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通过控制不同的变量,如灼烧时间(3h、5h、8h)、灼烧温度(950℃、750℃、600℃)、前处理(105℃烘干到恒重),对粉料砂浆的灼烧质量损失值进行对比,探索砂浆中有机物含量的最佳检测条件.结果表明,随着时间、温度的变化,当灼烧时间为3h,灼烧温度为600℃时,粉料砂浆中有机物(胶粉和纤维素醚等)的灼烧质量损失仍...  相似文献   

Three-dimensional excitation-emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy was employed to characterize dissolved organic matter (DOM) in a submerged membrane bioreactor (MBR). Three fluorescence peaks could be identified from the EEM fluorescence spectra of the DOM samples in the MBR. Two peaks were associated with the protein-like fluorophores, and the third was related to the visible humic acid-like fluorophores. Only two main peaks were observed in the EEM fluorescence spectra of the extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) samples, which were due to the fluorescence of protein-like and humic acid-like matters, respectively. However, the EEM fluorescence spectra of membrane foulants were observed to have three peaks. It was also found that the dominant fluorescence substances in membrane foulants were protein-like substances, which might be due to the retention of proteins in the DOM and/or EPS in the MBR by the fine pores of the membrane. Quantitative analysis of the fluorescence spectra including peak locations, fluorescence intensity, and different peak intensity ratios and the fluorescence regional integration (FRI) analysis were also carried out in order to better understand the similarities and differences among the EEM spectra of the DOM, EPS, and membrane foulant samples and to further provide an insight into membrane fouling caused by the fluorescence substances in the DOM in submerged MBRs.  相似文献   

The effects of discontinuous chlorination on the characteristics of the water in a pilot drinking water distribution network were investigated. The release or consumption of organic matter (as dissolved organic carbon, DOC) following chlorination and non-chlorination periods were estimated, as were changes in bacterial cell production. In each unchlorinated network 0.3 mg DOCl(-1) was consumed and the average cell production was approximately 1.3 x 10(5) cells ml(-1). In discontinously chlorinated networks (chlorine treatment: 3.3 mg Cl2l(-1), chlorine residual: 0.1 mg Cl2l(-1)) the DOC release (DOCout-DOCin) was between 0.1 and 0.2 mg Cl(-1). Biomass production (cells(out)-cells(in)) during this chlorination period was lower (approximately 2 x 10(4) cells ml(-1)). The delay before DOC was released in chlorinated networks appeared to be less than 24 h, which corresponds to one hydraulic residence time. Likewise, when chlorination was stopped, 24 h or less were required before an efficient DOC removal was resumed. When chlorination was prolonged the observed release of DOC was progressively reduced from 0.2 mg l(-1) to zero, thus after 6 weeks of continuous chlorination the DOCin was equivalent to the DOCout.  相似文献   

Granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorption is an effective treatment technology for the removal of synthetic organic chemicals (SOCs) from drinking water supplies. This treatment process can be expensive if not properly designed. Application of mathematical models is an attractive method to evaluate the impact of process variables on process design and performance. Practical guidelines were developed to select an appropriate model framework and to estimate site-specific model parameters to predict GAC adsorber performance. Pilot plant and field-scale data from 11 different studies were utilized to investigate the effectiveness of this approach in predicting adsorber performance in the presence of background organic batter (BOM). These data represent surface and ground water sources from four different countries. The modeling approach was able to adequately describe fixed-bed adsorber performance for the purpose of determining the carbon usage rate and process design variables. This approach is more accurate at predicting bed life in the presence of BOM than the current methods commonly used by practicing engineers.  相似文献   

