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Wet and, to a lesser extent, dry deposition of atmospheric 129I are known to represent the dominating processes responsible for 129I in continental environmental samples that are remote from 129I sources and not directly influenced by any liquid 129I release of nuclear installations. Up to now, however, little is known about the major emitters and the related global deposition pattern of 129I.In this work an overview over major sources of 129I is given, and hitherto unknown time-dependent releases from these were estimated. Total gaseous 129I releases from the US and former Soviet reprocessing facilities Hanford, Savannah River, Mayak, Seversk and Zheleznogorsk were found to have been 0.53, 0.27, 1.05, 0.23 and 0.14 TBq, respectively. These facilities were thus identified as major airborne 129I emitters.The global deposition pattern due to the 129I released, depending on geographic latitude and longitude, and on time was studied using a box model describing the global atmospheric transport and deposition of 129I. The model predictions are compared to 129I concentrations measured by means of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) in water samples that were collected from various lakes in Asia, Africa, America and New Zealand, and to published values.As a result, both pattern and temporal evolution of 129I deposition values measured in and calculated for different types of environmental samples are, in general, in good agreement. This supports our estimate on atmospheric 129I releases and the considered substantial transport and deposition mechanisms in our model calculations.  相似文献   

In order to quantify changes in iodine speciation and to assess factors controlling the distribution and mobility of iodine at an iodine-129 (129I) contaminated site located at the U.S. Department of Energy's Savannah River Site (SRS), spatial distributions and transformation of 129I and stable iodine (127I) species in groundwater were investigated along a gradient in redox potential (654 to 360 mV), organic carbon concentration (5 to 60 μmol L− 1), and pH (pH 3.2 to 6.8). Total 129I concentration in groundwater was 8.6 ± 2.8 Bq L− 1 immediately downstream of a former waste seepage basin (well FSB-95DR), and decreased with distance from the seepage basin. 127I concentration decreased similarly to that of 129I. Elevated concentrations of 127I or 129I were not detected in groundwater collected from wells located outside of the mixed waste plume of this area. At FSB-95DR, the majority (55-86%) of iodine existed as iodide for both 127I and 129I. Then, as the iodide move down gradient, some of it transformed into iodate and organo-iodine. Considering that iodate has a higher Kd value than iodide, we hypothesize that the production of iodate in groundwater resulted in the removal of iodine from the groundwater and consequently decreased concentrations of 127I and 129I in downstream areas. Significant amounts of organo-iodine species (30-82% of the total iodine) were also observed at upstream wells, including those outside the mixed waste plume. Concentrations of groundwater iodide decreased at a faster rate than organo-iodine along the transect from the seepage basin. We concluded that removal of iodine from the groundwater through the formation of high molecular weight organo-iodine species is complicated by the release of other more mobile organo-iodine species in the groundwater.  相似文献   

Ship's ballast waters transport large numbers of organisms which may become invasive in coastal regions. One option to address this problem is the use of biocides as ballast water treatment (BWT). Efficacy and environmental acceptability of three commercial active substances (the BWT biocides Peraclean® Ocean and Seakleen®, and alkylamine-based biocide Mexel® 432/336) were tested against three bacteria species, two vegetative microalgae and one zooplanktonic larva, in 10 and 30 Practical Salinity Unit (PSU) waters. In both salinities, PeraClean® Ocean was the most effective biocide against bacteria causing > 90% mortality at 20 mg/l, compared with 50 mg/l for Mexel® 432/336 and > 500 mg/l for Seakleen®. Regarding zooplankton, Seakleen® was the most effective chemical causing 90% mortality in 24 h at concentrations < 6 mg/l (LC9024 h) in both salinities, compared with 23 and 26 mg/l for Mexel® 432/336 and 370 and 480 mg/l for PeraClean® Ocean in 10 and 30 PSU, respectively. Similar pattern of efficacy was obtained for microalgae in 30 PSU: effective concentrations inducing 50% growth inhibition in 4 days were ≤ 1.6 mg/l for Seakleen®, ≤ 10.1 mg/l for Mexel® 432/336 and ≤ 30.9 mg/l for PeraClean® Ocean. Our work highlighted that treated waters displayed residual toxicity after 24 h still inducing mortality depending on the organism and biocide. However Mexel® 432/336 is the only biocide which had no impact on oyster larvae development at effective concentration. Altogether our data showed that Mexel® 432/336 was the only biocide displaying a broad spectrum efficacy in concentrations < 50 mg/l and not toxic for oyster larvae development at this concentration. However residual toxicity of treated waters for any organism should be taken into account in BWT systems utilising biocides.  相似文献   

