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Using a completely digital environment for the entire imaging process leads to new possibilities for optimisation of radiography since many restrictions of screen/film systems, such as the small dynamic range and the lack of possibilities for image processing, do not apply any longer. However, at the same time these new possibilities lead to a more complicated optimisation process, since more freedom is given to alter parameters. This paper focuses on describing an optimisation strategy that concentrates on taking advantage of the conceptual differences between digital systems and screen/film systems. The strategy can be summarised as: (a) always include the anatomical background during the optimisation, (b) perform all comparisons at a constant effective dose and (c) separate the image display stage from the image collection stage. A three-step process is proposed where the optimal setting of the technique parameters is determined at first, followed by an optimisation of the image processing. In the final step the optimal dose level-given the optimal settings of the image collection and image display stages-is determined.  相似文献   

A range of techniques has been developed in conventional radiography for the chest, because of technical difficulties in imaging the wide variation of tissue densities. These techniques can differ significantly in tube potential selection, for scatter reduction and in application of manual or automatic exposure control. In this study a geometric chest phantom designed to simulate a chest image, has been used to study image quality on an indirect digital radiography (DR) system. Relative values for the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), have been derived from analysis of contrast detail objects within the lung, heart and subdiaphragm regions of the phantom. Results showing the variation in SNR and detail perception with tube potential are presented for three radiographic techniques: using a grid, an air gap and no scatter reduction. SNR measurements provided a useful objective measure for assessment of image quality for optimising DR systems.  相似文献   

Analysis of image quality in digital chest imaging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An evaluation of the image quality of an amorphous silicon flat-panel detector system and a computed radiology system compared with a screen-film system was performed by means of contrast-detail phantom images. Hard and soft copy images were evaluated. Although patient dose at clinical settings was strongly decreased with the amorphous silicon system, the low-contrast visibility with this system was still significantly better than with the screen-film system. For the computed radiology system, low-contrast visibility was comparable to the screen-film system. Best results were obtained by soft copy reading at full resolution with adaptation of contrast and brightness. Changing tube voltage (102-133 kV), or additional filtration, did not significantly affect image quality. However, low-contrast visibility improved significantly with increasing exposure. It was clearly demonstrated that, in chest imaging, the amorphous silicon system has superior imaging characteristics compared to the screen-film and the computed radiology system.  相似文献   

Smooth boundary topology optimisation in conjunction with the continuum design sensitivity analysis avoids many of the problems encountered by conventional cell-based systems coupled with material homogenisation or the density method. Shape optimisation becomes part of topology optimisation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through the design of an electrostatic MEMS actuator to generate maximum torque for a predefined maximum size (area).  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to calculate distributions of scatter-to-primary ratios (epsilon(s)/epsilon(p)) and signal-to-noise ratios per pixel (SNRp) in chest images. Such distributions may provide useful information on how physical image quality (contrast, SNR) is distributed over the posterior/anterior (PA) chest image. A Monte Carlo computer program was used for the calculations, including a model of both the patient (voxel phantom) and the imaging system (X-ray tube, anti-scatter grid and image detector). The calculations were performed for three PA thicknesses 20, 24 and 28 cm. For a 24 cm patient, the epsilon(s)/epsilon(p) varies between 0.5 in the lung to 2.5 behind the spine and heart. The corresponding variation of the SNRp is a factor of 3, with the highest values in the lung. Increasing the patient thickness from 20 to 28 cm increases the epsilon(s)/epsilon(p) by a factor of 2.2 behind the spine and heart.  相似文献   

Most digital radiographic systems of today have wide latitude and are hence able to provide images with a small constraint on dose level. This opens up for an unprejudiced dose optimisation. However, in order to succeed in the optimisation task, good knowledge of the imaging and detection processes is needed. As a part of the European-wide research project 'unification of physical and clinical requirements for medical X-ray imaging'-governed by the Radiological Imaging Unification Strategies (RADIUS) Group-a major image quality trial was conducted by members of the group. The RADIUS chest trial was focused on the detection of lung nodules in digital chest radiography with the aims of determining to what extent (1) the detection of a nodule is dependent on its location, (2) the system noise disturbs the detection of lung nodules, (3) the anatomical noise disturbs the detection of lung nodules and (4) the image background and anatomical background act as pure noise for the detection of lung nodules. The purpose of the present paper is to give an introduction to the trial and describe the framework and set-up of the investigation.  相似文献   