Swietlik J  Sikorska E 《Water research》2004,38(17):3791-3799
The composition of natural organic matter (NOM) fractions before and after the reaction with chlorine dioxide as well as ozone was studied by means of total luminescence spectroscopy (TLS) and synchronous scanning fluorescence measurements. The excitation-emission matrices spectra (EEMs) of natural as well as oxidised NOM fractions revealed two well-resolved bands with maxima at Ex/Em of 250-265/422-452 nm and at Ex/Em 300-336/414-446 nm ascribed to humic and fulvic material. The study of emission and synchronous spectra also confirmed the presence of protein-like constituents in all examined NOM fractions. The study of EEMs proved, that oxidation of all NOM fractions with ClO(2) caused mainly the break-up of molecules into smaller fragments and a decrease of the aromaticity. Changes in EEMs after the oxidation of individual NOM fractions with O(3) confirmed the formation of a significant amount of ozonation by-products, i.e. carboxylic acids, aldehydes and ketones during the oxidation process. In addition, the fluorescence studies confirmed relatively high reactivity of all NOM fractions with ClO(2) as well as with ozone.  相似文献   

In some projects where cement is used to stabilize soft soil foundations, it is found that the organic matter influences the stabilization effect. As a consequence, extra admixtures are added to accelerate the reactions of cement and improve the stabilization effect. In this study, different kinds of extra admixtures were used with cement to stabilize a soft soil with a high organic content. Direct shear and unconfined compression tests were undertaken and the mechanical indices in different conditions obtained. The total amount and components of the organic matter in every sample were also determined. The results show that the addition of extra admixtures improves the properties of cement-stabilized soils and that different extra admixtures play a different role.   相似文献   

Lu XQ  Maie N  Hanna JV  Childers DL  Jaffé R 《Water research》2003,37(11):2599-2606
In this study, the molecular composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM), collected from wetlands of the Southern Everglades, was examined using a variety of analytical techniques in order to characterize its sources and transformation in the environment. The methods applied for the characterization of DOM included fluorescence spectroscopy, solid state 13C CPMAS NMR spectroscopy, and pyrolysis-GC/MS. The relative abundance of protein-like components and carbohydrates increased from the canal site to more remote freshwater marsh sites suggesting that significant amounts of non-humic DOM are autochthonously produced within the freshwater marshes, and are not exclusively introduced through canal inputs. Such in situ DOM production is important when considering how DOM from canals is processed and transported to downstream estuaries of Florida Bay.  相似文献   

The Danshuei Estuary is distinctive for the relatively short residence time (1-2 d) of its estuarine water and the very high concentration of ammonia, which is the dominant species of dissolved inorganic nitrogen in the estuary, except near the river mouth. These characteristics make the dynamics of nitrogen cycling distinctively different from previously studied estuaries and result in unusual isotopic compositions of particulate nitrogen (PN). The delta(15)N(PN) values ranging from -16.4 per thousand to 3.8 per thousand lie in the lower end of nitrogen isotopic compositions (-16.4 to +18.7 per thousand) of suspended particulate matter observed in estuaries, while the delta(13)C values of particulate organic carbon (POC) and the C/N (organic carbon to nitrogen) ratios showed rather normal ranges from -25.5 per thousand to -19.0 per thousand and from 6.0 to 11.3, respectively. There were three major types of particulate organic matter (POM) in the estuary: natural terrigenous materials consisting mainly of soils and bedrock-derived sediments, anthropogenic wastes and autochthonous materials from the aquatic system. During the typhoon induced flood period in August 2000, the flux-weighted mean of delta(13)C(POC) values was -24.4 per thousand, that of delta(15)N(PN) values was +2.3 per thousand and that of C/N ratio was 9.3. During non-typhoon periods, the concentration-weighted mean was -23.6 per thousand for delta(13)C(POC), -2.6 per thousand for delta(15)N(PN) and 8.0 for C/N ratio. From the distribution of delta(15)N(PN) values of highly polluted estuarine waters, we identified the waste-dominated samples and calculated their mean properties: delta(13)C(POC) value of -23.6+/-0.7 per thousand, delta(15)N(PN) value of -3.0+/-0.1 per thousand and C/N ratio of 8.0+/-1.4. Using a three end-member mixing model based on delta(15)N(PN) values and C/N ratios, we calculated contributions of the three major allochthonous sources of POC, namely, wastes, soils and bedrock-derived sediments, to the estuary. Their contributions were, respectively, 83%, 12% and 5% under non-typhoon conditions, and 9%, 63% and 28% under typhoon conditions. The autochthonous POM had the most varied isotopic compositions, encompassing the full ranges of delta(13)C(POC) (-25.5 to -19.1 per thousand), delta(15)N(PN) (-16.4-3.8 per thousand) and C/N ratio (6.0-11.3). The heavy end of the carbon isotopic composition reflected the typical marine condition and the lower end the estuarine condition, which probably had elevated concentrations of dissolved inorganic carbon with low delta(13)C values due to input from decomposition of organic matter. The lack of isotopically heavy PN, as found in larger estuaries, was attributed to isotopically light starting materials, namely, anthropogenic wastes, the slow phytoplankton growth within the estuary and the rather short residence time; the latter two factors made (15)N enrichment during ammonia consumption very limited. The most isotopically light PN likely originated from phytoplankton incorporating (15)N-depleted nitrate near the river mouth, where ammonia inhibition of nitrate uptake probably stopped.  相似文献   