In this study, we tested the potential application of a previously developed method in detecting Escherichia coli in environmental water samples. To increase the sensitivity of the method, and the recovery of microbial cells, water samples were filtered before being subjected to DNase treatment and polymerase chain reaction amplification. Results showed that DNase I treatment and PCR reaction were not affected by inhibitors as the expected amplicon was successfully amplified in autoclaved environmental waters spiked with E. coli. Then, we applied this method to naturally contaminated environmental water samples. We firstly confirmed the presence of coliforms and E. coli in these water samples by plating in eosin methylene blue agar. Simultaneous PCR amplification targeting Lac Z and uidR gene of total coliforms and E. coli respectively demonstrated that this developed method is potentially applicable for routine microbial assessment of health risks related to viable microorganisms in environmental or drinking waters.  相似文献   

Mercury concentrations in each environmental compartment in Changchun City had obvious spatial and temporal trends. Particulate Hg (HgP) and total gaseous mercury (TGM) concentrations in air, total Hg (HgT) concentrations in precipitation and ratios of HgP to HgT (total Hg in air) in the atmosphere in heating season were higher than those in non-heating season, which resulted from civil heating. In contrast, reactive Hg (HgR) concentrations in precipitation were higher in non-heating season than those in heating season. TGM and SO2 in air had good agreement. HgP concentrations in the atmosphere were correlated with HgT concentrations in precipitation. Based on Hg concentrations in each environmental compartment, Hg exchange fluxes between environmental interfaces were estimated. Only 11.6% of Hg, emitted from coal combustion, deposited into land surface in urban district and the rest part participated in regional or global cycle, so urban district was the source of Hg global and regional cycle. Net fluxes of Hg into land surface and water were 34.26 kg year(-1) and 0.051 kg year(-1), respectively, which were clearly accumulated in the water and soil. Therefore considering urban local Hg cycle, each environmental compartment of urban ecosystem (water, air and soil) was the sink of Hg.  相似文献   

Watershed mass balances for solutes of atmospheric origin may be complicated by the residence times of water and solutes at various time scales. In two small forested headwater catchments in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, USA, mean annual export rates of SO4= differ by a factor of 2, and seasonal variations in SO4= concentrations in atmospheric deposition and stream water are out of phase. These features were investigated by comparing 3H, 35S, δ34S, δ2H, δ18O, δ3He, CFC-12, SF6, and chemical analyses of open deposition, throughfall, stream water, and spring water. The concentrations of SO4= and radioactive 35S were about twice as high in throughfall as in open deposition, but the weighted composite values of 35S/S (11.1 and 12.1 × 10− 15) and δ34S (+ 3.8 and + 4.1‰) were similar. In both streams (Shelter Run, Mill Run), 3H concentrations and δ34S values during high flow were similar to those of modern deposition, δ2H and δ18O values exhibited damped seasonal variations, and 35S/S ratios (0-3 × 10− 15) were low throughout the year, indicating inter-seasonal to inter-annual storage and release of atmospheric SO4= in both watersheds. In the Mill Run watershed, 3H concentrations in stream base flow (10-13 TU) were consistent with relatively young groundwater discharge, most δ34S values were approximately the same as the modern atmospheric deposition values, and the annual export rate of SO4= was equal to or slightly greater than the modern deposition rate. In the Shelter Run watershed, 3H concentrations in stream base flow (1-3 TU) indicate that much of the discharging ground water had been deposited prior to the onset of atmospheric nuclear bomb testing in the 1950s, base flow δ34S values (+ 1.6‰) were significantly lower than the modern deposition values, and the annual export rate of SO4= was less than the modern deposition rate. Concentrations of 3H and 35S in Shelter Run base flow, and of 3H, 3He, CFC-12, SF6, and 35S in a spring discharging to Shelter Run, all were consistent with a bimodal distribution of discharging ground-water ages with approximately 5-20% less than a few years old and 75-95% more than 40 years old. These results provide evidence for 3 important time-scales of SO4= transport through the watersheds: (1) short-term (weekly to monthly) storage and release of dry deposition in the forest canopy between precipitation events; (2) mid-term (seasonal to interannual) cycles in net storage in the near-surface environment, and (3) long-term (decadal to centennial) storage in deep ground water that appears to be related to relatively low SO4= concentrations in spring discharge that dominates Shelter Run base flow. It is possible that the relatively low concentrations and low δ34S values of SO4= in spring discharge and Shelter Run base flow may reflect those of atmospheric deposition before the middle of the 20th century. In addition to storage in soils and biota, variations in ground-water residence times at a wide range of time scales may have important effects on monitoring, modeling, and predicting watershed responses to changing atmospheric deposition in small watersheds.  相似文献   

