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Magnetocaloric properties of La x MnO 3?δ films in the composition range 0.75 ≤ x ≤ 1 near phase transition from a ferromagnetic to a paramagnetic state were investigated. For x > 0.75 composition, it is showed that the increasing of La concentration improves magnetocaloric properties. It is also showed that post-annealing films in O 2 improves magnetocaloric effect. The magnetocaloric properties are affected by Mn +3/Mn +4 ratios, which can be varied either by changing La concentration or varying the oxygen content in the La x MnO 3?δ system. Moreover, La x MnO 3?δ films can be used as a working material of an apparatus based on the active magnetic regenerator cycle that cools hydrogen gas.  相似文献   

Nanostructuring in fluorite-like Ca1 ? x La x F2 + x is shown to be associated with the precipitation of an CuAu-ordered phase. The shape of the precipitates is governed by the energetics of the {001} and {111} faces of tetragonal inclusions in highly anisotropic media and is nearly cuboctahedral. The misfit strain relaxes through the generation of twins, which nucleate along the intersection lines of {001} and {111} faces. The twins impede facial development and further growth and ordering of precipitates, thereby freezing the precipitation process in its initial stage. For this reason, the phase segregation is difficult to reveal, and Ca1 ? x La x F2 + x crystals appear homogeneous.  相似文献   

The Seebeck coefficient (S) of Ca1–x Pr x MnO3–δ (х = 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15) manganites with a perovskite-like structure has been measured in air at temperatures (T) from 300 to 1200 K. The negative sign of their S indicates that all of the samples have n-type conductivity. The observed increase in the magnitude of the Seebeck coefficient with increasing T is interpreted in terms of small-polaron transport with allowance for the decrease in Mn3+ concentration as a result of the disproportionation reaction 2Mn3+ = Mn2+ + Mn4+. Based on a theoretical analysis of experimental S(T) data, we calculated equilibrium constants for the disproportionation reaction, carrier concentration, and the concentration of sites available for carrier migration as functions of temperature. It has been shown that, for an adequate analysis of electron hopping and calculation of the Seebeck coefficient of the electron-doped manganites, the spin state of the Mn4+ ions should be taken into account.  相似文献   

A systematic investigation of structure, electrical and magnetic properties of polycrystalline ceramics La0.67Ca0.33?x K x MnO3 (x?=?0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25) samples, prepared by sol–gel method had been undertaken. As K content increases the crystal structures were transformed from orthorhombic to rhombohedral structure identified by X-ray diffraction, and the effect of increasing K ion is to increment the Mn–O–Mn bond angle. The surface morphology was investigated by scanning electron microscope, which indicates that grain size decreasing with increasing of K+. Temperature dependence of resistivity (ρ ? T) was measured by standard four-probe method. The insulator–metal transition temperature (T P ) shifted to higher temperature and the temperature coefficient of resistivity decreased sharply with the substitution K+ for Ca2+ ion. The temperature dependence of magnetization (M–T) shown that Curie temperature (T C ) was increasing with the increase of K content, which can be explained by enhancement of double–exchange interaction. The data of resistivity on low-temperature (T?<?T P ) had been fitted with the relation ρ(T) = ρ 0?+?ρ 2T2?+?ρ 4.5T4.5; the high-temperature (T?>?T P ) resistivity data were explained using small-polaron hopping and variable-range hopping models. Resistivity data in whole temperature range (100–320 K) could be fitted by percolation model. Polaron activation energy E a was found to decrease with the content K+ increasing, which suggested that K doping increase bond angle Mn–O–Mn, thereby the effective band gap was decreased and the double exchange coupling was increased of, this is the reason for the decrease of resistivity.  相似文献   

The electrical conductivity (σ) of Ca1–x Pr x MnO3–δ (х = 0–0.15) manganites with a perovskite-like structure has been measured by the four probe method in air at temperatures (T) from 320 to 1220 K. The results have been analyzed in terms of a model of small adiabatic polarons. The observed decrease in σ with increasing T is primarily due to the decrease in carrier concentration as a result of Mn3+ disproportionation into Mn2+ and Mn4+. The polaron mobility ranges from 0.2 to 1.2 cm2/(V s) and decreases with increasing praseodymium content.  相似文献   

