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Kiire T  Nakadate S  Shibuya M 《Applied optics》2008,47(26):4787-4792
We present a new type of quadrature phase-shifting interferometer, which utilizes wave plates, a diffraction grating, and two lasers with different wavelengths, in order to acquire two sets of two quadrature fringe patterns in each wavelength formed on a single image sensor. This method for calculating with four phase-shifted fringe patterns gives us the phase sum and difference distributions between the phases in two wavelengths. This is also substantiated by results of our experiments.  相似文献   

In our proposal a light intensity distribution generated by an incoherently illuminated planar amplitude grating is projected into a photorefractive crystal. This 3D distribution is mapped as an index refractive perturbation via the photorefractive effect thereby generating a volume phase grating. The self-imaging phenomenon in the Fresnel field of this volume phase grating coherently illuminated is theoretically and experimentally analyzed. A model to simulate this volume grating that considers the 3D light intensity distribution formed in the crystal combined with the photorefractive grating formation theory is proposed. A path-integral approach to calculate the self-image patterns which account for the inhomogeneous propagation through the photorefractive grating is employed. The experimental and theoretical results show that the self-images location coincides with that of the self-images generated by planar phase grating of the same period. Moreover, the self-images visibility depends on three parameters: the exit pupil diameter of the incoherent recording optical system, the external electric field applied on the crystal, and the crystal thickness. To study the visibility behavior, a phase parameter which includes the three mentioned parameters is proposed. The self-images visibility shows the typical sinusoidal dependence found in planar phase grating. A good agreement between theoretical and experimental results is observed.  相似文献   

A method is presented to sense the wave front at the exit of an optical surface. This method uses a set of diffracted rays generated when a He-Ne laser impinges on a rectangular diffraction grating. The grating was placed near the curvature center of the surface to be tested. After they are reflected in the test surface, the diffracted rays have the information of the slopes of the wave front, like in the Hartmann test. The Hartmann pattern was registered near the curvature center and captured with a CCD camera. The slopes for each ray are measured from the experimental pattern, and they are compared with the ideal ones simulated in a computer. The evaluation was carried out by use of Seidel polynomials to obtain the information of the aberrations of a mirror 53 cm in diameter.  相似文献   

Wave scattering by a chiral grating is studied in this paper. Numerical results are given, and physical properties are discussed, including the influence of frequency, angle of incidence, and aspect ratio. At high frequencies we find anomalous coupling regions known as Wood's anomalies, which are explained by the excitation and reradiation of leaky waveguide modes in the periodic layer. The chiral grating can possess both frequency-selection and mode-conversion properties.  相似文献   

The diffraction characteristics of a volume grating (VG) illuminated by a three-dimensional (3-D) converging-diverging Gaussian beam at conical incidence are investigated by applying 3-D finite-beam (FB) rigorous coupled-wave analysis (RCWA) based on the conventional 3-D RCWA in conjunction with two-dimensional plane-wave decomposition. The Gaussian beam is assumed to have an arbitrary incidence angle, an arbitrary azimuthal angle, and any linear polarization. The two cases with linear polarizations of the central beam of the Gaussian (E perpendicular K and H perpendicular K) are investigated. The diffraction efficiencies and the diffracted beam profiles for both unslanted VGs and slanted VGs (designed for substrate-mode optical interconnects) are presented. In general, the diffraction efficiencies of a converging-diverging spherical Gaussian beam diffracted by both unslanted VGs and slanted VGs increase and approach the central-beam results as the refractive-index modulation increases.  相似文献   

The grating division-of-amplitude photopolarimeter (G-DOAP) is an instrument that exploits the multiple-beam-splitting, polarizing, and dispersive properties of diffraction gratings for the time-resolved measurement of the complete state of polarization of collimated broadband incident light, as represented by the four Stokes parameters as a function of wavelength across the spectrum. It is a compact, high-speed sensor that has no moving parts and is simple to install and operate. These characteristics make the G-DOAP well suited for in situ spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) applications for monitoring and controlling thin-film processes. The design and performance of a prototype instrument are presented. Precise SE measurements, to +/-0.04 degrees in psi and +/-0.1 degrees in delta, are demonstrated in the 550-940-nm wavelength range.  相似文献   

