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Modelling of phosphorus inputs to rivers from diffuse and point sources   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The difference in timing of point and diffuse phosphorus (P) delivery to a river produces clear differences in the P concentration-flow relationship. Point inputs decrease in concentration with increasing river flow, due to dilution of a relatively constant input, whereas diffuse (non-point) load usually increases with river flow. This study developed a simple model, based on this fundamental difference, which allowed point and diffuse inputs to be quantified by modelling their contribution to river P concentration as a power-law function of flow. The relationships between total phosphorus (TP) concentration and river flow were investigated for three contrasting UK river catchments; the Swale (Yorkshire), the Frome (Dorset) and the Avon (Warwickshire). A load apportionment model was fitted to this empirical data to give estimates of point and diffuse load inputs at each monitoring site, at high temporal resolution. The model produced TP source apportionments that were similar to those derived from an export coefficient approach. For many diffuse-dominated sites within this study (with up to 75% of the annual TP load derived from diffuse sources), the model showed that reductions of point inputs would be most effective in order to reduce eutrophication risk, due to point source dominance during the plant and algae growing period. This modelling approach should provide simple, robust and rapid TP source apportionment from most concentration-flow datasets. It does not require GIS, information on land use, catchment size, population or livestock density, and could provide a valuable and versatile tool to catchment managers for determining suitable river mitigation options.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) concentration and flow data gathered during the 1990s for a range of British rivers were used to determine the relative contributions of point and diffuse inputs to the total P load, using the Load Apportionment Model (LAM). Heavily urbanised catchments were dominated by sewage inputs, but the majority of the study catchments received most of their annual phosphorus load from diffuse sources. Despite this, almost 80% of the study sites were dominated by point source inputs for the majority of the year, particularly during summer periods when eutrophication risk is greatest. This highlights the need to reduce sewage P inputs to improve the ecological status of British rivers. These modelled source apportionment estimates were validated against land-use data and boron load (a chemical marker for sewage).The LAM was applied to river flow data in subsequent years, to give predicted P concentrations (assuming no change in P source inputs), and these estimates were compared with observed concentration data. This showed that there had been significant reductions in P concentration in the River Thames, Aire and Ouse in the period 1999 to 2002, which were attributable to the introduction of P stripping at sewage treatment works (STW). The model was then used to forecast P concentrations resulting from the introduction of P removal at STW to a 2 or 1 mg l− 1 consent limit. For the urbanised rivers in this study, the introduction of phosphorus stripping to a 1 mg l− 1 consent level at all STW in the catchment would not reduce P concentrations in the rivers to potentially limiting concentrations. Therefore, further sewage P stripping will be required to comply with the Water Framework Directive. Diffuse P inputs may also need to be reduced before some of the highly nutrient-enriched rivers achieve good ecological status.  相似文献   