一种用于数字成像的自动对焦系统   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
提出一种用于数字成像的自动对焦系统,它以CMOS为图像传感器,用DSP进行数据处理并控制驱动电路调整镜头的位置,达到准确自动对焦的目的。系统采用对焦深度法实现自动对焦,通过改变镜头的位置获得一系列模糊程度不等的图像,计算每幅图像的清晰度评价值构成对焦评价曲线;采用梯度函数作为评价标准来评价图像的清晰度;采用窗口选择技术控制对焦感兴趣范围,减少了数据处理量;对实验样机的测试表明,系统有较好的自动对焦性能,并解决了百叶窗问题,对透过玻璃窗户的目标仍然能正确对焦。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the influence of patient thickness, tube voltage and image detector on patient dose, contrast and ideal observer signal-to-noise ratio (SNR(I)), for pathological details positioned at different regions in the image in posterior-anterior (PA) chest radiology. A Monte Carlo computational model was used to compute measures of physical image quality (contrast, SNR(I)) and patient effective dose, E. Two metastasis-like details positioned in the central right lung and right lung near the spine, respectively, were studied. The tube voltage was varied between 100 and 150 kV and the patient thickness between 20 and 28 cm. Both, a computed radiography (CR) system and a direct radiography (DR) system, were investigated. The DR system provides both lower doses and better image quality compared with the CR system. The SNR(I)2/E is approximately 2.9 times higher for the DR system compared with the CR system.  相似文献   

A recursive random-sampling strategy is proposed for the implementation of a digital broadband wattmeter. In this strategy each sampling instant is obtained by adding to the preceding one a predetermined constant lag plus a random increment. In order to correlate the measurement uncertainty to the bandwidth, the asymptotic mean-square error arising from the sampling strategy and the filtering algorithm is evaluated and analyzed; it has been shown that the proposed sampling strategy does not limit the bandwidth of the instrument if an appropriate statistical distribution of the random increments is selected. The theoretical results are compared with those obtained by simulating the measurement process  相似文献   

The advent of digital imaging in radiology, combined with the explosive growth of technology, has dramatically improved imaging techniques. This has led to the expansion of diagnostic capabilities, both in terms of the number of procedures and their scope. Throughout the world, film/screen radiography systems are being rapidly replaced with digital systems. Many progressive medical institutions have acquired, or are considering the purchase of computed radiography systems with storage phosphor plates or direct digital radiography systems with flat panel detectors. However, unknown to some users, these devices offer a new paradigm of opportunity and challenges. Images can be obtained at a lower dose owing to the higher detective quantum efficiency (DQE). These fundamental differences in comparison to conventional film/screens necessitate the development of new strategies for dose and quality optimizations. A set of referral criteria based upon three dose levels is proposed.  相似文献   

An imaging system is proposed as an alternative to metallized connections between integrated circuits. Power requirements for metallized interconnects and electrooptic links are compared. A holographic optical element is considered as the imaging device. Several experimental systems have been constructed which have visible LEDs as the transmitters and PIN photodiodes as the receivers. Signals are evaluated at different source-detector separations. Multiple exposure holograms are used as a means of optical fan out allowing one source to simultaneously address several receiver locations. Limitations of this technique are also discussed.  相似文献   

Adaptive beamforming applied to medical ultrasound imaging   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have applied the minimum variance (MV) adaptive beamformer to medical ultrasound imaging and shown significant improvement in image quality compared to delay-and-sum (DAS). We demonstrate reduced mainlobe width and suppression of sidelobes on both simulated and experimental RF data of closely spaced wire targets, which gives potential contrast and resolution enhancement in medical images. The method is applied to experimental RF data from a heart phantom, in which we show increased resolution and improved definition of the ventricular walls. A potential weakness of adaptive beamformers is sensitivity to errors in the assumed wavefield parameters. We look at two ways to increase robustness of the proposed method; spatial smoothing and diagonal loading. We show that both are controlled by a single parameter that can move the performance from that of a MV beamformer to that of a DAS beamformer. We evaluate the sensitivity to velocity errors and show that reliable amplitude estimates are achieved while the mainlobe width and sidelobe levels are still significantly lower than for the conventional beamformer.  相似文献   

The growing complexity in product design and manufacturing processes has made virtual prototyping an important new approach that enhances products and process development. Considering the ergonomic issues evident in product lifecycles, digital human modelling (DHM) is adopted for virtual simulation and proactive evaluation. A motion generation from semantics (MGS) system is proposed in this research. The MGS system features include virtual prototyping, natural language instruction, a method time measurement (MTM) translator and motion generator. The system was implemented using product lifecycle management (PLM) software and validated in an automotive manufacturing company. The practice of intuitively generating manual operations and conducting virtual simulations enables the system planners to quickly respond to manufacturing process changes and recursively improve the tooling and process design flexibility and efficiency.  相似文献   

In this paper a global optimisation technique for the design of damping properties of hybrid elastomer/composite laminates is presented. The goal of the procedure is to maximise the first N modal loss factors of the laminate subject to constraints on the in-plane and out-of-plane stiffness along with a constraint on the weight of the plate. The problem is considered in the most general case: no simplifying hypotheses are made on the behaviour of the hybrid laminate, thus allowing us to consider as design variables the number of layers (both of the elastic and viscoelastic layers), their thickness and orientations as well as the position of the viscoelastic plies within the stacking sequence. The proposed approach relies on one hand, upon the dynamic response of the structure in terms of natural undamped frequencies and modal loss factors which are evaluated using the well-known Iterative Modal Strain Energy (IMSE) method, and on the other hand on the use of genetic algorithms as optimisation tool to perform the solution’s search. As an example, the method is applied to a rectangular plate and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy.  相似文献   

