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Ecological risk assessment was conducted to determine the risk posed by pesticide mixtures to the Adour-Garonne river basin (south-western France). The objectives of this study were to assess the general state of this basin with regard to pesticide contamination using a risk assessment procedure and to detect patterns in toxic mixture assemblages through a self-organizing map (SOM) methodology in order to identify the locations at risk. Exposure assessment, risk assessment with species sensitivity distribution, and mixture toxicity rules were used to compute six relative risk predictors for different toxic modes of action: the multi-substance potentially affected fraction of species depending on the toxic mode of action of compounds found in the mixture (msPAF CATMoA values). Those predictors computed for the 131 sampling sites assessed in this study were then patterned through the SOM learning process. Four clusters of sampling sites exhibiting similar toxic assemblages were identified. In the first cluster, which comprised 83% of the sampling sites, the risk caused by pesticide mixture toward aquatic species was weak (mean msPAF value for those sites < 0.0036%), while in another cluster the risk was significant (mean msPAF < 1.09%). GIS mapping allowed an interesting spatial pattern of the distribution of sampling sites for each cluster to be highlighted with a significant and highly localized risk in the French department called “Lot et Garonne”. The combined use of the SOM methodology, mixture toxicity modelling and a clear geo-referenced representation of results not only revealed the general state of the Adour-Garonne basin with regard to contamination by pesticides but also enabled to analyze the spatial pattern of toxic mixture assemblage in order to prioritize the locations at risk and to detect the group of compounds causing the greatest risk at the basin scale.  相似文献   

Based on easily available morphological data within the Seine river watershed (76750 km(2)), two approaches were used for wetland delineation and characterisation. Their common assumption is that geomorphology largely governs the spatial distribution of wetlands, because it determines topography and the nature of deposits, thus water pathways and residence times. The first approach relies on the topographic index introduced by Beven and Kirkby [Beven KJ, Kirkby MJ. A physically based, variable contributing area model of basin hydrology. Hydrol Sci Bull 1979; 24: 43-69.], that has been widely used to characterise saturated areas in small catchments. We mapped this index for the Seine watershed using a 100 m resolution DEM typical of DEMs easily available at this scale. The second approach relies on a geomorphological classification of river corridors which was specifically developed for the Seine basin. It is based on genetic concepts, and defines 13 types of river corridors as a function of the geometry of the river bed with respect to bedrock (incised, aggraded, encased, stable), the nature of alluvial fills, and the small scale morphology in the corridors. We used geological, hydrogeological and topographical maps of the Seine basin to delineate the river corridors and characterise the type of all the comprising streams with 2 km resolution. Two cartographic sources that were not exploited by the above methods were used to assess their performances. The wetlands depicted on 1:25000 topographic maps cover 2% of the Seine basin but are limited. The waterlogged soils from two 1:50000 pedologic maps are more reliable, but these maps only cover 5% of the watershed. In the river corridors, most wetlands fall in the encased and aggraded subsystems of the geomorphological classification, where the mean of the topographic index is significantly higher than in the other subsystems. High values of the topographic index are good general indicators of wetlands, even when calculated from a 100-m DEM. The agreement between the two studied methods confirms that geomorphology is the major driving factor for wetland distribution, even in a sedimentary basin with a strong influence of aquifers on hydrology. These complementary methods provide a powerful tool to complement the gaps of classical wetland databases at the scale of large watersheds.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the methods of determination of BHC isomers, of DDE, DDT and HCB in waters, drinking and surface waters from the Danube; in two sorts of fish living in the Danube: herbivorous (Cyprinus carpio L., Abramis ballerus L., and Chondrostoma nasus L.) and carnivorous (Esox lucius L., Lepomis gibbosus L., Aspius asptus L. and Perca fluviatilis L.); in sediment and water plants using GLC and TLC.In the period 1971–1974, the mean concentrations of the compounds studied were: in drinking water from 0.00 to 0.12 μg/1; in the waters from the Danube from 0.006 to 0.197 μg/1; in predominantly herbivorous fish from 0.00 to 2.58 mg/kg; in sediment from 0.01 to 2.11 mg/kg; and in water plants from 0.002 to 0.032 mg/kg.The mean levels of the studied compounds found in the fish were 1000–10,000 times higher than those of the water. Comparing the average contents of the BHC isomers as well as of DDT and DDE in fish, considerably higher concentrations of DDT and DDE were found as compared with the BHC levels, mainly in carnivorous fish. Differences in the contents of the insecticides studied are due to their different cumulative properties.  相似文献   