The hydrological characteristics of catchments become drastically modified in response to urbanisation. The total contributions and dynamics of runoff, suspended sediment and solutes may change significantly and have important implications downstream where they may affect flooding, instream ecological habitat, water quality and siltation of river channels and lakes. Although an appreciation of the likely hydrological changes is crucial for effective catchment management they are still poorly understood. In this paper we present data from a network of river monitoring stations throughout the heavily urbanised Bradford catchment, West Yorkshire. Sites are upstream, within and downstream of the highly urbanised central part of the catchment. Flow, turbidity (calibrated to suspended sediment concentration) and specific conductance (surrogate for solute concentration), logged at 15-min intervals, are presented for a 12-month period (June 2000 to June 2001). The total amounts and dynamics of flow, solute and suspended sediment transport were investigated. Estimated total flow and suspended sediment transport for the monitoring period were found to be high in response to the high total rainfall. Flow and sediment transport regimes were extremely 'flashy' throughout the catchment and became increasingly flashy in a downstream direction. Suspended sediment discharged from the Bradford subcatchment makes an important contribution to downstream sediment transport on the river Aire at Beal. Data suggest that the urbanised part of the Bradford catchment is extremely important in contributing solutes to the Beck (river). Although flow and sediment are also contributed to the Bradford Beck in the urbanised part of the catchment the data suggest that significant amounts may enter the combined sewer system and bypass the river. Understanding the spatial and temporal variations of flow and the transport of suspended sediment and solutes in rivers in urbanized subcatchments is crucial to their effective management and monitoring. Furthermore, this knowledge may be extremely important to the management and monitoring of downstream rivers in large scale mixed catchments.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) concentrations from water quality monitoring at 54 UK river sites across seven major lowland catchment systems are examined in relation to eutrophication risk and to the relative importance of point and diffuse sources. The over-riding evidence indicates that point (effluent) rather than diffuse (agricultural) sources of phosphorus provide the most significant risk for river eutrophication, even in rural areas with high agricultural phosphorus losses. Traditionally, the relative importance of point and diffuse sources has been assessed from annual P flux budgets, which are often dominated by diffuse inputs in storm runoff from intensively managed agricultural land. However, the ecological risk associated with nuisance algal growth in rivers is largely linked to soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentrations during times of ecological sensitivity (spring/summer low-flow periods), when biological activity is at its highest. The relationships between SRP and total phosphorus (TP; total dissolved P+suspended particulate P) concentrations within UK rivers are evaluated in relation to flow and boron (B; a tracer of sewage effluent). SRP is the dominant P fraction (average 67% of TP) in all of the rivers monitored, with higher percentages at low flows. In most of the rivers the highest SRP concentrations occur under low-flow conditions and SRP concentrations are diluted as flows increase, which is indicative of point, rather than diffuse, sources. Strong positive correlations between SRP and B (also TP and B) across all the 54 river monitoring sites also confirm the primary importance of point source controls of phosphorus concentrations in these rivers, particularly during spring and summer low flows, which are times of greatest eutrophication risk. Particulate phosphorus (PP) may form a significant proportion of the phosphorus load to rivers, particularly during winter storm events, but this is of questionable relevance for river eutrophication. Although some of the agriculturally derived PP is retained as sediment on the river bed, in most cases this bed sediment showed potential for removal of SRP from the overlying river water during spring and summer low flows. Thus, bed sediments may well be helping to reduce SRP concentrations within the river at times of eutrophication risk. These findings have important implications for targeting environmental management controls for phosphorus more efficiently, in relation to the European Union Water Framework Directive requirements to maintain/improve the ecological quality of impacted lowland rivers. For the UK rivers examined here, our results demonstrate that an important starting point for reducing phosphorus concentrations to the levels approaching those required for ecological improvement, is to obtain better control over point source inputs, particularly small point sources discharging to ecologically sensitive rural/agricultural tributaries.  相似文献   

The relative magnitudes of annual diffuse and point source loads of phosphorus (P) to the River Thame were estimated from daily and monthly measurements of discharge and concentration. Existing data from gauging and monitoring sites on the river network and at point sources were supplemented by survey data at a range of spatial scales. Results showed that during low flow periods most of the P could be attributed to point sources, while at high flows the figure was less than 10%. The introduction of P stripping at Aylesbury, a major sewage treatment works in the catchment, was estimated to have reduced the annual load of P from the sewage treatment works by approximately 45 t, with a similar reduction in loss from the catchment. This gave a reduction in low flow concentrations of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) from 2.5 to 1.7 mg l−1. Concentrations of SRP in river water remain above eutrophication thresholds because of the influence of other STWs in the catchment and insufficient natural discharge to dilute this.  相似文献   

Urbanization of a catchment often causes degeneration of rivers. We studied the water quality of three rivers in Addis Ababa based on the impact of stormwater and non‐point sources, and urbanization. Along these rivers several point sources were registered, with direct discharge of industrial and domestic wastes into them. To distinguish the impact of these year‐round point‐sources from stormwater, we analysed physicochemical parameters, nutrients and heavy metals sampled from upstream to downstream sections of each river in the dry and wet season. Dissolved oxygen (DO), NO2–N, NH4–N, PO4–P, (Cr(VI) and Cu) exceeded international standards, pointing to a generally poor water quality of the rivers in both seasons. NO3–N, Mn and Zn were problematic in dry season only. Although stormwater improved DO, conductivity, PO4–P, Cr(VI) and Zn, the levels were still critical, pointing to construction sites, agriculture and pit latrines, somewhat offsetting the effect of stormwater dilution. No clear impact of urbanization pressure was found.  相似文献   

