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No standard or wholly proven method to determine the trace metal status of human or animal ‘hair’ yet exists. It is well known that hair-metal concentrations are highly influenced by washing procedures applied before analysis.A novel method to determine the efficiency of washing procedures at removing exogenous contaminants was devised. It was shown that suitability of washing procedures was element-specific and increased sonication time during washing progressively removed more Mn and Zn from sheep wool. The efficiency of exogenous contaminant removal by including sonication during washing was also dependant on the efficiency of procedures under study.The Cu, Mn and Zn concentration, and thus exogenous contaminant level, of sheep wool increased in tandem with its age. Additionally, Cu and Zn concentrations of black wool were significantly higher than white wool: a relationship ascribed to melanins.This investigation shows the necessity to standardise procedures used during analysis of ‘hair’ fibres, and to assess each washing procedure for each element before performing routine analysis.  相似文献   

Sources of Cd,Cu, Pb and Zn in biowaste   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Biowaste, the separately collected organic fraction of municipal solid waste, can be reused for soil conditioning after composting. In this way, environmentally harmful waste management strategies, such as landfilling or incineration, can be reduced. However, frequent application of composts to soil systems may lead to the accumulation of heavy metals in soils, and therefore legal criteria were laid down in a decree to guarantee the safe use of composts. The heavy metal content of biowaste-composts frequently exceeds the legal standards, and thus raises a conflict between two governmental policies: the recycling of solid waste on the one hand, and the protection of natural ecosystems and public health on the other hand. In this study, the heavy metal content (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) of biowaste was compared with the natural background content of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in the different constituents of biowaste. For this, the physical entities of biowaste were physically fractionated by wet-sieving and subsequent water-elutriation. In this way, organic and inorganic fractions of different particle sizes were obtained and the content of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn and the organic matter content of the different fractions were determined. On the basis of particle size, density and visual appearance, the particle-size fractions were assigned to various indoor and outdoor origins of the biowaste. It was found that a large amount of biowaste was not organic, but over 50% was made up of soil minerals due to the collection of biowaste constituents from gardens. The heavy metal content of the various fractions in biowaste was compared with the natural background contents of heavy metals in the constituents of biowaste, i.e. food products, plant material, soil organic matter and soil minerals, by collecting literature data. The heavy metal content in the fractionated physical entities of biowaste corresponded with the natural background concentration of its constituents and indicated that biowaste was not contaminated by other sources. However, the natural background content of biowaste constituents will result in heavy metal contents for biowaste-compost that will exceed the legal standards. It is advised that the legal standards for composts should be critically re-examined. The protection of soil systems could be better guaranteed if the input of heavy metals was evaluated for all inputs of fertilisers and soil conditioners, i.e. animal manures, various types of compost and artificial fertilisers.  相似文献   

Daily measurements of water discharges and suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations and monthly sampling for trace element analyses (Cd, Zn, Pb and Cu) were conducted from 1999 to 2002 on the Garonne, Dordogne and Isle Rivers, the three main tributaries of the Gironde Estuary, France. Dissolved and particulate Cd, Zn, Pb and Cu concentrations in the Isle River were generally higher than those in the Garonne River, despite the known historical polymetallic pollution affecting the Lot-Garonne River system. Even if the relatively high dissolved metal concentrations in the Isle River may be of importance for the local ecosystem, metal inputs into the estuarine and coastal zones are mainly controlled by fluvial transport via the Garonne River. Characteristic element concentration ratios (e.g., Zn/Pb) in SPM and stream sediments from the Dordogne and Isle Rivers suggest two different metal source areas with distinct geochemical signals. Low Zn/Pb ratios (<8) and low Cu/Pb ratios (<0.8) have been attributed to upstream source zones in the Massif Central, featuring various ore deposits and mining areas. High Zn/Pb ratios were assigned to downstream sources (e.g., vineyards), partly explaining high Zn and Cu concentrations and high Cu/Pb ratios (>0.8) in SPM. Although SPM derived from the upstream parts of the studied watersheds may greatly contribute to the observed fluvial metal transport (up to approximately 80% for Pb), the results suggest that intensive agriculture also considerably influences gross metal (e.g., Zn, Cu) fluxes into the Gironde Estuary. Relative contributions of upstream and downstream source zones may vary from one year to another reflecting hydrological variations and/or reservoir management. Monitoring fluxes and identifying distinct geochemical signals from source areas in heterogeneous watersheds may greatly improve understanding of contaminant transport to the coast.  相似文献   

