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概述了寻的导弹及其半实物仿真的概况,对寻的导弹制导控制系统进行了研究,介绍了半实物仿真的原理和框图,同时提出了半实物仿真设计方案,探讨了半实物仿真的发展动向.  相似文献   

在弹道修正弹中,弹体的各种姿态多用地磁传感器、陀螺仪和加速度测量,由于结构限制,无法在修正鸭舵上直接安装各种测姿传感器.为此,阐述磁阻传感器姿态测量原理,提出一种以地磁传感器为主要测量元件,霍尔传感器辅助测量鸭舵滚转角的测量方法.通过制作试验样机对该方法进行实验验证,通过实验数据的误差分析确定了该测姿方法的可行性.  相似文献   

以电加热炉为实验对象,建立基于MATLAB/Simulink的电加热炉炉温半实物仿真控制系统.通过系统辨识方法得到电加热炉的准确数学模型,使用模糊PD控制策略,先通过计算机仿真方式得到合适的控制器规则和参数,再将此控制器应用到对电加热炉的实际控制当中,对电加热炉的炉温进行控制,达到了较为理想的控制效果.实验表明,半实物仿真方法在系统建模和设计控制器、寻找合适控制器参数等方面具有方便、准确等优点,可以广泛应用到工业控制的压力、液位等其他方面的控制.  相似文献   

作为单通道鸭舵控制弹道修正火箭弹研究的关键技术之一,气动系数的辨识是实现弹体飞行控制的前提与基础。该文以阻力系数简易辨识为主要研究内容,主要探讨数值仿真与飞行试验相结合对阻力系数进行辨识的方法。利用Grigen网格划分技术和Fluent流体力学仿真(CFD)相结合,获得弹道修正火箭弹的仿真气动数据;通过弹体的受力和力矩分析,建立六自由度弹道模型;根据飞行试验数据,对比分析弹道模型与仿真气动数据,对阻力系数进行修正优化。通过试验验证,经过修正的阻力系数精度得到很大提高,对于研究弹道修正弹的弹道特性规律和制导控制设计具有参考价值。  相似文献   

依据弹道修正基本原理,对修正装置的总体结构布局进行设计.通过研究永磁电机转子轴,对其进行模态分析得出,其一阶临界转速大约超出实际转速50%,在实际工作中不会产生共振现象.在发射过程中,修正装置电机轴需要承受很大的冲击载荷.据此进行缓冲碟簧的设计,并进行了模拟过载实验.研究结果表明,修正装置的设计满足了弹道修正要求,可为后续弹道修正装置的优化提供参考.  相似文献   

针对利用人工光源调制目标表面辐射照度对电视制导进行干扰的可行性进行分析,本文首先理论分析了人工光照对目标辐射特性的影响;其次搭建了电视制导半实物仿真试验系统,并建立了相应的干扰效果评估准则:边缘评估准则和相关峰值比评估准则;最后利用电视制导半实物仿真系统对干扰措施进行试验分析,分别评估调制目标光照对摄像机的自适应过程和自动对焦过程的干扰效能。实验结果表明,不同的光照调制方式都会对电视制导造成不同程度的干扰。  相似文献   

依据弹道修正基本原理,对弹道修正装置的气动布局进行分析.完成了弹道修正机构中永磁电机的设计,并对永磁电机齿槽力矩的影响因素进行分析.通过仿真,减小硅钢片槽口宽度可以减小永磁电机的齿槽力矩.利用应变式测力装置,对永磁电机的力矩实际测量可知,修正弹飞行在可修段时永磁电机的力矩大于风阻力矩的20%.结果表明,设计的永磁电机能够满足对舵机的精确控制要求.  相似文献   

当前对导引头主要战绩指标的测试主要采用室内仿真和室外挂飞的方法.针对室内仿真结果偏差大及室外挂飞成本高等问题,本文以靶场现有的室内半实物仿真系统及室外的靶区道路、实装靶标、干扰物等为基础,以测试"人在回路"成像导引头的最大捕获距离、自动跟踪能力和抗干扰能力等战绩指标为目的,设计了一套外场半实物仿真试验方法.该方法不仅可保证导弹飞行的成功率,也可缩短武器研制周期,具有一定的应用前景.  相似文献   

提出了修正拦截流的概念,建立了舰载毫米波遥控指令弹道修正弹(MMW-RCTCM)拦截机动反舰导弹空袭流的防空射击模型。研究了单发MMW-RCTCM对单一机动反舰导弹的命中概率、修正拦截流对单一机动反舰导弹的命中概率以及修正拦截流对机动反舰导弹空袭流的命中概率。根据当前的技术发展状况,分析了攻防双方的技术参数,并据此对各种典型攻防模式下的命中概率进行了仿真计算。计算结果表明,与无控弹丸相比,MMW-RCTCM对机动反舰导弹的拦截效率成倍提高,且能够有效防御超音速反舰导弹的高强度攻击。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HILS) approach for the design and verification of a production system. The design of a production system involves two major activities: mechanical design (device specification and layouts) and electrical design (device behaviour and system control). Conventionally, the mechanical and electrical design activities have been performed sequentially, wasting time. We propose a concurrent procedure of mechanical and electrical design based on the HILS methodology to cope with this problem. The proposed HILS approach provides two major benefits: (1) the verified control program can be directly used for the real plant with minor adaptations; and (2) the verified 3D layout model can be used to generate the detailed drawings for the implementation of the plant. We can minimise the stabilisation time of a production system, since most mechanical and electrical errors can be found and fixed using HILS.  相似文献   