对消防储水和生活用水合用的水源,如何防止生活用水二次污染的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the possible use of geotextiles for the retention of pesticides in agricultural watersheds, batch studies of the adsorption and desorption of three widely used pesticides onto/from commercially available geotextiles were performed. The three pesticides considered were diuron, isoproturon and azoxystrobin. Natural and polymeric fibres of jute, hemp, linen, polyamide, polyester and polypropylene were studied. The three most promising fibres appear to be polyamide, jute, and hemp, with adsorption percentages ranging from 35% to 80% at equilibrium. The adsorption kinetics obtained were rather fast. The observed adsorption data are discussed in the light of the physico-chemical characteristics of the different fibres. For jute, hemp and polyamide, desorption at equilibrium does not exceed 50% of the initially sorbed pesticide amount, with rather fast kinetics. Adsorption data are compared with those previously obtained for natural substrates (dead leaves and sediments) typical of agricultural watersheds. Adsorption on geotextile fibres was larger than for sediments, but was lower than for dead leaves.  相似文献   

Degradation of pesticides in soils is both spatially variable and also one of the most sensitive factors determining losses to surface water and groundwater. To date, no general guidance is available on suitable approaches for dealing with spatial variation in pesticide degradation in catchment or regional scale modeling applications. The purpose of the study was therefore to study the influence of various soil physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics on pesticide persistence in the contrasting cultivated soils found in a small (13 km2) agricultural catchment in Sweden and to develop and test a simple model approach that could support catchment scale modeling. Persistence of bentazone, glyphosate and isoproturon was investigated in laboratory incubation experiments. Degradation rate constants were highly variable with coefficients of variation ranging between 42 and 64% for the three herbicides. Multiple linear regression analysis and Mallows Cp statistic were employed to select the best set of independent parameters accounting for the variation in degradation. Soil pH and the proportion of active microorganisms (r) together explained 69% of the variation in the bentazone degradation rate constant; the Freundlich sorption co-efficient (Kf) and soil laccase activity together explained 88% of the variation in degradation rate of glyphosate, while soil pH was a significant predictor (p < 0.05) for isoproturon persistence. However, correlations between many potential predictor variables made clear interpretations of the statistical analysis difficult. Multiplicative models based on two predictors chosen ‘a priori’, one accounting for microbial activity (e.g. microbial respiration, laccase activity or the surrogate variable soil organic carbon, SOC) and one accounting for the effects of sorption on bioavailability, showed promise to support predictions of degradation for large-scale modeling applications, explaining up to 50% of the variation in herbicide persistence.  相似文献   

An urgent need exists for applicable methods to predict areas at risk of pesticide contamination within agricultural catchments. As such, an attempt was made to predict and validate contamination in nine separate sub-catchments of the Lourens River, South Africa, through use of a geographic information system (GIS)-based runoff model, which incorporates geographical catchment variables and physicochemical characteristics of applied pesticides. We compared the results of the prediction with measured contamination in water and suspended sediment samples collected during runoff conditions in tributaries discharging these sub-catchments. The most common insecticides applied and detected in the catchment over a 3-year sampling period were azinphos-methyl (AZP), chlorpyrifos (CPF) and endosulfan (END). AZP was predominantly found in water samples, while CPF and END were detected at higher levels in the suspended particle samples. We found positive (p<0.002) correlations between the predicted average loss and the concentrations of the three insecticides both in water and suspended sediments (r between 0.87 and 0.94). Two sites in the sub-catchment were identified as posing the greatest risk to the Lourens River mainstream. It is assumed that lack of buffer strips, presence of erosion rills and high slopes are the main variables responsible for the high contamination at these sites. We conclude that this approach to predict runoff-related surface water contamination may serve as a powerful tool for risk assessment and management in South African orchard areas.  相似文献   