A depth profile of 239Pu and 240Pu specific activities and isotope ratios was determined in an inter-tidal sediment core from the Esk Estuary in the northeastern Irish Sea. The study site has been impacted with plutonium through routine radionuclide discharges from the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant in Cumbria, NW England. A pronounced sub-surface maximum of ~ 10 kBq kg-1 was observed for 239 + 240Pu, corresponding to the peak in Pu discharge from Sellafield in 1973, with a decreasing trend with depth down to ~ 0.04 kBq kg-1 in the deeper layers. The depth profile of 239 + 240Pu specific activities together with results from gamma-ray spectrometry for 137Cs and 241Am was compared with reported releases from the Sellafield plant in order to estimate a reliable sediment chronology. The upper layers (1992 onwards) showed higher 239 + 240Pu specific activities than would be expected from the direct input of annual Sellafield discharges, indicating that the main input of Pu is from the time-integrated contaminated mud patch of the northeastern Irish Sea. The 240Pu/239Pu atom ratios ranged from ~ 0.03 in the deepest layers to > 0.20 in the sub-surface layers with an activity-weighted average of 0.181. The decreasing 240Pu/239Pu atom ratio with depth reflects the changing nature of operations at the Sellafield plant from weapons-grade Pu production to reprocessing spent nuclear fuel with higher burn-up times in the late 1950s. In addition, recent annual 240Pu/239Pu atom ratios in winkles collected during 2003-2008 from three stations along the Cumbrian coastline showed no significant spatial or temporal differences with an overall average of 0.204, which supports the hypothesis of diluted Pu input from the contaminated mud patch.  相似文献   

Surface seawater samples were collected along the track of the R/V Hakuho-Maru cruise (KH-96-5) from Tokyo to the Southern Ocean. The (137)Cs activities were determined for the surface waters in the western North Pacific Ocean, the Sulu and Indonesian Seas, the eastern Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal, the Andaman Sea, and the South China Sea. The (137)Cs activities showed a wide variation with values ranging from 1.1 Bq m(-3) in the Antarctic Circumpolar Region of the Southern Ocean to 3 Bq m(-3) in the western North Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea. The latitudinal distributions of (137)Cs activity were not reflective of that of the integrated deposition density of atmospheric global fallout. The removal rates of (137)Cs from the surface waters were roughly estimated from the two data sets of Miyake et al. [Miyake Y, Saruhashi K, Sugimura Y, Kanazawa T, Hirose K. Contents of (137)Cs, plutonium and americium isotopes in the Southern Ocean waters. Pap Meteorol Geophys 1988;39:95-113] and this study to be 0.016 yr(-1) in the Sulu and Indonesian Seas, 0.033 yr(-1) in the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea, and 0.029 yr(-1) in the South China Sea. These values were much lower than that in the coastal surface water of the western Northwest Pacific Ocean. This was likely due to less horizontal and vertical mixing of water masses and less scavenging. (239+240)Pu activities and (240)Pu/(239)Pu atom ratios were also determined for the surface waters in the western North Pacific Ocean, the Sulu and Indonesian Seas and the South China Sea. The (240)Pu/(239)Pu atom ratios ranged from 0.199+/-0.026 to 0.248+/-0.027 on average, and were significantly higher than the global stratospheric fallout ratio of 0.18. The contributions of the North Pacific Proving Grounds close-in fallout Pu were estimated to be 20% for the western North Pacific Ocean, 39% for the Sulu and Indonesian Seas and 42% for the South China Sea by using the two end-member mixing model. The higher (240)Pu/(239)Pu atom ratios could be attributed to close-in fallout Pu delivered from the Enewetak and Bikini Atolls by ocean currents of branches of the North Equatorial Current to the Southeast Asian seas.  相似文献   