Major rivers in developing and emerging countries suffer increasingly of severe degradation of water quality. The current study uses a mathematical Material Flow Analysis (MMFA) as a complementary approach to address the degradation of river water quality due to nutrient pollution in the Thachin River Basin in Central Thailand. This paper gives an overview of the origins and flow paths of the various point- and non-point pollution sources in the Thachin River Basin (in terms of nitrogen and phosphorus) and quantifies their relative importance within the system. The key parameters influencing the main nutrient flows are determined and possible mitigation measures discussed.The results show that aquaculture (as a point source) and rice farming (as a non-point source) are the key nutrient sources in the Thachin River Basin. Other point sources such as pig farms, households and industries, which were previously cited as the most relevant pollution sources in terms of organic pollution, play less significant roles in comparison. This order of importance shifts when considering the model results for the provincial level. Crosschecks with secondary data and field studies confirm the plausibility of our simulations. Specific nutrient loads for the pollution sources are derived; these can be used for a first broad quantification of nutrient pollution in comparable river basins. Based on an identification of the sensitive model parameters, possible mitigation scenarios are determined and their potential to reduce the nutrient load evaluated.A comparison of simulated nutrient loads with measured nutrient concentrations shows that nutrient retention in the river system may be significant. Sedimentation in the slow flowing surface water network as well as nitrogen emission to the air from the warm oxygen deficient waters are certainly partly responsible, but also wetlands along the river banks could play an important role as nutrient sinks.  相似文献   

Changes in the relationship between soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration and river flow between 1966 and 2006 were assessed for the River Frome, UK using the recently developed Load Apportionment Model. The resulting source load estimates gave good agreement with known changes within the catchment. The model indicated an increase in point source contribution to the total river load from 46% to 62% between 1970 and 1985. This corresponded with the population increase within the catchment during that time. The predicted mean SRP load was highest between 1996 and 2000 (30 t y− 1), with 49% coming from point sources. Despite no lowering in population or major changes in agricultural practice, the model predicted a reduced load of 18.1 t y− 1 for the period 2001 to 2005, due mainly to a decrease in point source inputs from 14.6 t y− 1 to 6.1 t y− 1 (equivalent to 34% of the total load). This prediction matches the major improvements in sewage treatment that occurred within the catchment in 2002. This study thus provides a major validation of the Load Apportionment Model. The model provides an effective and rapid method of determining past changes in phosphorus sources, based entirely on the P concentration - flow relationship: critically, it does not require any historical information on land use, fertiliser application rates, topography, soil types and sewage inputs. Further decreases in SRP concentration in the River Frome during the algal growing season would be best achieved by further reductions of STW inputs.  相似文献   

To establish nutrient budgets of Lough Neagh in N. Ireland, and provide strategies for the reduction of nitrogen and phosphorus it became necessary to obtain estimates of their inputs to the lake. On the six major rivers entering the lake continuous flow metering was available but chemical concentrations were only available every 8 or 15 days. To associate river chemical concentrations and loadings with flows for these observed dates, and hence predict from their relation the loads at the unobserved dates a computer program using eight possible statistical relations was used. Those methods examined included various regressions with adjustments, higher order (polynomial) fits, logarithmic and other transforms, and different rising and falling flow relations. Results produced by the various methods with discussion of their relative merits are presented. Reasons are given for the final selection of a simple log load on log flow relation for rivers derived from terrestrial catchments.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that the dynamic patterns of phosphorus (P) transport at plot scale are similar to the patterns that could be observed quasi-simultaneously (i.e., approximately at the same time) at a river basin scale, in terms of inputs and dilution of P, across a range of rainfall and runoff conditions, was tested. From this information, it was hoped to be able to make some simple inferences about the connectivity or mass flux of P transport between the different scales of observation. An intensive study using 30-m2 plots, 1-ha plots and nested river channel sites ranging in scale from 20 ha up to a maximum of 834 km2 in the River Taw basin, South West England, UK, was conducted with three campaigns under differing flow conditions: (1) a zero rainfall base flow period, (2) a 10-mm rainfall residual flow period, and (3) a 42-mm rainfall storm flow period. The mass flux of total P ranged from 49 kg during base flow to 4 tonnes during the storm period at the largest 834 km2 scale. During base flow conditions, total phosphorus (TP) concentrations from diffuse sources were low (26 microg L-1 in the upper catchment) and reactive P forms dominated the fractions filtered <0.45 microm. During storm flow, concentrations of TP increased at all scales within the drainage basin, to a maximum of 500 microg L-1 and were sufficient to override the effect of any point source inputs of P. Unreactive (i.e., mostly 'organic') forms of P dominated the fractions that were >0.45 microm during residual flows and storm flows. Spatially normalised discharge apparently decreased with increasing scale, most notably during storm flow conditions and this implies that there is some storage of water through the catchment and in part may reflect varying velocities of water in different pathways. Most attenuation and dilution of P appeared to occur at larger scales, whilst the hydrological connectivity between source areas and receiving waters was greatest at smaller scales (<20 ha), and during the highest flows. The importance of diffuse agricultural sources in contributing to P export through the basin was dominated by dynamic temporal changes in hydrological activity, with a 'piston pushing' effect of particulate associated P through the basin as it wets up in response to rainfall input. We concluded that the processes of P transfer are different at different scales. However, some uncertainties of spatial heterogeneity around the catchment underlie the difficulties in dealing with scale and thus more data and studies of this nature are required.  相似文献   

