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风机叶片裂纹的诊断研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用CAD软件建立了风机叶片的三维实体模型,后通过有限元分析软件ANSYS对裂纹叶片进行了动力学分析.结果表明:裂纹的存在导致许多故障特征.例如:导致叶片发生共振性增大,使强迫振动响应中不仅有激振频率成分,而且存在高频分量.这就为风机叶片裂纹故障的监测与诊断提供了依据.  相似文献   

某航空发动机TC4合金风扇转子叶片凸肩根部转接部位过早产生裂纹,通过宏观形貌观察、断口分析以及接触放电试验,分析了裂纹产生原因.结果表明:失效风扇转子叶片裂纹为疲劳裂纹,裂纹萌生于叶片叶盆侧凸肩根部至排气边的转接区域表面;在叶片凸肩耐磨层钎焊过程中,感应线圈靠近或接触叶片基体而发生接触放电,导致叶片基体局部熔化烧伤和阻...  相似文献   

单盘含裂纹转子系统的非线性响应分析与实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立含裂纹Jeffcott转子的动力学运动方程。针对裂纹深度对转子系统动态响应的影响及转子盘摆振响应的特点进行仿真计算和试验研究。数值仿真表明,对于较浅的裂纹,系统响应为周期性运动,在某些转速下会出现倍周期运动,同时还出现各种倍频分量。此时的摆振运动常包含激振频率的倍频成分。当裂纹较深时,盘的摆振运动与横向振动都会出现各种非协调响应。试验结果表明,当轴上存在裂纹时,盘的横向振动响应和摆振响应中都会出现高次谐波分量,这些分量虽然从频率成分上讲是相同的,但各分量的大小有明显差异。这些结论对于转子裂纹故障的监测与诊断具有新的意义。  相似文献   

转子上裂纹的出现使转子的刚度发生变化,给裂纹转子的动平衡带来新问题。本文通过数值仿真分析,对裂纹方位角对转子系统响应的影响进行了分析。分析结果表明,在不平衡的大小和位置不变的情况下,转子的同频响应随裂纹方位角的变化而变化,使得裂纹转子的平衡变得非常困难。  相似文献   

首先计算了含横向裂纹轴转动一周,裂纹处于不同开闭状态下,轴的十六个弯曲刚度的傅氏表达式,分析了诸刚度的特点及影响其变化规律的一些因素。进而,提出了转子空间位置唯一确定裂纹转子弯曲刚度的模型,给出了主要换算公式。  相似文献   

基于高阶谱分析的转子裂纹的诊断   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了基于高阶谱特性的转子裂纹的诊断 ,分析和实验表明无裂纹轴和有裂纹轴的高阶谱具有显著的差别 ,不同的裂纹深度、位置的转子裂纹的高阶谱 (主要是三阶谱 )也有较大的差别 ,利用高阶谱对转子裂纹的诊断具有良好的应用前景  相似文献   

裂纹转子不平衡响应的有限元分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
首先由应力强度因子积分得到含裂纹轴段单元体的刚度矩阵,继而建立了含裂纹转子系统的运动微分方程。通过数值计算得到含裂纹转子系统的振动特性随裂纹的开闭、随裂纹的位置及深度间的变化关系。选定对裂纹比较敏感、又能反映结构动力特性的不平衡响应轨道(轴心轨迹)作为诊断裂纹的依据,编制了不平衡响应计算和动力分析程序。仿真试验结果表明,本文的裂纹诊断的有限元分析方法是可行的,具有较高的精度。  相似文献   

飞行器渐变加速对裂纹转子系统非线性响应的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林富生  孟光 《机械强度》2005,27(5):594-597
研究飞行器渐变加速方式对裂纹转子系统非线性特性的影响。数值仿真结果表明,飞行器的渐变加速会改变裂纹转子的响应形态,而且长时间的加速可能造成各种非线性响应形态的出现和交替变化。在飞行器加速初期,转子的振幅会增大,并且当飞行器加速速率增大时,转子振幅增加的幅度会增大。飞行器的渐变加速可能会改变裂纹转子系统的稳定性。  相似文献   

Vibration and crack detection of a rotor with speed-dependent bearings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The vibration of a shaft-disk rotor containing a transverse crack and supported by speed-dependent bearings is investigated. With crack released energy, the flexibility due to crack is first evaluated. An energy principle in conjunction with the assumed-mode method follow to yield the discrete equations of motion of periodic, time-varying coefficients From the FFT analysis of the displacement responses, the two-times shaft speed component (2Ω) is extracted and serves as a good index to detect the crack location and depth. Response amplitudes to the variations of crack depth and crack location are then discussed and a technique of crack identification is introduced with the aid of response contour maps of two sensing probes.  相似文献   