新疆富蕴县阿克塔斯金矿位于额尔齐斯断裂带的东南部。文章通过对含金石英脉的40Ar/39Ar同位素测年获得等时线年龄为(240.38±4.89)Ma,反等时限线年龄为(240.51±4.80)Ma,限定金矿的成矿时间为240Ma±,属于早三叠世。区域资料表明,额尔齐斯断裂带经历270~310Ma和240~260Ma两幕剪切变形,阿克塔斯金矿成矿受韧—脆性剪切作用控制,对应260~240Ma剪切变形事件。  相似文献   

Acid rain may cause soil acidification possibly leading to indirect forest damage. Assessment of acidification potential of atmospheric deposition is problematic where dry and occult deposition is significant. Furthermore, uncertainty is enhanced where a substantial part of the potential acidity is represented by deposition of ammonium (NH(4)(+)) since the degree of assimilation and nitrification is not readily available. Estimates of dry deposition based on deposition velocity are highly uncertain and the models need to be verified or calibrated by field measurements of total deposition. Total deposition may be monitored under the forest canopy. The main problem with this approach is the unknown influence of internal bio-cycling. Moreover, bio-cycling may neutralize much of the acidity by leaching of mainly K(+). When the water percolates down into the rooting zone this K(+) is assimilated again and acidity is regenerated. Most monitoring stations only measure deposition. Lacking measurements of output flux of both NH(4)(+) and NO(3)(-) from the soil one cannot assess current net N transformation rates. Assumptions regarding the fate of ammonium in the soil have strong influence on the estimated acid load. Assuming that all the NH(4)(+) is nitrified may lead to an overestimation of the acidifying potential. In parts of the world where dry deposition and ammonium are important special consideration of these factors must be made when assessing the acidification potential of total atmospheric loading. In China dry and occult deposition is considerable and often greater than wet deposition. Furthermore, the main part of the deposited N is in its reduced state (NH(4)(+)). The IMPACTS project has monitored the water chemistry as it moves through watersheds at 5 sites in China. This paper dwells at two important findings in this study. 1) Potassium leached from the canopy by acid rain is assimilated again upon entering the mineral soil. 2) Nitrification apparently mainly takes place in forest floor (H- and O-) horizon as NH(4)(+) that escapes this horizon is efficiently assimilated in the A-horizon. This suggests that the potential acidification capacity of the deposition may be found in the throughfall and forest floor solution by treating K(+) and NH(4)(+), respectively, as acid cations in a base neutralization capacity (BNC) calculation.  相似文献   