Zhang X  Liu X  Luo Y  Zhang M 《Water research》2008,42(14):3685-3696
In the last decade, the detection of organophosphate (OP) pesticides in the San Joaquin River watershed has raised concerns about water quality. This study examined the influences of almond pest management practices (PMPs) on water quality. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was employed to simulate pesticide concentration in water as affected by different PMPs. California Pesticide Use Reporting (PUR) data were used to investigate PMP use trends. Stepwise regression analysis was performed to test the correlation between specific PMP use and pesticide concentrations in surface water and sediment. Our results showed an increasing use of reduced risk pesticides and pyrethroids on almonds. SWAT simulation over the period of 1992-2005 showed decreases in OP concentrations in surface water. High OP and pyrethroid use in dormant sprays was associated with high pesticide concentrations in water and sediment. Almond pesticide use was proved to have significant impacts on the pesticide load in the San Joaquin River watershed. The PMP which combines the use of reduced risk pesticides with no dormant spray was recommended for almond orchard use. This paper presented a novel method of studying the environmental impacts of different agricultural PMPs. By combining pesticide use surveys with watershed modeling, we provided a quantitative foundation for the selection of PMPs to reduce pesticide pollution in surface water.  相似文献   

The presence of 28 antibiotics in three hospital effluents, five wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), six rivers and a drinking water storage catchment were investigated within watersheds of South-East Queensland, Australia. All antibiotics were detected at least once, with the exception of the polypeptide bacitracin which was not detected at all. Antibiotics were found in hospital effluent ranging from 0.01-14.5 μg L− 1, dominated by the β-lactam, quinolone and sulphonamide groups. Antibiotics were found in WWTP influent up to 64 μg L− 1, dominated by the β-lactam, quinolone and sulphonamide groups. Investigated WWTPs were highly effective in removing antibiotics from the water phase, with an average removal rate of greater than 80% for all targeted antibiotics. However, antibiotics were still detected in WWTP effluents in the low ng L− 1 range up to a maximum of 3.4 μg L− 1, with the macrolide, quinolone and sulphonamide antibiotics most prevalent. Similarly, antibiotics were detected quite frequently in the low ng L− 1 range, up to 2 μg L− 1 in the surface waters of six investigated rivers including freshwater, estuarine and marine samples. The total investigated antibiotic concentration (TIAC) within the Nerang River was significantly lower (p < 0.05) than all other rivers sampled. The absence of WWTP discharge to this river is a likely explanation for the significantly lower TIAC and suggests that WWTP discharges are a dominant source of antibiotics to investigated surface waters. A significant difference (p < 0.001) was identified between TIACs at surface water sites with WWTP discharge compared to sites with no WWTP discharge, providing further evidence that WWTPs are an important source of antibiotics to streams. Despite the presence of antibiotics in surface waters used for drinking water extraction, no targeted antibiotics were detected in any drinking water samples.  相似文献   