We introduce a new polarization conversion system (PCS) based on a liquid-crystal polarization grating (PG) and louvered wave plate. A simple arrangement of these elements laminated between two microlens arrays results in a compact and monolithic element, with the ability to nearly completely convert unpolarized input into linearly polarized output across most of the visible bandwidth. In our first prototypes, this PG-PCS approach manifests nearly 90% conversion efficiency of unpolarized to polarized for ±11° input light divergence, leading to an energy efficient picoprojector that presents high efficacy (12 lm/W) with good color uniformity.  相似文献   

Shu H  Bass M 《Applied optics》2007,46(15):2930-2938
A model is presented for analyzing volume Bragg gratings having large diffractive strength that may become distorted upon the passage of high-power laser light. One result of this analysis is that very little distortion in a volume Bragg grating can greatly reduce the reflectivity. This is a critical issue in the design of systems in which these devices are used to combine high-power laser beams.  相似文献   

Lock JA 《Applied optics》2005,44(26):5594-5603
The Debye series decomposition of the partial-wave scattering amplitudes of a multilayer sphere is derived. The partial-wave transmission and reflection terms appearing in the Debye series are multiple-scattering amplitudes written in terms of four basic quantities and combined together layer by layer in an identical way. The resulting expressions are then used to calculate the scattered intensity of a spherical Bragg grating covering a dielectric core particle and to analyze a number of new structures appearing in the scattered intensity.  相似文献   

Design of a high-efficiency volume grating coupler for line focusing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A volume grating for outcoupling and line focusing of waveguided infrared light is designed and optimized. A local grating vector approach is used in combination with the rigorous coupled-wave analysis. By design, this volume grating coupler is holographically constructed on top of a waveguide by the interference of two coherent 364-nm ultraviolet waves formed with two aberration-optimized cylindrical lenses. This focusing coupler exhibits preferential-order coupling (92.9%) into the cover as well as very low focal intensity side lobes. This is accomplished through a chirped, slanted-fringe volume grating with a designed spatial variation in the attenuation coefficient (describing the outcoupling of the guided mode) along the length of the grating. This is achieved by a specific variation in the grating slant angle along the grating length. By design, the 1000-mum-length coupler focuses an 850-nm infrared guided wave to a line with an intensity FWHM of 3.32 mum and a 90% power width of 5.53 mum at a focal distance of 4 mm directly above the grating. Its performance is compared with that of a corresponding electron-beam-written surface-relief coupler design.  相似文献   

Input grating couplers are used to couple light from free space into a waveguide and can provide additional functions such as focusing and beam splitting of the light into arbitrary desired positions in the waveguide. We show that it is possible to design the couplers so that they perform different desired functions depending on the polarization or wavelength of the incident light. We demonstrate experimentally a number of couplers that may be of interest, e.g., in optical fiber communications. Examples are polarization-independent couplers, designed to have the same response for two orthogonal polarizations of the incident light, and couplers for demultiplexing in wavelength division multiplexing applications, designed to separate and focus different input wavelengths to different positions in the waveguide.  相似文献   


A study of diffraction of a time Gaussian-shaped pulse from an amplitude diffraction grating is presented. The changes of the spectral composition, time intensity and energy of the diffraction pattern are considered. The measurement of the spectral composition of the primary pulse with the help of a diffraction grating based on the measurement of the spatial distribution of energy of the diffraction pattern is discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of a high-power pumping wave on the propagation of backward volume spin waves in a longitudinally magnetized ferrite film was experimentally studied. Narrowing of the frequency band of propagation and the subsequent complete suppression of the volume spin waves with an increase of the pumping power were observed for the magnetic fields and frequencies allowing three-wave processes of the volume wave splitting.  相似文献   