From 2002 to 2010 inclusive we monitored concentrations of arsenic (As) and major ions (Ca, Mg, Sr, Na, K, Fe, Mn, Cl, and SO4) in groundwater from 14 domestic wells and three piezometer nests in a shallow aquifer (<60 m depth), and 3 wells in a deep aquifer (>70 m depth), in southern West Bengal, India. In the deep aquifer, concentrations of As did not change over time despite increases in the concentration of Fe in two wells. The shallow aquifer occurs in two sedimentological settings: palaeo-channel and palaeo-interfluve. At the top of the shallow aquifer of the palaeo-channel, decreases in all constituent concentrations with time, and an 3H/3He age of 1.4 years, proves that the aquifer is beginning to be flushed of pollutants. In As-polluted groundwater (>50 μg/L As) tapped from deeper grey sands of the shallow, palaeo-channel, aquifer, concentrations of As were mostly stable over time, but both increases and decreases occurred with time in response to downward migration of the chemically-stratified water column. In groundwater tapped from Pleistocene brown sands, the concentration of As remained either low and stable (<2 μg/L As), or increased at rates up to 34 μg/L per year. The increases were caused by the flow of As-rich groundwater either downward into brown sand at the base of palaeo-channels, or laterally into a confined, unpolluted, palaeo-interfluvial, aquifer of brown sand that lies regionally beneath a palaeosol.Under the present pumping regime, the prognosis for As-pollution in the shallow aquifer is complex. Wells in brown sand may become polluted over timescales of as little as 2 years, whilst some wells tapping As-polluted groundwater from grey sand will become fit for potable use (<50 μg/L) within a few decades. The evidence of flushing, and of declining As in some of the groundwater from palaeo-channels, which are conduits for recharge of the confined, As-free, palaeo-interfluve aquifer, and probably also the deeper aquifer, offers hopes that the spread of As-pollution will be limited.  相似文献   

Iodine-131 (physical half-life: 8.04 days) was detected in brown algae collected off the Japanese coast. Brown algae have been extensively used as bioindicators for radioiodine because of their ability to accumulate radionuclides in high concentration factors. The maximum measured specific activity of 131I in brown algae was 0.37 ± 0.010 Bq/kg-wet. Cesium-137 was also detected in all brown algal samples used in this study. There was no correlation between specific activities of 131I and 137Cs in these seaweeds. The specific activity of 137Cs ranged from 0.0034 ± 0.00075 to 0.090 ± 0.014 Bq/kg-wet. Low specific activity and minimal variability of 137Cs in brown algae indicated that past nuclear weapon tests were the source of 137Cs. Although nuclear power stations and nuclear fuel reprocessing plants are known to be pollution sources of 131I, there was no relationship between the sites where 131I was detected and the locations of nuclear power facilities. Most of the sites where 131I was detected were near big cities with large populations. Iodine-131 is frequently used in diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine. On the basis of the results, we suggest that the likely pollution source of 131I, detected in brown seaweeds, is not nuclear power facilities, but nuclear medicine procedures.  相似文献   

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a high volume by-product of the phosphate fertilizer industry which is composed mainly of CaSO4·2H2O. Impurities in PG include F, trace elements and naturally-occurring radionuclides. Radium-226 content is sufficiently high in some PGs that it has limited PG usage in building materials and as an amendment to agricultural soils. Radium likely exists in PG as a sulfate solid solution with Ba, and possibly Sr. This study determined the distribution of 226Ra, Ba, Sr, U, Th and 210Pb among three size fractions (fine: <20 μm; medium: 20–53 μm; coarse: >53 μm) in PGs derived from three different phosphate rock sources. All chemical species, except for Sr in PG derived from Idaho rock, were enriched in the <20-μm fraction relative to the other size fractions and relative to unfractionated PG. On average, fine fraction 226Ra and 210Pb contents were enriched approximately sixfold over unfractionated PG. 226Ra was enriched in the fine fraction to a greater degree than were Ba or Sr, indicating that Ra behavior in PG is distinct from these other elements. The combination of (i) particle sorting during PG deposition, and (ii) non-uniform distribution of radionuclides in PG, may contribute to radionuclide heterogeneity at PG repositories.  相似文献   

