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Reports an error in "Task planning and energy expended: Exploration of how goals influence performance" by P. Christopher Earley, Pauline Wojnaroski and William Prest (Journal of Applied Psychology, 1987[Feb], Vol 72[1], 107-114). Table 1 on page 109 appeared with reversed labels for the high and low conditions. The corrected Table 1 is provided in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1987-17299-001.) Although many studies demonstrate the effectiveness of goal setting in organizations, it is unclear how goals actually influence performance. The present studies examined the effect of assigned goals and task information on performance, energy expended, and task planning or organizing. In Study 1, a 2×2 (Information×Goal) design was used. Subjects were 72 undergraduates working on a business simulation. In Study 2, 129 male and female workers from a service organization and a moving company responded to a survey assessing an individual's goal setting, job training, energy expended during a typical task performance, and task planning undertaken prior to performance. The results of both studies demonstrated that goal setting and task training influenced the dependent variables. In addition to influencing an individual's energy expended (effort and persistence), a specific goal led an individual to plan and organize more than did an individual given a general goal (i.e., "do your best"). The results of both studies suggest that goal setting and task-relevant information influence performance, in part, through their influence on energy expended and planning. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Effect of previously assigned goals on self-set goals and performance.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 70(2) of Journal of Applied Psychology (see record 2008-10965-001). The third line was left out on p. 696, top right column. The entire section should read as follows: "Figure 1 compares the goals on T-1 with the mean goals chosen on T-2 by the same groups of subjects (i.e., grouped according to T-1 goals). On T-2 the mean goal levels of the seven original groups ranged from 4.8 to 12.9, in contrast with the T-1 range of 2 to 26."] 231 undergraduates were asked to list from 2–26 uses for common objects depending on the level of difficulty of the section (1 of 7) to which they were assigned. Ss were given a 1-min practice trial after task explanations and were then administered 2 experimental trials. Ss were told they were free to change their goals to a higher or lower level for the 2nd trial if they did not like the goal they had been assigned. Results show that Ss chose more difficult goals, if the assigned goals had been easy, and easier goals, if the assigned goals had been difficult. Ss were heavily influenced in their self-set goals by their previously assigned goals. The performance of Ss with impossible goals did not drop on the 2nd trial. A goal–expectancy interaction was found on the 2nd trial that was due to expectancy being positively related to performance at the higher but not the lower goal levels. (8 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Controlling teaching strategies: Undermining children's self-determination and performance" by Cheryl Flink, Ann K. Boggiano and Marty Barrett (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1990[Nov], Vol 59[5], 916-924). In the article, Figure 1 on page 922 is labeled incorrectly. The labels in both the left and right panels of the figure should be reversed so that No Pressure Condition is the label for the broken lines and Pressure Condition is the label for the solid lines. The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1991-13808-001.) Examined the hypothesis that students would show performance impairment when they were exposed to teachers who were pressured to maximize student performance level and who used controlling strategies. For this purpose, 4th-grade teachers and their students participated in a field experiment in which teachers either were pressured to maximize student performance or were told simply to help their students learn. In addition, the teaching sessions were videotaped to assess teachers' use of controlling strategies, as rated by blind coders. Following the teaching sessions, student performance on tasks initially taught by teachers as well as on a generalization task was assessed by blind experimenters. As predicted, the data indicated that students evidenced performance impairment during the subsequent testing session only when they were exposed to pressured teachers using controlling strategies. Results are discussed within the context of self-determination theory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of setting goals on goal commitment, self-efficacy for goal achievement, and goal achievement in the context of an alcohol use intervention were examined using an experimental design in which participants were randomized to participatively set goals, assigned goals, and no goal conditions. One hundred and twenty-six heavy-drinking college students received a single cognitive-behavioral assessment/intervention session and completed measures of goal commitment, self-efficacy for goal achievement, and alcohol use. Results were consistent with, and expanded upon, previous research by demonstrating that having a goal for limiting alcohol consumption was