DT Myat  M Mergen  O Zhao  MB Stewart  JD Orbell  S Gray 《Water research》2012,46(16):5151-5164
Extensive organic characterisation of a wastewater using liquid chromatography with a photodiode array and fluorescence spectroscopy (Method A), and UV254 and organic carbon detector (Method B) was undertaken, as well as with fluorescence excitation emission spectroscopy (EEM). Characterisation was performed on the wastewater before and after ion exchange (IX) treatment and polyaluminium chlorohydrate (PACl) coagulation, and following microfiltration of the wastewater and pre-treated wastewaters. Characterisation by EEM was unable to detect biopolymers within the humic rich wastewaters and was not subsequently used to characterise the MF permeates. IX treatment preferentially removed low molecular weight (MW) organic acids and neutrals, and moderate amounts of biopolymers in contrast to a previous report of no biopolymer removal with IX. PACl preferentially removed moderate MW humic and fulvic acids, and large amounts of biopolymers. PACl showed a great preference for removal of proteins from the biopolymer component in comparison to IX. An increase in the fluorescence response of tryptophan-like compounds in the biopolymer fraction following IX treatment suggests that low MW neutrals may influence the structure and/or inhibit aggregation of organic compounds. Fouling rates for IX and PACl treated wastewaters had high initial fouling rates that reduced to lower fouling rates with time, while the untreated Eastern Treatment Plant (ETP) wastewater displayed a consistent, high rate of fouling. The results for the IX and PACl treated wastewaters were consistent with the long-term fouling rate being determined by cake filtration while both pore constriction and cake filtration contributed to the higher initial fouling rates. Higher rejection of biopolymers was observed for PACl and IX waters compared to the untreated ETP water, suggesting increased adhesion of biopolymers to the membrane or cake layer may lead to the higher rejection.  相似文献   

The degradation of natural organic matter (NOM) in homogeneous and heterogeneous advanced oxidation processes (AOP) was simulated using a simple underlying physical model. By treating the NOM molecules as linear chains and allowing them to be cleaved at any point selected at random, it is possible to reproduce well the results for homogeneous AOP experiments.To simulate a heterogeneous process, a bias was introduced (in the form of different weights for different chain lengths) according to literature data on the adsorption of NOM onto TiO2 nanoparticle agglomerates. After introduction of the (adsorption) bias, the simulation closely followed the degradation sequence observed in heterogeneous photocatalysis with TiO2 suspensions.Thus, the experimental results for homogeneous AOP may well be explained by a random breakdown of the NOM molecules; that is, we find no evidence for a selective degradation of the large molecular size material. However, a selectivity is present in the heterogeneous system due to the differential adsorption of NOM onto the reactive surface.  相似文献   