In order to effectively manage nutrient river load reductions and target remediation strategies, it is important to determine the relative contributions of diffuse and point sources across the river catchment. This study used a geographical information system (GIS) to apply phosphorus (P) export coefficients (obtained from the literature) to 58 water quality monitoring sites across a large, urbanised, mixed land use catchment, typical of southern lowland England (the River Avon, Warwickshire, UK). These coefficients were used to estimate the annual P load at each monitoring site, and also the relative contribution of point source (from sewage treatment works (STW)) and diffuse input (from both livestock and agricultural land use). The estimated annual P loads showed very close agreement (r2=0.98) with the measured total phosphorus (TP) loads. Sites with the highest proportion of P derived from STW had the highest TP concentrations and loads, and also had greater variations between seasons, with elevated P concentrations occurring during the summer months. The GIS model was re-run to determine the effect of an 80% reduction in P output from STW serving over 10,000 people, thereby assessing the effect of implementing the European Union's Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD). The exported TP load was reduced by 52%, but the sites with the highest TP concentrations were still those with the highest proportion of P derived from STW. The GIS model was re-run to estimate the impact of 80% P reductions at a further 11 STW of varying sizes. This reduced the total TP load by only 29 tonnes year-1, but greatly reduced the P concentrations in many highly nutrient contaminated tributaries. The number of sites with P concentrations greater than 1 mg l-1 was cut from 15 (before UWWTD implementation) to 2. These findings suggest that after UWWTD implementation, resources should focus on introducing tertiary sewage treatment at the remaining large STW, before targeting diffuse inputs. This conclusion is also likely to apply to other lowland river catchments in southern England, most of which have similar population densities to the River Avon.  相似文献   

The paper describes an integrated lake and catchment model which was developed and tested against data from the Rutland Water catchment (River Nene and Welland) in Eastern England. The model uses export coefficients to predict annual diffuse losses of phosphorus from catchment land use, which are temporally disaggregated using empirical relationships between phosphorus load and discharge in headwater streams. Dynamic inputs of phosphorus are incorporated into a hydrologically based, multi-reach distributed catchment model which also simulates sewage discharges, abstractions and reservoirs/ lakes. The model allows a comparison of simulated output with observed discharge and water-quality data from various points within the river system.  相似文献   

The water quality of the River Thame, a tributary of the River Thames in the Thames basin, is described in relation to point and diffuse contaminant inputs and runoff from permeable and impermeable bedrock geology with their own characteristic water quality. The data is examined to see if the market town of Aylesbury in the upper part of the catchment influences water quality. Previous studies highlighted the influence of Aylesbury sewage treatment works (STW) on soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentrations in the river before and after phosphorus (P) stripping at the STW. Variations in water quality along the river are described and the study indicates that, apart from SRP, water quality determinants seem to be relatively unaffected by Aylesbury. The Thame water quality is compared with other catchment typologies and it is very similar to that of the main stem of the Thames even though the Thames is mainly Chalk groundwater fed. Differences in water quality largely link to the amount of STW effluent within the rivers and to the endmember compositions of the groundwater and near surface water sources.  相似文献   

Requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive for the introduction of ecological quality objectives for surface waters and the stipulation that all surface waters in the EU must be of 'good' ecological status by 2015 necessitate a quantitative understanding of the linkages among catchment attributes, water chemistry and the ecological status of aquatic ecosystems. Analysis of lotic ecological status, as indicated by an established biotic index based primarily on benthic macroinvertebrate community structure, of 797 hydrologically independent river sites located throughout Ireland showed highly significant inverse associations between the ecological status of rivers and measures of catchment urbanisation and agricultural intensity, densities of humans and cattle and chemical indicators of water quality. Stepwise logistic regression suggested that urbanisation, arable farming and extent of pasturelands are the principal factors impacting on the ecological status of streams and rivers in Ireland and that the likelihood of a river site complying with the demands of the EU Water Framework Directive, and be of 'good' ecological status, can be predicted with reasonable accuracy using simple models that utilise either widely available landcover data or chemical monitoring data. Non-linear landcover and chemical 'thresholds' derived from these models provide a useful tool in the management of risk in catchments, and suggest strongly that more careful planning of land use in Ireland is essential in order to restore and maintain water quality as required by the Directive.  相似文献   

In recent decades, temporal variations in nitrate fluxes and concentrations in temperate rivers have resulted from the interaction of anthropogenic and climatic factors. The effect of climatic drivers remains unclear, while the relative importance of the drivers seems to be highly site dependent. This paper focuses on 2-6 year variations called meso-scale variations, and analyses the climatic drivers of these variations in a study site characterized by high N inputs from intensive animal farming systems and shallow aquifers with impervious bedrock in a temperate climate. Three approaches are developed: 1) an analysis of long-term records of nitrate fluxes and nitrate concentrations in 30 coastal rivers of Western France, which were well-marked by meso-scale cycles in the fluxes and concentration with a slight hysteresis; 2) a test of the climatic control using a lumped two-box model, which demonstrates that hydrological assumptions are sufficient to explain these meso-scale cycles; and 3) a model of nitrate fluxes and concentrations in two contrasted catchments subjected to recent mitigation measures, which analyses nitrate fluxes and concentrations in relation to N stored in groundwater. In coastal rivers, hydrological drivers (i.e., effective rainfall), and particularly the dynamics of the water table and rather stable nitrate concentration, explain the meso-scale cyclic patterns. In the headwater catchment, agricultural and hydrological drivers can interact according to their settings. The requirements to better distinguish the effect of climate and human changes in integrated water management are addressed: long-term monitoring, coupling the analysis and the modelling of large sets of catchments incorporating different sizes, land uses and environmental factors.  相似文献   

Observed concentrations of orthophosphate in the River Thames, from its source to its tidal limit, exceed 0.1 mg P/1 for most of its length; reasons for annual and seasonal variations are explained. By using data routinely collected by the Environment Agency throughout the Thames catchment, the orthophosphate load in the river, derived from agricultural sources and sewage-treatment works, is estimated.
A water quality model, TOMCAT, has been adapted to simulate observed data and used to estimate river concentrations if orthophosphate loads from sewage-treatment works are reduced.  相似文献   

An integrated lake and catchment model was used to simulate reservoir volume and phosphorus concentrations in Rutland Water over a period of seventeen years, taking into account changes in reservoir output and phosphorus sedimentation resulting from the addition of ferric sulphate. Application of the model for critical-period analysis and the setting of environmental targets and trigger values are discussed, and an example is given showing the impact of changing reservoir output on the frequency distribution of phosphorus using an eighty-year set of river-discharge data. The impact of phosphorus removal at point sources in the catchment on phosphorus concentrations in the river and reservoir is simulated and compared to results from SIMCAT - a steady-state model which was developed by the Environment Agency. Results are also compared with observed data following the implementation of the EC urban waste water treatment Directive, at the end of 1998.  相似文献   