predictive of lower quantity and frequency of alcohol use relative to not having a goal. Participation in goal setting yielded greater goal commitment and self-efficacy for goal achievement than assigned goals, but did not result in significantly greater reductions in alcohol use relative to assigned goals. Goal commitment and self-efficacy explained unique variance in the prediction of alcohol use at follow-up. Findings support the importance of goal setting in alcohol interventions and suggest areas for further research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "That swimsuit becomes you: Sex differences in self-objectification, restrained eating, and math performance" by Barbara L. Fredrickson, Tomi-Ann Roberts, Stephanie M. Noll, Diane M. Quinn and Jean M. Twenge (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1998[Jul], Vol 75[1], 269-284). This article contains errors in the Participants sections. The corrected information is included in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1998-04530-020.) Objectification theory (B. L. Fredrickson & T Roberts, 1997) posits that American culture socializes women to adopt observers' perspectives on their physical selves. This self-objectification is hypothesized to (a) produce body shame, which in turn leads to restrained eating, and (b) consume attentional resources, which is manifested in diminished mental performance. Two experiments manipulated self-objectification by having participants try on a swimsuit or a sweater. Experiment 1 tested 72 women and found that self-objectification increased body shame, which in turn predicted restrained eating. Experiment 2 tested 42 women and 40 men and found that these effects on body shame and restrained eating replicated for women only. Additionally, self-objectification diminished math performance for women only. Discussion centers on the causes and consequences of objectifying women's bodies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Factors in the Self-Deception Questionnaire: Associations with depression" by David L. Roth and Rick E. Ingram (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1985[Jan], Vol 48[1], 243-251). Errors appear in Table 2 on page 247. The factor loading for Item 7 (.65) is listed under Factor 2 and it should be under Factor 4. The factor loading for Item 18 (.54) is listed under Factor 2 and it should be under Factor 3. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1985-17551-001.) Administered the Self-Deception Questionnaire (SDQ) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) to 60 male and 52 female undergraduates and replicated the negative correlation found by H. A. Sackeim and R. C. Gur (1978; see also PA, Vol 62:6213). The SDQ was factor analyzed to determine which factors might account for this correlation with depression. Analysis showed that the 3 largest factors, identified by content themes of relationship with parents, emotionality, and denial of tabooed activities, correlated reliably with the BDI. Acceptable conceptualizations of distortion and reality and data that empirically relate those conceptualizations to depression and other forms of psychopathology are needed to clarify any associations that exist between cognitive accuracy and emotional functioning. (34 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Collective induction: Social combination and sequential transition" by Patrick R. Laughlin and Gail C. Futoran (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1985[Mar], Vol 48[3], 608-613). One sentence reads incorrectly on page 610. The correct sentence is provided in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1985-20078-001.) 240 undergraduates, as individuals and 4-person cooperative groups, attempted to induce a rule that partitioned a deck of standard playing cards into exemplars and nonexemplars. A trial consisted of (a) individual member hypotheses, (b) group hypothesis (omitted in individual conditions), (c) choice of any of the cards, and (d) feedback on the exemplar or nonexemplar status of the card. Ss were instructed to select cards to confirm or disconfirm the current hypothesis, or received no such instructions. Groups had significantly more correct final hypotheses, plausible final hypotheses, and overall plausible hypotheses than individuals. Performance was better for both individuals and groups under control instructions than either instructions to select cards to confirm or disconfirm hypotheses. Social combination analyses and sequential transition analyses indicated that the groups were remarkably able to recognize and adopt the correct hypothesis if and only if it was proposed by at least 1 group member on some trial. Thus, the superiority of collective induction over individual induction was due to superior hypothesis evaluation by groups rather than to superior hypothesis formation by groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In Exp I, 60 female clerical workers were randomly assigned to participative, assigned, and "do best" goal conditions on a clerical test. Specific goals led to higher performance than did the "do best" goals. With goal difficulty held constant, there was no significant difference between the assigned and participative conditions on performance or goal acceptance. Goal attainment, however, was higher in the assigned condition than it was in the participative condition. No main or interaction