Under predicted scenarios of global climate change, peatlands may become a net source of greenhouse gases which will accelerate warming of the atmosphere. Comparative studies of peat bogs along present climatic gradients may provide an insight into the future response of boreal and subarctic peatlands to changing temperature and moisture. Three maritime peat bogs in the British Isles, and two high-elevation peatlands in the Czech Republic were studied. All sites were relatively wet, the mean annual temperatures were higher by up to 6 degrees C at the British/Irish sites than at the Czech sites. Cumulative carbon content in (210)Pb-dated Sphagnum-dominated vertical peat cores increased from the warmer to the colder sites when evaluated for the most recent decades (since ca. 1950). That would correspond to formation of thinner, more highly decomposed peat deposits over the long-term in warmer conditions, and deeper peat bogs in colder conditions. However, when cumulative carbon content was evaluated for the last ca. 150 years, no relationship was found between mean annual temperature and the carbon pool size. Even along broad present-day climatic gradients, site-specific factors controlled organic carbon preservation in peat. Pollen analysis was instrumental in corroborating the (210)Pb dates, identifying wet and dry periods in the past, and it also provided evidence for increasing nitrogen loads in wetland areas.  相似文献   

Colloidal organic matter (COM) collected in small and large watercourse tributaries of the Negro River (Brazil) were fractionated and characterized by an asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AFlFFF) coupled to UV and seven angle laser light scattering (LS) detectors, and by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) coupled with a UV detection. Number and weight average molar masses, weight average gyration radiuses RGw and polydispersity indexes were obtained for each sample in two separate runs under conditions optimized for lower and larger size fractions. The results demonstrate the existence of a decrease of size of the colloidal matter when passing from first order streams to higher order rivers. No significant changes were found in size distributions of samples collected during the low and high flow stages at the same site. The influence of selected pre-treatments such as filtration and reverse osmosis pre-concentration on the size and molar mass distributions was also studied.  相似文献   

Lee N  Amy G  Croué JP  Buisson H 《Water research》2004,38(20):4511-4523
An understanding of natural organic matter (NOM) as a membrane foulant and the behavior of NOM components in low-pressure membrane fouling are needed to provide a basis for appropriate selection and operation of membrane technology for drinking water treatment. Fouling by NOM was investigated by employing several innovative chemical and morphological analyses.

Source (feed) waters with a high hydrophilic (HPI) fraction content of NOM resulted in significant flux decline. Macromolecules of a relatively hydrophilic character (e.g. polysaccharides) were effectively rejected by low-pressure membranes, suggesting that macromolecular compounds and/or colloidal organic matter in the hydrophilic NOM fraction may be a problematic foulant of low-pressure membranes. Moreover, the significant organic fouling that is contributed by polysaccharides and/or proteins in macromolecular and/or colloidal forms depends on molecular shape (structure) as well as size (i.e. molecular weight). More significant flux decline was observed in microfiltration (MF) compared to ultrafiltration (UF) membrane filtration. MF membrane fouling may be caused by pore blockage associated with large (macromolecular) hydrophilic molecules and/or organic colloids. In the case of UF membranes, the flux decline may be caused by sequential or simultaneous processes of surface (gel layer) coverage during filtration. Morphological analyses support the notion that membrane roughness may be considered as a more important factor in membrane fouling by controlling interaction between molecules and the membrane surface, compared to the hydrophobic/hydrophilic character of membranes. Membrane fouling mechanisms are not only a function of membrane type (MF versus UF) but also depend on source (feed) water characteristics.  相似文献   

This study shows the effect of pH on the photocatalytic degradation of natural organic matter (NOM). The experiments were carried out in batch reactor (a solar UV-light simulator) with Degussa P-25 titanium dioxide (TiO2). The NOM degradation was followed by size-exclusion chromatography for dissolved organic carbon (DOC), ultraviolet absorption and fluorescence-detection (SEC-DOC, SEC-UV254 and SEC-Fl254/450). Changes in pH values affected the adsorption of NOM onto TiO2, but did not affect the photodegradation sequence of NOM. For high or low pH values, the degradation of the NOM preferentially removed the larger molecular size fraction in comparison to the middle and small molecular size fractions, resulting in the relative increase of these smaller fractions. This sequence of NOM degradation leads to the evolution of the formation potential for disinfection by-products (DBPs). Specifically, the trihalomethanes and halogenated organic compounds formation potential (THMF and AOXFP) decreased steadily.  相似文献   