Biocides and pesticides are designed to control the occurrence of unwanted organisms. From their point of application, these substances can be mobilized and transported to surface waters posing a threat to the aquatic environment. Historically, agricultural pesticides have received substantially more attention than biocidal compounds from urban use, despite being used in similar quantities.This study aims at improving our understanding of the influence of mixed urban and agricultural land use on the overall concentration dynamics of biocides and pesticides during rain events throughout the year. A comprehensive field study was conducted in a catchment within the Swiss plateau (25 km2). Four surface water sampling sites represented varying combinations of urban and agricultural sources. Additionally, the urban drainage system was studied by sampling the only wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in the catchment, a combined sewer overflow (CSO), and a storm sewer (SS). High temporal resolution sampling was carried out during rain events from March to November 2007.The results, based on more than 600 samples analyzed for 23 substances, revealed distinct and complex concentration patterns for different compounds and sources. Five types of concentration patterns can be distinguished: a) compounds that showed elevated background concentrations throughout the year (e.g. diazinon >50 ng L−1), indicating a constant household source; b) compounds that showed elevated concentrations driven by rain events throughout the year (e.g. diuron 100-300 ng L−1), indicating a constant urban outdoor source such as facades; c) compounds with seasonal peak concentrations driven by rain events from urban and agricultural areas (e.g. mecoprop 1600 ng L−1 and atrazine 2500 ng L−1 respectively); d) compounds that showed unpredictably sharp peaks (e.g. atrazine 10,000 ng L−1, diazinon 2500 ng L−1), which were most probably due to improper handling or even disposal of products; and finally, e) compounds that were used in high amounts but were not detected in surface waters (e.g. isothiazolinones).It can be safely concluded that in catchments of mixed land use, the contributions of biocide and pesticide inputs into surface waters from urban areas are at least as important as those from agricultural areas.  相似文献   

This paper estimates economies of scale and scope for 55 major Australian urban utilities over the period 2005/06 to 2008/09. The models used specify operating and capital costs as a function of chemical and microbiological compliance, water losses, water quality and service, water main breaks, total connected properties, and urban water supplied. The input variables used to help determine water utility costs include the density of properties served and the sourcing of water from bulk suppliers, groundwater, recycling and surface water. In terms of economies of scale, the evidence suggests strong economies of scale at relatively low levels of output (50–75% of current mean output). In terms of product-specific economies of scale (increasing the scale of a specific output in isolation), there is substantially stronger evidence that the operating costs of urban water utilities would benefit from increasing scale with regard to chemical compliance, water quality and service complaints, and the number of connected properties. In contrast, capital costs would benefit from scale increases with regard to the management of water losses and water main breaks. For economies of scope, it is clear that there are substantial cost benefits from the joint production of treated quality water delivered across a network with minimal water losses and main breaks. The main cost advantage at all levels of output is decreasing water losses, and this would benefit both operating and capital costs.  相似文献   

Tambalo DD  Fremaux B  Boa T  Yost CK 《Water research》2012,46(9):2891-2904
Microbial source tracking is an emerging tool developed to protect water sources from faecal pollution. In this study, we evaluated the suitability of real time-quantitative PCR (qPCR) Taqman assays developed for detection of host-associated Bacteroidales markers in a prairie watershed. The qPCR primers and probes used in this study exhibited high accuracy (88-96% sensitivity and ≥99% host specificity) in detecting Bacteroidales spp. that are associated with faeces from humans, ruminants, bovines, and horses. The ruminant- and human-associated markers were also found in high concentrations within individual faecal samples, ranging from 3.4 to 7.3 log10 marker copy number g−1 of individual host faeces. Following validation of host sensitivity and specificity, the host-associated Bacteroidales markers were detected in the Qu’Appelle Valley watershed of Saskatchewan, Canada which experiences a diversity of anthropogenic inputs. Concentrations of the ruminant marker were well-correlated with proximity to cattle operations and there was a correlation between the marker and Escherichia coli concentrations at these sites. Low concentrations of the human faecal marker were measured throughout the sampling sites, and may indicate a consistent influx of human faecal pollution into the watershed area. Persistence of each of the Bacteroidales host-associated marker was also studied in situ. The results indicated that the markers persist for shorter periods of time (99% decay in <8 days) compared with the conventional E. coli marker (99% decay in >15 days), suggesting they are effective at detecting recent faecal contamination events. The levels of Bacteroidales markers and E. coli counts did not correlate with the presence of the pathogenic bacteria, Salmonella spp. or Campylobacter spp. detected in the Qu’Appelle Valley. Collectively, the results obtained in this study demonstrated that the qPCR approach for detecting host-associated Bacteroidales spp. markers can be a useful tool in helping to determine host-specific impacts of faecal pollution into a prairie watershed.  相似文献   