The thermovoltaic effect in films of variband solid solution Si1–x Ge x (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) has been observed for the first time. The samples comprised n-Si–p-Si1–x Ge x (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) heterostructures grown by liquid phase epitaxy. An electromotive force within 0.05–0.3 mV and a current of 0.0025–0.0035 μA appeared on heating samples in a temperature range from 40 to 250°C.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a mechanism for both the pseudogap and the superconducting gap in La2−x Sr x CuO4 (LSCO), and gives theoretical temperature evolutions of the pseudogap and the superconducting gap for experimental verification.  相似文献   

The optical and transport properties of Fe2+-doped Cd x Hg1?x Se crystals with a midgap Fe2+ level have been studied. The results demonstrate that Fe2+ ions influence both the optical and transport properties of Cd x Hg1?x Se〈Fe2+〉. The observed optical absorption bands are due to a donor Fe2+ level in the band gap, with a depth E Fe = 0.21 eV, and to band-band transitions. Thermal anneals in Hg and Se vapors have different effects on the carrier concentration and mobility in the crystals. The effect of annealing on the transport properties of the Fe2+-doped crystals differs from that for undoped crystals and is governed by the state of point defects.  相似文献   

Superconducting Cu x TaSe2(x=0.05, 0.15) and Cu0.15TaSe2?x S x (x=0, 0.5, 1, 1.5) single crystals have been systematically fabricated by a chemical vapor transport method. It is found that the double doping in TaSe2, i.e., the simultaneous intercalation of Cu and substitution of Se by S, can substantially enhance the superconducting transition temperature. Transport property measurements give evidence of the coexistence and competition of charge density wave state and superconductivity in Cu x TaSe2 which provide meaningful information to understand the complex electronic states in this system. The parallel shift and the fan-shape broadening behaviors are observed in the superconducting transition curves under magnetic fields of Cu0.15TaSeS and TaSeS, respectively, indicating an increase of coherence length and suppression of superconducting fluctuation induced by copper intercalation.  相似文献   

YBaCuFe1 – xNixO5 solid solutions are shown to exist for x 0.3. Data are presented on the lattice parameters, thermal stability, thermal expansion, electrical conductivity, thermoelectric power, magnetic susceptibility, and dielectric properties of the solid solutions. Ni substitution for Fe notably increases the electrical conductivity of the solid solutions, reduces their thermoelectric power and thermal expansion, and shifts the antiferromagnetic—paramagnetic phase transition and dielectric anomalies in YBaCuFe1 – xNixO5 to lower temperatures.Translated from Neorganicheskie Materialy, Vol. 40, No. 12, 2004, pp. 1515–1519.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Chizhova, Klyndyuk, Bashkirov, Petrov, Makhnach.  相似文献   

Abstract A series of GdFeAsO1−x F x (x=0,0.1, 0.2, and 0.25) samples have been synthesized with conventional solid-state method. The phase purity is significantly improved by using Fe2O3 as the source of oxygen, compared to those prepared using Gd2O3 as the precursor. The lattice parameters are found to shrink with increasing fluorine doping level. The F-doped samples show a superconducting transition with T c increasing with doping level, reaching T c=40.1 K at x=0.25. A pronounced Curie–Weiss-like paramagnetic background, which is usually attributed to the impurity phases, is found to be independent of the fluorine doping level and proven to come from the Gd3+ in the GdFeAsO1−x F x compound with the effective magnetic moment of Gd3+ being μ eff=7.83±0.05 μB. The extrapolated slope of dHc2/dT|T=Tc{dH}_{\mathrm{c2}}/dT|_{T=T_{\mathrm{c}}} in this system is about −4.5 T/K.  相似文献   

Cr1?x V x Te solid solutions with a hexagonal structure (NiAs type) have been obtained in the composition range x = 0?0.4 by direct melting of elemental mixtures, followed by annealing and quenching. The 80-K magnetic moment is found to decrease from 2.4μB in CrTe to 1.52μB in Cr0.6V0.4Te. The Curie temperature varies from 342 K to 321 K, respectively.  相似文献   

We have studied the growth and structure of epitaxial films of Cd1–xMnx (x = 0.03) diluted magnetic solid solutions grown on mica substrates by molecular beam epitaxy and identified conditions for producing n- and p-type epitaxial films. Using an additional Te vapor source and optimizing the substrate temperature in the growth process, we were able to obtain structurally perfect p-type Cd1–xMnxTe (x = 0.03) films with clean, smooth surfaces. The growth plane of the films on the mica substrates is (111) of a face-centered cubic lattice and their unit-cell parameter is а = 6.477 Å.  相似文献   