This study was designed to explore the changes in physico-chemical forms of Pb, Cu, Zn and Sb in a stream draining a contaminated shooting range, located at Steinsjøen in the South-Eastern part of Norway, during a period of 21 days. To obtain information on the element species distribution, an interphased size and charge fractionation system was applied, where membrane filtration (0.45 µm) and ultrafiltration using hollow fibre (nominal cut off 10 kDa) were performed prior to charge fractionation using chromatography (cationic and anionic exchange resins). The results show that Pb mainly was present as particulate and colloidal high molecular mass (HMM) species, Cu as colloidal (HMM) and low molecular mass (LMM) species, while Sb and Zn were mainly present as LMM species. The total element concentrations of Pb, Cu, Zn and Sb were positively correlated to water flow and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), suggesting these are important factors in controlling the run-off of the investigated elements in this catchment. During episodes of higher water flow, the increase in element concentration was mainly in the colloidal fraction. Partial redundancy analysis (pRDA) revealed that variations in pH, HMM organic carbon (HMM OC) and LMM organic carbon (LMM OC) explained 47% of the variation in size distribution of the elements, while variations in precipitation and water flow explained 48% of the variation in the charge distribution of the elements. The variation in concentrations during the period varied by a factor of 4, also stressing the importance of frequent sampling opposed to spot sampling in environmental surveys and risk assessments.  相似文献   

A dynamic conceptual and lumped accumulation wash-off model (SEWSYS) is uncertainty-calibrated with Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd field data from an intensive, detailed monitoring campaign. We use the generalized linear uncertainty estimation (GLUE) technique in combination with the Metropolis algorithm, which allows identifying a range of behavioral model parameter sets. The small catchment size and nearness of the rain gauge justified excluding the hydrological model parameters from the uncertainty assessment. Uniform, closed prior distributions were heuristically specified for the dry and wet removal parameters, which allowed using an open not specified uniform prior for the dry deposition parameter. We used an exponential likelihood function based on the sum of squared errors between observed and simulated event masses and adjusted a scaling factor to cover 95% of the observations within the empirical 95% model prediction bounds. A positive correlation between the dry deposition and the dry (wind) removal rates was revealed as well as a negative correlation between the wet removal (wash-off) rate and the ratio between the dry deposition and wind removal rates, which determines the maximum pool of accumulated metal available on the conceptual catchment surface. Forward Monte Carlo analysis based on the posterior parameter sets covered 95% of the observed event mean concentrations, and 95% prediction quantiles for site mean concentrations were estimated to 470 μg/l ±20% for Zn, 295 μg/l ±40% for Cu, 20 μg/l ±80% for Pb and 0.6 μg/l ±35% for Cd. This uncertainty-based calibration procedure adequately describes the prediction uncertainty conditioned on the used model and data, but seasonal and site-to-site variation is not considered, i.e. predicting metal concentrations in stormwater runoff from gauged as well as ungauged catchments with the SEWSYS model is generally more uncertain than the indicated numbers.  相似文献   

Three areas of the Ob River floodplain (forest-steppe, southern taiga and central taiga) were investigated. The total amount of Mn, Cu, Zn, Co, B, Sr, Cd and Pb was identified. The same elements were identified in ammonium acetate buffer extract, 1N HCl extraction and Tamm’s and Grimm’s soil extracts. The basic amount of trace elements in the soils is in the potentially unstable form, in Tamm’s and 1N HCl extracts (up to 74% of the total amount). The geochemical spectra of the investigated elements’ concentration in the soils and meadow vegetation are given. The Ob floodplain is not polluted as it has not been affected by industry, and that is why natural mechanisms of these soils can be easily detected. The content reduction regularity of most of the trace elements and their unstable forms in the soils from the south to the north of the Ob floodplain is observed. The same regularity concerns plants in which Co, Mo, B, Sr and Cd contraction and Mn, Zn and Cu increase are detected.  相似文献   

Dissolved ( < approximately 4 nm, dialysis in situ), colloidal ( < 0.45 microm filtered, minus dissolved) and particulate (total, minus < 0.45 microm filtered) concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, (Al) in eight (three) mining polluted rivers were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry (flame and graphite furnace). The metal size distribution in the rivers was compared to pH, Ca concentration, alkalinity, conductivity, and total organic carbon (TOC). Data plots based on the present and other studies also yielded information about the interrelations between TOC, pH and metal adsorption in rivers and lakes. Less than 10% of Cu, Zn, and Cd were sorbed on particles or colloids in two rivers with average pH at 3.1 and 5.1, whereas 46%, 21%, and 21% of Cu, Zn, and Cd, respectively, occurred in sorbed form in six pH neutral rivers. In three pH neutral rivers, on average 55% of Al was in colloidal form, whereas the dissolved and particulate fractions were 21% and 23%, respectively. Our data combined with data from similar studies support conclusions from other research suggesting that the percent fraction of metals adsorbed on particles rises steeply from almost zero to nearly 100% within a narrow and element specific pH range. Changes in TOC concentration seem capable of shifting the pH to % metal absorption curves in the order of one pH unit.  相似文献   