Hydrology is a primary control on the ecological quality of river systems, through its influence on flow, channel geomorphology, water quality and habitat availability. Scottish rivers are widely perceived to be of high ecological quality, with abundant flow volumes and high water quality. However, historical and current river flow regulations, and land use change have altered the physical and chemical characteristics of Scottish rivers, with adverse consequences for aquatic biota. Baseline hydrological, geomorphological and water quality conditions in Scottish rivers are thus summarised. The impacts of river regulation and land use change on the hydrology, geomorphology and water quality of Scottish rivers are then discussed. Consequences of these changes for aquatic habitat are examined, with particular reference to the economically significant salmonid species (Salmo salar and Salmo trutta). Policy and management issues relating to the future ecological quality of Scottish rivers are reviewed. These include the impacts of climate change on ecological quality, the calculation and implementation of ecologically acceptable flows, and river restoration and best management practices within integrated catchment planning.  相似文献   

Stutter MI  Lumsdon DG 《Water research》2008,42(16):4249-4260
Within-river cycling of P is a crucial link between catchment pollution sources and the resulting ecological impacts and integrates the biogeochemistry and hydrodynamics of river systems. This study investigates benthic sediment P sorption in relation to river soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentrations during high- to low-flow changes in a major mixed land use river system in NE Scotland. We hypothesised that sediments comprised P sinks during moderate to higher flows but became P saturated with loss of buffering function during prolonged baseflow. Sediment characteristics were evaluated and equilibrium P concentrations (EPC0) calculated using a standardised batch adsorption method (EPC0 values 0.04-1.75 μmol P l−1). Pollution-impacted tributaries (32-69% catchment agricultural land cover) had increased SRP concentrations (0.19-2.62 μmol P l−1) and maintained EPC0 < SRP values during changing flow conditions. Moorland-dominated tributaries and main stem sites had small SRP concentrations (0.03-0.19 μmol P l−1) but showed EPC0 > SRP values during summer baseflow so that sediments were indicated as P sources. This deviation from a geochemical sediment-water P equilibrium was attributed to biological accumulation of P from the water column into the sediments. In particular, large stores of sediment P accumulated in main stem reaches below agricultural tributaries and this may be consequential for sensitive downstream ecosystems. Hence, biogeochemical processes at the river bed may strongly influence river SRP cycling between geochemical and biotic pools. The nature of this internal reservoir of river P and its ecosystem interactions needs better understanding to enable best results to be attained from catchment mitigation actions designed to maintain/improve ecological status under the Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

Southern Sweden suffers from coastal eutrophication and one reason is the high nitrogen load through rivers. The major part of this load originates from diffuse land-based sources, e.g. arable soil leaching. Effective reduction of load from such sources demand careful landscape analysis, combined with changed behaviour of the stakeholders. This study describes a chain of methods to achieve trustworthy management plans that are based on numerical modelling and stakeholders participation and acceptance. The effect of some measures was unexpected when modelling their impact on the catchment scale.Management scenarios to reduce riverine nitrogen load were constructed in an actor game (i.e. role-play) for the Genevadsån catchment in southern Sweden. The game included stakeholders for implementation of a loading standard for maximum nitrogen transport at the river mouth. Scenarios were defined after negotiation among involved actors and included changes in agricultural practices, improved wastewater treatment, and establishment of wetlands. Numerical models were used to calculate the nitrogen reduction for different measures in each scenario. An index model (STANK) calculated the root zone leaching of nitrogen from crops at four type farms. This generated input to a catchment scale model (HBV-N) and farm economics. The economic impact of different sets of remedial measures was evaluated for each type farm and then extrapolated to the catchment.The results from scenario modelling show that possible changes in agricultural practices (such as tuning, timing of fertilisation and ploughing, changed crop cultivation) could reduce the nitrogen load to the sea by some 30%, while wetland construction only reduced the original load by some 5%. In the most cost-effective scenario agricultural practices could reduce the riverine load by 86 t per year at a cost of 1.0 million SEK, while constructed wetlands only reduced the load by 14 t per year at a cost of 1.7 million SEK. Thus, changed agricultural practices can be the most effective and less expensive way to reduce nitrogen transport from land to the sea, while constructed wetlands with realistic allocations and sizes may only have small impact on riverine nitrogen transport from land to sea. The overall experience is that actor games and numerical modelling are useful tools in landscape planning for analysing stakeholders’ behaviour and the impact of measures to reduce coastal eutrophication.  相似文献   

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