Differently than in the past, today environmental problems have local, national and international concern. The environmental problems in the Black Sea region are a good example for this phenomenon. These problems have affected all six countries that have shores with the Black Sea. The current study analyses these problems in detail. It intends to detect potential reasons for problems and provide suggestions to solve these problems by considering the economic dimensions. In addition, the impact of problems on the city life is examined. Also, the roles and importance of voluntary organizations on solving environmental problems are emphasized.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of testing models for the radioactive contamination of river water and bottom sediments by 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu. The scenario for the model testing was based on data from the Techa River (Southern Urals, Russia), which was contaminated as a result of discharges of liquid radioactive waste into the river. The endpoints of the scenario were model predictions of the activity concentrations of 90Sr, 137Cs and 239,240Pu in water and bottom sediments along the Techa River in 1996. Calculations for the Techa scenario were performed by six participant teams from France (model CASTEAUR), Italy (model MARTE), Russia (models TRANSFER-2, CASSANDRA, GIDRO-W) and Ukraine (model RIVTOX), all using different models. As a whole, the radionuclide predictions for 90Sr in water for all considered models, 137Cs for MARTE and TRANSFER-2, and 239,240Pu for TRANSFER-2 and CASSANDRA can be considered sufficiently reliable, whereas the prediction for sediments should be considered cautiously. At the same time the CASTEAUR and RIVTOX models estimate the activity concentrations of 137Cs and 239,240Pu in water more reliably than in bottom sediments. The models MARTE (239,240Pu) and CASSANDRA (137Cs) evaluated the activity concentrations of radionuclides in sediments with about the same agreement with observations as for water. For 90Sr and 137Cs the agreement between empirical data and model predictions was good, but not for all the observations of 239,240Pu in the river water-bottom sediment system. The modelling of 239,240Pu distribution proved difficult because, in contrast to 137Cs and 90Sr, most of models have not been previously tested or validated for plutonium.  相似文献   

The intensity, frequency, duration, and contribution of distinct PM2.5 sources in Asian households have seldom been assessed; these are evaluated in this work with concurrent personal, indoor, and outdoor PM2.5 and PM1 monitoring using novel low-cost sensing (LCS) devices, AS-LUNG. GRIMM-comparable observations were acquired by the corrected AS-LUNG readings, with R2 up to 0.998. Twenty-six non-smoking healthy adults were recruited in Taiwan in 2018 for 7-day personal, home indoor, and home outdoor PM monitoring. The results showed 5-min PM2.5 and PM1 exposures of 11.2 ± 10.9 and 10.5 ± 9.8 µg/m3, respectively. Cooking occurred most frequently; cooking with and without solid fuel contributed to high PM2.5 increments of 76.5 and 183.8 µg/m3 (1 min), respectively. Incense burning had the highest mean PM2.5 indoor/outdoor (1.44 ± 1.44) ratios at home and on average the highest 5-min PM2.5 increments (15.0 µg/m3) to indoor levels, among all single sources. Certain events accounted for 14.0%-39.6% of subjects’ daily exposures. With the high resolution of AS-LUNG data and detailed time-activity diaries, the impacts of sources and ventilations were assessed in detail.  相似文献   

Karim K  Gupta SK 《Water research》2003,37(12):2953-2959
The effect of COD/NO(3)(-)-N ratio on the biotransformation and removal of 2-nitrophenol (2-NP), 4-nitrophenol (4-NP), and 2,4-dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP) was studied in bench scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors. Sodium acetate and sodium nitrate were used as electron donor (substrate) and electron acceptor, respectively. Nitrate nitrogen loading was increased from 0.098 to 0.6 kg/m(3)d in order to keep COD/NO(3)(-)-N ratio as 20.8, 14.3, 9.8, 5.0, 4.0 and 3.33. Throughout the study, input nitrophenolic concentration and hydraulic retention time (HRT) were kept constant as 30 mg/l and 24h, respectively. 2-Aminophenol (2-AP), 4-aminophenol (4-AP) and 2-amino,4-nitrophenol (2-A,4-NP) were found as the major intermediate metabolite of 2-NP, 4-NP and 2,4-DNP, respectively. Removal of all the three nitrophenols increased with lowering of COD/NO(3)(-)-N ratio. However, nitrophenols removal got adversely affected when COD/NO(3)(-)-N ratio was reduced below 5. Maximum removal achieved were 91.63%, 90.17% and 86.10% for 2-NP, 4-NP and 2,4-DNP, respectively at a COD/NO(3)(-)-N ratio of 5. Simultaneous denitrification and methanogenesis was observed in all the reactors throughout the study.  相似文献   