Butler BA  Ranville JF  Ross PE 《Water research》2008,42(12):3135-3145
North Fork Clear Creek (NFCC) in Colorado, an acid-mine drainage (AMD) impacted stream, was chosen to examine the distribution of dissolved and particulate Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn in the water column, with respect to seasonal hydrologic controls. NFCC is a high-gradient stream with discharge directly related to snowmelt and strong seasonal storms. Additionally, conditions in the stream cause rapid precipitation of large amounts of hydrous iron oxides (HFO) that sequester metals. Because AMD-impacted systems are complex, geochemical modeling may assist with predictions and/or confirmations of processes occurring in these environments. This research used Visual-MINTEQ to determine if field data collected over a two and one-half year study would be well represented by modeling with a currently existing model, while limiting the number of processes modeled and without modifications to the existing model's parameters. Observed distributions between dissolved and particulate phases in the water column varied greatly among the metals, with average dissolved fractions being >90% for Mn, approximately 75% for Zn, approximately 30% for Cu, and <10% for Fe. A strong seasonal trend was observed for the metals predominantly in the dissolved phase (Mn and Zn), with increasing concentrations during base-flow conditions and decreasing concentrations during spring-runoff. This trend was less obvious for Cu and Fe. Within hydrologic seasons, storm events significantly influenced in-stream metals concentrations. The most simplified modeling, using solely sorption to HFO, gave predicted percentage particulate Cu results for most samples to within a factor of two of the measured values, but modeling data were biased toward over-prediction. About one-half of the percentage particulate Zn data comparisons fell within a factor of two, with the remaining data being under-predicted. Slightly more complex modeling, which included dissolved organic carbon (DOC) as a solution phase ligand, significantly reduced the positive bias between observed and predicted percentage particulate Cu, while inclusion of hydrous manganese oxide (HMO) yielded model results more representative of the observed percentage particulate Zn. These results indicate that there is validity in the use of an existing model, without alteration and with typically collected water chemistry data, to describe complex natural systems, but that processes considered optimal for one metal might not be applicable for all metals in a given water sample.  相似文献   

Application of the BCR three-step sequential extraction procedure to sewage sludge samples collected at an urban wastewater treatment plant (Dom ale, Slovenia) is reported. The total concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn and their concentrations in fractions after extraction were determined by flame or electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS, ETAAS) under optimised measurement conditions. Total acid digestion including hydrofluoric acid (HF) treatment and aqua regia extraction were compared in order to estimate the efficiency of aqua regia extraction for determination of total metal concentrations in sewage sludge. It was found experimentally that aqua regia quantitatively leached these heavy metals from the sewage sludge and could therefore be applied in analysis of total heavy metal concentrations. The total concentrations of 856 mg kg−1 Cr, 621 mg kg−1 Ni and 2032 mg kg−1 Zn were higher than those set by Slovenian legislation for sludge to be used in agriculture. Total concentrations of 2.78 mg kg−1 Cd, 433 mg kg−1 Cu and 126 mg kg−1 Pb were below those permitted in the relevant legislation. CRM 146R reference material was used to follow the quality of the analytical process. The results of the BCR three-step sequential extraction procedure indicate high Ni and Zn mobility in the sludge analysed. The other heavy metals were primarily in sparingly soluble fractions and hence poorly mobile. Due to the high total Ni concentration and its high mobility the investigated sewage sludge could not be used in agriculture.  相似文献   