We investigated the degradation of refractory organic matter (OM) by the basidiomycete fungus Schizophyllum commune to understand the release of dissolved organic compounds, heavy metals and sulfur. The investigated OM consisted of: charcoal, the short time end product of high temperature wood alteration in the absence of oxygen and composed mainly of pure OM; and black shales composed of clay minerals, quartz, sulfides and OM formed geogenically in an abiotic long-term process. In both cases, the OM fraction contains mainly polyaromatic hydrocarbons. We investigated the degradation of these fractions by a wood-rotting basidiomycete, which is able to produce exoenzymes like peroxidases and laccases. These enzymes can perform radical reactions to oxidize OM (like lignin) and therefore hypothetically are able to degrade OM from charcoal and/or low grade metamorphic black shales. Release of new components into dissolved organic carbon (DOC) could be detected in both cases. The attack on OM in the case of black shales coincided with the release of the heavy metals Fe, Mn and Ni. By following sulfur concentrations throughout the experiment, it was shown that heavy metal release is not due to pyrite oxidation. Ground black shale and charcoal samples were inoculated with S. commune in a diluted minimal medium containing aspartic acid and glucose. The aqueous and solid phases were sampled after 1, 7, 28 and 84 days. DOC was measured as non purgeable carbon and characterized by size exclusion chromatography and UV detection. Carbon concentrations of the solid phase were determined by element analyses. After initial decrease of the DOC concentrations due to the degradation of the carbon source provided with the medium, DOC increased up to 80 mg/l after 84 days. Carbon decreased in the solid fraction confirming that this carbon was released as DOC by the fungus. The newly generated DOC formed larger agglomerations than the DOC of the growth medium. The investigation proved that the degradation of persistent carbon sources, such as charcoal and black shale, is accelerated by fungal activity. Consequently, the associated release of heavy metals is also accelerated by the fungus. Main products of the biological degradation processes were organic heavy metal complexes which can enter the environment.  相似文献   

Wang J  Huang CP  Allen HE 《Water research》2003,37(20):4835-4842
The uptake of the seven heavy metal ions Cd(II), Co(II), Cr(III), Cu(II), Ni(II), Pb(II), and Zn(II) by sludge particulates in single-metal systems was investigated. Results showed that under acidic and neutral pH conditions, the uptake of all heavy metals by sludge particulates increases with the increase of pH. However, in the alkaline pH region, the uptake of Cu(II), Ni(II), and Co(II) decreases with the increase of pH, primarily due to the high dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentration in high pH conditions. Based on chemical reactions among heavy metal, sludge solids, and DOM, a mathematical model describing metal uptake as functions of DOM and pH was developed. The stability constants of metal–sludge and metal–DOM complexes can be determined using this model in conjunction with experimental metal uptake data. Results showed that, for the secondary sludge sample collected from Baltimore Back River Wastewater Treatment plant on March 1997, the stability constants of Cu(II)–sludge complex (log KS) and Cu(II)–DOM complex (log KL) are 5.3±0.2 and 4.7±0.3, respectively; for Ni(II), they are 4.0±0.2 and 3.9±0.2, respectively. Results also showed that under neutral and low pH conditions (pH<8), the DOM effects on metal uptake for all heavy metals are insignificant. Therefore, the DOM term in the model can be ignored. Results showed that, for the secondary sludge sample collected from Baltimore Back River Wastewater Treatment plant on December 1996, the estimated log KS values of metal–sludge complexes for Cd(II), Co(II), Cr(III), Cu(II), Ni(II), Pb(II), and Zn(II) are, respectively, 3.6±0.2, 3.0±0.1, 5.5±0.1, 4.8±0.1, 3.1±0.1, 5.1±0.1, and 4.4±0.3.  相似文献   