Single-crystalline Si1 − x Ge x ingots with a germanium content of up to 35 at. %, a diameter of 10mm, and a length of up to 10 cm were grown using the crucibleless float-zone melting technique. The ingots had a homogeneous distribution of germanium and a low density of dislocations. The material was characterized with respect to the structure and electrical properties. The resistivity and the carrier lifetime, mobility, and concentration in Si1 − x Ge x single crystals have been studied as functions of the germanium content.  相似文献   

The thermal conductivity of Er x Sn1 ? x Se solid solutions has been measured at temperatures from 80 to 360 K. The results have been used to evaluate the electronic and lattice components of thermal conductivity for elastic carrier scattering, parabolic bands, and arbitrary degeneracy. With increasing erbium content and temperature, both the electronic and lattice components decrease considerably. Long-term annealing increases both components. It follows from the present experimental data that heat conduction in Er x Sn1 ? x Se is mainly due to phonons and that the observed rise in thermal resistance with Er content is due to phonon-phonon and paramagnetic-ion scattering.  相似文献   

We have studied in detail the coupled phonon-plasmon mode Raman spectra of n-In x Ga1 − x As with n in the range 1017 to 1019 cm−3. The results indicate that the behavior of the high-frequency mode L + can be described in terms of coupled modes in the Drude approximation. The proposed theory and experimental data are used to estimate the carrier concentration in the solid solution and its composition.  相似文献   

The nonstoichiometric phase La1 ? y Ca y F3 ? y with a LaF3-related structure has been studied by electron diffraction. In addition to diffraction features corresponding to twinning on the (001) and {1\(\bar 2\)0} planes, typical of LaF3, evidence has been found for twinning on the {101} and {102} planes. This behavior is accounted for by the formation of ordering domains with an ordering direction inclined to mirror planes. It seems likely that ordering domains determine many of the properties of nonstoichiometric phases.  相似文献   

The dielectric properties and ac electrical conductivity of TlSb1–xGa x S2 (x = 0, 0.03) single-crystals have been measured in the frequency range 5 × 104 to 3.5 × 107 Hz. Experimental data on the frequency dispersion of the dielectric coefficients and electrical conductivity of the TlSb1–xGa x S2 (x = 0, 0.03) single crystals have allowed us to identify the nature of the dielectric loss and the mechanism of charge transport and evaluate parameters of localized states in the band gap. The incorporation of gallium atoms into the crystal lattice of TlSbS2 crystals has been shown to lead to an increase in the Fermi-level density of states and mean hop time and distance.  相似文献   

The system Nd1 − xPbxMnO3 with x ≤ 0.50 has been synthesized by citrate-gel route. All these samples have shown single phase structure with cubic symmetry. Magnetic and electrical behavior has been studied in the temperature range 4–300 K. The temperature dependent resistivity data shows that metal-semiconductor transitions occurs at temperature TP∼ 166, 174 and 182 K for x = 0.30, 0.40 and 0.50 respectively. Under the field of 1 T, this transition shifts to higher temperature. These samples have shown maximum MR upto 40% under the field of 1 T at temperature lower than TP. These results are supported by magnetic measurements over the observed temperature range. Resistivity data above TP has been found to fit well with Tn where n = −1/4 for x = 0.30 and n = −1/2 for x = 0.50 which is attributed to the variable range hopping of small polarons.  相似文献   

The properties of AgCl1 - x Brx ( x = 0.5-0.8) solid solutions prepared by the Bridgman-Stockbarger method are studied using a variety of techniques (x-ray diffraction, microstructural examination, chemical analysis, and x-ray microanalysis). The lattice parameter of the solid solutions is found to exhibit a negative deviation from additivity. The effects of composition and preparation conditions on the structural properties of the solid solutions are discussed. The structural characteristics of abrasively polished surfaces of the samples are shown to be influenced by the preparation conditions.Translated from Neorganicheskie Materialy, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2005, pp. 78–87. Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Artjushenko, Baskov, Golovanov, Kuzmicheva, Lisitskii, Musina, Polyakova, Sakharov, Sakharova.  相似文献   

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