We evaluated various modeling options for estimating concentrations of PCB-153 in the environment and in biota across Europe, using a nested multimedia fate model coupled with a bioaccumulation model. The most detailed model set up estimates concentrations in air, soil, fresh water sediment and fresh water biota with spatially explicit environmental characteristics and spatially explicit emissions to air and water in the period 1930-2005. Model performance was evaluated with the root mean square error (RMSElog), based on the difference between estimated and measured concentrations. The RMSElog was 5.4 for air, 5.6-6.3 for sediment and biota, and 5.5 for soil in the most detailed model scenario. Generally, model estimations tended to underestimate observed values for all compartments, except air. The decline in observed concentrations was also slightly underestimated by the model for the period where measurements were available (1989-2002). Applying a generic model setup with averaged emissions and averaged environmental characteristics, the RMSElog increased to 21 for air and 49 for sediment. For soil the RMSElog decreased to 3.5. We found that including spatial variation in emissions was most relevant for all compartments, except soil, while including spatial variation in environmental characteristics was less influential. For improving predictions of concentrations in sediment and aquatic biota, including emissions to water was found to be relevant as well.  相似文献   

Laboratory microcosm experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of acid volatile sulfides (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) in sediments on the bioavailability and toxicity of Cd, Ni, and Zn in sediments to polychaete worms Neanthes arenaceodentata. Cohorts of juvenile N. arenaceodentata were exposed to sediments spiked with metal mixtures containing Cd, Ni, and Zn (0.5-15 micromol x g(-1) of total SEM) with Low- (approximately 1 micromol x g(-1)), Medium- (approximately 5 micromol x g(-1)), and High-AVS concentrations (approximately 10 micromol x g(-1)) for 20 days to determine mortality, growth rate, and metal bioaccumulation. Tissue Cd and Zn concentrations at the end of the exposure were significantly higher in sediments with the low-AVS concentration at a given SEM concentration due to the increased dissolved metal concentrations in overlying water (OW). However, tissue Ni concentrations were not related to dissolved Ni in the OW. AVS concentrations also influenced the toxicity of metals to the worms. Significant mortality was observed only at the highest SEM treatments at Low-AVS series. Most individuals survived at the highest SEM treatments at Medium- and High-AVS series. Similarly, the growth rates of worms were reduced in treatments having higher molar differences between SEM and AVS ([SEM-AVS]). Overall, the bioavailability and toxicity of metals in sediments was not well predicted by sediment metal concentrations only, but considering the influence of geochemical factors (AVS) on the metal bioavailability improved the prediction of toxicity. Also, the relationship between tissue metal concentration and toxicity was used to determine which contaminant was most responsible for the observed toxicity of the metal mixture.  相似文献   

The potential of using alumina, activated bauxsol-coated sand (ABCS), bark, bauxsol-coated sand (BCS), fly ash (FA), granulated activated carbon (GAC), granulated ferric hydroxide (GFH), iron oxide-coated sand (IOCS), natural zeolite (NZ), sand, and spinel (MgAl(2)O(4)) as sorbents for removing heavy metals from stormwater are investigated in the present study. The ability of the sorbents to remove a mixture of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn from synthetic stormwater samples were evaluated in batch tests at a starting pH of 6.5. The metal speciation and saturation data is obtained using the PHREEQ-C geochemical model and used to elucidate the sorption data. It is found that BCS, FA, and spinel have significantly higher affinity towards heavy metals mainly present as cationic or non-charged species (i.e. Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn) compared to those present as anionic species (i.e. As and Cr). However, IOCS, NZ and sand have higher affinity towards As and Cr, while alumina has equally high affinity to all tested heavy metals. The Freundlich isotherm model is found to fit the data in many cases, but ill fitted results are also observed, especially for FA, BCS and GAC, possibly due to leaching of some metals from the sorbents (i.e. for FA) and oversaturated conditions making precipitation the dominant removal mechanism over sorption in batches with high heavy metal concentrations and pH. Calculated sorption constants (i.e. K(d)) are used to compare the overall heavy metal removal efficiency of the sorbents, which in a decreasing order are found to be: alumina, BCS, GFH, FA, GAC, spinel, ABCS, IOCS, NZ, bark, and sand. These findings are significant for future development of secondary filters for removal of dissolved heavy metals from stormwater runoff under realistic competitive conditions in terms of initial heavy metal concentrations, pH and ionic strength.  相似文献   

This is the first study of flocculation of dissolved Zn, Cu, Ni and Mn during the mixing of Tadjan River water with the largest lake in the world (the Caspian Sea). Flocculation of Dissolved metals was investigated on a series of mixtures with salinities ranging from 0.16 to 9.5 ppt. The flocculation rates (Zn (96%) > Mn(58%) > Cu(42%) > Ni(7%)) are indicative of the non‐conservative behavior of Zn, Mn and Cu and the conservative behavior of Ni during estuarine mixing. Statistical analysis indicates that the flocculation of Cu, Ni, Zn, and to an extent Mn, is governed by pH. The flocculation rates reveal that the overall dissolved metal pollution loads may be reduced to about 50% during estuarine mixing of the Tadjan River with Caspian Sea water.  相似文献   