This paper describes a comprehensive study of the behaviour of U in the Ría of Huelva estuary, formed by the Tinto and Odiel rivers. This ecosystem is conditioned by two hydrochemical facts: one connected with the acid mining drainage (AMD) generated in the first section of the river basins, and another one related to the fertilizer industry located at the estuary. AMD gives a singular character to these rivers; low pH and high redox potential that keep high amounts of toxic elements and radionuclides in dissolution. Most of the data for dissolved U in estuaries indicate conservative mixing, but there are examples of non-conservative behaviour attributed to oxidation/reduction processes or solubility variations. In the Ría of Huelva estuary the U shows a non-conservative behaviour due to solubility changes produced by variations in the pH. A complete removal of riverine dissolved U is observed in a pH range of 4–6. At higher pH values, U release from suspended matter, and probably also from sediments into the dissolved phase is found.  相似文献   

Kim HC  Yu MJ 《Water research》2005,39(19):4779-4789
Natural organic matter (NOM) from raw and process waters at a conventional water treatment plant was isolated into hydrophobic and hydrophilic fractions by physicochemical fractionation methods to investigate its characteristics. Formation potential of trihalomethanes (THMs) was highly influenced by the hydrophobic fraction, whereas haloacetic acids formation potential (HAAFP) depended more on the hydrophilic fraction. However the hydrophobic fraction was removed more than the hydrophilic fraction through conventional water treatment. Therefore residual hydrophilic NOM after conventional treatment needs to be removed to reduce HAAFP. Feasible additional processes are required to be evaluated by comparing preferential removal efficiency of hydrophilic NOM through pilot tests. The structural and chemical characteristics of hydrophobic NOM (i.e., humic substances (HS)) were further investigated to know how they are influenced by conventional treatment. The phenolic fraction in the hydrophobic NOM was mainly removed compared to the carboxylic fraction through water treatment, and a higher formation potential of THMs resulted from NOM with a higher phenolic content. The Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) and proton nuclear magnetic resonance ((1)H-NMR) employed for characterization of NOM through water treatment were insightful revealing that their results were quite close to each other. Decreases of ratio of UV absorbance at 253 and 203 nm, respectively (A(253)/A(203) ratio) and trihalomethane formation potential/dissolved organic carbon (THMFP/DOC) showed consistent trends; therefore, the A(253)/A(203) ratio may be a good indicator of tendency for the formation potential of disinfection by-products (DBPs).  相似文献   

Karim K  Gupta SK 《Water research》2006,40(5):935-942
The effect of nitrophenolic shock loads on the performance of three bench-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors was studied using synthetic wastewater. Reactors R1, R2 and R3 were fed with 30 mg/L concentration of 2-nitrophenol (2-NP), 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) and 2,4-dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP), respectively, along with methanol (COD = 2000 mg/ L), sodium nitrate (NO3(-)-N=200mg/L), and other nutrients. The reactors were in continuous operation for more than 2 years before the shock loading study was performed. Five nitrophenolic shock loadings of 45, 60, 75, 90 and 120mg/L d were administrated by increasing the influent nitrophenolic concentration to 45, 60, 75, 90 and 120mg/L, respectively, while keeping hydraulic retention time as 24h. The shocks were given continuously for a period of 4 days before switching back to normal nitrophenolic loading (30mg/Ld). The reactors were allowed to recover to normal performance level before administrating the next nitrophenolic shock load. The study showed that the nitrophenolic shock load of as high as 120 mg/L d did not affect the reactors performance irreversibly. After resuming the normal nitrophenolic loading, it took almost 3-18 days for the reactors to recover from the shock effect. The study was further extended to assess the maximum possible mixed nitrophenolic loading (2NP:4NP:2,4:DNP = 1:1:1) to which 2,4-DNP acclimated granular sludge containing reactor (R3) can be exposed without hampering the reactor (R3) performance irreversibly. The reactor was able to achieve pseudo-steady-state at a mixed nitrophenolic loading of 180 mg/L d with more than 90% removal of all the three nitrophenols, but failed at a mixed nitrophenolic loading of 225 mg/Ld.  相似文献   

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