To assess the effect of organic matter on the transport of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in a geochemically heterogeneous saturated porous medium, we measured the breakthrough and collision efficiencies of oocysts as a function of dissolved organic matter concentration in a flow-through column containing ferric oxyhydroxide-coated sand. We characterized the surface properties of the oocysts and ferric oxyhydroxide-coated sand using microelectrophoresis and streaming potential, respectively, and the amount of organic matter adsorbed on the ferric oxyhydroxide-coated sand as a function of the concentration of dissolved organic matter (a fulvic acid isolated from Florida Everglades water). The dissolved organic matter had no significant effect on the zeta potential of the oocysts. Low concentrations of dissolved organic matter were responsible for reversing the charge of the ferric oxyhydroxide-coated sand surface from positive to negative. The charge reversal and accumulation of negative charge on the ferric oxyhydroxide-coated sand led to increases in oocyst breakthrough and decreases in oocyst collision efficiency with increasing dissolved organic matter concentration. The increase in dissolved organic matter concentration from 0 to 20 mg L−1 resulted in a two-fold decrease in the collision efficiency.  相似文献   

采用生物滤柱对地下水进行试验研究,用膜过滤法对其出水进行了分子量分析,考察了生物除铁滤柱对不同分子量区间天然有机物的去除效果。结果表明:有机物分子量大小对出水水质有较大的影响,有机物分子量越大,铁去除率越低,DOC和UV254去除率也越低。生物滤柱对原水中分子量1 kDa的有机物的去除率为82.4%,而对分子量30 kDa的有机物的去除率只有28.5%。  相似文献   

Shon HK  Vigneswaran S  Ngo HH  Kim JH 《Water research》2005,39(12):2549-2558
An experimental investigation was made to study the effects of chemical coupling of flocculation and adsorption with photocatalysis in treating persistent organic pollutants in wastewater. The photocatalysis alone showed initial reverse reaction when titanium oxide (TiO(2)) was used in catalysis. The effect of the pretreatment of adsorption with powdered activated carbon (PAC) on photocatalysis was studied. The results showed that PAC adsorption followed by photocatalysis was not effective in alleviating reverse reaction. On the other hand, when PAC and TiO(2) were added simultaneously, the reverse reaction was eliminated. Further, the organic removal was also improved by simultaneous PAC and TiO(2) additions. When flocculation with ferric chloride (FeCl(3)) was used as pretreatment, the organic removal efficiency was superior. The initial reverse reaction was also eliminated/minimized. However, inadequate doses of FeCl(3) (less than 30 mgl(-1)) resulted in initial reverse reaction and inferior DOC removal.  相似文献   

Wu J  Zhang H  He PJ  Shao LM 《Water research》2011,45(4):1711-1719
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays an important role in heavy metal migration from municipal solid waste (MSW) to aquatic environments via the leachate pathway. In this study, fluorescence excitation-emission matrix (EEM) quenching combined with parallel factor (PARAFAC) analysis was adopted to characterize the binding properties of four heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd) and DOM in MSW leachate. Nine leachate samples were collected from various stages of MSW management, including collection, transportation, incineration, landfill and subsequent leachate treatment. Three humic-like components and one protein-like component were identified in the MSW-derived DOM by PARAFAC. Significant differences in quenching effects were observed between components and metal ions, and a relatively consistent trend in metal quenching curves was observed among various leachate samples. Among the four heavy metals, Cu(II) titration led to fluorescence quenching of all four PARAFAC-derived components. Additionally, strong quenching effects were only observed in protein-like and fulvic acid (FA)-like components with the addition of Pb(II), which suggested that these fractions are mainly responsible for Pb(II) binding in MSW-derived DOM. Moreover, the significant quenching effects of the FA-like component by the four heavy metals revealed that the FA-like fraction in MSW-derived DOM plays an important role in heavy metal speciation; therefore, it may be useful as an indicator to assess the potential ability of heavy metal binding and migration.  相似文献   

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