Gay D  Maher W 《Water research》2003,37(9):2173-2185
Copper, zinc, cadmium and selenium were measured in the gastropod mollusc Bembicium nanum at two uncontaminated locations, Jervis Bay and Rosedale, NSW, to determine natural variability of metals associated with gender, mass, shore position and temporal variability. Trace metals were also measured in B. nanum at three industrialised locations to determine the accumulation of trace metals in contaminated environments.Copper, zinc, cadmium and selenium concentrations were not significantly different between male and female B. nanum. No significant relationships were found between zinc, cadmium and selenium concentrations and mass. There was a significant relationship between copper concentration and mass but only 19% of the variation was explained by mass. Generally inherent variability within samples had a greater influence than gender or variations in mass on trace metal concentrations.No trend was found in cadmium and selenium concentrations with variation in shoreline position. Copper and zinc concentrations increased further away from the low tide mark, with a decrease in metal concentrations at the furthest site from the water. Variability in metal concentrations is attributable to variations in food source, food availability and different immersion times.Copper, zinc, cadmium and selenium concentrations varied over a 12-month period. Copper, cadmium and selenium were taken up and lost over time, as metal body burden followed the same trend as metal concentrations. Zinc concentrations were influenced by mass. Copper and cadmium concentrations fluctuated throughout the 12-month period but with no clear seasonal trends. Selenium concentrations peaked in spring (October), with concentrations remaining uniform over the other months. These differences in mean concentrations between months were most likely due to inherent trace metal variability associated with differences in food availability and changes in metabolic rates associated with changes in temperature during the study period.Measurement of trace metals in B. nanum at contaminated sites showed that B. nanum accumulates metals in response to contamination.B. nanum meets most of the requirements to be a biomonitor of trace metal contamination as they are abundant, sedentary, easy to identify, provide sufficient tissue for analysis, tolerate high concentrations of pollutants and they accumulate trace metals in response to contamination. However, as trace metal concentration can vary with mass, shoreline position and temporally, care must be taken to collect individual organisms with similar mass from similar shoreline positions and times.  相似文献   

To obtain information on the fate of trace metals discharged to an estuarine environment, analyses have been made on water and sediment samples from Back River, MD., and on effluent from the large wastewater treatment plant that discharges there. Within 2–3 km of the outfall, the concentration (in μg 1−1) of all metals decreases as follows: Mn, > 120-90; Fe, > 570-300; Cu, 53-7; Zn, 280-9; Cd, 3.5-0.5 and Pb, 31-<4. Except possibly for Mn and Fe, these decreases are much greater than can be ascribed to simple dilution, so physical, chemical or biological processes must be removing metals to the sediments. Correspondingly, sediment concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb are approximately one order of magnitude higher than normally found in uncontaminated areas. After the initial decrease, concentrations of Mn and Cd in the water begin to rise again, suggesting remobilization from the sediments. Comparison of the estimated annual discharge of 8 trace metals to the Chesapeake Bay from wastewater treatment plants and from rivers suggests that the wastewater input may be within one order of magnitude of the fluvial input for Cr, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb. Of the metals studied, Cd presents the greatest potential for serious pollution because its input from wastewater probably exceeds fluvial input, it appears to be readily remobilized from sediments, and it is known to be toxic to many organisms.  相似文献   

采用正交试验对超声波消解土壤中Co、Cu、Mn、Pb、Zn的影响因素进行研究,并与微波消解试验结果进行比对分析.结果表明,影响超声波消解土壤样品的因素依次为:超声功率>固液比>超声时间>反应温度;最佳消解条件为:100%W_(max)超声波功率,固液比1: 16,超声时间40 min,反应温度45 ℃.ICP-AES对Co和Mn的测试结果分别为微波消解测试结果的81.79%~98.15%.  相似文献   