As a part of the Europe-wide research project 'Unification of physical and clinical requirements for medical X-ray imaging'-governed by the Radiological Imaging Unification Strategies (RADIUS) Group-a major image quality trial was conducted by members of the group. The RADIUS chest trial aimed at thoroughly examining various aspects of nodule detection in digital chest radiography, such as the effects of nodule location, system noise, anatomical noise, and anatomical background. The main findings of the RADIUS chest trial concerning the detection of a lung nodule with a size in the order of 10 mm can be summarised as: (1) the detectability of the nodule is largely dependent on its location in the chest, (2) the system noise has a minor impact on the detectability at the dose levels used today, (3) the disturbance of the anatomical noise is larger than that of the system noise but smaller than that of the anatomical background and (4) the anatomical background acts as noise to a large extent and is the major image component affecting the detectability of the nodule.  相似文献   

The analytic hierarchy process applied to maintenance strategy selection   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper describes an application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for selecting the best maintenance strategy for an important Italian oil refinery (an Integrated Gasification and Combined Cycle plant). Five possible alternatives are considered: preventive, predictive, condition-based, corrective and opportunistic maintenance. The best maintenance policy must be selected for each facility of the plant (about 200 in total). The machines are clustered in three homogeneous groups after a criticality analysis based on internal procedures of the oil refinery. With AHP technique, several aspects, which characterise each of the above-mentioned maintenance strategies, are arranged in a hierarchic structure and evaluated using only a series of pairwise judgements. To improve the effectiveness of the methodology AHP is coupled with a sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

The recent advancements in consumer-grade digital camera technology and the introduction of high-resolution, high sensitivity CsBr:Eu2+ storage phosphor imaging plates make possible a new cost-effective technique for X-ray imaging. The imaging plate is bathed with red stimulating light by high-intensity light-emitting diodes, and the photostimulated image is captured with a digital single-lens reflex (SLR) camera. A blue band-pass optical filter blocks the stimulating red light but transmits the blue photostimulated luminescence. Using a Canon D5 Mk II camera and an f1.4 wide-angle lens, the optical image of a 240×180 mm2 Konica CsBr:Eu2+ imaging plate from a position 230 mm in front of the camera lens can be focussed so as to laterally fill the 35×23.3 mm2 camera sensor, and recorded in 2808×1872 pixel elements, corresponding to an equivalent pixel size on the plate of 88 μm. The analogue-to-digital conversion from the camera electronics is 13 bits, but the dynamic range of the imaging system as a whole is limited in practice by noise to about 2.5 orders of magnitude. The modulation transfer function falls to 0.2 at a spatial frequency of 2.2 line pairs/mm. The limiting factor of the spatial resolution is light scattering in the plate rather than the camera optics. The limiting factors for signal-to-noise ratio are shot noise in the light, and dark noise in the CMOS sensor. Good quality images of high-contrast objects can be recorded with doses of approximately 1 mGy. The CsBr:Eu2+ plate has approximately three times the readout sensitivity of a similar BaFBr:Eu2+ plate.  相似文献   

This paper applies the multiple signal classification (MUSIC) imaging method to determine the locations of a collection of small anisotropic spherical scatterers in the framework of total internal reflection tomography. Multiple scattering between scatterers is considered, and the inverse scattering problem is nonlinear, which, however, is solved by the proposed fast analytical approach where no associated forward problem is iteratively evaluated. The paper also discusses the role of propagating and evanescent waves, the polarization of incidence waves, separation of scatterers from the surface of the substrate, and the level of noise on the resolution of imaging.  相似文献   

The use of image quality parameters in digital mammography such as contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and detective quantum efficiency (DQE) has been widespread, with the intention of detector evaluation and/or quantitative evaluation of the system performance. These parameters are useful in ensuring adequate system performance when tests are done against international standards or guidelines. Parameters like CNR are relative quantities that lie within a range that is manufacturer and system dependent. The use of a figure-of-merit (FOM) is a relatively new concept as a tool in digital mammography permitting quantitative assessment in terms of image quality and patient dose. This review summarises the available evidence for the use and applicability of an FOM in digital mammography.  相似文献   

Shadowing of an imaging aperture occurs when ultrasound beams are partially obstructed by an acoustically hard tissue, e.g., bone tissue. This effect leads to reduced resolution and, in some cases, geometrical distortion. In this paper, we initially introduce a binary apodization model to simulate effects of the shadowing on the point scatterers located close to a bone structure. Further, in a simulation study and an in vitro experiment, the minimum variance (MV) beamforming method is employed to image scatterers partly located in the shadow of bone. We show that the MV beamformer can result in a distorted image when the imaging aperture is highly obstructed by the bone structure. This distortion can be seen as an apparent lateral shift of the point spread function and a decrease in the sensitivity. Based on the signal power across the aperture, we adaptively determine the shadowed elements and discard their corresponding data from the covariance matrix to improve the MV beamformer performance. This modified MV beamformer can retain the resolution and compensate for the apparent lateral shifting and signal attenuation for the shadowed point scatterers.  相似文献   

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