为对电动汽车动力电机馈能效率进行研究,方便馈能效率的测量,提出一种基于滑模控制算法的PMSM(permanent magnet synchronous motor)馈能研究方法,即通过控制电动机的输入电压与电流来驱动相同性能的电动机发电。首先以馈能理论为基础,建立包含滑模变结构控制、空间矢量、PMSM等模块的PMSM馈能系统仿真模型,并进行离线仿真分析。结果表明:采用所提出的馈能方法可达到70%左右的馈能效率,具有一定的可行性。同时,建立PMSM馈能系统dSPACE硬件在环试验平台,对其进行硬件在环试验验证。试验结果表明:电动机馈能效率在60%~80%的范围内,与离线仿真所得结果较为接近。这不仅验证了所建立的馈能仿真模型的正确性,且进一步证明了纯电动汽车动力电机自身馈能在节能方面的可行性。所提出的馈能方法能够为目前现有馈能方式提供更多选择,硬件在环试验研究也能够为后续的PMSM台架和实车试验研究提供一些技术支持。  相似文献   

张永华 《中国测试》2012,(6):96-100
在下视工作过程中会时有发生地、海杂波,将会对引信低空的正常运作产生较大的负面影响。该文结合脉冲多普勒引信的特征,采用计算机仿真技术,构建相应的理论模型,多角度地分析影响杂波信号强度的因素,进而提出基于引信距离-多普勒分辨单元方法下所展开的杂波信号强度分析途径。通过实例计算机仿真研究,从两个不同情况对计算机仿真技术的内容进行了一定程度的验证。  相似文献   

 A new direct violation correction method for constrained multibody systems is presented. It can correct the value of state variables of the systems directly so as to satisfy the constraint equations of motion. During the integration of the dynamic equations of constrained multibody systems, this method can efficiently control the violations of constraint equations within any given accuracy at each time-step. Compared to conventional indirect methods, especially Baumgarte's Constraint Violation Stabilization Method, this method has clear physical meaning, less calculation and obvious correction effect. Besides, this method has minor effect on the form of the dynamic equations of systems, so it is stable and highly accurate. A numerical example is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of this method. Received: 17 December 1999  相似文献   

A numerical simulation method that is based on the boundary-element method is described. The effects of the surface conducting film on the potential distribution of insulating systems are considered. A particular interface condition is used for the resistive surface of insulators. This approach allows fast subsequent analysis for different positions and resistances of the surface layers  相似文献   

Piecewise-constant and comb weighing functions have been synthesized for use in processing the output signal from a measurement system showing lag, which is described by a linear differential equation having constant coefficients and having a right-hand side not containing derivatives of the input, which enables one to recover the instantaneous value of the input signal. An estimate is made of the error in correcting the output signal from a second-order low-frequency filter excited by a harmonic signal.Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 1, pp. 10–12, January, 1994.  相似文献   

The use of the Kalman-filter equations to calculate parameter corrections for mathematical models of heat-engineering systems is considered.Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 1067–1069, December, 1977.  相似文献   

We develop a stochastic simulation method for a numerical solution of the Lamé equation with random loads. To treat the general case of large intensity of random loads, we use the Random Walk on Fixed Spheres (RWFS) method described in our paper [Sabelfeld KK, Shalimova IA, Levykin AI. Discrete random walk over large spherical grids generated by spherical means for PDEs. Monte Carlo Methods and Applications 2006; 12(1): 55–93]. The vector random field of loads which stands on the right-hand side of the system of elasticity equations is simulated by the Randomization Spectral method presented in [Sabelfeld KK. Monte Carlo methods in boundary value problems. Berlin (Heidelberg, New York): Springer-Verlag; 1991] and recently revised and generalized in [Kurbanmuradov O, Sabelfeld KK. Stochastic spectral and Fourier-wavelet methods for vector Gaussian random field. Monte Carlo Methods and Applications 2006; 12(5–6): 395–445]. Comparative analysis of the RWFS method and an alternative direct evaluation of the correlation tensor of the solution is made. We derive also a closed boundary value problem for the correlation tensor of the solution which is applicable in the case of inhomogeneous random loads. Calculations of the longitudinal and transverse correlations are presented for a domain which is a union of two arbitrarily overlapped discs. We also discuss a possibility to solve an inverse problem of the determination of the elastic constants from the known longitudinal and transverse correlations of the loads, and give some relevant numerical illustrations.  相似文献   

A new class of 2D codes and encoders built by the self-supporting method, using the direct product of ternary pseudorandom sequences that consist of −1, 0, +1 and have an ideal periodic autocorrelation function is proposed and studied. Expressions are derived for the optimality criteria used in experimental design with allowance for the statistical characteristics of the distribution of the radiation sources and noise superimposed on the measurements. The point spread functions presented characterize the topographical properties of the multiplexed measuring system with an encoder based on a ternary sequence. Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 10, pp. 49–53, October, 1997.  相似文献   

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