effects were found for knowledge of results (KR) or for individual difference measures with performance or goal acceptance. However, high self-esteem Ss who received KR attained their goals more often than did Ss with low self-esteem when the goals were participatively set. Exp II was conducted with 28 employees from the same sample in a performance-appraisal setting over an 8-mo period. Assigned goals resulted in higher performance and greater goal acceptance than participatively set goals. There was a positive linear relationship between goal difficulty and performance in the participative condition only. (10 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Team negotiation: An examination of integrative and distributive bargaining" by Leigh Thompson, Erika Peterson and Susan E. Brodt (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1996[Jan], Vol 70[1], 66-78). Susan E. Brodt's department affiliation was listed incorrectly on p. 66. Her correct affiliation is The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1996-01707-006.) Two experiments compared the effectiveness of team and solo negotiators in integrative and distributive bargaining. When at least 1 party to a negotiation was a team, joint profit increased. Teams, more than solos, developed mutually beneficial trade-offs among issues and discovered compatible interests. The presence of at least 1 team increased information exchange and accuracy in judgments about the other party's interests in comparison with solo negotiations. The belief by both teams and solos that teams have a relative advantage over solo opponents was not supported by actual outcomes. Unexpectedly, neither private meetings nor friendships among team members improved the team's advantage. Teams of friends made less accurate judgments and reached fewer integrative agreements compared to teams of nonfriends. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Temporal measures of vocalization: Some methodological considerations" by Paul G. Swingle (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1984[Dec], Vol 47[6], 1263-1280). The copyright notice was inadvertently omitted. The notice that should have appeared on the first page of this article is provided in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1985-11098-001.) Five studies--with 164 university students, 56 military personnel, and 4 elderly persons--examined methodological issues associated with temporal measures of vocalization. The simple measures of phonation, silence, and interrupt and measures of silence relative to phonation were found to be sensitive to task and emotional factors and were stable across experience. A procedure for analyzing interviews is presented, and potential applications of the temporal measures are discussed. (46 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Perceived social support among college students: Three studies of the psychometric characteristics and counseling uses of the Social Support Inventory" by Steven D. Brown, Theresa Brady, Robert W. Lent, Jenny Wolfert and Sheila Hall (Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1987[Jul], Vol 34[3], 337-354). In Table 5, the reliable change (RC) values for Clients 1-7 on the UCLA Loneliness Scale and the College Student Satisfaction Scale were incorrect. The corrected values are presented in the erratum. In addition, a note should be added to Table 5 that reads: "Posttreatment scores used in the calculation of RC are means obtained from the sum of posttreatment and follow-up scores." (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1987-32914-001.) Perceived social support has been shown to relate to psychological distress and well-being. However, measurement of the construct has been limited by a failure to embed perceived support in a body of psychological theory that would suggest how perceived support is produced and modified. In three studies we assessed the psychometric characteristics and counseling uses of a theory-derived measure of perceived social support, the Social Support Inventory (SSI). Results of the first study indicated that the SSI possessed excellent internal consistency reliability and concurrent validity, and it performed in theoretically predicted ways in a series of construct validity analyses. Results of the second study suggested that the SSI may not be influenced by mood state or demand characteristics. The third study concerned a counseling intervention developed from the SSI's theoretical base. Reported outcomes are from the first 7 consecutive college student clients exposed to the intervention for difficulties in their social transition to college. We also describe the person-environment fit theory from which the SSI was derived and discuss future conceptual and research needs on the theory, instrument, and intervention. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Men, family-role quality, job-role quality, and physical health" by Rosalind C. Barnett and Nancy L. Marshall (Health Psychology, 1993[Jan], Vol 12[1], 48-55). In this article the title for Table 1 (p. 50) should be "Correlations Between Rewards and Concerns in the Job, Marital, and Parent Roles." Also, the last item in the first column of the table should read "6. Parent-role concerns." (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1993-21527-001.) The relationship between the quality of family roles, as spouse and as parent, and the quality of men's job role, on the one hand, and their reports of physical symptoms, on the other, was examined in men drawn from a random sample of 300 dual-earner couples. The main effect of marital-role quality (i.e., rewards and concerns) on physical health was estimated, as was the Marital-Role Quality × Job-Role Quality interaction effect. With respect to the present role, the effect of both parent-role occupancy and parent-role quality was estimated. After controlling for job-role quality, it was found that parent-role occupancy had neither main nor interactive effects. However, among the men who occupied all 3 roles (n = 180), only parent-role concerns were a significant predictor of physical health reports. Thus, concerns in the parent role are a major unmeasured source of variance in studies of the stress-illness relationship in men. [An erratum concerning this article appears in Health Psychology, 1993(Mar), Vol 12(2), 92. Table 1 is corrected.] (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Incidental concept learning, feature frequency, and correlated properties" by William D. Wattenmaker (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 1993[Jan], Vol 19[1], 203-222). This article included three typographical errors in the statistics. The corrected statistics are provided in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1993-16363-001.) Four experiments examined sensitivity to feature frequencies and feature correlations as a function of intentional and incidental concept learning. Feature frequencies were encoded equally well across variations in learning strategies, and although classification decisions in both intentional and incidental conditions preserved correlated features, this sensitivity was achieved through different processes. With intentional learning, sensitivity to correlations resulted from explicit rules, whereas incidental encoding preserved correlations through a similarity-based analogical process. In incidental tasks that promoted exemplar storage, classification decisions were mediated by similarity to retrieval examples, and correlated features were indirectly preserved in this process. Results are discussed in terms of the diversity of encoding processes and representations that can occur with incidental category learning. [An erratum concerning this article appears in Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 1993(Mar), Vol 19(2). The statistics on page 211 are corrected.] (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Situational and transituational determinants of adolescent self-feelings" by Ritch C. Savin-Williams and David H. Demo (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1983[Apr], Vol 44[4], 824-833). In regards to the article, in a reanalysis of Savin-Williams and Demo's data, Schilling found that within-subject and between-subject effects in analysis of variance were not differentiated and that consequently several findings were in error. Details of the reanalysis and the corrected findings are included in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1983-32498-001.) Employing a new self-report technique (paging devices), this study assessed the self-feelings of 35 adolescents (mean age 13.3 yrs) in various naturalistic contexts. Regression analysis was used to assess the stability of self-feelings. Ss fell into 3 groups: stable, oscillating, and unpredictable (the largest). For the sample as a whole, self-feelings were not influenced by the immediate context, although specific settings, activities, and others present within the contexts elicited various levels of self-feelings. More crucial for predicting the self-feelings were such enduring characteristics as sex, social class, pubertal maturation, stability group, birth order, and number of siblings. The authors argue for a baseline conceptualization of adolescent self-conception from which fluctuations occur. (44 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "An examination of the relations among career subscales" by Dale R. Fuqua and Jody L. Newman (Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1989[Oct], Vol 36[4], 487-491). It was incorrectly reported that a principal-components analysis with varimax rotation was performed. In fact, principal-axis factoring with varimax rotation was performed, and it is the results of this analysis that are reported in Table 2 of the article. In principal-axis factoring communalities are used on the main diagonal of the correlation matrix. Initially, these communalities are equal to the squared multiple correlation of the variable with the other variables in the set. An iteration procedure is used to improve these initial estimates of communalities. Another point of clarification is that in the principal-axis factoring reported in Table 2, we used listwise deletion of missing data, whereas we calculated the correlations reported in Table 1 by using pairwise deletion of missing data. The effect of these different procedures is that the factor analysis (N = 98) was based on a slightly different correlation matrix that the one reported in Table 1, and consequently, Table 2 cannot be exactly reproduced by factoring the correlations reported in Table 1. Also, the sign of the correlation of the Career Decision Profile Choice-Work Importance (row 13) and Decidedness (column 7) subscales (.37) is given as positive in Table 1, whereas it was in fact negative. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1990-03287-001.) We examined 13 career subscales contained in 4 measures of career indecision to determine how different measures relate to one another and how many dimensions may exist across these different instruments. Ss completed career instruments and measures of state and trait anxiety, which were included to aid in the interpretation of factors. Correlations provide some evidence of the convergent validity of the subscales. A factor analysis yielded a three-factor solution accounting for 55.9% of the variance. The first and most general factor was interpreted as a component that represented information about occupations and self. The second factor was interpreted as a more indecisive component and was positively correlated with anxiety. The third factor seemed to be an affective comfort component but failed to relate to anxiety as was expected. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Common factors in the identification of an assortment of brief everyday sounds" by James A. Ballas (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1993[Apr], Vol 19[2], 250-267). A previous notice regarding this article incorrectly identified the volume number and date of publication of the journal in which this article appeared. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1993-28211-001.) Acoustic, ecological, perceptual and cognitive factors that are common in the identification of 41 brief, varied sounds were evaluated. In Exp 1, identification time and accuracy, causal uncertainty values, and spectral and temporal properties of the sounds were obtained. Exp 2 was a survey to obtain ecological frequency counts. Exp 3 solicited perceptual–cognitive ratings. Factor analyses of spectral parameters and perceptual–cognitive ratings were performed. Identification time and causal uncertainty are highly interrelated, and both are related to ecological frequency and the presence of harmonics and similar spectral bursts. Exps 4 and 5 used a priming paradigm to verify correlational relationships between identification time and causal uncertainty and to assess the effect of sound typicality. Results support a hybrid approach for theories of everyday sound identification. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Client-therapist complementarity: An analysis of the Gloria films" by Donald J. Kiesler and Chesley S. Goldston (Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1988[Apr], Vol 35[2], 127-133). The date of receipt indicated for the revision of this article was incorrect. The correct date of receipt is provided in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1988-36446-001.) In this investigation of Shostrom's (1966) psychotherapy demonstration films, we used a checklist inventory measure derived from the 1982 Interpersonal Circle to examine the interpersonal behavior of Gloria, her three therapists, and their respective transaction patterns. Groups of undergraduate raters observed the three films, after which they rated the interpersonal behavior of either Gloria or the therapist. Analyses of Interpersonal Circle axes and segment scores revealed significant differences in the interpersonal behaviors of the three therapists with Gloria and of Gloria with the three therapists. Analyses of transactional patterns showed departures of Gloria's behaviors from the perfect complementary fit predicted from each of the therapist's interpersonal profiles, especially for behaviors categorized on the hostile half of the Interpersonal Circle. Discussion emphasized the complex of dyadic mix and other contextual factors that need to be addressed in future interpersonal studies of psychotherapy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article clarifies several research issues raised in a recent article by Krieshok, Arnold, Kuperman, and Schmitz concerned with repertory grid methodology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Movement and visual attention: The spotlight metaphor breaks down" by Jon Driver and Gordon C. Baylis (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1989[Aug], Vol 15[3], 448-456). In this article, the display durations were incorrect and should be doubled to give the correct figures. The display durations are corrected in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1990-00258-001.) The interfering effects of distractor letters are known to diminish with increasing distance from the target letter (B. A. Eriksen and C. W. Eriksen, see record 1975-02247-001). This result is held to support spotlight models in which visual attention can only be assigned to contiguous regions of the visual field. However, the result is also consistent with the rival claim that attention is assigned to perceptual groups. Four experiments show that grouping of target and distractors by common motion can have more influence than their proximity. Distant distractor letters that move with a target letter produce more interference than static distractors that are nearer the target. Near distractors are equally ineffective if the target is static while they move. These results imply that attention is directed to perceptual groups whose components may be spatially dispersed. The spotlight metaphor seems inappropriate for visual attention in a dynamic environment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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