地块尺度对于城市形态的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘敏霞 《山西建筑》2009,35(1):31-33
指出规划已经成为公认的影响城市空间形态的重要因素,从地块尺度对建筑边界的影响,地块尺度对建筑布局及空间的影响,地块尺度对建筑高度的影响三个角度探讨了地块尺度对于城市空间形态的影响,以期探索出一条切实可行的控制办法。  相似文献   

Keeley A  Faulkner BR 《Water research》2008,42(10-11):2803-2813
Relative changes in the microbial quality of Lake Texoma, on the border of Texas and Oklahoma, were investigated by monitoring protozoan pathogens, fecal indicators, and factors influencing the intensity of the microbiological contamination of surface water reservoirs. The watershed serves rural agricultural communities active in cattle ranching, recreation, and is a potential drinking water source. A total of 193 surface water samples were tested over a 27-month period to determine levels of parasite contamination. The overall occurrence of Cryptosporidium oocysts was higher in both frequency and concentration than Giardia cysts. Cryptosporidium oocysts were found in 99% and Giardia cysts in 87% of the samples. Although Cryptosporidium and Giardia occurrence were significantly but not strongly correlated, all other correlation coefficients including turbidity and total dissolved solids were non-significant. Statistically supportable seasonal variations were found suggesting that Cryptosporidium and Giardia were higher in summer and fall than in other seasons of the year. While Cryptosporidium levels were correlated with rainfall, this was not the case with Giardia. The maximum numbers for both protozoan parasites were detected from a site impacted by cattle ranching during calving season. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis was used for confirmation of Cryptosporidium in surface waters influenced by agricultural discharges. As we had expected, oocysts were of the bovine type indicating that the Cryptosporidium parvum detected in surface waters perhaps came from cattle living in the watershed.  相似文献   

The sequence of agricultural countermeasures taken in the Polessye area of the Ukraine contaminated by radionuclides as a result of the Chernobyl NPP accident is discussed. The efficiency of these countermeasures has been analysed. The concentration of 137Cs in crops has been shown to vary 10-100-fold, depending on the biological features of the plant species and on soil properties. Liming and mineral fertilizing of meadows increase the yield of grass and reduce 137Cs transfer to cows' milk up to 3.5-fold.  相似文献   

In order to develop the concept of sustainability in the built environment there must be increased use of detailed predictive tools, both at an individual building level and at urban scale. A number of tools exist for predicting the energy and environmental performance at an individual building level. However, there are few tools available to predict performance at an urban scale. This paper describes the Energy and Environment Prediction (EEP) tool which was developed to model existing urban scale built environments, incorporating building energy use, traffic flow and health.  相似文献   

Like other persistent organic pollutants (POPs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are still present in the environment despite their almost worldwide prohibition. A study was conducted over 1 year in Switzerland to analyze the source and load of PCBs in urban stormwater and their importance in urban water systems. The mean PCB concentrations of 89 rain events were determined in five different strictly separate drainage systems (three in Lausanne and two in Geneva). The mean concentrations of PCBs in stormwater ranged from values below the detection limit (0.11-0.24 ng/l) to 403 ng/l. A model for the wet and dry deposition of PCBs based on these results estimates that their concentration in rainwater has remained practically constant (35 ng/l) over a period of 12 years. A mass balance of Swiss levels estimates a total input load of PCBs in the urban water systems at 110-125 kg/year. The contribution of stormwater is 75-94 kg/year in combined sewer systems and 23-34 kg in separate sewer systems. This mass balance illustrates that a major part of the PCB load in the environment or in WWTP sludges originates from urban stormwater. This result was confirmed by a fingerprint of PCB congeners in stormwater, which showed a pattern identical to that found in sewage sludge in combined sewer systems.  相似文献   

