich were supposed to be part of the active centre of the protein.Three residues which are conserved in all HPrs, Argl7, Prol8and Glu84, were mutated: Argl7 was changed to His (17RH) andPro18 and Glu84 were changed into Ala (18PA and 84EA). In addition,Leu86 was changed into Ala (86LA) and one mutant protein wasmissing the last six residues of the HPr (83). The wild typegene and all mutant genes were overexpressed and the gene productspurified to homogeneity. Three-dimensional structures of wildtype and mutant proteins were monitored by NMR spectroscopy.All five mutant HPrs had native conformations. The ATP-dependentHPr kinase can phosphorylate all HPr derivatives at Ser46. ThePTS activity of the amino-terminal HPr mutant proteins 17RHand 18PA was different compared to wild type HPr. In contrast,the car boxy-terminal mutant HPrs possessed a similar enzymeactivity to the wild type HPr. The 17RH and 18PA HPrs with substitutionnear the active centre His15 showed a very slow phosphorylationby enzyme I but the further transfer of the phosphoryl groupto enzyme III was also strongly inhibited. The enzyme activityof the HPr 17RH was significantly improved at low pH. NMR pH-titrationexperiments showed that Arg17 is not responsible for the lowpKa, of the active centre His15 but this positively chargedresidue is essential in this position for the HPr activity.  相似文献   

A novel approach to the creation of artificial and modifiedproteins has been elaborated. The approach includes a sequencedesign based on the molecular theory of protein secondary structureand folding patterns, gene expression in a cell-free systemand testing of structural properties of the synthesized polypeptidesat a nanogram level using radiolabelled chains. The approachhas been applied to a new synthetic protein albebetin whichhas been designed to form a 3-D fold which does not contradictany structural rule but has been never observed up to now innatural proteins. Using size-exclusion chromatography, urea-gradientelectrophoresis and limited proteolysis of a radiolabelled chain,it has been shown that the artificial protein is nearly as compactas natural proteins, cooperatively unfolds at high urea concentrationsand has some structural features of a definite structure consistentwith the designed one. As albebetin has been designed as consistingof two structural repeats, a ‘halfalbebetin’ (oneof these repeats) has also been synthesized and studied. Itwas shown that ‘half-albebetin’ is also compact  相似文献   

A monomeric variant of triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) witha new engineered binding groove has been characterized further.In this variant (ml8bTIM), the phosphate binding loop had beenshortened, causing the binding site to be much more extended.Here, it is reported that in the V233A variant of ml8bTIM (A-TIM),three important properties of the wild-type TIM active sitehave been restored: (i) the structural properties of loop-7,(ii) the binding site of a conserved water molecule betweenloop-7 and loop-8 and (iii) the binding site of the phosphatemoiety. It is shown that the active site of A-TIM can bind TIMtransition state analogs and suicide inhibitors competently.It is found that the active site geometry of the A-TIM complexesis less compact and more solvent exposed, as in wild-type TIM.This correlates with the observation that the catalytic efficiencyof A-TIM for interconverting the TIM substrates is too low tobe detected. It is also shown that the A-TIM active site canbind compounds which do not bind to wild-type TIM and whichare completely different from the normal TIM substrate, likea citrate molecule. The binding of this citrate molecule isstabilized by hydrogen bonding interactions with the new bindinggroove.  相似文献   

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