Flatness of the wavefront diffracted by grating can be mandatory for some applications. At ambient temperature, the wavefront diffracted by a volume phase holographic grating (VPHG) is well mastered by the manufacturing process and can be corrected or shaped by postpolishing. However, to be used in cooled infrared spectrometers, VPHGs have to stand and work properly at low temperatures. We present the measurement of the wavefront diffracted by a typical VPHG at various temperatures down to 150 K and at several thermal inhomogeneity amplitudes. The particular grating observed was produced using a dichromated gelatine technique and encapsulated between two glass blanks. Diffracted wavefront measurements show that the wavefront is extremely stable according to the temperature as long as the latter is homogeneous over the grating stack volume. Increasing the thermal inhomogeneity increases the wavefront error that pinpoints the importance of the final instrument thermal design. This concludes the dichromated gelatine VPHG technology, used more and more in visible spectrometers, can be applied as it is to cooled IR spectrometers.  相似文献   

A model is proposed that describes diffraction by a microrelief grating. A microrelief grating is a grating of large period with grooves containing a periodic microrelief with a period considerably smaller than the period of the grating. In the model the interaction of the incident wave with the fine structure is taken into account rigorously while features of the grating that are large compared with the wavelength are modeled as phase or amplitude objects.  相似文献   

Measurement of the eye's wave aberrations has become fairly standard in recent years. However, most studies have not taken into account the possible influence of the polarization state of light on the wave aberration measurements. The birefringence properties of the eye's optical components, in particular corneal birefringence, can be expected to have an effect on the wave aberration estimates obtained under different states of polarization for the measurement light. In the work described, we used a psychophysical aberrometer (the spatially resolved refractometer) to measure the effect of changes in the polarization state of the illumination light on the eye's wave aberration estimates obtained in a single pass. We find, contrary to our initial expectation, that the polarization state of the measurement light has little influence on the measured wave aberration. For each subject, the differences in wave aberrations across polarization states were of the same order as the variability in aberrations across consecutive estimates of the wave front for the same polarization conditions.  相似文献   

Wu SD  Glytsis EN  Gaylord TK 《Applied optics》2005,44(21):4435-4446
A finite volume holographic grating coupler (VHGC) normally illuminated with various incident-beam profiles (such as a Gaussian beam, a flat cosine-squared beam, and an exponential-decay beam) with finite beam widths for input coupling is rigorously analyzed by use of the finite-difference frequency-domain method. The effects of the incident-beam width, the incident-beam position, the incident-beam profile, and the incident-beam angle of incidence on the input coupling efficiency are investigated. The optimum conditions for input coupling are determined. Both a VHGC embedded in the waveguide film region and a VHGC placed in the waveguide cover region are investigated. For a given finite VHGC, the input coupling efficiencies are strongly dependent on incident-beam widths, incident-beam positions, and incident-beam angles of incidence, but are only weakly dependent on incident-beam profiles.  相似文献   

We applied a Mo/B4C multilayer coating to a laminar holographic grating with 2400 grooves/mm and a 1-m radius of curvature. By use of synchrotron soft x rays the multilayer-coated grating was evaluated to have diffraction efficiencies of 3.1% and 0.017% for s- and p-polarized radiation, respectively, at a 6.7-nm wavelength at a 45.35 degrees grazing angle of incidence in the +1 (inside) grating order. Thus the polarizance was estimated to be 98.9% at least. The zero-order peak was suppressed by the destructive interference caused by the groove profile.  相似文献   

Summary This analytical study is concerned with assessing the impact of wave breaking on the similarity structure in the oceanic surface layer. This is accomplished by casting a Mellor-Yamada turbulence closure scheme in nondimensional form using Monin-Obukhov scaling. The effects of wave breaking are imposed on these equations according to Craig and Banner [1], and the behavior of the resulting similarity structure is investigated. The results obtained suggest that a significant departure from the familiar Monin-Obukhov similarity structure observed in the atmospheric surface layer is possible. An obstacle in this analysis lies in prescribing the roughness length.  相似文献   

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