Maps of seismically induced instability at the urban scale can be drawn by means of geographic information system (GIS) tools that integrate different information layers such as (1) a landslide inventory; (2) a digital elevation model (DEM); (3) geo-hydro-mechanical site characterization, and (4) measured peaks or integral parameters at seismic stations. These maps are used to guide planning activities and emergency actions, but their main limitation is typically the lack of reliable analyses or calibrations. In this study, a possible method is proposed to control and increase the overall reliability of an hazard scenario map of earthquake-induced slope instability. The procedure can be summarized in the following steps: (1) GIS tools are used to describe the spatial distribution of the hydro-mechanical properties of the surface lithologies; (2) seismically induced instability maps of permanent displacements are drawn from the preceding information layers combined with seismic parameters spatially propagated by means of spatial interpolation tools; (3) point dynamic and stability numerical analyses are carried out by means of a commercial finite element method (FEM) code (e.g., Geostudio2004) to calculate permanent displacement by the Newmark’s method along representative cross-sections. The numerical analyses are used to calculate a “depth factor”, which can be considered as the contribution of the seismic local amplification to the surface calculations addressed by GIS tools. The ratio between the results drawn from the two approaches (GIS-based and FEM-based implementing Newmark's method) can be assumed as a scale factor related to the in-depth site-specific geo-lithotechnical characters to be addeded to GIS maps.  相似文献   

In this study, a feed-forward back-propagation neural network (BPNN) was developed and applied to predict pesticide concentrations in groundwater monitoring wells. Pesticide concentration data are challenging to analyze because they tend to be highly censored. Input data to the neural network included the categorical indices of depth to aquifer material, pesticide leaching class, aquifer sensitivity to pesticide contamination, time (month) of sample collection, well depth, depth to water from land surface, and additional travel distance in the saturated zone (i.e., distance from land surface to midpoint of well screen). The output of the neural network was the total pesticide concentration detected in the well. The model prediction results produced good agreements with observed data in terms of correlation coefficient (R=0.87) and pesticide detection efficiency (E=89%), as well as good match between the observed and predicted "class" groups. The relative importance of input parameters to pesticide occurrence in groundwater was examined in terms of R, E, mean error (ME), root mean square error (RMSE), and pesticide occurrence "class" groups by eliminating some key input parameters to the model. Well depth and time of sample collection were the most sensitive input parameters for predicting the pesticide contamination potential of a well. This infers that wells tapping shallow aquifers are more vulnerable to pesticide contamination than those wells tapping deeper aquifers. Pesticide occurrences during post-application months (June through October) were found to be 2.5 to 3 times higher than pesticide occurrences during other months (November through April). The BPNN was used to rank the input parameters with highest potential to contaminate groundwater, including two original and five ancillary parameters. The two original parameters are depth to aquifer material and pesticide leaching class. When these two parameters were the only input parameters for the BPNN, they were not able to predict contamination potential. However, when they were used with other parameters, the predictive performance efficiency of the BPNN in terms of R, E, ME, RMSE, and pesticide occurrence "class" groups increased. Ancillary data include data collected during the study such as well depth and time of sample collection. The BPNN indicated that the ancillary data had more predictive power than the original data. The BPNN results will help researchers identify parameters to improve maps of aquifer sensitivity to pesticide contamination.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to examine the potential role to accumulate and transform nitrogen and phosphorus of a common wetland type marsh; the site is located in a subtropical environment that receives agricultural pollutants. Chiricahueto marsh effectively removes N and P from surface waters. It is clear that the diagenetic processes are mainly controlled by the exponential decomposition of organic matter that takes place at the sediment-water interface and in the sedimentary column, under oxic and suboxic-anoxic conditions, respectively. Mass balances indicated a net sedimentation of 11.3 g Nm(-2)x yr (-1) and 3.9 g Pm(-2) x yr (-1), which results in an annual regeneration of 1.7 g Nm(-2) and 0.8 g Pm(-2) at the sediment-water interface under oxic conditions. A major remineralization rate was estimated in 6.4 g Nm(-2) x yr (-1) and 1.1g Pm(-2) x yr (-1) into the sedimentary column where suboxic to anoxic conditions occur by the utilization of nitrate, Fe and Mn as electron acceptors. The estimated burial fluxes in the deeper sediments (>50 cm) were 1.5 g Nm(-2) x yr (-1) and 0.4 g Pm(-2) x yr (-1).  相似文献   

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