Contamination of heavy metals represents one of the most pressing threats to water and soil resources as well as human health. Phytoremediation can be potentially used to remediate metal-contaminated sites. This study evaluated the potential of 36plants (17species) growing on a contaminated site in North Florida. Plants and the associated soil samples were collected and analyzed for total metal concentrations. While total soil Pb, Cu, and Zn concentrations varied from 90 to 4100, 20 to 990, and 195 to 2200mg kg(-1), those in the plants ranged from 2.0 to 1183, 6.0 to 460, and 17 to 598mg kg(-1), respectively. None of the plants were suitable for phytoextraction because no hyperaccumulator was identified. However, plants with a high bioconcentration factor (BCF, metal concentration ratio of plant roots to soil) and low translocation factor (TF, metal concentration ratio of plant shoots to roots) have the potential for phytostabilization. Among the plants, Phyla nodiflora was the most efficient in accumulating Cu and Zn in its shoots (TF=12 and 6.3) while Gentiana pennelliana was most suitable for phytostabilization of sites contaminated with Pb, Cu and Zn (BCF=11, 22 and 2.6). Plant uptake of the three metals was highly correlated, whereas translocation of Pb was negatively correlated with Cu and Zn though translocation of Cu and Zn were correlated. Our study showed that native plant species growing on contaminated sites may have the potential for phytoremediation.  相似文献   

The desorption kinetic of trace elements (Cd, Zn, Co, Mn, Fe, Ag, and Cs) associated with Loire river natural suspended particulate matter (SPM; 0.4-63 microm) was followed up on times varying from 0.5 h to 30 days, from SPM previously contaminated during 1 h, 24 h and 30 days. Long term sorption kinetics indicated that the difference between sorption occurring during the period 0-30 days (time investigated in this study) and the period 0-48 h (time often used for sorption experiments) ranges from few to 25% according to the element. Desorption kinetics show that, whatever the age of the complex formed during the sorption step, the release tends to equilibrium between complexed and dissolved elements equivalent to the equilibrium obtained for sorption after a given time. However, the time to get this equilibrium depends on the aging of the complex and on the element. All the above features indicate different types of complexes formation and strength of the binding according to the age of the complex and according to the element. Using a multi-compartmental model, simulating the transfer of metals between water and different types of particulate sites, the relationships between the parameters describing slow and rapid processes helped in explaining the "aging" effect observed.  相似文献   

Daily intake of TBT, Cu, Zn, Cd and As for fishermen in Taiwan   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The consumption of contaminated seafood has been reported as an important route of human exposure to metals in Taiwan. We consider the concentrations of TBT, Cu, Zn, Cd, As, and the consumption of oysters of Taiwanese to be the important information related to public health in Taiwan. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the public health risks associated with TBT, Cu, Zn, Cd and As from shellfish for the general population and fishermen of Taiwan. In general, TBT concentrations in various oysters ranging from 0.32 to 1.51 microg/g dry wt. varied with sampling locations. The highest TBT, Cu, and Zn geometric mean (GM) concentrations in oysters of 1.51, 1180 and 1567 microg/g dry wt. were obtained from the Hsiangshan coastal area. The values of oyster consumption for fishermen were 94.1 and 250 g/day for typically and maximally exposed individuals, respectively. In particular, the highest intake (250 g/day) from fishermen was almost two times greater than that of the general population (139 g/day). The THQ (target hazard quotient) values of Hsiangshan's fishermen are 3.87 and 20.50 for TBT and Cu for maximally exposed individuals are higher than other oyster culture areas. It is interesting that those consuming oysters from Hsiangshan, Lukang, Taishi caused abnormally high THQs of TBT and other metals (100% over 1.0), and TBT was attributed to only 3-21% of the total THQs in different fishermen of Taiwan. Our results suggest that current environmental levels of TBT and other metals are associated with a significant potential threat to human health for fishermen resident in coastal areas of Taiwan.  相似文献   

This study investigated the accumulation and removal of Cu, Ni and Zn in two horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands for domestic wastewater treatment, which differ by shape, presence of macrophytes and water depth. Between March and December 2007, the three metals were measured in the influent and effluents of the two systems. Average percentage removal rates were extremely low for Cu (3% and 9% in the two beds) and higher for Zn and Ni (between 25 and 35%). Under higher Zn influent concentrations, it was found to be between 78-87%, which is in agreement with other literature data.During the peak standing crop season (August), biomasses of the different parts of Phragmites australis (stems, leaves and flowers, roots and rhizomes) were analysed in terms of weight and heavy metal concentration in order to assess heavy metal distribution among the tissues. It was found that the plants contribute to total heavy metal removal to a lesser extent than the filling medium. Aboveground tissues remove 34% of Cu, 1.8% of Ni and 6.2% of Zn % and, once harvested, their disposal does not appear to pose a problem for the environment. If heavy metals are present at high concentrations in the horizontal subsurface flow bed influent, over time, their accumulation in the filling medium could necessitate special care in the bed's management to avoid release into the surrounding environment.  相似文献   

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