一种同轴向双偏心转子球形机器人的设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了一种采用同轴向双偏心质量转子结构的球型机器人设计方案。该方案在球形机器人同一直径方向上安装对称的两个偏心质量转子,通过改变偏心转子的运动状态,实现球形机器人的直线滚动和转向运动。根据该机器人的结构特点,采用拉格朗日方程对直线滚动和转向运动进行了动力学分析,给出了运动微分方程。最后通过Matlab仿真证明了这种设计方案的可行性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a crack identification method for start-up rotor based on the Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT). With this method, the instantaneous frequency (IF) of each intrinsic mode function is obtained through the Hilbert transform, and the spectrum of IF is calculated accordingly. The influence of acceleration and crack depth on the rotor is analyzed through experiments. HHT is employed to detect the shallower crack, and is then tested during the start-up process of the rotor. The results of the experiment show that HHT is a better tool for crack detection than fast Fourier transform.  相似文献   

不对中转子系统振动特征分析与诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据大型机组转子系统不对中的受力特点和运动特征,通过对故障信号图谱的实例分析,提出了利用全息谱技术诊断转子系统不对中故障的过程和方法。  相似文献   

针对切料刀板在加工过程中屡屡出现的合金碎裂问题,分析产生原因,进行多次工艺改进及试验,最终使问题得以解决,提高了产品质量,降低了废品损失。  相似文献   

郑飞逸  何大江  陈锋  牛春燕  林炯  吴腾 《机电工程》2016,(10):1267-1216
针对某化工企业用合成气汽轮机高参数、高转速、高功率等要求的问题,基于透平热力学理论,提出了一种反动式工业汽轮机设计方案。使用透平强度理论对汽轮机直叶片的应力进行了详细计算,使用有限元分析对调节级叶片、末级扭叶片的应力进行了详细研究,使用转子动力学理论对汽轮机转子4种不同振型的不平衡响应振动进行了详细分析。利用动平衡机对转子进行了高速动平衡试验,同时通过汽轮机空负荷试验,检查了转子的实际振动情况。试验结果表明,汽轮机的功率与转速均满足用户的要求,叶片的应力在许用范围之内,叶片强度满足要求,转子的临界转速具有足够的避开余量,转子的振幅不超过25μm,符合API612的要求;该设计方案可满足用户的要求,能广泛满足合成气压缩机的驱动需求。  相似文献   

在考虑滑动轴承的非线性轴承油膜力以及齿轮齿侧间隙影响的情况下,综合了转轴裂纹以及齿轮质量偏心等常见故障,建立了齿轮耦合转子系统的振动模型并推导了系统的无量纲运动方程.利用数值积分对方程进行了求解,并分析了齿侧间隙以及转轴横向裂纹对齿轮耦合转子系统非线性动力学特性的影响.  相似文献   

张克华 《机械》2005,32(4):74-75,77
研究了利用声发射技术实时检测水轮机叶片的裂纹的检测系统。重点介绍了检测系统软、硬件设计中的关键问题,以硬件描述语言(VHDL)设计出FPGA芯片来实时接收声发射信号的特征参数,来实现对水轮机叶片进行实时动态的裂纹检测。  相似文献   

Electrical rotors are usually used in rotating machinery such as in ship engine pods. Designing such rotors in bending requires careful modeling of a laminated stack prestressed by tie rods. Theoretically, steel sheets, varnish layers and prestressing make it difficult to homogenize the constitutive properties of a stack both at rest and under operating conditions. Moreover, it is noteworthy that tie rods subjected to centrifugal forces bend until reaching annular clearance. Their nonlinear bending tends to increase their stiffening effects and the axial lamination load, therefore it affects the homogenized constitutive properties of a stack modeled with Timoshenko beams. By combining a fixed-point algorithm and penalty method at each speed of rotation, it is possible to plot the Campbell diagram and unbalance responses by considering updated properties and the axial load of the tie rods generated by centrifugal effects. An industrial application is used to show that centrifugal effects have a slight influence on rotor dynamics.  相似文献   

The dynamic behavior of a rotor system with a slant crack on the shaft   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For a Jeffcott rotor system with a 45° slant crack on the shaft, the motion equations are established with four directions, i.e. two transversal directions, one torsional direction and one longitudinal direction. It can be seen from the deducing process of the stiffness with the strain energy release approach that there are coupling stiffnesses of bending–torsion, bending–tension and torsion–tension for the slant-cracked shaft and only bending–tension for the transverse-cracked one. The paper shows that besides the coupling stiffnesses, there is bending–torsion coupling caused by the eccentricity. All these couplings affect the responses of the slant-cracked shaft and the transverse-cracked one. Comparing responses of a cracked shaft with an open crack model and those with a breathing crack model finds that there are the same prominent characteristic frequencies for these two kinds of shafts, even though the cracked shaft with a breathing crack model behaves much more non-linear than that with an open crack model. Therefore, almost all studies in this paper adopt the open crack model since it needs taking much longer time to compute responses of a breathing cracked shaft than that of an open cracked shaft. Analyses of steady responses indicate that the combined frequencies of the rotating speed and the torsional excitation in the transversal response and the frequency of the torsional excitation in the longitudinal response can be used to detect the slant crack on the shaft of the rotor system.  相似文献   

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